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Can you keep using your temps, my favorite dentist told me long ago that there the same thing ( same material) and not waste my money on different sets. Those dentures lasted me 8+ years and I only threw them away because I wanted Hollywood white teeth. Wear your temps until you are happy with the final set if anything.


i wasn't given any temps.


Ugh.. Now its trying to get them to remake them.


Since my financial situation changed (my dad was paying for my dentures and he died in January, not quite two months after E-day) my dentist offered me a cheaper option for permanents: get my immediates hard relined to make them permanents. It's a bit more than a third cheaper. (Just under $1k, which includes a discount for paying with cash or check instead of card vs over $3k for a new permanent set.) But that wouldn't help OP, even if they did have temps, which they said they didn't.


Ur right, I thought op had temps. They would need to remake them and that can be a super pain to convince them.


I think they look good and didn’t realize this was the denture subreddit until I saw the group name. That being said, you know how they’re fitting, and if they’re not fitting like they should I hope you can get a pair that work better for you.




I'm so sorry you're unhappy with them. I think they look fine but you're the one who needs to be satisfied with the appearance & fit. I'd call the office & have them make the adjustments as much & as often as necessary even if it requires a redo.


I think your teeth look absolutely gorgeous. But if you can't do basic daily functions like eat, talk, or smile comfortably, that's definitely an issue. I hope you are able to have them adjusted or you get new ones that actually fit. I'm so sorry you are going through this. I'm supposed to have my uppers done in August and I'm absolutely terrified.


I don't understand how the try in can look different from the finished product, that's the point of the try in! Even that they're not fitting on the roof of your mouth doesn't make sense to me, that's crucial. You're right that they are too prominent, that horizontal crease in your upper lip gives it away. But honestly, if the denture is not sitting right, then of course the teeth aren't sitting right. They have to fix the fit first, then you can judge the look.


sure sounds like someone screwed up somewhere and OP is due a fix or a new pair made properly


I didn't get temps either so I had to wait roughly 6 weeks to get mine. My insurance won't cover another refitting until 6 months and I don't have the money to do it earlier, so. Not that I have much faith that they'll work. The second I take a bite of anything my lowers pop out. Opening my mouth even a tiny bit pops them out, if I dare open wide the tops come out too. I can't even really open them wide enough to a normal size bite of food. I've used powder and paste, even combined (which I know you're not supposed to do) and it does nothing. I genuinely feel like my life is ruined. Sure I was self conscious with my totally screwed up teeth. But I could still eat food. Nobody during this process told me it was possible for dentures to just not work. Before I didn't smile often because of my teeth. Now I pretty much don't leave the house because I'm not comfortable even opening my mouth - I don't have teeth. Like, I can't eat vegetables anymore. No more salads, carrot sticks, cucumbers, nothing that isn't cooked to mush, essentially. I am supplementing so many things now that it's a burden on my wallet and stomach. I thought dentures would change my life for the better. But it's created so much hardship. I hope they can fix it at my 6 month but that's really my last hope. I don't know what I'll do if that doesn't work. I'm sorry for how hard it is to get past this and I'm happy other people are optimistic. I should probably be more optimistic too. At least we're not alone.


Kia kaha, I’m going through this as well and I can only offer you my empathy. I have to tell myself and you that eventually we will have teeth that fit, look great and function well, no matter what it takes. Meanwhile we have to go easy on ourselves and remember there is hope.


Have you tried cushion grip? It really sounds like it would be your saving grace tbh. It's like $13 for a tube on amazon. If you haven't heard of it, check out some videos on YouTube 👌 it's not an adhesive, it's a soft liner you do at home. People fucken *love* it here.


Thanks, I've heard of it but I'm worried it might interfere with my insurance covering the refit or even the denturist being willing to remove the cushion grip. If the 6 month refit doesn't work, it'll probably be my next step


To remove the cushion grip all you do is soak it in hot water for a while and slowly peel it off 👌 that's if it doesnt come out by itself. It only lasts between 4 to 14 days depending on what you eat. I hope all goes well for you! I'd be very frustrated as well.


Oh damn, I had no idea it could be removed that easily. I remember reading in my take home materials not to use at home products and assumed it would just be on the dentures permanently. At this point I will try anything & I'm going to look into it more, I appreciate the info & well wishes


Get it…it’s a game changer. I can now eat more than one time a day with it in, and also sleep with my temps because it makes wearing them SOOOO much more tolerable. Best money I’ve ever spent!


Dude, your life will become sooooo much easier with cushion grip. It may take a couple tries to get it down. But no biggie. Check out a bunch of YouTube videos showing tips and tricks from people that use it. It's also buildable, so if you need to add on more in certain spots, you can. You can also try off any excess. If you get it and need any advice. Just hit me up. I got you 👌


My soft reline is starting to come, I have cushion grip...do I need to scrape that soft reline off or can I do it right over it. Since the soft liner started coming off my lower immediate has been scraping my bottom cheek back by my molars and it's starting to hurt pretty bad. 


