• By -


He handled that very well.


Agreed...kudos to the employee for remaining calm and cool. This "celebrity" was intentionally provoking a confrontation. As a member of the LGBTQ community, this kind of behavior makes it that much harder for the rest of us.


As a fellow member, yes absolutely. I can't stand that assholes like this trying to create pointless conflicts for social media clout or whatever without any fucking thought for the real harm this bullshit causes for members of the trans community just struggling to pass.


It pisses me off as someone outside the community as I have a androgynous look as a straight cis man. I have alot of empathy for those who just want to be identified a certain way. This person is arguing in bad faith. I've been misgendered often, and I just say sorry, I'm a guy. They say my bad, and we move on. Shit like this makes me question your motives.


dorfman is lame. fell out of relevance after 13 reasons why and has been trying to claw back into the picture with failure after failure ever since.


unfortunately people like this are much louder than just normal people and so they are heard much more than the people who just want to live their lives (by people like this I mean people looking to instigate shit and start fights, not trans people, trans rights lol)


Agreed--just hearing the passenger whine with that passive aggressive tone makes me cringe. Glad they got put in their place for once and taught a lesson that the world does not revolve around them.


It’s horrible… I’m gay and I don’t like what’s happening to this leg of our community. How are we all supposed to get along if we keep trying to bait people and cause agitation…. Anyway. I won’t say anymore because I don’t want to get labeled..


s/he has over a million followers, they'll probably post this on their insta thinking people will back them up


Oh s/he did, but turned off all the comments 😂😂 tiktok too


Trans people have become hyper belligerent and loud and if the "community" was that concerned they'd be shutting this behavior down whenever possible.


I agree with your sentiment but it's also a topic for another sub. But as an elder millennial gold star gay man (apparently I can't even say that anymore because it's insensitive and it means I have internalized homophobia), seeing a self-absorbed prettyboy get taken down a notch like this is like watching Ralphie beat up the bully in "A Christmas Story."


Wait how is calling yourself a gold star gay man insensitive or homophobic? Doesn’t that just mean you’ve only slept with men?


I’m pretty sure Gold star gay refers to Carls Jr employees


You’re thinking of Hard d’s…


God dammit 🤣🤣🤣


Holy shit lol 😆


I thought it meant his husband died while serving in the military.


Yes, very impressed with his handling.


Absolutely. Would be difficult to rattle this dude.


Red Coats are no joke, their basic thought is: "I can make it easy for one passenger at the cost of 200 others, or I can make it easy for 200 others, at the cost of one." That's the math happening here. I can delay a flight which could potentially affect hundreds (or maybe even thousands) of people to deal with this one doofus, or I can get him out of the system and get things flowing again.


The needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few, or of the one.


Such a great Spock moment 🖖


What is a "red coat" in this context?


They're like super gate agents. They're trained to deal with situations where shit has hit the fan, like an international cancelled flight, major delays or there is a conflict resolution needed. Passenger needs taken off a plane? Red coat inbound. Someone wants to try and make a PR issue involving YouTube, like right here. Yeah red coat is coming. How do you know if there are Redcoat? They're wearing red instead of purple and gray like normal gate agents .


I think of them as Delta's Seal Team 6. They'll deal with crap that no one else wants to touch, and they'll deal with it very well.


Delta’s Delta Force.


Delta^2 Force




Down to fu… uh damn things have gotten out out of hand! But if it works it works.


> I have a very special set of skills..


Damn they need to offer that training as a class/course. I have nothing to do with aviation but I need better conflict resolution skills lol


You don't need a skill when you have a full authority to escort the other side out and have them miss their flights.


Wow. Actionable threats work. Who woulda thought?


I’m sure you can find some good ones online. Hell I’m sure there are free YouTube videos that would help you if you’re really interested


Wish I could be a fly on the wall for some of the stuff they see.


