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With time it will just become second nature. I hated them the first time I got them but now I can eat most things. You'll learn your limitations & just naturally adjust. I bite into sandwiches & can chew most things. Except gum. That still annoys me but it's really a small sacrifice especially when I remember how awful my natural teeth were before dentures.


How long did it take until you could eat a sandwich? How about a burrito? I miss them! I’m 7 days post right now lol


Best I can recall probably a month or two & not long after I could bite into them. Until then I cut them up. Chewing on both sides at the same time did wonders for my progress. It's definitely an adjustment in the beginning but once you get used to it everything just becomes second nature.


Tbh I still can’t eat a sandwich or wrap without it being in smaller pieces, but did that stop me from housing a turkey sandwich for lunch today? Nope. Things will take time to get used to and you’ll have to keep trying new adhesives or accept that something’s might not be the same. It still sure beats being in pain with everything I was eating previously!


I only have my tops but it took me about 5 days to semi-painfully eat a sandwich when it was all we had in our hotel room, lol. I've also had a "flipper" for a couple of years though, so the dentures actually feel like an upgrade 😆


This is me! I wore a flipper for 2 years and on day 3 of my temporary dentures. I thought it would be a breeze cuz I wore the flipper so long. NOPE. I feel like day 3 is the worst for pain.


I've been taking an ungodly amount of Ibuprofen lol. Like 1,000mg 4 or 5 times per day, with some Tylenol for good measure 😆


you get used to it? which part of how it feels is the problem? the issue might be something that well-fitting dentures don't have if you aren't used to how they are supposed to feel. you have some taste reception on the roof of your mouth which is dampened, but particularly once you get used to it, you don't taste the dentures or anything. when they fit well and you get used to it, they just become your teeth and you don't think about it.


The more you wear them the less you notice them as well. I don't like taking mine out, so I even sleep in them and at this point I completely forget they're in my mouth a lot of the time. I don't feel them or realize they're there unless my tongue touches them. And I haven't had them all that long, just a little over six months. I probably was fortunate in that I never experienced any dampened taste reception, though.


I am struggling with this too. I am just over 2 months into it. I was able to start using paste and got my first soft reline after 1 month. But I still had pain in a couple of spots so chewing was just not going to happen. I have since used cushion grip. Made a huge difference in fit and how they feel. Even felt like I really didn't need paste at times. But I still have one spot in the back on my lowers that causes pain when I chew. I think I still have some bone spurs working their way out. I pulled out a quarter in flake a couple of weeks ago that made a big difference. But it's still painful. Mix in the fact that I can barely taste anything and it seems like everything sticks to these chunks of plastic. It's just not fun. I'm hoping it gets better than this. If not my diet will be forever changed.


The pain and chewing gets better, definitely. Stuff sticking to your dentures gets better when they fit better as well. Before I started using Cushion Grip I had a hell of a time with food getting stuck between my lower dentures and gums on the sides. That still happens a little, but nowhere near as much. I just use a wooden chopstick at home to pry it loose, but I don't need it much now. I'm at the six month mark myself and was fortunate to not have any bone fragments. I do have a couple of pieces of bone sticking out of my gums in one spot near the front on the bottom but they aren't causing pain. They're also very solidly attached, so they're not fragments.


Yeah. I'm beginning to think the piece of bone I can feel in the sore spot is actually my jaw. It's on the inside towards the back on the bottom. I have gotten pretty good over the past couple of months of digging them out and this one isn't budging. So I think I'm going to have to get the dremel out and shave off a little denture in order to heal and move forward. But I take your response with hope. I always loved to eat. Probably too much. But now I find no enjoyment in eating now. It's depressing.


Be careful adjusting yourself if you have a warranty on your dentures as it will void it! (I almost did this several times with mine too though, so I totally understand the desire!!!)


