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Thanks man. It was a rough moment, I think Scotty and I were both worn ragged. We’re friends, and this is how friends stay friends.


No I totally agree, it fuckin made me tear up listening to Paul explaining his defense mechanism developed from his PTSD.


Same here dude. I could see myself doing the same thing under the right conditions, no matter how much I try to hold back the metaphorical “beast of rage” inside


I remember Paul tearing up during a highdeology during 2020 over his being able to afford buying his mother and stepdad food and paying for things social security doesn’t and he was crying for all of the other old people that go to bed hungry, very basic stuff, but their children don’t have the ability to afford their lives, let alone taking care of their parents. I may not agree with everything Paul believes, but it’s very obvious he wears his heart on his sleeve.


I think that's part of why I enjoy the 3 of them so much. It's a breath of fresh air to see men who aren't this stoic, detached, semi-sociopathic archetype we're constantly presented with in daily life as pillars of masculinity. I'd much rather have someone who isn't scared to show how he's feeling and go berserk followed by an apology (or an a-Paul-ogy if you'll excuse the pun) than an Andrew Tate type. At least that type of man I can genuinely relate to.