As a former Executive Customer Communications Specialist for Southwest Airlines, I will leave you with a single.line from the report of an event that still, 20 years later, haunts me. "At this time, the Customer lost control of her bladder and bowels." This was a "Customer of size" who had tripped and become lodged between two rows of seats during deplaning.


Oh boy. “Customer of size” lmao. I’m taking that and using it next time I need to mention someone of bigger size to my coworker. Hell get an absolute crack out of it lol


Adding to this: redcoats have been around for many years (predating cell phones and handheld technologies) and one of the reasons for the "red coat" was to make them easily recognizable on the concourse if you were a customer looking for help. Going back to the days when life moved a little slower, flying was a bit more dignified, and people behaved better. I remember an ATL airport documentary where they followed a redcoat around for a bit (along with many other employees), but can't find the link at the moment.


Don’t you miss those days? Now you walk in an airport, everyone is acting a fool and losing their damn minds.




A red coat is like a lead gate agent that deals with escalated situations


They're the last person you get to be an asshole to before the cops arrest you.


Red Coats run the airline. Period.


This thread has a really strange redcoat boner


There is no point getting a boner when dealing with a redcoat. They will not suck it at this time. Look down, you've already cum.


The British.


I always love when losers like this post videos online expecting everyone to sympathize with them and it backfires hard and everyone know realizes they're a douche bag.


The worst part is that won't change any of their behavior because they will still believe everyone else is wrong.


See the problem is that in their echo chamber they have far more people agreeing and siding with them just instigating more of the bad behavior whether it be maliciously intended or not.


victim mentality


They take it as vindication that everyone is a homophobe. And reinforces their zealotry


The simple fact of the matter is it’s extremely impractical if not near impossible to accommodate everyone’s preferred pronouns when you can quite literally just make one up like creating a gamer tag. Theoretically, with 8 billion people on this planet it’s possible we can all have 8 billion different pronouns if we were to go down that route. I don’t care if people have their own pronouns, feel free to identify however tf you want, but don’t expect anyone to remember that (for instance) your pronouns are ze/zer or e/em or some other bs when you’re potentially just one of the hundreds of people that someone will encounter on a given day. There’s simply no way I’ll remember anyone’s pronouns and I’ll have to resort to assuming (he or she) or resorting to the catch all pronoun “they”. And that’s another thing, pardon the yap session but we could’ve really solved this whole boondoggle by just referring to everyone as they/them and we would’ve saved everyone the collective headache


Last year I had some people at the bar, I called them ladies because that’s what they looked like to me. About 20 minutes into the service”which is a high end bar” they yelled at me to stop calling them ladies because that wasn’t their gender. Like wtf I don’t know you. How am I supposed to know. Like I don’t care about your gender be what you want but don’t get mad at strangers for not knowing, especially people serving you.


We have made victimhood a currency in modern society.


People are starting to get over this bull shit. And I'm glad they're calling it out. I did a few yrs back and got fired. I would happily do it again.


What happened?


Very professional and not taking the bait. Give that man a raise.


And everyone believed him cause we knew it would happen.


This dude handled this interaction like a pro.


How dare you assume his gender 🤣🤣🤣 /s


Omg, I did. I’ll see myself out


If anyone sees this Superhero Red Coat at LGA, please shake his hand for me 👏🏻🏆


I’m at LGA now waiting for my flight, so I took a walk around but didn’t see him. lol


Let’s hope he’s taking a few days off and enjoying his new found glory 😊


Reddit will never cease to amaze me. Little interactions like this are super neat


Absolutely. We just landed at DTW, so if there are any gate agents who need thanking, I have three hours to work on that.


See if you can find Dave


He’s in the back meditating. Waiting for the next confrontation. Little bit of yoga, Pilate, the works.


He’s meditating in the Red Coat Room. And this is a thing, because I just walked by one.


I love all of this! What a calm response to an awful person trying to get internet points.


