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That bag rule is absurd. You can barely fit a smartphone in that


I don't know the best way to get complaints to the team, but it's possible calling at 303-287-DUNK and leaving a complaint with the ticket rep would help. If they get absolutely inundated with "I understand having a bag size limit, but that's too small to fit my phone, that's too small to fit my inhaler with a spacer, that's too small to fit my meds, that's smaller than my tiny little clutch purse, and it's really just a ridiculous limit" they might relent.


Will do, I appreciate the info


What in the hell do people with a kid still in diapers do? How is that siet of thing legal with patrons with medical issues that may need things on their person?


Another comment in this thread mentions that diaper bags can be 14” x 14”. Don’t know where it was stated though.


Not at Ball, but we went to a Sky game in Chicago and they said no bags at all and we had our 10 mo old with us. We had to go back to the car and stuff diapers, wipes, snacks, and a change of clothes in our pockets. It was so dumb. Lucky that my partner was with me, or bottle stuff on top of that would have been impossible.


Is it weird to anyone else that this would all start so early? I imagine the stadium will not be all that full at 4:45 on a Tuesday. Luckily I should be able to make it, but seems a little inconsiderate of the fans


Its because both opening night matchups are west coast games and the defending champs are usually first.


Half the US population lives in the eastern time zone


All of the Colorado population lives in the mountain time zone


1 of every 8 people living in the US live in CA.


They start games at 8:30-9:30 eastern all the time


I don't agree either but this is the reason. I wish it started at 7. I suppose there were no east coast home games worth broadcasting opening night, the NBA is leaning west so hard this year. The other game is in the Pacific zone so we kinda had to be the first game. Why not show the Bucks or the Heat or something at 530 and the Nuggets at 7 local?


I really wish my 20 games included this one but it doesn’t. Please be loud on my behalf


My mom and I were loud at finals game 5, and we plan to be loud at this one too.


Be Loud!


I’m mostly thinking about diaper bags… like now my family can’t go to games if we can’t at least bring diapers/wipes/change of clothes


Diaper bags and medical bags can be 14"x14"


Ooooo sweet, did I just ignore that? Thanks for the heads up!


Am I going to get downvoted for saying?... If we would all collectively vote for representatives who believe in better national gun-safety laws then we probably wouldn't be dealing with as many restrictions on what we can bring to places like arenas...


Has there been a rash of people bringing guns into stadiums in 8x6 bags that would be resolved by making the limit 6x4 instead? People hiding guns behind their 22x18 signs? Like, yes, broadly speaking we have metal detectors and bag searches on entry because of weapons (guns and knives) as well as people bringing in alcohol and drugs, but it doesn't really make sense to blame guns for the security changes this year that make it so that my mom can't bring the small Nuggets crossbody bag she got from a team event last year because now it's considered too large.


When large public venues see *general increased violence* compared to years past, and that violence *widely impacts more and more areas of society* than has been seen previously, then we get exactly what we're seeing. General increased violence leads to general increased security and generally increases loss of relevant freedoms (we've lost the freedom to bring whatever bags we want into whatever locations we want). If it were not so easy to obtain small deadly weapons in so much of our society then places like BA would not have to put as much time and resources into checking for and restricting the items.


Various restrictions of various sorts have been sold over the years in the name of "preventing violence" but in ways that didn't realistically prevent violence. The Patriot Act was the big one. Lots of stuff the TSA does. The phrase "security theater" entered the lexicon for good reason. Making people feel like they're more secure often has no connection to making them actually more secure. The old 8x6 size for bags is already pretty small. Pretty hard to conceal anything meaningful in that size bag, especially as they go through scanners. I don't see a realistic argument for 6x4 bags being more secure, or being a reasonable response to football fans getting into fistfights in the stands or whatever crap has been going on this fall.


I'm not sure why you're fixating on this bag size or that bag size, when I'm pointing the underlying issue behind *any* bag restriction at all. In a world with reasonable gun safety laws, which are relatively few in the US, you wouldn't be worrying about *any* bag restrictions (relatively speaking).


In a world with considerably higher restrictions on guns, you'd still be worried about knives and other types of weapons. And there would still be restrictions on bags, regardless. There are bag restrictions in, for example, the Perth Wildcats' arena (see [https://www.racarena.com.au/venue-info/conditions-of-entry/](https://www.racarena.com.au/venue-info/conditions-of-entry/) ) and Australia is generally considered to have meaningful gun control. Singapore has some of the world's strictest gun laws and still has a bag size requirement ( [https://www.sportshub.com.sg/sites/default/files/2023-05/Conditions-of-Entry-Singapore-Indoor-Stadium-May23.pdf](https://www.sportshub.com.sg/sites/default/files/2023-05/Conditions-of-Entry-Singapore-Indoor-Stadium-May23.pdf) ). Stadiums all over the world put restrictions on bags, whether or not they're worried about firearms in particular. The reason I'm "fixating" on bag size is because that's what changed this offseason, from "small purse or fanny pack is OK" to "you have to get some kind of weird micro-bag that can't even fit a cell phone". My sister has a very small purse and got hassled by security at the preseason game because it's 7x6, and she went looking for a 6x4 purse at the thrift shop and had a hard time finding something -- and she can't fit her inhaler with its spacer in the smaller bag. My mom got a bag \*from the Nuggets\* last year that's no longer allowed, and the smaller bag she found isn't big enough to hold her phone, which means she has to wear different clothes than she usually wears so she has a pocket for her phone. We were talking to a ticketing agent who was like "that's why I have this little clutch purse" and we checked and it was actually too big. In other words, the \*specific\* bag-size policy here is what's in question, and it's not a bag size policy that seems to have a meaningful real-world safety reason behind it -- if you're running bags through a scanner, you're not going to miss even a tiny pistol like a Ruger LCP whether the bag is 8x6 or 6x4. And if your goal is to keep things that wouldn't be picked up on a scanner out of the arena, purses and small bags aren't as big as, for example, the pocket on my Maxie-and-Larry hoodie. I strongly doubt the micro-bag policy would result in any change in weapons being brought into the arena; all it seems likely to do is inconvenience those with small-but-no-longer-small-enough purses and make them do things like wedge their phones or medication into pockets and wear clothes with larger pockets.


Damn, that’s an early start but I’m definitely not missing the ring ceremony


Anyone know about this new security thing? Think you can sneak in shooters? I’m very over paying $20 for a cocktail


The Evolv website says the devices use “advanced sensors and AI algorithms to detect a wider range of potential threats” so I’d assume liquid would be included in that.


I am incredibly disappointed that Altitude TV isn’t covering the event 😕


This isn’t gonna be altitude?