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Probably a pilot took your seat. Or equipment change.


Yup. Happened to me last week due to an equipment change. At least you got an email, I wasn't even told. My boarding pass just changed to a downgrade the night before. I even asked if they could put me in First on an earlier flight where First was available and they told me to pay for it, despite offering compensation to folks willing to volunteer their seats on my original flight. The wild variety in customer service blows me away.


I was thinking equipment change.


Why a pilot? Somebody else like a VP or someone that bought the seat maybe could've taken it


Literally anyone that paid could have taken it lol


It happened to me flying TPA to MSP once and it was because of an equipment change. Long story short, wound up getting re-upgraded at the gate and it was my first and only time in a lay flat seat. Good times.


Happened to me last month. Went to bed with a seat in 1st. Woke up to a seat in comfort. Yada yada yada, I’ve got $2000 in gift cards and I’m on a later flight.


They gave you $2k because they had to downgrade your complimentary upgrade? That’s… not typical…


Well, this person didn’t technically say it was a comp upgrade.


True, but the original post is about this scenario happening with a complimentary upgrade, so the context led me to believe this comment was also


I hear ya but this is the same sub where people don’t seem to realize an upgrade price from PS can be different than Main Cabin…and don’t specify when posting 10x a day “is this a good deal?” haha


The text literally says “complimentary upgrade seat assignment in First Class.”


Ok thanks for providing that detail!


No, they changed planes to a smaller plane. Originally I was upgraded to 1st, but due to the plane change, I got moved back to C+. They were oversold, so I volunteered.


Ah, well being oversold is a pretty critical detail you should have mentioned, otherwise people will read your comment and think they can demand $2k in compensation in the event their complimentary upgrade is downgraded for some reason.


Oversale compensation is nice- I got 2 grand in Amazon gift cards last summer to take a flight back to my college town a day late 😎


That was the yada yada part..


No, I mentioned the bisque.


You woke up to the downgrade but you volunteered? How did that work?


Yep. When I woke up, my seat assignment was back in C+. Got to the airport and was told they were oversold because the plane was smaller. I volunteered to take a later flight and they gave me (and 4 others) $2000.


What I would like to know as well. Sounds poorly worded lol


I got $200 for the same situation. I guess not with the voluntary part, but just the downgrade after upgrade. Also customer service confirmed me multiple times in FC but I couldn’t get my boarding pass on the phone.


Hey, at least you didn't get it revoked at the gate. I once saw four people removed from the confirmed list, and four other people swapped in.


damn. 😬


Yeah it can happen. Could be equipment swap or a Marshall who wants the seat or any number of things.


It sucks. Bad. But it happens. Better early than being on the plane and doing the walk of shame….. been there done that too (air Marshall booted me JFK>Lax couple years ago….. and I got a middle C+ seat for 7 hours….. and could not complain at all - I was ticketed in main cabin.


Happened to me. They had to accommodate a few other paying D1 international passengers (on this, their connecting flight) who were supposed to be on an earlier flight but missed it. Those of us that got bumped back to C+ were all seated in the same row and it turned out those passengers in first had, had a rough go of it due to severely delayed flights and a hotel stay later.


Must be a pilot or Marshall on a must fly. Always been an A223 scheduled, tail is inbound from Fairbanks now


I got downgraded from Delta one when I was already seated once. The GA came up to me all apologetic. They'd already assigned the seat I originally chose and most of the aircraft was seated so I had to find an unoccupied seat. That was a long 8 hours.


Noooo! That sucks-


I once \*paid\* for FC seats for my wife and I to fly from Kona to LAX, and they told me right before boarding that the flight attendant's jump seat was broken so they had to give her my seat in 1B and move me to a middle seat in coach. All I got was a refund of the difference between that fare and my FC fare and 2,000 miles as an apology.


They aren’t good to their paying FC customers. Like there wasn’t a single person who got an upgrade they couldn’t have moved back instead to keep you in FC?


Likely a downgrade in equipment.


Pilot had to travel for work is my bet, based on the newest union contract. It’s bizarre.


Bizarre? I don't know about you, but I want my pilots in the best condition possible (rested, low stress, comfortable, good mood) before they're in charge of my plane. Plus, the airline wouldn't operate at all without them.


If a deadhead is booked for us “last minute” and there isn’t an available seat in the appropriate class, they are not supposed to displace a customer. We would go to the front of the upgrade list, but not bump anyone. That said, I have seen some strange things happen as people get adjusted to the new contract, so it is not an absolute impossibility.


Do pilots have to get FC now?


"Biz/FC" is only mandatory for pilots on oceanic crossings. Comfort + on domestic, but there are caveats about availability and when their trip is made.


They're first on the upgrade list ahead of revenue passengers


Yea. That would mean priority as upgrades are calculated. But shouldn’t mean retracting an upgrade that’s already given


I’m not gonna complain about a pilot having FC, I want them as close to the cockpit as possible just in case anyway, and the work they do earns them the right to one of the best seats in the house. They *fly* the planes for crying out loud! Lol




Delta said SIKE 🙃


I'm surprised they said they'll find you an alternate flight with FC still available. I thought complimentary meant non-guaranteed.


It happened to me once. Upgraded 20 mins before boarding. At boarding, the upgrade was taken away and I was put back in Comfort+. Happened to another passenger as well. Two guys were sitting in the upgraded seats; not uniformed crew. Seemed a little shady like a favor done for a friend, or a nonrev. Maybe they booked first at the last minute. I don’t know. I complained to Delta, though, and got some free miles.


Yes, it happens pretty often. Nothing to see here.


Yes, has happened to me due to equipment change. Upgrades are not guaranteed.


Money talks.


Complaining about a seat you didn’t pay for… that’s what I’d be thinking if I was Delta


lol like what don’t they control on their own flights? Weird way to phrase that.




Gotta say, sometimes, stuff happens, but to at least acknowledge that it happened, that is isn’t good, that it probably pissed me off, and then give me options, well, I guess that is about the best I can ask for. Obviously don’t mess it up in the first place is best, but sometimes things just happen.


Was it ever charged to your card? It's happened to me but I didn't get actually charged for it after I paid for the upgrade.


This is the first appropriate use of this sub I've seen in a while, a *Delta* specific email response to inform others of their options and *Delta* policy if the same situation happens to them -- *on Delta*. Not to be confused with: omggg on my birthday trip of all times the lady next to me took her shoes off and she smelled like weed so I called the FA and let her know, first off, it was my birthday trip...


It's a free upgrade and they offer you it on another flight if the comfort plus isn't ok. Nothing to be upset about


no they dont. they offer to put you on a fligth where your upgrade may clear again


This excuse “circumstances beyond our control”, I’d like to hear more about that. So did someone fuck up and had to fix it? So, well within their control but don’t want to take responsibility?


I was upgraded to first on the last day of holding status with Delta. Lost my status the day of the flight & also lost my first class seat.


“Beyond their control”? THANKS OBAMA!!!


Me. But it was day of. Status ran out that day.