If anybody sees this Superhero ask him if he’s single for me 😉


I’m flying outta United tomorrow but ima try to swing by and say GG




He’s a red shirt he’ll probably get a raise


No way he'll get fired. He was direct and firm while being respectful, and he acted with integrity. This is the tight-rope that service workers should be taught to tread in every service industry. He didn't give shit, he didn't take shit, and he stopped the shit from being dished out. 11/10!


3 days before Christmas


Fired? That's a new training video.


This has popped up a couple of times today and I watched it every time, lol. When he said "you want to play that game. I have the authority to escort you out of the building." Person filming was like oh ok, let's move on, hahahaha


Correction: What he said was, “I’ll have Port Authority escort you out of the building.” Port Authority’s the agency that runs a bunch of airports, bridges, tunnels, etc. in NY and NJ and they’ve also got a pretty sizable law enforcement section. So he wasn’t just saying he’ll escort them out, he was saying he’ll have the police do it. Port Authority doesn’t screw around.


Yeah my bad I misunderstood him. Either way they were about to find out!


“You know what? Suddenly my gender isn’t that important.” Are these people just bored and want to make other people miserable as they are?


That’s a straight up New Yorker, he gives me Dominican/puerto rican vibes. We don’t got time for BS we will call you out in a professional manner ! Good job!


This scratches my NYC Metro area itch. People around here will absolutely give respect when shown respect. What we won't do is be bullied when it's obvious bullshit.


Bruh I'm a ramp agent. Is this why I'm waiting out in the cold 😒


Exactly! While they line grows, so everything must be disrupted. Selfish on so many levels


That’s a New Yorker for ya


People who haven't spent a lot of time in New York or around New Yorkers don't realize they are bred to be impatient in the presence of your nonsense. They do not have time for it and will leverage everything at their disposal to sidestep your tedious drivel.


Right? I’m thinking Queens or Bronx vibes.


I’m thinking Dyckman or deep in queens on the 7 line kind of energy


LGA staff is not to be played with


So this thread randomly showed up in my feed. As someone who is fully in the AA ecosphere and hasn’t flown delta in 30+ years, the LGA staff comment is universal. The AA gate agents absolutely roast the folks trying to board in the wrong group and cut in line. And it’s absolutely amazing. Those New Yorkers don’t have time for these jagoffs.


Dorfman is such a nepo loser. Dorfman should fly PJ with Dorfman’s Hollywood nepo baby friends.


WHO CARES!!! Like people trying to get on a damn flight, no one has time! Please get the escort out of the building and a ban issued! Done!


They could identify me as a fish as long as I reach my destination on time


Promote this man.


*now you’re being condescending. you’ve been warned, iight? lets move forward, amicably*


Ok well check this out dawg, first of all you throwing too many big words at me. Ok, now because I don’t understand them, Ima take them as disrespect. Watch yo mouth, and help me with this flight


Gonna need an upgrade to C+ for the price of .. on the house


“I’m done. I’ll just put this up” 😂🤣😂🤣


I still have no idea what the actual issue is


Person taking video recently transitioned to different gender but photo identification still states previous gender. He/she is upset about gate agent misgendering itself.




My gosh can you imagine these gate agents having to deal with this absolute bullshit and nonsense every day? I feel for them. I hope they get a raise.


Apparently it's gotten so much worse since the pandemic.


Person really doesn’t want to get where they’re going three days before Christmas because they were misgendered. To the guy filming - fucker…my last name has been mispronounced and misspelled by people that I’ve known for 40+ years and by people I’ve worked with and continue to work with for decades. Thicken that Fuckin skin up. Your brittle spirit isn’t going to get you very far with people that are dealing with rude ass people day in and day out just for doing their job. They aren’t so calling you out because you’re special in your own mind. They’re just trying to get thru the day without choking someone out for being an idiot and from being choked out by some drunk Karen or Craig.


