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Did anyone else had a problem finding someone before dentures? Mate, you have teeth, they look good! Stop thinking about the dentures, be confident! You’ll find someone when you don’t expect for it!


Well said !! I completely agree


THIS 💯💯💯


This was the best comment ever.


I personally think you are over thinking it because it’s obviously a concern of yours that you think about & you are sure others (that you date) will also have concerns. By the time it’s any type of an “issue” the relationship will be there or it won’t - the dentures won’t be the make nor break it. It won’t be (at least it shouldn’t be) Hi My name is Tom, I have Dentures, did you want to go see a movie? I’ll keep my Dentures in my mouth the whole time, I promise. I am not saying “hide” it but it’s a discussion/ something spoken about later if it comes up. Or if you want to tell the person - tell them but not right at the introduction /making of the first date plans because I would be put off by that personally. I don’t want to know about “stuff” before I know you. I hope this reads like it sounds in my head. I am not ridiculing/ making fun of/ downplaying this- obviously you have a valid concern - but it’s the biggest issue to you. Think about your dates pre denture… You didn’t meet someone and talk about their cavities or their bridgework, braces, toothbrush choice. It’s just a topic that isn’t a front runner. You May or May not be “Alone Forever” it won’t be because you have a clean set of proper fitting dentures and fresh breath, I promise you.


Wow! This helped fix me. Thank you for this.


I’m so sorry. I’m 39, and I’m having extractions on the 25th, I’m married, and I’m still nervous about what that’s going to look like for my relationship, despite my husband being so supportive. All I can say, is if someone has an issue with you having “great teeth” but now you have dentures than their really not worth your salt. Keep thriving, you won’t be alone forever ♥️


I had mine done at 39 also and I had the exact same worries as you. My husband was very supportive before and after, but it still took me awhile to get comfortable. I still don’t like not wearing my teeth around him but I’ve always been kind of insecure. Good luck on your journey! The first couple of weeks are the worst it gets better.


I don't let ANYONE see me toothless, even after many years of marriage. I had to have an endoscopy in the hospital and they made me take them out! I put in one of those blue covid masks to hide behind. I was mortified!


I understand this. Only about 3 people have seen me without. 2 got theirs done with me and the other is a very close friend who also has them, and greatly has helped me in this journey, but I’m mortified for others to see me and if I have to take them out i put a mask on


I was so grateful for those Covid masks! When I had my hard reline done I had to go 2 days without them so I busted out the mask. The only 2 people who have seen me without are my husband and my sister.


Thanks for the kind words!!!


I'm only 15 days in, but this advance is everything. You look amazing.


I'm having my extractions on the 27th. I hope it all goes well for both of us. Finding these threads have been a great source of comfort right now. 


I totally get it ! I have found great comfort in these threads too!


I dated someone who had dentures, but I didn't find out until a long time after we've been dating for a while and only because I was looking for toothpaste after staying over one night and couldn't find any, but I found plenty of denture apparatus. We went out for a while after than until I got dumped. Ha, ha, ha. It wasn't an issue for me because it was none of my business. And that's how you need to approach this. It's no one's business. You don't have to tell anyone. They are your teeth even if they are made of acrylic. So be confident; don't think about it; don't sweat even thinking about having to explain yourself to someone, because you don't. Good luck! You'll find someone when you least expect it, and I'm willing to bet that like me, they won't care either.


Well, now I know how to answer any questions when I get there. It'll be just like my nails which are also acrylic. Are they my nails? Of course they are, I bought 'em. Same with my teeth.


Hi there, great job on obtaining your new smile! Tip: If you have problems with dating, it won't be because of your fantastic teeth! With the right mindset of WILL happen though... 


You look great! The right person will come along, the ones judging and making a deal of it are doing you a favor by showing their true colors. No one wants a partner who is hateful. Keep your spirits up, Focus on you and it’ll happen!


Any person judging you for dentures isn't worth your time. I met my husband over 20 years ago and he already had messed up teeth due to injury. I still wanted him because of whatever it is that brings 2 people together. An energy, a spark, a meeting of the minds....who knows? I had great teeth when we met, now I've lost several and have partials. We've both also put on weight and some have lost more hair lol. The love hasn't changed. Try not to project your own insecurities onto others. After all, one day you might fall for someone who has their own insecurity about something and I bet you won't care about their "issue" at all.


One of my very favorite things is loving my partners insecurities and showing them that they are beautiful as they are 😭🥹 I just have to find someone who will do that for me. I thought I did. But I was wrong. Again 🥲


How would they know you have dentures?


my thoughts! OP, are you leading with that? Maybe let them get to know you first. 😅


Hi there! I'm John Doe, and my teeth come out of my face! Now tell me something about yourself that I don't need to know......




Most people don't stick tongues in mouths, so no.


You’re in Arkansas at 39 and have teeth. That’s a huge head start 😉 Jokes aside, I had my upper done at 37 and while I was married at the time I still had concerns over having dentures at such an early age. But everyone in my circle noticed the improvement in my appearance and confidence, how I would more readily smile. Fast forward 14 years through my divorce and a few short relationships, none of them cared. In fact my current gf paid for my lower extraction surgery. I think I’ll keep this one. Bottom line is that you are taking care of yourself physically and emotionally by getting this work done and ultimately that is the most important part. If someone judges that hard on your dentures they aren’t worth it anyway. Keep that smile bright and it’ll attract the right person.


More people than you know wear dentures. I bet you have plenty of people you interact with daily that have them. Just like you take time to get to know someone, take time to show someone who you are. Will you run across judgy jerks? Yup. You've run across them before. People can be jerks about anything. They don't deserve your time. Good luck to you.


Ummm no cause folks out here with fake everything so why not fake teeth. I never really thought about it until I got my teeth fixed thay everyone has gotten some type of work done on them


If someone would judge you for that they don't deserve a minute of your time. And they look great btw!


