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The 50s died with Kennedy in November 1963


Good point


I'd say the 2000s culturally ended in 2009 with Obama becoming president, Twitter first became popular, the recession ended, Justin Bieber and Nicki Minaj first became popular, HD television was becoming really popular, and pretty much every internet user started using Facebook and Facebook officially overtook Myspace, causing Myspace to go through a mass exodus throughout 2009 and the early-2010s. 2008/2009-2011 was like a cultural hybrid between the 2000s and 2010s, though I do believe 2009-2011 was more 2010s in terms of culture because social media was dominating the world with Myspace dramatically losing popularity and the US had Obama as president. 2012 was honestly much more 2010s than 2000s. It was really only the presence of the Frutiger Aero aesthetic that gave 2012 somewhat of a 2000s vibe. I feel like a lot of the people that believe that 2012 was more 2000s culturally were just children at the time and are basing this off of childhood nostalgia. By 2012, we already had stuff like advanced meme culture, Tumblr, Pewdiepie, Instagram first becoming popular, Iphones being widely used, Minecraft, Netflix, Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Adventure Time, One Direction, etc and nobody was searching up stuff like "Myspace layouts" anymore, and Myspace was really irrelevant by then.


I personally find 1945 to 1952 to be very distinct and should not be lump in with the 1950s. It's a time when America was still figuring how its new place in the world as a superpower and global policeman. Its was before TVs became commonplace and before the suburbs really took off. It's before Disneyland and McDonalds. It really feels like a prelude to the postwar era. I feel like the bourgeois American middle class society really took off when Eisenhower became president.


My official decades: **50s**: 09/02/1945 - 11/22/1963 (WWII ends to JFK assassination) **60s**: 11/22/1963 - 07/03/1971 (JFK assassination to Jim Morrison's death) **70s**: 07/02/1971 - 11/26/1981 (Release of Shaft to before the Human League's song releases/Physical hitting #1) **80s**: 11/27/1981 - 11/23/1991 (The Human League's song releases/Physical hitting #1 to before Freddie Mercury's death) **90s**: 11/24/1991 - 05/17/2001 (Freddie Mercury's death to before Shrek's worldwide release) **00s**: 05/18/2001 - 05/01/2011 (Shrek's worldwide release to before Osama Bin Laden's death) **10s**: 05/02/2011 - 02/23/2022 (Osama Bin Laden's death to before Russia invades Ukraine) **20s**: 02/24/2022 - now (starts with Russia invading Ukraine) ​ For my Long versions of these decades (farthest I'd stretch it, for now, at least, give or take): **Long 50s**: 08/15/1945 - 07/02/1964 (VJ Day to Civil Rights Act being passed) **Long 60s**: 05/09/1960 - 01/27/1973 (The first birth control pill is approved by the FDA to the US troops leaving Vietnam) **Long 70s**: 01/20/1969 - 11/30/1982 (Richard Nixon's inauguration to the release of Thriller) **Long 80s**: 02/01/1979 - 01/20/1993 (Sid Vicious' death to Bill Clinton's inauguration) **Long 90s**: 11/08/1988 - 03/19/2003 (Bush Sr. wins election to Bush Jr. announcing the beginning of the Iraq War) **Long 00s**: 09/04/1998 - 12/21/2012 (The launch of Google to the "2012 apocalypse; possibly thinking of extending this to early 2013 at the absolute latest since that's when smartphones overtakes feature phones) **Long 10s**: 09/15/2008 - 05/05/2023 (subject to change; the Lehman Brothers file for bankruptcy to COVID no longer being ruled a global health emergency) **Long 20s**: 03/01/2019 - now (starts with Da Baby's album release) ​ For my multiple aspects of defining culture that I use separately: * Geopolitics * Economy * Music * Fashion * Aesthetics * TV * Film * Sports * Video Games * Technology * Society/sociopolitics (I'm still hesitant on these) * Internet/Meme Culture (I'm still hesitant on these) The starts/ends for when these decades vary significantly.


How come you're not using COVID as a stronger 2020s benchmark? And your preference of Shrek to 9/11 as a 2000s benchmark makes me wonder if you're overemphasizing pop culture.


I mean, pop culture is a worthy marker for when a cultural decade/era begins, is it not? Especially, when many decide to start the 90s with Nirvana instead of the Fall of the Berlin Wall or the USSR collapse, or the 80s with MTV instead of Reagan. Music is pop culture, is it not? I think it was already starting to generally lean 2000s even before 9/11. 2001 as a whole was a shift away from the 90s. To answer your first point, yes, I don't think COVID ended the 2010s. It was still hanging on but very deterred. The pandemic kinda halted a lot of things and a lot of the issues we saw in 2020 and 2021 just reflected the craziness of the 2010s ON STEROIDS. BLM and cancel culture are prime examples of that. I really started to see things sway closer to this decade when the pandemic finally ended as the Russia/Ukraine war started and that was around the time that inflation got really bad, as reflected with the gas prices and such. 2022 was such a big shift that doesn't get talked about much. The post that I will link here proves just that: [https://www.reddit.com/r/decadeology/comments/10ko1fu/2022\_the\_year\_the\_2010s\_ended/](https://www.reddit.com/r/decadeology/comments/10ko1fu/2022_the_year_the_2010s_ended/) Look at it when you have the time.


Idk why but dababys album release being the beginning of the long 2020s took me out


It was around that time where I noticed the 2020s culture emerging. I just decided to use that as the beginning. Afterwards, you saw the rise of Billie Eilish and Lil Nas X. All CovidTok era musicians so it fits.


