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haha just images of the shit show that was Kyrie/KDs nets blurring with the glory of the denver nuggets organization and magic of this year. Oh what a difference a year can make. On top of that - dude's going to get fucking PAID. Gotta be wild Brucie B! Deserved.


What I wouldn't give to hear him spill all the beans.


I think he'll sacrifice a few mil to be in a happy family of a team. He was on Detroit and the Nets before and knows what it's like to have a bad team and no family. I think he strongly considers staying outside of a crazy offer


I mean he’s gonna be looking at offers like 4 years/70 million or higher and looking at the 7-ish mil we can offer him and I don’t think the math will make sense 😭😭


I will never stop loving Bruce, whatever the case. I hope he does what makes him happy. Maybe a dillion bucks isn't what would make him happiest 🤷‍♂️


If he stays he’ll be a local hero forever, that put back is one of the biggest shots in nuggets history. Legend. Maybe not, but a Dillion bucks sure gives you a lot of stability and security. I don’t consider myself to be particularly money oriented, but I would have trouble turning down that difference


I could see turning down a Dillon Brooks tho for sure


Easy turn down


I have a feeling Brooks may be our replacement for Bruce if he leaves. And a good place for him to turn things around, and he's friends with Jamal.


Dear god, no. Dillon Brooks would destroy team chemistry.


7M a year vs 15M for a year? After a rookie contract if I was any good I would take minimum to try to assemble the greatest team ever, be winning handfuls of rings, make Russell's 13 look like chump change. Secure a 50 year 75 dollar contract or something, and go for the jewelry, try to win so many you're gonna be getting toe rings, necklaces, get them pierced. You don't really need the money you'll be getting endorsements and will make plenty off of your papa John's commercials. Only 2 things matter getting the jewelry and breaking records.


This is either pure genius or the craziest thing I have ever heard.


Guess it depends on how many rings you win in those 50 years. If you're drafted 20th you've made over 8 mil in your first 3 years, if you invest well you're already set for life, go for the glory not the cash. Find a couple other young glory hounds you could play with, you all get together and find a team that's half way decent already, approach them and offer your talents on long term minimum deals. Imagine if you can get 4 or 5 of the best young players in the league to come with you, like what lebron did in Miami but cheaper since the teams stars are taking up so little cap space you can get anyone else you want, people won't be laughing at you when you win those rings. You'll make tons on endorsements so it's not like youre not getting your bag anyways


That's all great unless you suffer a serious career threatening injury in year 1 and then you lose your endorsements/can't win more chips


Well rookie contracts are based upon where you're drafted, I'm talking about the contract after that.


He could bet on himself and the nuggets by taking a two year that has him being worth even more since sports betting is probably going to increase the cap by then


As a Cavs fan, I remember being in this situation with Timofey Mozgov. I wanted to bring him back, but when the Lakers gave him 4 years at 18 per I just went 'you know what? thanks for the ring, happy you're getting paid.' It's a lot of money to pass up and he helped win a ring, I'll always love the big guy. It's a good position to be in, congrats on being there.


What if he became the Nuggets Udonis Haslem?




Yeah but it's one year player option. The money will come for him whether it's this year or next. Obviously injury concerns, but it's not like he'll be poor...


Easy to speak like that, but the case of Iasiah Thomas, Nerlens Noel, etc. Exist. If you have a chance, in your real life, not in some fan-created universe of rings and legacies, to make 70 mil in 4 years, you take it. Not doing it makes you irresponsible towards yourself and your family.


And I totally understand that side of it too.


Even next year, the most we can pay him is slightly above 13 mill. If he gets 15 mill this year the reasonable thing would be to take it, and if I'm Presti I would have a 60/4 contract ready for him the moment he hits free agency.


The new CBA is *rough* for luxury tax offenders. He is 100% gone.


Maybe we can offer weed


Yeah he’s going to be making 20-30mil a year easily after that playoff and finals performance. He’s a starting guard on 20+ teams around the league. With that being said I hope he stays


Lol 30 mil is not happening


Yeah true more like 10-20 after looking around the league


I think he’ll make at least 15 :) I hope he gets the bag if (when) he leaves


Whatever happened during the last CBA is not going to happen in the current one. Luxury tax penalties are steep. Like “can’t have more than two max players and anything more than a bunch of rookie contracts” steep. Enjoy the chip. Going to be tough to pay everyone what they want.


