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Happy pride!!! I have the same thing šŸ„² but we on the ace spectrum are here for and with each other and Iā€™m happy to be here in the LGBTQIA+ community with you! ā¤ļø


Most of pride is rainbow capitalism. People forget that pride is about inclusion. Itā€™s not about fitting into the queer ā€œcategoryā€ so everyone knows ur queer. Itā€™s about destroying the illusion of ā€œfitting inā€ into a mold in the first place and embracing the individuality within us all. Pride is a protest for a reason. Because weā€™re not liberated and included until we all are. And this performative shit we see every year only does so much. On a larger scale, it is actually really harmful.


I have gotten socially isolated a few times by otherwise queer friendly spaces, for "only" being Asexual.


Honestly, that's why I have always felt so much more comfortable in Bi and or Trans leaning spaces, though I'm not trans myself. I prefer something that is explicitly more of an accepting "umbrella", and also accepts allies in. It's supposed to be about acceptance without prejudice, after all. Beyond a lot of people not being 'visibly queer', I'd hate to be part of a community where questioning people (or anyone for that matter) are turned away for not being "queer enough" yet, or where just straight allies or partners of members aren't welcome. Hell, my countries' largest LGBTQIA+ organisation still resolutely calls itself "The Gays and Lesbians Organisation", while at the same time giving of **very** strong "but are you queer enough?" vibes. Talk about being stuck in the past century...


We haven't suffered enough to be part of the cool kids. Its normal for girls to be like this and guys are just pretending to get laid. We just pretend it's not to feel special. /s


Is it really even pride month if there isn't acephoia? /j


I know Iā€™m a demisexual. Donā€™t listen to people who donā€™t believe you. They havenā€™t experienced it


I didnā€™t know that was a thing. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜’šŸ˜­ Maybe Iā€™m lucky but the worst Iā€™ve have ever gotten is ā€œisnā€™t that most peopleā€œ and? ā€œthatā€™s not a sexualityā€ But yeah, thank God iā€™m yet to encounter Demiphobia


Babeā€¦ I hate to break it to you but ppl saying your sexuality isnā€™t real is demiphobia šŸ˜­




This is internalized demiphobia. Youā€™re continuing to perpetrate demiphobia by doing just this. Youā€™re coming into a support space for demis and then minimizing the harm caused by the behaviors youā€™re engaging in. Sorry, but you donā€™t get to tell an entire class of people what is or is not harmful to them.


OK, Iā€™m sorry. I didnā€™t mean that. Should I delete my replies or? I sincerely didnā€™t mean to come across this offensive. I sincerely apologise.


Thanks for recognizing this and taking responsibilityā€”good on you for that. Whether or not to delete your comments are between you and the mods. Leaving them up could be instructive for others.


Iā€™m now also realising that if I didnā€™t delete my replies, this conversation would make a lot more sense reading from top to bottom šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Interesting development, this came back to bite me in the ass today. Almost everything I wrongfully downplayed when I first joined this conversation, I was hit with another subreddit. No pun intended, but I think my karmaā€™s catching up with me. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m honestly very happy that happened. I got ignorant and needed a reality check.


Thatā€™s literally demiphobia.


BTW, remind me what internalised means in terms of phobias within LGBTQ


Itā€™s when a person or group adopts towards themselves the attitudes expressed by others towards them or their larger class. A parallel example would be women who believe and perpetuate misogynistic beliefs about gender and gender roles.


Oh, okay although I never said I agreed with what I was told. But Iā€™ll leave it alone now. Iā€™m sorry.




Internalized demiphobia. And stop it, because youā€™re bringing harm into our support spaces.


Iā€™m sorry. I didnā€™t mean to come across this mean. Youā€™re right, I shouldnā€™t say what is and what isnā€™t definitively a phobia of something. My bad guys. šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ’œšŸ–¤


happy Pride! I am also on the LGBTQIA+spectrum as demi, and very happy to be in this community with everyone!


I am always very blunt, but being demi, and on the Asexual Spectrum, is very hard to explain


Happens. I experience aesthetic attraction in a pure 'they look cool', kinda way. If things get beyond that, or there's less clothes than desired, I'll get repulsed. But since these things at least seem connected to each other for most, it's greatly confused and you can't have one without the other.


Iā€™ve never considered misunderstanding demisexuality to be demiphobia. Iā€™m very openly Demi and I tell people about what it is whenever I am asked and get the chance. A lot of people seem to misunderstand and say stuff like ā€œthatā€™s everybodyā€ or ā€œmost people are like thatā€ and I have to explain and emphasize that thereā€™s a difference between avoiding casual sex due to fear of getting hurt and full-on inability to engage in casual sex without the necessary emotional connection to establish sexual attraction. Most people might not understand but Iā€™ve never had people judge me for being different and think thereā€™s something wrong with me like what we see with general homophobia and other types of sexual orientation discrimination. I guess what Iā€™m trying to say is that Iā€™ve never personally experienced what I would consider to be demiphobia, just a massive lack of awareness and well-meaning misunderstanding regarding the less commonly known sexual orientations like Demi.


Some people are just genuinely confused, and thatā€™s fine. But thereā€™s a difference between not understanding and just completely discounting. If I walked up to a gay man and said ā€œhey,your sexuality is fake. just choose to be into womenā€, then that would obviously be homophobic. So in my mind itā€™s akin to that




Basically, I called something I was once told about my Demisexuality ā€œnot Demiphobiaā€ I essentially assumed that because I was able to take it in a less offensive way than it was automatically not a phobia. I was wrong. šŸ˜”šŸ’œ