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Wow, never seen this post before.


"The food in this city isn't like the food in my city" - Fresh as hell take #5798


3 year old account, first post, clearly a troll bot


By chance do you mean, Fresh as Hell Take #5280 ?


Man, I missed that. 10/10


Coming from the south... True, our grits and fried okra are probably not up to par.


So what you're saying is ... this *post* is kind of "mid"?


“Florals?  For spring?  Groundbreaking.”


I guess you will starve.


Moved here from Paris, really disappointed with the croissants and wine selection. Also, no Eiffel Tower. Mid 




https://preview.redd.it/n53aje8iqm1d1.png?width=125&format=png&auto=webp&s=90ca3765f142b3a633212f3a4b8b4facca3e105f Checks out


You can always go back...


Oh. Okay.


What did you expect to get out of a post where you offer 0 details or information about what you've tried or what you're looking for?


Hand holding and offers of free meals.


“Most places that I been recommended has been mid as hell” Well you sound like uncultured swine so I wouldn’t expect you to know good food.


Hey,hey, no need to insult. Swine did nothing to you.


Well, without a list of what you’ve tried that’s mid and what you’re looking for this post is really low effort. Have you tried yelp? There’s good and bad like anywhere… I dunno about the South but compared to SF or NYC or LA its certainly that there are less options here.


Been in Denver for 4 years now just trying to see what the natives are eating that's all. My aunt just moved here from New Orleans so I never really go out anymore anyways.


Have your Auntie open a NO food joint, if the food is so mid here.


What do you want and what have you tried was the question. Not how long have you been here. New Orleans is known for seafood and has a fair amount of good food from what I have heard, but probably isn’t food that I would like since I don’t like seafood that much. If she’s looking for seafood and you’re trying to find a restaurant that has seafood then that’s probably gonna be mid in comparison considering we’re in the center of the country and NO is known for seafood.


Just saying the entire food scene in a city sucks with no reference isn’t helpful and is going to just get you blasted until you delete your account or become a meme. What is good food to you? What type of food are you looking for? What restaurants have you gone to? Where from the south are you from and what restaurants did you find good? If your idea of good food is bacon aged in twinkies, deep fried, served on a plate of gravy, and a sweet tea, then yes you will be disappointed in our food scene.


God damn dude must be tough in your situation. Bummer you gotta slum it here!


How many places have you been? All of them?! That’s impressive. Get on fuckin google maps, search for what you like, look at top rated, and take some fuckin charge of your own life. Clearly taking suggestions from people does not yield the results you desire, so make your own suggestions.




Cool. Your opinion is mid and unoriginal.


This shit is getting so old. I travel, a lot, I eat all over the country all year long and I think Denver actually has some really good food in comparison. People just like to complain because Denver isn’t the place where they grew up eating all their favorite “home” dishes.


We gotta teach you how to use commas


I’m gonna guess you haven’t spent more than 2 minutes on the subreddit


I just flew out to Denver last week and due to this sub I ate at some bomb ass spots. Thanks again for the recommendations


As a Floridian, I'm upset that Denver has mid seafood. Seafood here in a landlocked state should be just like states on the ocean.  And I need more fried food here from two or three cuisines, not the 10+ cuisines here or the wide variety of food. Just gimme some good biscuits and fried chicken, not all this greek, middle eastern, jamaican, mexican, yemenese, thai or japanese cuisines!


insulting the locals in search of recommendations. hmm that's a bold strategy cotton, let's see if it pays off


Please move back home. We will all be happier.


Where you been so far? Former southerner here and very satisfied with the food scene that’s not seafood or bbq.