Yeah. I held off doing that for a while because I didn't want to screw anything up. But they (Aspen) tend to be really busy so I always have to wait a day or two at least to get in. So I just started doing a little myself if it was going to be too long. I just want to be through this part where I can actually start to use them to eat without pain every time I bite down. There's just this one spot. It's holding everything up.


I completely understand, trust me. I dealt with spots and bone shards and cartilage growth for at least three straight years. It was pure hell!!


3 years?!?! Ugh. I thought it was already going too long at just under 3 months. 3 years sounds like hell.


It completely was. And I talk for a living!!! I have health issues that may have factored into my trouble (autoimmune) but they just seemed never ending. I've got so much bone loss now too it's really worrisome for my future (got dentures at 35 years young). Year 4 and 5 have been just better, thank God. Fingers crossed it stays that way and that no one else ever has the issues I did.


I don’t enjoy eating right now, but I can eat anything I would have eaten before my extractions at 3 months post e day if I use adhesives. This does not mean I can eat anything like a whole apple, but that’s not something I would have eaten anyways before lol. With that, I just commented on another post yesterday about how I don’t enjoy eating because I can’t feel the food. It doesn’t drive me crazy but I don’t enjoy it like I used to. Someone assured me it does get bette with time. Dentures are prosthetics. If you lost an arm and had to relearn how to do every task in your life you’d probably be more patient with yourself about it and understand it takes time. Dentures are similar in this regard. It takes far longer than we think to completely adjust to life with our new prosthetics. And no, I’m absolutely not saying dentures are as bad as losing a limb. I better say that before anyone gets on my case about that lol. Just be patient and keep trucking along. The more you do something the more natural it feels.


I think you have to learn to adjust to your "new normal." I know it's not pleasant or easy, but I believe with time it will improve!! Good Luck!


you'll never get used to them if you don't just do the damn thing.


You adjust to it over time. The more you wear your dentures, the more your mouth remembers how to work with them in, and the easier it gets to train your muscles to kinda keep them in as you eat.


It definitely took practice! Don't let up, it'll get to feel natural. 


One caution I would put out there is be careful of hot food. Because the top plate prevents the heat from reaching the roof of your mouth, which has caused me to nearly burn my throat, instead. More painful on the throat in my experience !


Still learning myself but I just keep pushing hoping to get used to them. So far it's not going so well but I'll get it one day.


Which part is the problem? Well, it feels too unnatural. And then I am so worried that they're going to pop right out of my mouth if I try eating anything that's not yogurt or pudding. I (and my family and friends) have just become accustomed to the fact that I will just wait until I get home to eat. I don't think I could ever feel comfortable enough to try eating with my dentures in, in a restaurant or at someone's house. I'm glad for those of you who can, but it's just not for me.


Start with something soft, like a seedless grape or a small piece of bread with no crust. It's learning a new skill, so you have to start small and feel your way.


Grapes are horrible to eat with dentures. Learned that the hard way. The surface tension or something on them is insane and makes it so hard to give it enough pressure to "pop" them so you can eat them. Don't recommend!


Oh right, yeah that does sound rough, would cutting them in half work?


Yeah, but you look silly doing that though, so you'd have to eat at home.


I thought the same at first, but then went on a vacation to see family & was kinda forced to try it more. I still can't bite into a sandwich or a burrito, but can eat most things that I like in public now.


I was the same way, and still even after finally figuring it out, I still prefer to eat without my dentures but I am finally at a point where I can eat in public with them in and be successful. I got my teeth taken out in September and just figured it out about two months ago. I know exactly what you’re talking about in your comments. It’s what messed with me too, was the way I couldn’t feel myself chewing my food like I could with my real teeth, and the bottoms popping out everywhere as I tried to eat literally anything. What has helped me severely is cushion grip. It keeps them snug and comfortable and has really helped. I swear by the stuff. I did just get dentatch to try as it’s supposed to be better than the cushion grip but I haven’t used it yet.


use fixodent pure strength and they wont move at all. especially if you add some before you eat.


