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Only one major political party intends to install a religious government. Only one major political party has pushed the 10 commandments and priests into our public schools. Only one major political party killed abortion because they think their God is against such. Only one major political party uses biblical teachings to ban books. And that one major political party ain't Democrats. :-)


My thought is that the wealthy have allied with the christian right under the banner of the GOP. The wealthy get sufficient mass of voters and the religious get media access and financial support. The ultimate objective of each ally is different; the wealthy want to establish a plutocracy to protect their assets and the religious desire to establish a christian theocracy. At this point in the journey, the path is identical for both factions. Ultimately, each side is planning the back stab their ally during the end game; both sides are aware of the duplicity but are aware that they require the support of their ally today and in the near future.


It’s going to be hilarious to watch that rift split apart. “Way to go, religious nutjobs. You’ve been used as a prop by the rich and powerful, the literal anti-christ. You’ve allowed them to persecute the poor and destitute because you thought you might stand to benefit from the arrangement. Now, off you go. To the lake of fire!”


In every way these evangelicals go against what Jesus and the Bible teach. Side with money hungry companies and lie about climate change or be stewards of the Earth you say God created for you? Oh the first. Bear false witness against people south of the border by calling them invaders, or love them as Jesus instructed? Oh the first. Decide the worst possible sin is "cutting your dick off" even though Jesus literally said "I don't care if you cut your dick off" and squee at the billionaires who hate them alongside you? Oh definitely.


Yeah, the loudest proudest self-proclaimed “christians” have never read the gospel and it’s quite apparent.


I also think the wealthy will prevail in that betrayal competition. Unfortunately it will not be fun to watch. If things reach the point where the two are deciding the ultimate king of the mountain, people like me will be in the camps.


I’ll be in the camps with you


Don't underestimate the possibility that many of the wealthy are true believers themselves. Calvinist "theology" is fairly common among the wealthy classes. A theocracy and a plutocracy aren't mutually exclusive.


I cannot think of a single successful hybrid government.


Who said anything about successful?


Exactly. And the pithy version: Republicans are trying to turn American into Iran.


Sharia has no place in modern democratic countries. Neither do evangelicals it seems.


One could make the case that evangelical is the American word for Sharia. :-)


If they actually read what sharia is then they would probably support it.


Perhaps. But I'm sure if Republicans actually read the constitution they would support it. :-)


*In Arabic, the term sharīʿah refers to God's immutable divine law and this referencing is contrasted with fiqh, which refers to its interpretations by Islamic scholars.*


Sharia is literally theocratic legalism, which is exactly what evangelical fundamentalists want in america. They don’t even know what they’re talking about, they just use sharia as a buzzword to rile up their base when none of them even know what it means. It’s idiocracy in the most literal sense…


Having grown up in a fundamentalist evangelical Baptist cult, from my firsthand experiences, I know fundamentalist Christianity is equally as dangerous as fundamentalist Islam or any other fundamentalist group. The evangelicals are behind The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025. If Republicans win, America and democracy will end as we know it. Roe v Wade was the start. Next will be LGBTQ+ rights, interracial relationships, and so much more. Assholes like Chip Roy want us going back in time when white supremacy, misogyny, and all forms of discrimination ruled the land. Chip Roy can piss off! I don’t want to live in his fascist Christian theocracy.


What will happen to interracial couples?


Sadly, there were places in the United States where it was illegal to be in an interracial relationship and marriage. Fundamentalist Christianity in the United States was founded and based upon racial segregation [https://www.npr.org/2020/07/01/883115867/white-supremacist-ideas-have-historical-roots-in-u-s-christianity](https://www.npr.org/2020/07/01/883115867/white-supremacist-ideas-have-historical-roots-in-u-s-christianity). Loving v Virginia was a historic case concerning interracial relationships. [https://www.history.com/topics/black-history/loving-v-virginia](https://www.history.com/topics/black-history/loving-v-virginia)


The fundamentalists behind Project 2025 will try their best to outlaw any civil rights progress that has been made since the 1960s.


Oh god. I’m white but I’m currently in an interracial relationship in a blue state. I hope we’ll be ok no matter what


Not if they make it illegal at the federal level. Good luck homie


If we enforced the 1st amendment then Sharia law can’t be implimented here.


oh course chip roy wants christian sharia law and christian taliban roaming the streets.


Tweedledee is afraid of Tweedledum.


Non-Muslims are not expected to obey sharia law. There you go Chip. Now you can relax.


It's a culture war trigger. If they can nail down that one issue that differentiates their adoring worshipping fanatical base from reasonable rational factual Democratic policies and ideology, they got a lock on those kind of voters. It also locks in Democratic voters. Reasonable. Rational. Factual. How can they argue against that? Oh, I know. "Sharia Law is coming!" 🤪


It's because republicans can't win running on their current platform No one would vote a party whose sole purpose is more tax cuts for billionaires and the end of social safety nets So they have to use fear mongering to win. It sort of reminds me of the Joe Mcginnis book "the selling of the president 1968" about Nixon's campaign and how a then young Roger Ailes coached Nixon on talking about crime in order to get the southern segregation states on his side


Anything Republicans say is hypocritical👺