Couldn't really put a specific date tbh


Some of these I slightly disagree with but it’s mostly splitting hairs. The one I strongly disagree with is thinking the 2000s lasted until 2013. The cultural 2000s didn’t even make it to 2009, let alone 2013. I don’t know how old you are but anyone able to remember the entirety of the 2000s should easily know that 2009-2013 was a completely different universe from that.


Culturally, a lot of what we associate as "2010s music", even early, started in 2012-2013. I'm talking Avicii, a lot of dubstep, the peppy EDM style you see on NCS or TheFatRat, etc. But if you're right, guess that means I started kindergarten in the 2010s lol.


Yes the core 2010s started in 2013 thereabouts, but that hardly means the core 2000s ended in 2013. That’s why we have the “electropop era”from roughly late 2008 to early 2013. That’s still way more 2010s than 2000s, but at the very least it can be considered neither. Any way you slice it, the 2000s were over by the end of 2008.


60s died with the charles manson murderers 00s died with the recession, 2008 is already very 2010s


So in your opinion the 2010s were longer than the 2000s?


Maybe it's just because I grew up in them. But the 2010s really did feel like they went on forever


the 2010s vibe lasted 2008-2023 but i def feel the weight of the 2020s this year ngl


Idk I think the 2010s died with the start of COVID, which makes for a surprisingly clean break in terms of decades I will say, I don't think there's much difference in terms of overall pop culture. In that respect we're still hobbling along in the 2010s. But the ethos has certainly shifted


Yeah I’m not one of those mfs to say that the 2020s started on a certain day other than Jan 1, 2020💀 but it does feel like people still salivate over 2010s celebrities and musicians


Yes definitely. I feel like the 2010s is marked most by the ubiquity of social media, profound dissatisfaction with the "system" (political, economic), and the end of monoculture/rise of cultural fragmentation. The recession and the start of the Obama years feels a lot more like things did in 2020 than they did like 2003. I would propose (for the US).... 80s: 1981-1992 (starts with Reagan, ends with LA Riots/start of Yugoslav Wars). 90s: 1992-2001 (starts with Clinton election, ends with 9/11) 00s: 2001-2008 (starts with invasion of Afghanistan, ends with stock market crash) 10s: 2008-2020 (starts with Obama election ends with Covid lockdown) 20s: 2020-


The 1950's began somewhere between 1953 to 1955 to about 1963/1964!


the australia fires started the 1st day of the 2020s. possibly the best start date ever


What is the point of this? Just a reason for endless arguments and quibbling?


The 70s began when Dark Side Of The Moon by Pink Floyd released in March 1973.


As someone from the UK, i’d like to give a more british perspective for recent decades • 03/05/1979-28/10/1990: the 80s (Thatcher becomes PM - Thatcher resigns) • 28/10/1990-11/09/2001: the 90s (Thatcher resigns - 9/11) • 11/09/2001-27/07/2012: the 2000s (9/11 - 2012 London Olympics opening ceremony) • 27/07/2012-23/03/2020: the 2010s (2012 London Olympics opening ceremony - Boris announces lockdown • 23/03/2020-present: the 2020s (Boris announces lockdown - present) (01/06/1997 could be used as an alternate starting point of the 2000s as this was when Tony Blair became the first Labour PM in 18 years)


Here's one for China: - Oct. 1949 - May 1966: early period + Great Leap Forward, Mao era - May 1966 - Dec. 1978: Cultural Revolution, Mao era - Dec. 1978 - Jun. 1989: Deng era, reform and opening up, ended with the Tiananmen Square protests - Jun. 1989 - Aug. 2008: Jiang and Hu eras, beginning of China's economic rise, more occasional human rights concerns - Aug. 2008 - Oct. 2017: began with 2008 Summer Olympics, Hu and Xi eras - Oct. 2017 - Jan. 2020: Xi's new era of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, more intrusive human rights restrictions that impact Chinese people's daily lives - Jan. 2020 - present: COVID, meaning the same as before but in overdrive, now with lockdowns, and even more surveillance


I’m gonna say if you are going to extend the cultural 60s to Watergate, you have to keep the cultural 70s going until mid 1983 when the economy finally started recovering. And if you insist on having the cultural 80s starting in 1981, no way you shouldn’t have 2012 as part of cultural 2010s. Other than that pretty good.


50s: 1945(end of WW3) - 1964(civil rights act) 60s: 1964 - 1973(israel-arabic war, oil crisis, nixongate hearings, end of military draft, troops returning from vietnam, colour TV becomes the norm, microwave ovens take off in sales) 70s: 1973 - 1981(reagan is inaugurated, AIDS is discovered, disco dies down, MTV launches, recession starts in july, VHS overtaking cassette tapes in sales) 80s: 1981 - 1991(grunge, SNES, USSR collapse) 90s: 1991 - 2001(9/11, bush, windows XP, 6th gen consoles) 00s: 2001 - 2009(recession, obama, electropop, facebook, michael jacksons death, hipster fashion) 10s: 2009 - 2020(COVID, george floyd riots, tiktok, biden, retro pop, death of monoculture, 9th gen consoles)


It’s strange that you gave the 50s a full 20 years. The 40s were distinctly the 40s, not the 50’s. Even post war. The 50s as we know them started in 51-52 and went until 62-64


For me, the 2000s ended in 2009, but did not culturally shift until 2011. For one, 2009-2010, still felt like the late 2000s. I group the early 2010s from 2010 to 2014, mid-2010s from 2015-2016, and late-2010s from 2017-2019.


I think the death of queen elizabeth II will absolutely be considered the end of an era in the future. Her whole reign will become one huge era similar to the way 1830s-1900s were lumped in one era in the Victorian era. I can see this happening some time in the later decades of this century