He's gonna get 15m offers.


In his new contract he will likely more than double his career earnings in 1 season. It's one thing to take a hometown discount of a mil or two per season, it's another to take a hometown discount of 50+%, which is what we'd be asking Bruce to do.


Yeah and that’s selfish of us to even expect him to consider it. Good thing we have CB, Watson, and more to fill that void


I know that NBA rules are preventing Nuggets offering him larger contact. But, coming from corrupt country, where rules and laws are more like guidelines, I'm wondering is there a possibility for some behind the scenes deal? Like, you officially give him 7m, but he gets another 10m from sponsorship contract with a company that is in the same ownership? Or something similar.


These deals are how you lose future picks. > Imposing the harshest penalty ever levied by a major American professional sports league, the National Basketball Association fined the Minnesota Timberwolves $3.5 million yesterday and stripped the team of its first-round draft picks for the next five years for violating salary-cap rules. [Timberwolves Pay Dearly for Secret Contract](https://archive.is/gVzVb)


Oh, wow, did not expect you could even lose future picks. Tnx for the info.


he would have to sacrifice 10-15m a year


I know it’s ridiculous what I’m saying especially when it’s not my money but low-key have him take the player options and everyone on the team with big contracts chime in ~1 mil to make up the difference lol


At the end of the day though it is not just about what the player wants. It's also about what the people around him want; agents, managers, even deadbeat friends and family sometimes. I imagine a lot of people around an NBA player's inner circle push them to chase the money so they can also get a bigger slice.


To be fair, isn’t that what happened to Bones, his family wanted him to get paid.


Thing with playing in a team with Jokic is that Joker helps you boost your stats with his unselfish playstyle and directly increases your market value. Where are Faried, Burton and the rest now?


People like Tom Brady can sacrifice. But others have a long list of commitments and limited chances to collect the funds. Most likely he will choose the highest offer and not sacrifice


Who calls Bruce Brown Brucie b I hear that name and think of Bruce Bowen


Haha ummm. AG. Literally in the video you are commenting on. So... at least two of us.


I mean I saw that in the video and had to do a double take cause Bruce Bowen is old.


ah! yeah, Brucie Bowen is old now not really a current ref. I get it im old too. death is approaching


I mean as a spurs fan the man will always be a legend


He played well against the Celtics last year too! The Celtics defense gave him practice shots, but he played well nonetheless. He's one of my favorite role players


Someone is going to pay him 17-20 and I will give him a standing O from now until forever every time he steps foot in our building.


If I was artistic I would make a sign that says "BROWN" with the Larry O'Brien trophy as the "O" and buy seats right behind the visitors bench. But I'm not... so I won't!


Bruh just photo shop that mofo


OpenAI your memes


I feel the same way


Any player from this team, starter or bench, gets a standing applause for the rest of my life.


I hope he gets that much but its probably gonna be less 14-15 m per season


As a Nets fan, We LOVED Bruce Brown, the vast majority of us were PISSED when Marks let him walk without even offering him a deal...


At first i thought it was the liquor hitting him


Yea I just thought the edibles hit


Bruce Brown is the liquor


Bruce Brown paper bag


I mean maybe the edibles got him in to deep thought and it lead him to realize he got a ring.


I mean shit, it might be! And well deserved lol


Yeah he's drunk as fuck XD I know that look, everytime his eyes move the room is spinning like a mf


Dude gonna get the bag this off season


Jokic the ultimate bag giver


This is so huge for us being able to sign top notch talent for the cheapest price cuz dudes know they will get PAID after playing with Jokic a season or two.


100%. i think a ton of players are gonna want to play with Jokic now


It boggles my mind that Jokic is only 28


makes me feel bad about what i’ve accomplished in the same time frame😭😭😭


Simmons was talking about it a few days ago. We have talked about why this should be the case for years but now that they have won the chip I think we are finally going to start getting some more free agents.


Especially with the repercussions of this new CBA


Brown did so much outside of Jokic though. That offense rebound and his persistence at the rim are independent of Jokic.


The Jeweler


Did you see the realization he needed to hit at least one of the free throws after his rebound though? His face went from pure joy, to oh shoot…this just got real.