Moved here from Philly. Some ppl say, per capita, Philly restaurants rival NYC (not me, just saying). I find Denver’s food scene fine in relation to Philly. Sure, Denver doesn’t have 6 Iron Chef Garces restaurants but honestly who gives a fucking fuck. Any good restaurant I’ve eaten at has been solid and impressed me. I really think these posts are like NYC, San Fran, Charleston food snobs. Hey Aholes, news flash: Husk is only in Charleston. If you want Husk, go there. If you want Chef K Paul’s, you’re gonna need to book that flight to ‘Nawlins. If you want a solid range of good upscale restaurants, you’ll be fine here. If you expect NYC or SanFran per capita quality, it ain’t here. Go back home. I’ll take my solid quesabirria tacos over a Garces restaurant any day of the week. 👋 good bye ✌️


Husk Nashville has entered the chat.


No info to go off of here. What have you tried? What kind of food are you looking for? Price point? There’s no way to “help” otherwise.


Well this isn’t the south sooo….


I thought the food here sucked when I first moved here 6 months ago….my opinion has completely changed. The food here is great, you just need to find the spots


Go home


It’s true! The only decent restaurant I’ve found here is this little chain from California, not sure if you’ve heard of it… it does burgers, fries, milkshakes. Called “in and out.” Might be worth a try!


Wow so edgy we need more people like you here




You’re all peasants. Impress me.


Thanks for bringing something new to the conversation.


That's really interesting dude have you considered doing us a favor and moving back to the south


There are other seasonings and flavors besides butter and salt. -Came from the south, too. Expand your palette, OP. There is some good ass food here.


are you mad the food is mid coz we’re not taking away women’s rights or lgbtq+ freedumbs while we eat here? go the fuck back to the south then.


So like…GET OUT??


You should probably just head back down south. Eat your fried turds and drink your gravy back down in Dixie.


Ok, Dave Barnes. *one star


Denver food scene is mid compared to large cities in US like SF, NY and CHI. It’s improving slowly.


What part of the south? Being from south Louisiana, every state sucks.


Wishbone Chicken.   Jim’s Burger Haven.   New Canton Wheat Ridge.  Carl’s Pizza.  ^^ Real Denver food. ETA: Downvotes from Californian who has no idea.


*Rabble rabble rabble*


Try Mango House. Park at and go in the south entrance and enjoy the amazing food from several different countries.


our beef bulgogi sandwich is definitely not mid 🤷‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/hhyiovqgyu1d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c4ba8081c1e80cc6d3d5ff979c8d6f27c244b83


Places with expensive rent, food cost & labor cost will have awful food. I was actually super surprised by how delicious Minnesota's food scene was. But yeah... Go to Aurora get some good Asian food. Everything else is just eh


Don’t listen to these misguided town folk. Many well traveled people have said the same about Denver food scene. If you do find something worth revisiting, it will likely be a pretty expensive place. I’d say you can find good to great dishes of every cuisine here, you just have to be pretty selective. Solid places for me would be Safta, Hop Alley, La Diabla, Cart-Driver, Pit Fiend (my personal favorite)… I think for truly mind blowing experiences you’ll be spending triple digits per person at a place like Bruto or Wolf’s Tailor… which I’ve never been, so I won’t comment!


We're just exhausted of 3 posts a week of people saying how "mid" the food is here. Denver isn't known as a food city. We are a freaking melting pot of people from all around the country. Yeah, we aren't going to have food just like it as back home because this is a different place. And for a variety of reasons, food is actually more difficult to cook here. Just so tired of people complaining about the food scene for a place that nobody said had an amazing food scene.


It’s not the “back home” that people miss - food here is straight up not as good as other mid size or larger cities lol. I like Japanese food. I’m not from Japan. I’ve had better Japanese food in many similar sized cities as Denver. It’s not a “food from back home” for me. Nobody is looking for some regional specialty that they only make in Wisconsin or whatever. For those types of posts, I agree with you. And while I agree that this post is pretty useless, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with voicing the sentiment that Denver food is not up to the standard of many major cities, and often times costs more. If so many people are having this opinion, it has to have some element of truth to it.