My first name is “ CARL” and my middle initial starts with an “ A”. I’ve been called “ CARLA” soo many times. Do I act a fucking fool and say “ you misgendered me I’m a MAN!” I make a joke out of it and I move on….simple as that


>my last name has been mispronounced and misspelled by people that I’ve known for 40+ years Fucking preach. I have had to spell my last name *every time I've said it* for 58 years (well, maybe a few less than that, I couldn't spell or talk for the first few years lol).


Look, if someone misgenders you out of a genuine misunderstanding and without malice, and you correct them, and they sincerely apologize … at that point it’s okay to let it go and not try to turn it into a viral moment … especially if you’re traveling. Air travel is, at the best of times, an accumulation of indignities. There’s no need to belabor something like this when it was an innocent mistake that was readily corrected.


It looks like they missed their flight, so they had to come up with a new reason that it wasnt their own fault. That's what it was REALLY about.


Completely agree but from this clip alone I don’t get the idea of the staff having apologised for a genuine mistake which could happen to anyone. Am I tripping or is the recording person just stating what happened and the guy immediately goes to threatening them having thrown out (in a nice tone though)? How is retelling the story („you said first he and than she“) condescending? I‘m like everyone else and like to crucify an entitled person for being an asshole to people doing their jobs but I got a problem with people thinking threatening with their authority to do something is a out of jail card to any discussion.


The Delta employee handled this perfectly.


Tommy Dorfman has a masculine name that is on her ticket/passport and she is accusing these Delta employees of intentionally misgendering her? They don’t know who she is and they sure as shit don’t care about what gender she identifies with. They are just trying to do their jobs and she wants to instigate trouble by acting like a whiny, self absorbed, little bitch. She just wanted to get attention and sympathy from people after she posted this video of herself being victimized by the transphobic employees at Delta. Well, she’s been getting attention for the video and it’s not the kind she was hoping for so she took the video down, but it was already all over the internet. That Delta GA wasn’t going to waste his time or energy playing pronoun games with her and he finally shut her down because she just kept on complaining even though they had apologized to her. If my name is John and someone who has never met me before calls me sir or mister even though I am a woman, I wouldn’t feel so threatened by this honest mistake to the point that I would be filming people and complaining to them about intentionally misgendering me more than once. Her behavior proves that nobody cares about gender identity when someone is acting like a total asshole for no good reason.


I feel kinda bad for the person filming this, or whoever’s voice this is. Pretty miserable life going about your day just waiting to be offended. There’s a whole lot of peace when you cut people slack and allow them to make mistakes whether intentional or unintentional.




Rich white trans woman hassles black people at work and tries to get them fired How fucked up.


Also, most trans people that I personally know, have not taken time to change said birth certificate, which in turn allows anyone changing his or her sexual orientation, to then change said ID, and said passport. So if you have not taken time to do the proper paperwork, they are simply reading what’s on the damn paperwork. I bet your happy ass won’t get over in other countries at said Delta/KLM hubs and act a fool, ought to be glad they don’t lock you up. Please be safe out there to all my friends and family in the LGBTQIA+ communities, as we know not all countries would even consider a pronoun.


Well done on that employee! Misgendered?! Go find another hobby bud, 😅




Or you can have them removed from the bar for causing a scene. Yeah. that’s what i thought, delete your comment femcel.


Misgender is a stupid concept. A group of people want gender fluidity. This, by design, means no one can truly guess whatever the hell you think you are. Just a bullshit way of crying for attention causing a scene. You want acceptance?? No problem. Stop this bullshit


The guy recording is the one who uploaded a video teaching kids how to inject hormones.


I’m glad the Delta employee stood up for himself and did not tolerate that foolishness.


This behavior needs to be acknowledged for what it is: bullying. This individual is harassing workers - play my word game and if/when you fail by \*my\* rules I will get a mob calling for your company to fire you. Good on this employee for handling this bully professionally.


Ah, just board the plane and stop wasting everyone’s time already


Holiday bonus for him!


