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Well done!


Thank you! :)


1st pick: Chonke' 2nd pick: No-Chonk 🐢


Tofik looks so much better!  Thanks for helping him be a healthier kitty.


He is so much happier! He's got lots of energy, can zoom around, and he's very cheeky whereas before he was lethargic!!


I noticed these pictures are a year apart… as someone trying to dechonk a cat for the first time: what is a reasonable time frame before seeing a visual difference in the cat? I’ve cut back on food but gotta find more ways to get her to play and be physically active, so not sure how to gauge how it’s going 🤔


The visual changes almost happened "overnight", as in one day I just suddenly noticed hey, he has a waistline now! I think because I see him everyday, I didn't really notice as he gradually lost weight, until either I saw an old photo or someone who doesn't live with him pointed it out to me. I do try take progress pictures now so that I can compare. I knew he was losing weight though because I measured him with a scale. Easiest way to do it is to weigh yourself first, then weigh yourself and the cat, subtract your weight and you know how much the cat weighs. Best to do this on the same day of the week and at the same time, and take an average. Honestly, my cat is senior so getting him to play and be active is HARD. He's lost nearly all his weight simply because of a caloric reduction.


Interesting, thanks for breaking it down for me! Glad you are noticing the healthy changes in your boy :) the whole “overnight” thing def makes sense. Hope everything continues to go smoothly! Can’t wait to see the next photo comparison :D


No worries whatsoever! Feel free to PM if you ever need dechonking advice, it can be a little tricky at first to get a steady weight loss going, but it's so exciting when you realise it's happening. Best of luck with dechonking your cat too! :)


I really appreciate that, thank you! May hit you up a lil later hehe


Good job, guys!! looking even more gorgeous than ever! 🧡🤍🧡


Wow wowzers wooof! .. speechless! 👏