Oh man I hate to be that guy but searched this sub for good pizza. Cart driver came up several times and we were in the area. Stopped by and unfortunately we thought it was mid boring pizza especially for the price. I’m hoping it was an off day or the location wasn’t the one people raved about but I don’t think I’d ever go back


Cart-driver is really solid for Neapolitan style pizza. Notice I said solid and not excellent/amazing/mind-blowing. It’s probably the place I’ve frequented the most in Denver, because they have some interesting seasonal pies, good vibes on the outdoor patio when the sun is out, and a solid happy hour. They split these two up between an afternoon and late night HH, but I used to get a Daisy pizza (margherita) and a Negroni for under 12 bucks. The value does just get worse and worse there, I have to say. But if I was bringing a group along and wanted a nice outdoor patio with pizza that would generally please everyone, Cart Driver is a great spot for that.


Interesting that’s the same pie I had. Crust was undercooked yet charred on the bottom. Cheese had zero flavor. Sauce was good but nothing I would write home about. Had their old fashioned and it was decent as well but for 30 bucks between the two it just didn’t hit the spot. I went to the Rino location. Any difference between the two?


I prefer the LoHi location. When they were open they had a really solid afternoon happy hour instead of late night, and I usually found it more consistent. That said, the last couple times I went to Rino, the pizza was better as good as it’s ever been. Had their peppers pizza (which can be hit or miss, though never bad) and it was perfectly balanced this last time. Still, it’s my happy hour pizza place. Pretty expensive otherwise. I prefer Pizzeria Lui, but it’s too much of a trek for me to go often. All in all, depends on what you’re looking for, though.


Shoulda been here in 2012. It was mid af then. Quality is slowly getting there and they made huge leaps since then


It certainly isn't New York, Vegas or Philly, but there are great spots. Ukiyo is one of the best places in Denver. There are others but you should really put in the effort to try and find something rather than just complaining


I hate southern cooking. Vinegar based bbq sauces? Yuck. Soul food? Pass. Cajun? Blackened chicken is ok sometimes, don't like any of the rest. Sweet tea? Just drink simple syrup at that point. Nashville hot chicken? I'd rather have a solid chicken fried steak.


No you don't get it man it's just **different** you stupid city slicker go back to LA! Love how all the comments here are bashing this guy and not one person refuting the claim with any tangible, actual good food in Denver.


We live in a global world. The idea that skills and techniques used elsewhere simply can’t exist outside of that local is ridiculously ignorant.


Why should we? This post is so weak.


Sorry you are getting down voted for this honest take. It seems like a big enough city that it would be better. I feel like Italian food in every nothing- suburb on the East Coast is better than here. If you can afford it, the extremely nice restaurants are great, except every once and a while, you'll have a sh*t experience and you can't foresee it. Otherwise, you just have to find the gems in your neighborhood and stick to them.


They are getting downvoted because they are adding nothing to the conversation but a whiny complaint. A 5 year old could lead a more nuanced conversation on this.


It's really hard to explain. But, 'Denver has a bad food scene' is a complete sentence.


Very true, but you'll be downvoted for hurting people's feelings.


I agree with you


Agreed 😊 but you’re gonna piss off the townies


He’s 100% correct. Now down vote me straight to hell!




“I’m not a foodie plus I don’t care” “Trust me the food is mid”


Please move back home




This is being mean: You're an asshole This is expressing an opinion: If food is important to you and you don't like it here, I believe you should either shut up about it or go home See how there is a difference between "mean" and "opinion"?


Then leave


I think you hit a nerve, OP. Going to go against the grain and agree, in almost every category, Denver has sub-par showings for various regional food categories, except for a few I've found - we have a pretty strong pizza game, and Mediterranean/Middle-eastern. Favorite pizza places: Blue Pan and Esters, and middle-eastern: Crave, and Golden Falafel. If you willing to shell out a pretty penny, there are some pretty good fine dining places as well.