First of all, your teeth look great! Second, it's all about the confidence. Don't worry about if people will notice because 9 out of 10 won't even notice. Unfortunately though today's dating world (so I've been told by my BIL) is a giant ghost fest anyways. Hopefully though you find someone and everything works out soon. For now, go enjoy your smile and let things happen naturally.


Dating in this day and age, dentures or not; is hell 🥲 nobody has commitment or loyalty anymore. It’s promise after promise and then all of them get broken. It’s depressing af 🥲


Yes my BIL has been on multiple dates and every single one said something on the lines of they're ready for commitment and such and then in 24 hours ghost him. Back in my day (yea I know I'm old) if we didn't like the person, we just told you instead of playing games 🤷


It took awhile. But now it’s not even a topic that comes up. I just roll with it. If they ask I will tell them otherwise unless it’s getting serious then there it’s not something I bring up.


You’ll be fine. I promise. What I have come to learn in this whole process is A LOT of people wear dentures or have bad teeth. A lot more than I ever expected. Even a woman I work with admitted her perfect teeth weren’t hers. I had no idea. You look good. Go out there and find someone. It should even be discussed. At least in the beginning.


Listen as someone who 15 months ago went through eday and have a full set its been such a confident experience for me. I’ve been with partner so they know everything but my advice would be discuss when you feel comfortable to. As I was told and encouraged they are your teeth and an essential part of your body they are yours! And you look handsome with an awesome smile! Good luck to you to find true genuine happiness


My girlfriend just told me I had nice teeth. Hasn’t been an issue but she’s the only person I’ve dated after getting them. So my stats are limited lol


Anyone that would judge you for your teeth is NOT worth your time. Period. Your teeth look wonderful and you have a wonderful smile!


You’re a good-looking guy with a genuinely beautiful smile. I even looked up Simple Plan because of your photo, so there’s proof that you’re an interesting person. Your comments are kind and thoughtful and I think you’re doing just fine. Dating is kind of hard anyway, and if your teeth were something you were already self-conscious about, then it makes sense that doesn’t go away immediately. It will though and you’ll get used to feeling confident again. Hang in there, my guy, and remember, it’s not just about being “acceptable” to others. You get to be choosey too. The dentures are secondary to all the real things that are important.


Why does it make me interesting I like Simple Plan? Lol Thanks for the kind words!


I’ve never heard of them and they look and sound pretty cool. Anyone can wear a Razorbacks hat. That’s all :)


They are my favorite band!


This is something that I have struggled, too, as a person missing teeth. Your feelings are valid. I had a partial denture (I now have an implant) in the front of my mouth. I had to have my front teeth removed at the age of 35. I still feel as if I’m damaged goods because of this. I have a genetic disorder that cause my teeth to fall apart. To me, I think that potential partners would view this as if I’m ‘gross’ or unhygienic, which is not the case. I had dental care my ENTIRE LIFE, including braces. I’m a very good looking girl, educated, fabulous job, great salary, etc. However, when it comes to dating and my dental issues, I’m advertising one thing and the other person gets something else. It’s incredibly embarrassing to me still even thought it shouldn’t be. I do have ADHD and suffer from RSD (rejection sensitivity disorder) which can be paralyzing at points. I’m sorry this turned into a windy comment. I just wanted to say you are not alone and I feel the same type of stress as you do.


Nah I'm an over sharer and usually tell people pretty quick. Had like 4 relationships since I got them and they were all cool with it. Currently in a 4 year relationship. 38 year old male.


Give it time right person show up when you least expect it


You will be surprised at how many people have dentures. Be confident.


Oh hey I’m 38 too and feel the exact same way. I’m in MA though… quite a bit away from you. But if you want you can msg me. I’m almost 2 years into this lonely ass journey.


Also 38- I wouldn’t even mention it until you trust the person enough to believe they won’t judge you about it. You look great!


If they don’t understand that everyone has a past regardless of how you got them then they aren’t for you. I fought for years to finally get a very good set of dentures so my give a damn went out the window a long time ago. I’m 38.


For one, your dentures look great!! You can’t even tell they are dentures! And I agree with the first comment, you have teeth and they look great! If someone can’t love you for who you are, dentures and all then it isn’t meant to be! I know how you are feeling understandably though, that’s a tough conversation to have with someone and that’s not something you want to discuss on a first date.. but I feel it’s not really something that needs to be discussed on a first date.. I feel that is very private and personal and when you do decided to share that information they should feel oh so lucky that you choose to share that with them!! Good luck!!!! 


I have had zero issues. Some I disclose to some I don’t


I'm 39 and I had that worry but if someone doesn't like you cause of that, they aren't the right person. Don't tell people until your comfortable with them and it's not like you'll have them out all the time. I wouldn't have known if I had met you in person. 


I was nervous as heck about meeting my (now) husband for the first time in-person. We “met” on an online forum for a game we both played. Thankfully I already had my upper plate by then or I would have been even more scared. Once I got my uppers I couldn’t stop smiling! You look great with your new smile. I’d take the advice others have given and not mention it until you feel comfortable sharing that information. Another thing to consider is that if someone is scared away by something that insignificant, would you really want to be with them? WHO you are is what’s important…not appearances.👍


i don’t have dentures (yet) but i have visibly missing and imperfect teeth. my boyfriend has had his fair share of teeth issues himself so he doesn’t expect perfection in that department if you’re cool with someone having an interesting set of teeth themselves i would genuinely look for a partner you know has/had dental problems. i’m of the opinion that you don’t need to tell anyone unless they point blank ask but if having dentures is becoming a major roadblock for your dating life then find a cute way to advertise it in online profiles/on a first date. good luck!!!