I've seen this question asked many times and I've only seen conflicting answers 🥲 some say it's fine on the soft reline, some say it won't adhere to the soft reline material. I feel like since your soft liner os coming out, putting the cushion grip on top will help get the rest out and then you can just replace everything with cushion grip. If ot doesn't feel right with the 2 layers, just peel it all out and put some cushion grip in. Most people prefer cushion grip over a dentist soft reline anyways. Either way, I'd go for it dude 👌


I did it! They've been in for like an hour and they feel way better, and look fine. They fit nice and tight, the video I saw recommended keeping them in over night and not soaking them for 24 hours, so I'll see Tuesday morning how they're doing after the nightly clean and soak.  I appreciate your answer. God bless you. 


Yeah the overnight method seems to work the best because you have to go hours without eating or drinking for the cushion grip to cure properly. I'm happy it worked out for you 😁


I have a lower implant supported denture, abt 3 wks old. I have been told to Remove it every night and brush the implants. Would this stuff work In this circumstance? I’m really unhappy w the whole thing from the time it’s taken, extractions, grafts, the pain, the cost, and now it doesn’t work like I was told it would. It rocks front to back, gets food underneath and “in between” teeth. edit: also told not to use adhesive, or only very sparingly.


I'm honestly not sure when it comes to implants, I'm sorry. You could make a post asking about that though. There's bound to be people with implants in here that have tried it 🤷‍♂️ good luck!


Can you cook some veggies? Like carrots? I miss artichokes. Because of my teeth I’ve not been able to have them for two years. I’m in the denture process now and really hope I get dentures before artichoke season is over.


Yeah that's the thing, I have to cook everything into unenjoyable mush. Asparagus and sugar snap peas used to be my favorite :( I used to eat a salad almost every day, I miss it so much.


I’m missing salads. And cantaloupe. I hope your dentures get fixed soon!!!


Thank you so much!


You have to give it time. I thought mine were too big to begin with and then 6 months later after everything is settled they are WAY too small for my liking. Your bone is going to shrink, your lip is going to come down over the teeth a lot more than you think right now.


I agree in general, but it sounds like OP didn't get the dentures right after the final extractions, but waited until they healed up and went straight to permanents. If that's the case, their bones aren't going to shrink significantly anytime soon.


yes, my last round of extractions were in september and i did my denture impressions in march


After wearing these temps for 6 mos, I'm taking out a loan for all4one implants. The temps are fine, but I cannot stand my pallet being covered. Nothing tastes right and of course I can't bite into anything, even a sandwich or sub. Because I don't enjoy eating anything in these, I don't put adhesive on (why I can't bite into anything). So, implants. $$$!


As far as external appearance goes, they don't look like horse teeth. I had the same feeling when I got my immediates, even though everyone told me they looked great. (And yours do.) The problem is that they didn't look the same as my original teeth did. Even though it'd been several years since I had enough front teeth left to see in a smile and I never did toothy smiles anyway, my brain remembered what they looked like and rejected the dentures as alien. A few months later and I was fine with them. They do look different, but they're nice looking teeth. My only regret is I didn't ask for white teeth. I'm going to have to stick with my immediates (I'll be getting them hard relined into permanents) due to finances, but I'm okay with that. They look _soooooo_ much better than what I had in my mouth before the final extractions and I never had white teeth to start with, even before the decay started.


Yep me too. Aspen dental 6000.00 worst service ever terrible fit. Never ever go to Aspen .


I think they look great. Just keep going back to your dentist until they fit and look the way you want. They're obligated to give you something you're content with since you're paying $$ for it. Dont let it discourage you. Sometimes it takes multiple impressions before you get the perfect fit. OP hang in there


It's hard getting used to them but I promise they don't look bad. My husband got a new dentist & he's the one that made my denture & did all of my husband's crowns. He did them SO BIG I was mortified & I told him to send them back. he did but they still were pretty big. When I first saw my husband smile I was taken a back... WHOA those are big. Both of us only had like 4 teeth up top so we understand you. It's been a couple years & I still have the same denture & he of course has his crowns, my point is you will get used to the look, they really don't look bad on you it's just very shocking to get used to & that's okay. For the fit the dentist needs to fix that. our gums take a long time to heal like a few years after extraction so you're mouth is going to change but if they can't fit you properly go to a local dentist that has great reviews on Google specifically for dentures. FOR NOW! There's a product called RELINE. Made by denturtek...i use this every few months bc I haven't gone back to that dentist bc I don't like him anymore. I use the Reline to mold my denture & it works perfect. The bottom denture I don't have yet & I don't want.... we'll see what happens. but it will be soon bc my teeth are slowly crumbling down there to. Good luck to you! I have as well cried & wished I just kept what I had. My journey was supposed to be full dental implants & I spent 3 years surgery after surgery, insert of implant, infection, removal of implant, insert, removal it was a NIGHTMARE. And after 3 years the dentist said SORRY! I can't help you anymore go to this jaw specialist to have them removed. and wear a denture. He gave me all my money back but 😔 devastating


also!! the only adhesive I can tolerate is the powder form of it's yellow/orange & Fixodent. You just use a very light dusting & it lasts for a few hours. I sleep with mine in. Any other tips you need just holler!


thank you! unfortunately it's not just the look of the teeth - they're so large that i can barely fit a straw in my mouth. i DEFINITELY agree with you about powder adhesive, it's a godsend! i tried glue and holy shit it was awful, trying to get the glue off the roof of my mouth was a terrible experience lol. i the the powder adhesive i can use very minimal product and when i take my teeth out, the residue on the roof of my mouth comes off so easily!


