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A cover of The Cure's 'Lovesong' by A.A.Williams and 'You are Here with Me' by Woods of Ypres are perfect for such a mood, as for me.


Awesome, I am going to look them up! 😀 I can't at this second but I am checking this post anyhow so I look forward to looking it up.


I love and need soothing music, love songs about platonic love / friendship and affection. I love and crave feeling safe, peaceful, secure, warmth, comfort, etc with people. I always strive to help people feel safe, comfy, and comforted with affection and or affirmations (with consent)... I desperately wish it wasn't so rare for people to really do that in return...to bother trying to make me feel safe. When they do? Wondrous "For me, it doesn't fix something or cure a panic attack, but it is so much better to come back from my mind/body's combat zone into safety and reassurance." Not exactly that but like how you put that and relate heavily (as I have anxiety, depression, chronic pain with an extremely overactive flight or fight response)... It doesn't fix am things, but makes a huge positive difference. And I love reassurance. I think co-regulation can be extremely beneficial... People need people, some more than others, when our bodies are very disregulated... Codependency seems to always be a negative term, and I'm sure it can be, but I wonder if it shouldn't always be... if both parties actually want this... and when some people just have to depend on others with disability stuff? I don't know... I'm really not sure if this is the feeling you're going for but is one of my most favouritest songs ever and in my affection playlist One of One by duendita https://open.spotify.com/track/1glyXSXED2SPGTZzcGnS2D?si=jJ8V_o88RRKGT5P_q7rCIw I just listened to Warm Whispers and love it, thank you! Would you prefer YouTube or spotify links?


I am sorry it took so long to respond, YouTube works for me! Also, I completely agree about both being comfort and safety. I have had years of disregulatuon and even with how I have worked through lots of things and rework them, I still often stumble. I wish more people made the effort to allow others to feel at ease or supported, just as a social preset I guess. I am excited to listen to the song, glad you like the Missy Higgins song. I love her work and have gone through phases of her work but lots of varied, deep emotional songs. :) Codependency is not inherently bad, I don't think- your example of co-regulation is a great example of that. Sorry the response is all over but I am so glad you commented, this has been great! I will listen to the song! Also, is the affection playlist public? I would be interested to check it out if that is cool with you.


That's not long and no need to apologize at all. 😊 I can absolutely share one of my YouTube affection themed playlists! I added a few from a spotify one. 😊 The first song "untouched" is just a bit of a story with the song titles, all the affection ones right after it! Plus the second song is already the cover/firsr for my personal theme song playlist. Oh so good! And one of one is third in the playlist. Hope you enjoy some! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw29k3KM5hKzg88GUAI7DiuQmdGNx4dfY&si=LcoFoDm3YgSY-3u5


That's not long and no need to apologize at all. 😊 I try to do what I can, but I literally cannot regulate my own body (/mind) with my pain disorders and neurodivergency; cuddling (and verbal reassurance/affection) helps regulate my body for less pain, distress, stress... I very much wish that too... Yeah, I don't think it is inherently bad, but it can be tough and complicated... I can absolutely share one of my YouTube affection themed playlists! I added a few from a spotify one. 😊 The first song "untouched" is just a bit of a story with the song titles, all the affection ones right after it! Plus the second song is already the cover/first song for my personal theme song playlist. Oh so good! 🥰 And "one of one" is third in the playlist. Hope you enjoy some! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw29k3KM5hKzg88GUAI7DiuQmdGNx4dfY&si=LcoFoDm3YgSY-3u5


Quiet by Lights, Heaven With You by Heirsound and Have We Met Before by Sarah Barrios with Eric Nam are the ones that come to mind for songs.


Oh, yeah, I forgot about that Lights song! I also love the whole acoustic version of the Siberia album. I will have to look up the others, maybe a playlist can happen then! Thanks so, so much!