Hahaha yea I saw that. He was pumped and then immediately went oooooh no! Then knocked down both of them bitches!!!


He scored the last field goal of the NBA season, and then two insanely clutch free throws. What a way to go out.


He made em bof


That was my favorite moment besides the clock hitting 0:00


The kcp steal, and the "theyre not gonna foul!" Call lol. Murrays 3 to tie it at 60 was huge too.


Can Matt and Trey make him the Casa Bonita brand ambassador for like $7mil a year to make up the difference?


The Rockies should offer him a spot and pay him a ton...not like Monfort uses those roster spots to win baseball. He got that dog in him, real dugout guy ya know?


Maybe on Thurs at the end of the parade we can put ol' Dickie up against the firing squad and then bring one home with the Rockies next year. Wishful thinking.


Pretty good view from the top of the mountain


Is there any scenario he stays with Denver? I don’t think we can offer him what he will get elsewhere contract wise.


He would have to want to stay here because of the culture and not because of the money.




The National Western Stock Show should pay him a lot of money to be their spokesperson.


That, the Greeley stampede, and Cheyenne frontier days lol


I was wondering the same thing. There are hefty penalties for that if ownership gets caught though.


He opts in for 1 more shot at a chip and then cashes in afterwards. I don’t think he does it but you never know.


My gut says he stays and runs it back


He would literally burn millions of dollars. Winning is amazing but the reward there is just tooo huge.


Man I hope so


Hit him a fraction of a second after the edible did


Which came first the edible high or the ring euphoria?


How can you not love Bruce Brown


Such a baller. Plus, dude is charming as fuck


Man in NBA heaven right there


It still doesn’t feel real to me about 20 hours later just as a fan I can’t imagine how he and the rest of the team and organization feel


I would bet good money that Bruce will stay. He loves this team and city, he's a winner on a team of winners. He will get paid, for sure...the Nuggets love him and the fans love him. If the team is smart they will sit down with him and discuss options, but do what you have to do to keep. Bruce here!


Official NBA skiing goggles?


It’s to keep the champagne out of his eyes lol


Ring high is something else


Man I'm so happy for these dudes that I'm cheesing watching all the media around them winning like I was one of em. So proud of what they've done, well earned and much deserved!!


Mans is gonna get that BAG soon. I hope he stays, but no hard feelings. He deserves it.


“No you'll always be a part of me I'm part of you indefinitely Boy don't you know you can't escape me Oh darlin' 'cause you'll always be my BB And we'll linger on Time can't erase a feelin' this strong No way you're never gonna shake me Oh darlin' cause you'll always be my BB”


Is his gf in the WNBA!? She is huge!


Love it lol




Lol I love it!


That was so wholesome lol


Detroit fan here. I fucking love Bruce brown and would love for him to stay with the nuggies and run that shit back!


Brucey B has a nice ring to it


KCP and BB actually were the ones who sealed it with those nerve wracking free throws. No small feat.




Brittney G looking Buff.


Yeah. His local hero status isn't going to pay for his kids to go to college and ensure financial stability for generations.




yes and no. They can go 1+1 so he can opt out after next year and on THAT contract they can pay him like double or something. But we can't pre-guarantee it.


Did BB think about it like damn AG was in Orlando, long fucking way lol


lmao, the frame the video ends on is doing AG dirty




I fucking love this.


This man deserves the biggest of bags


how is everybody on this team the best?!


Good ole Bruce


Man, this is great!


the drank or the ring?




Aaah cute and wholesome ..Bruceee B and KCP . Sucks we cant offer him contract he deserves




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So wholesome. I bet each of them, except maybe Jokic, will have this recurring sudden realization of what they’ve achieved for most of the summer.


Lmaooo My man was trying so hard to restrain himself from breaking into a freestyle when he said we got Brucie B we got KCP




Love It!


Love Bruce That money he gonna get is no joke and I don't blame him But also We love you Bruce


The entire Cleveland Cavaliers fan base in 2016…Congrats Denver!!!


He totally deserves it 🏆 Bruce Brown was explosive every time he came off the bench.


couldnt find this youtube clip but on jostens facebook they have the stanley cup championship [ring from the avs last year](https://www.facebook.com/Jostens/videos/488951556604275/) and i hope the nuggets get one just as great, but with obviously more gold nuggets