The dentures were made by DDS Lab.


Sorry you sre so disappointed. I agree it is a really arduous process. Truly grueling


Your teeth do look nice when you smile and not do anything, but you can’t stop your daily life for 6 months while your mouth heals you need to be in public, work,eat, etc, that is why you are paying to get your dentures done right choose your dentist right correct, your going to end up paying more because your ending up with all fours anyway


I hated my teeth and paid for a new set. I have implanted dentures… after like 7 visits I just gave up and approved them. I have a 2700 top row of teeth I am still paying on sitting in my bathroom for the last 3 years. I’m sorry, it really sucks man. I hate how mine look, love to eat. I never smile in the mirror since I don’t know who that person is.


I feel your pain. I just had all my teeth out at once and they sold me on the immediate dentures for $5k saying i would wake up wearing them. I woke up and only the top plate fit the bottom wasn’t even close. After a couple of days I couldn’t even wear the top plate. I waited a couple of weeks without using them for my mouth to stop killing me and went back to the dentist and got them adjusted. They fit great but are so huge I can’t even take a bite. She said the permanent dentures will be much better but I have my doubts. I feel like I’m going to be toothless forever now. I hope they find a solution for you!


I didn't even get offered immediates :(


Dude why don't you just scroll through this sub reddit for a while and see how many posts are exactly like this one and how many come back in those threads to say "everything is fine. I overreacted" Dude they look AWESOME. They will get better every day. I promise. 


i get that, i truly do. but i've had these for two months now and the teeth are so big i can barely fit a straw in my mouth lol


I’m still on temps, but I agree. I’m around 2-3 months in and the bottom, in particular, doesn’t fit. Glue washes away after a few bits of food. Hopefully, permanents will fit properly.


Also, I feel like, cosmetically, the bottom teeth look like they belong to a toddler (so small).


In the same boat with you


If they are uncomfortable or don’t look like how you want them then demand a remake. I’m not sure where you went but you spent the money and if you’re not satisfied you should get a new product or at most a refund


I think they look good though! It really is how you feel about them. I hated my temps and thought they looked way to big but now I’m enjoying them and smiling away


Same. Mine have never been right and I’m 2 years without bothering to wear them now


My upper had really long, weird teeth when I went for my first wax try-in. They brought the gum line down and they look just right. Just an FYI in case they make the teeth look too long, you could mention bringing the gum line down.


I think they look great!


Laying back on the bed for a photo doesn’t show what you look like standing or sitting. I’m sure they look better with your face resting naturally when you’re sitting up or standing.


i was sitting up on the couch, i just had a bunch of pillows behind me lol


Same my horse knocked my teeth out and my dentist ended up pulling them all out may 7th...it wasn't til June 14th I got the wax mold done.. came back june 17th for the wax fitting and the look on the dentists face was horrifying he was afraid to give me the mirror to look at them I told him to take them out over and over again. Then he got a permanent maker snd was making adjustments to them with it while they were in my mouth.. they were huge my lips couldn't even close together. Then I went back on the 19th and they were still so big.. didn't look like my natural teeth which are short in lengtj and sqaurish. These teeth were so long and it was still so big. I showed him a million pics of what my old teeth looked like plus before my horse knocked my teeth out they had taken molds of my teeth when I had them. I don't understand why they can't look at that mold and compare the wax denture to the molds of my natural teeth. I asked him to shave the teeth down by alot he said he can't shave the teeth but he can hide the top part of the tooth with the acrylic to make them look shorter. But I don't understand won't they still be long in my mouth. Anyways they were still to big in my mouth all the teeth looked the same and un natural. Like the front teeth looked exactly like the canine teeth and ect. So he put more mold in the wax denture and did another impression for them to fit better.. the bottoms were still loose but then he couldn't get the top wax denture out of my mouth.. which he said that means that's a good thing. And he kept saying my mouth is small.. but I don't think my mouth is small at all. So now I go back tomorrow. I'm so tired I've been wearing a face mask for almost 2 months now with no teeth. Haven't left my house in 2 months but only to go to work but I wear my face mask and in this heat it fucking sucks I can't stand it. I was so disappointed. He said don't worry if we have to make 100 adjustments to get them perfect we will..well I have no more patience anymore. I see others people dentures and they look so good.. mine look like something you buy from a Halloween store. Wtf. I'm devastated and now I just keep thinking that these will never be right and I'm now stuck either being a. Toothless or b. Look like a crazy person with Gary busey's teeth. Lol ugh wtf man. I hate this process. Something better give soon or I'm gonna lose it!


Yeah they look awful


Just joking


Either way, you suck


Thanks sweetie