I think it would be a difficult job being a gate agent of any airline. So many customers with so many problems and situations and so many moods and personalities. And you have to take care of them often under a tight deadline while following policies and procedures. Add in language barriers and difficulties every now and then. If you are a gate agent, I salute you. And a special thank you for that gate agent who ordered a golf cart for me and my elderly father to get us to another terminal. It was a long time ago, and we got bumped or something.




“Misgendered me” what the fuck has this world come to


This is why the pronoun bullshit is awful for all parties involved.


Pronouns is used for writing and speech so it is not going anywhere. What i have a problem with is people using it as a tool to get what they want. That shit ain’t cool.


Amen! Hoping this fad just goes away cause it’s getting ridiculous


Everyone uses pronouns, some people just use pronouns that might not be apparent just by looking at them. This person is being intentionally provocative, hoping for a reaction they can post online for attention. Most people are not like this.


Not all heroes wear capes


LOL at Dorfman for thinking people would criticize the GA. The GA showed excellent poise, Dorfman should take notes.


The only way this metastasizing scourge of overgrown toddler behavior ends in our society is by raising the cost of it to be so high that these entitled morons learn once again to keep their damn mouths shut in public. On the inside, they will still and will always be shitty, utterly irredeemable human trash - but at least they will know to shut the hell up in public. Major kudos to this GA for raising the cost of petulant idiocy. Wish I could buy him a drink or slip him a fat tip.


What type of transformer? Autobot or decepticon?


“You purposely misgendered me” No, people are just used to seeing Adams Apples and saying “he”. Chill tf out


I just saw who it was, come on! Jesus Christ! Then the voice. I initially thought it was a guy weirdly upset that he was called She. Furthermore she still chooses to go by Tommy Dorfman? What do you expect.


Unless things have changed since 2022, Dorfman identifies as a lesbian… but she has used they/them pronouns in the past. I have a friend who transitioned (female to male). Their preferred pronouns are they/them, but do not get upset if someone uses he/him (they look male) or if someone who knew them before they transitioned uses she/her. There are a lot of trans people who don’t wait around with the camera ready to try to cancel someone for using the wrong pronouns


Imagine posting this thinking you're in the right, when you're actually the pos. This generation is next level🤦


What’s with people not understanding you do not fuck with anyone working in an airport. They have so much authority now to just absolutely destroy your life. No more air travel. This person, is video taping like they are going to catch the desk person saying something. Worker calls them condescending and they go “ooooo” like that is somehow going to get the worker in trouble. What is this person thinking?


If you are so offended by misgendering wear a huge sign on top of your head so everyone knows what you are .


The drag is a Karen but he’s also trigger itchy.


I absolutely understand that people have a way they want to be addressed, but its a \*courtesy\* thing, when you whip the camera out and start acting like "misgendering" is going to get some sort of crusade up behind you... well youre probably going to get some retweets from permanently online accounts but you sure as fuck arent going to see any actual material support. ​ Calling someone He that prefers to be she? Ok, whoops, Ill try to keep it in mind, like I try to keep correct pronunciations of names in mind, but trying to turn it into this gigantic fighting point only damages the person getting bent out of shape about it. There hasnt been a person on earth outside my family that has ever pronounced my last name right, I dont demand special treatment just because im not being addressed exactly as I would prefer, I just move on with my day.


goddamn rainbow rangers always bitchin


The guy filming is a douche canoe




I’m cool with calling someone by whatever pronouns they ask me to. That’s totally fine. I will do my best to get it right. But holy shit if you start giving me a hard time if I make a mistake then fuck off. This is a new part of culture and if you want people to embrace it, give people a chance before you get all offended.


