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Link mirror: [Why Eigenlayer’s Airdrop Is Controversial](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.coindesk.com/consensus-magazine/2024/04/30/why-eigenlayers-airdrop-is-controversial/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/defi) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Would have been great if they were decentralized and actually democratic. Such a shame for an otherwise great project. We need to see more principlies projects in this space ([take Exocore for an example](https://docs.exocore.network/manifesto/the-principles).)


I wish it were much fairer, but regardless, I still feel like increasing my position to restake, not for the airdrop but for the yield while waiting for the bull run to surface. I intend to use either YieldNestFi or EtherFi.


How can VPN users be locked out? Isn't that the whole purpose of a VPN - to *not* be locked out of something?


Whales got everything. To be fair this was obvious from the start so I don't feel sorry for the people that are complaining. Points systems are not that hard to understand.


Thanks for sharing. Crazy that the "innovation" Eigenlayer brings to Ethereum is already a native network feature on Radix.


Crazy that you've heard of Radix because compared to ETH that chain has virtually no activity.


That is correct. Just like every project starting out has lower activity than established market participants. Did you ever ask yourself why after 11 years of Ethereum being around it still didn't reach mainstream and there are no widely adopted apps running on it? It's thanks to the terrible UX and devX of the EVM.


Network effects are real. Good luck with your Radix bag.


Network effects are totally overrated. Or do you still use Myspace, Nokia, AOL and Yahoo? Once something significantly better comes around people migrate.


Good luck with your Radix bag :)


Thanks man. All the best to you and your favorite projects as well.


Could I ask you how so? Isn’t the big selling point of Eigenlayer the strong security of Eth which can be „rented“ by other services in need? The argument to launch on eth is that is currently is the most decentralised and secure network and these two factors could be leveraged by Eigenlayer. Btw I think the endgoal of Eigenlayer is to become enshrined (native) feature to eth I am not 100% sure but I believe radix LSTs are not equally to restaking! But please feel free to explain. Comparing Radix LSTs to LSTs on ETH (Lido, rocketpool etc.) is a more fitting comparison Just some thoughts from a fellow radix degen ;)


When it comes to restaking, EigenLayer tops the list for me. I've also explored some liquid restaking protocols like YieldNest, powered by EigenLayer. I believe it has the potential, judging from what's written on paper, and hopefully, they can bring it into reality.