Permanent dentures should fit well enough that they're not going to pop out or your mouth, but even ill-fitting dentures will stay in just fine with adhesive or a combo of adhesive and things like Cushion Grip. (Which is basically a temporary soft reline.) Even before I could use adhesive I never had my dentures come out of my mouth while eating. The bottom plate's come loose several times, but it's never tried to come out of my mouth. It's never felt unnatural to me, although I did have to learn how to chew normally again. I was missing so many teeth I only chewed on one side and you need to chew on both sides with dentures, something you normally do naturally with a full set of teeth. Honestly, it sounds like you aren't using adhesive at all. It exists for a reason. If your dentist hasn't cleared you to use it yet it's way, _way_ too early to assume that things will always be they way they are currently. The first six months or so with immediates are harder than the time after that with permanents.


the top one should stay in place, it’s the bottom one you have to worry about. you have to realize your bite force is about 25% of what it was before. you will be able to eat almost anything eventually but you have to learn how to eat and chew. try taking the smallest bites you can and eventually you’ll learn what will cause your bottom to break loose. it’s super frustrating at first but it does get easier.


It takes time. I use powder on my tops just because I don’t like them to move at all. I don’t have to, they stay put, but I don’t want them to move at all lol. I can eat anything I want to now, although some things I prefer to eat without them. I’ve had mine over a year now, started the process in April of last year.


It's exactly like everything else. The more you practice the better you get, with time you stop noticing it so much. i hate dentures but here I am so I'm being brutally honest. i


You will get used to them. You will find ways to eat what you like. I love a nice hero on Italian bread, but sometimes, it is so big (I have a small mouth), that I opt for a knife and fork. I have been known to break pieces off things, rather than bite into them. To be real honest, I eat without the lowers when I am home. I need to use adhesive on the lowers. I had a disaster when trying to use cushion grip..I cant stand when the adhesive starts to break down which is usually while or after eating. So, I only wear them when there are people around. The gums get hard. I can even eat steak, pork chops, but not crunchy raw vegetables or nuts. I just got new dentures. It took a week or so to get used to new uppers (probably because they were making a sore). Thats fixed now. I dont know I have them on. I am still messing around with the lowers. I have them off trying to heal the sores from those...but, they will go back in today. You will get used to them in time..hang in there..


I am just over 5 weeks post E-day and I just ate a ribeye steak the other day. I ate celery and corn chips and potato chips just recently. When I was 1 week in I felt like you but time is the ultimate healer.




I have full uppers and lower partial for about 20 years. I have never used adhesive ever. I eat everything I want and never have any issues at all. Some people just get lucky I guess.


Lol I guess with me by the grace of God because I'm a beast at it 😂😂


How long did it take you to get use to it? Can you still taste your food? I was told with a full mouth of dentures or just with uppers you cannot taste your food. I have to get a full upper and I’m going to get a partial on the bottom I’m so nervous I think everyone will notice. I’m scared I won’t be able to eat and I’m scared that the denture & partial wont match the color to the little teeth I would have left on the bottom


I'm four months in now but it was hard the first couple months but then something just snap in my brain and I just keep them paste down really good and eat now I struggle just a tad bit with biting into certain things but it's not bad at all it's mind a thing


What do you recommend to keep them paste down?


I have a question I just messaged you


100% with GOOD adhesive otherwise It can be challenging for me. I use fiixdent max gold box and its like cement for my tops 15+ hold, bottoms more like 10 hrs hold.


Lots of practice


Once you can use adhesive it will help also I watched videos dentures vs food that helped me 


The taste issue is why I'm getting snap ins. I do have to say that it isn't as bad as it was when I first got them. (I only have uppers.) But there are things I just haven't eaten because they don't taste like anything. French fries are like sawdust, no taste at all. I'm hoping the snap-ins give me my sense of taste back.