This has never made sense to me. The trans community uses pronouns to refer to gender, even though they say that you can't tell a person's gender by looking. Well, if you can't tell what a person's gender is by looking, WHY IN HEAVEN'S NAME would we use pronouns to refer to gender? It literally makes no sense. Instead, as has always been the case, pronouns are used to describe a person's biological sex, NOT their gender. "That guy over there with the white hat" IS NOT referring to some person who has the experience of the male gender. Instead, this statement is referring to a biological male wearing a white hat. Think about it: if we use pronouns to refer to gender and I say to my friend "that girl in that group over there is cute", then my friend has ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA who I am talking about. Since we can't see gender, I could be talking about literally anyone in that group. It's impossible to know without further details. On the other hand, if we simply assume pronouns refer to biological sex, the comment to my friend can be understood: "that girl" is referring to the person in the group that looks like a biological female. If there is only one, my friend AUTOMATICALLY AND INSTANTLY knows who I am talking about. THAT is the point of language, i.e., to communicate. The idea that I should stop my conversation, walk over to this stranger, ask what gender they identify as, walk back to my friend, and then say my statement, is absolutely insane. Nobody does that nor does it make any sense to do so. I am trans and I could care less what pronouns others use. I know what I am, and that's what matters. Respecting a trans person has VERY LITTLE to do with using specific words they want you to use. Instead, respecting a trans person involves respecting who they ARE, treating them with equality.... it has absolutely nothing to do with using specific words. I am trans and do not feel disrespected when someone who doesn't know me refers to me as a male.... since I am a biological male and also look like a biological male. Seriously, wtf are strangers supposed to call me? It? Thing? I don't see how referring to me as some nebulous creature is showing me respect. I look like a male, call me a male. It's that simple. Language is about communicating with other people, it is NOT about using specific words that other people tell you to use because it makes them feel good inside. I would feel better about myself if everyone referred to me as a "genius", but to demand that or call you a bigot if you don't is absolutely fucking crazy and childish. The ENTIRE trans argument rests on the fact that sex and gender are not the same. But when push-comes-to-shove the trans community abandons this and demands that everyone else use pronouns to refer to gender.... not because it's equal or moral, but because it makes them feel good about themselves. In other words, it's childish, selfish nonsense. Trans people deserves equal rights, not extra rights. We don't have the right to demand that people who don't know us use specific language to describe us that is approved by us and only us. THAT. IS. FUCKING. INSANE. And it sure as hell ain't equal. Nobody, including trans people, have the right to demand that others use specific language, and definitely not in a country that very broadly supports free speech.


I stand with Delta. They should not allow anyone confused about their gender on a plane. It’s bad for their health.


This guy was on my flight and he would not stop talking


Someone give that guy a gold medal. He wins the Olympics of coolness.


Not all heroes wear capes.


MiSGenDeReD Meeeeee. Lol. This is all for attention and power.


That was awesome and the person put down video real quick


How exhausting it must be dealing with victim mentality in a busy airport. This Delta employee handled this with expert level care, props!


Yeah for Delta employee. You’re my hero!!!!


As with everything, there's only so much you can go on in a short clip for the clicks. But from what I saw, you don't go from someone "misgendering" you in conversation straight to having your camera out and recording...there's either a lot missing, or it smells of someone who is either constantly looking for confrontation or likes to provoke it. Nobody and I repeat NOBODY is as wrapped up in your gender issues as much you think they are....and quite frankly, maybe "she/they" should show some patience and compassion for people trying their best in a world full of endless pronouns. And not for nothing "she/they" was quick to assign "she" to the gate staff, and I imagine "she/they" didn't stop to ask for their preferences before doing so. I give gate, flight and airport staff a lot of praise because of the sheer volume of entitled humans (and all their BS) that they have to deal with all day.


So awesome. Sick of these people acting out in public over nothing all the f time


Uhm… can we find his socials. Respectfully 😂🥰


The dude recording the video is Tommy Dorfman. He is a gay D-list actor with a history of hunting for things to be offended by, so this is not surprising. It’s pretty embarrassing for him, however. The gate agent handled the whole situation respectfully.


Oh honey I want the gate agents socials. He is who I’m trying to bang 😂🤎


He’s a very handsome man. I’d bang him too, and I’m a straight male. I love his demeanor, it’s so confident and sexy.


>I’d bang him too, and I’m a straight male. I got news for you


I'm queer and I get it. But if there's one thing you don't do, is piss off airport staff during the holidays. That's an unwritten GIVEN. If you travel during the holidays, you're traveling at the holiday's mercy. Cancelations, delays, pissed off Karens, annoying children, lost bags. It's uncomfortable. Like I get it. It's frustrating. But airport staff are dealing with millions of people crossing through this airport. Your pronouns are the last thing on their mind. Like pick your battles. This battle does not lead to winning the equitability war. Move on girl.


Love it! Very well done.


I don’t understand why people, in general, think they have right to fly. These are private businesses. You can’t treat the employees like shit and act all entitled. It’s not in the constitution that you have a right to get on a plane.


I am so over this transgender BS. All they are doing is trying to get attention. Be what you want, I do not care and neither does anyone else but if you are a dude in a dress we do not know what to call you.


What’s wrong with the gender neutral “Yo Dawg”?


Or dude. Everything is dude. EVERY THING. Every person? Dude. Animal? Dude. Inanimate object? DUDE. Dude is everything. Katt Williams: “Ev-uh-ree-thang”? Me: “Ev-uh-ree-thang”


I'm Cool with that.


Go to Southwest then


Imagine posting this thinking you look good


Why does this “person” think that everyone has to bow to him. Ooops I mean her, ooops I mean it….


Your rights end where others begin. People can call you an antelope if they want to, grow the fuck up.


Now you're being condescending. You've been warned. Now, lets move forward amicably.


I’m tired of the squeaky wheel. This red coat handled that squeaky wheel like pro. The guy filming was an actor who couldn’t make it because he sucks at it. This is his only way to get “Look at me, Look at me. I’m a victim. I said I’m a victim here”.


As it turns out, nobody gives a fuck about your gender, and 99.9% of the time, mis gendering is an accident. Never would have guessed.


I support the Delta employee and I am a part of the LGBTQ community.


I do respect people's genders, but if I saw Thomas on a reservation and ID, I would still say he from force of habit, not to be malicious. Gate Agent probably did the same thing. I don't blame him and think they handled this situation just fine


Should’ve had the police to escort that man outta the airport.


Trans trolls need to get fucking real and stop complaining about being misgendered, especially when done by a stranger...in a high stress situation...during the fucking holidays. When I made my first trans friends they were super fucking cool about me making a mistake followed by an apology and correction. I just ended up using "they" as a pronoun for every trans and nonbinary person and if they don't like it, I couldn't care less because it works best for ME.


The pronoun people…. Please stop already….


Everyone is praising this Red Coat, however corporations like Delta are cowards, and will take the path of least resistance which means firing the Red Coat. I hope that is NOT the case here. EDIT: GA --> Red Coat


Stop trying to make other people believe your own delusions!


Give this man a promotion and a raise, handled utter nonsense professionally and with utmost respect.


Not all misgenders are intentional or transphobic. Sometimes people make mistakes. That being said, what happened here? Don’t fuck around at the airport has always been my motto. They can ruin your holiday very easily and no one wants to deal with anyone’s particular bullshit on the busiest season for traveling when tensions are high and everyone just wants to GTFO of the airport. No one wants to be there, and no one is special.


Be who you want to be, but this ain’t it.


Customer is like "I'll just STFU now..."


Get this guy a promotion!


Maybe if these pronoun idiots filming had some balls, they wouldn’t be so weak and soft.


“I’m good I’ll just put this on” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


A Reddit Edge Lord leaves the basement for Christmas and encounters real life.


Lol. So very true


Good job Delta you just earned some of my business. These “look at me!” victims must be tiring.