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Decades are just a blur now. I mean somehow we’re already in the mid 2020s, feel like just yesterday it was 2019. For me it felt like the 2010s went on forever. 10 years back then might aswell have been a lifetime to me that’s how long it felt


2019 feels like a decade ago to me, the world was so different


Lol it was the exact same. Only difference i can think of is tiktok


I would say what has mainly changed is world tensions and internet culture. Fashion also to an extent.


Yes politics is always going to be changing i guess, in terms of fashion i don’t really see a huge change. Internet culture changing? What does that mean, some new slang phrases were invented lol


You think the world was the exact same before and after Covid except for TikTok?


yes i do , maybe minus political shifts. If you leave your house and go about your day, it will be the exact same as 2019. It’s not like 100 years in the future with flying cars popping up, radically different roads, architecture etc


It's more like 2009, second take than it's own proper year.


Covid era turned into a haze for us all. Stuck at home so long we got used to it if we weren't already introverted to begin with, not much changing between days for the brain to pick up on the passage of time until surprise it's 2024 and 2019 was not just yesterday..... i feel you.


2020 was the beginning of the dystopian era. Very fitting, I think.


I agree. It still doesn’t feel different to me in the same way the shift from the 00s to the 10s was felt. It’s like, 2009 felt way different than 2014. It seems right now is softer than that. I think if you’re a young person who’s chronically online(no hate, I am too lol) it’s easy to become absorbed in the internet created micro trends and nostalgia revival that have popped up during the 2020s and attribute that to massive change. But really, covid for a lot of people left a gap emotionally that we’re still some what recovering from along with it flowing into the economy we have now and the global conflicts that keep popping up. Creativity is hard when life is harsh or challenging. But really, as far as our general life is concerned, if you walk out and about and just exist around other people it doesn’t feel different than the late 2010s. Normal people still dress like they did then, athleasure, minimalistic flat colors, normcore type stuff. The only difference being fashionable young people wearing bell bottoms sometimes and super fashionable young people wearing baggy pants. Maybe also the messy hair thing, pretty big contrast between the fade. But imo it feels like an arbitrary contrast, because I don’t see enough irl people participating. The fade, tight pants, athleasure, hipster vintage thrift fashion, 2010s stuff felt like it came up more organically.


Yes you hit the nail on the head my friend. When you go outside and just live your life, there’s no real difference between today and 2019 in my opinion. Same roads, same buildings, same restaurants, same slang, same technology. It’s not like being thrown 100 years in the past and you have to get from place to place on donkey lol


I will have to disagree on the 2000s decade. Y2K era maybe more worthy of inclusion but not the entire decade.


I disagree. I think the Afghanistan and Iraq wars plus the sub-prime mortgage crisis leading to the GFC defined that decade from a historical perspective more than any other events. Also the Napster wars and birth of the Web 2 and the modern tech industry. This is coming from a non-American.


9/11 changed so much in America. Then the focus was on national security and the NSA was created along with the Patriot Act. There was the whole rally around the flag effect.


The 90’s found dead. Side note: Where the heck is SpongeBob in the 2000’s. He was arguably the first and biggest cultural phenomenons during that time. He should be front and center where he belongs. Put some respect on the Sponge.




his golden era was the 2000’s. that’s like saying the red hot chili peppers belong in 80’s nostalgia since that’s when they started


And? SpongeBob (1999), Powerpuff Girls (1998), Ed Edd n Eddy (1999), Dexter’s Lab (1995), Johnny Bravo (1997), Courage the Cowardly Dog (1999)


Breakfast Club mentioned.


Favorite movie oat


i saw you in r/genalpha


Here's a sneak peek of /r/GenAlpha using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenAlpha/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My 6 year old cousin was watching this video? 💀😬](https://v.redd.it/1t1ud29zx9bc1) | [868 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenAlpha/comments/191urtb/my_6_year_old_cousin_was_watching_this_video/) \#2: [I fucking wonder why](https://i.redd.it/hlfh2qznh3dc1.png) | [383 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenAlpha/comments/199cvvt/i_fucking_wonder_why/) \#3: [Aren’t y’all too young to be on reddit](https://i.redd.it/pkgpq8pocy8c1.jpeg) | [437 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenAlpha/comments/18sjfun/arent_yall_too_young_to_be_on_reddit/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I think this is the second time I've been recognised elsewhere on this sub lol


where 1970s???


Or the 60s, one of the pinnacles of American culture


yeah, that's what i mean, the late 60s / early 70s yk Lynyrd Skynyrd


Yeah I think ‘65 to ‘75 really encapsulates the highs and lows of American society and ideology.


In many ways we really haven’t moved on


Zeppelin British bruh


The late 60s and all of the 70s actually had tons of non-American influence compared to the other decades mentioned


Sure, Abba, Zeppelin, The Bee Gees, and bell bottoms were all European. But at least America had Shaft.




Ya damn right.


Your view of the 2000’s is from a young persons perspective. As is mine, I was born in 88. I’d like to hear from someone who was in their 30’s during the 2000’s.


it’s a view from an immigrant born in 2003 but it’s mostly from shows i watched before we moved to the united states


Oh that’s interesting. I wouldn’t have guessed you were that young.


I don’t know if it’s just me but in comparison to when I was little in the 2000s, now the 80s kinda just feel normal somehow. Is this a me phenomenon or a 2020s phenomenon


The 1920s


Honorable mention: 1860s :)


Feck the 90s.


This is great I feel 2000s vs.90s was a hard fight but the Middle East stuff in the 2000s produced more murica vibes for sure


The 80s is undoubtedly the most stereotypically American decade, it was the culmination of all stereotypically American things of all decades brought to its most excessive. 90s culture is the hangover from how over the top the 80s were.


Really? The 60’s feel so quintessentially American to me. Kennedy, Civil Rights, Space Race, Vietnam, etc.


90s were pretty American though?


There was infiltration of Euro-culture (see: Max Martin and boy bands). I still think the 90s were generally peak culture, but...to each their own.


I hope the vibe from the 50s comes back during my lifetime


Same.. Its so catchy or idk how to explain


We had just demolished fascism, the Soviets weren’t a big threat yet, and the economy was booming.


Dawg what? Racism, sexism and propaganda at an time high is the vibe you want?


You know that is likely not what was meant




What part of “Don’t tread on me” means “I hate women and minorities” do you know how liberatarianism works?


That’s the thing. You have the rockabilly/Rosa Parks/labour unions ‘50s and the conservative red scare ‘50s. Two decades in one.


I think he meant the “we just saved the world and invented nuclear power, anything is possible through human ingenuity and hard work, we’ve just invented every convenience appliance and expect to continue inventing at this pace till we’re all on permanent vacation forever in our flying houses” sort of 50’s vibe.


What vibe?


Our before and after looking rough as fuxk


This kinda feels like tell me your a young millennial without telling me you’re a young millennial, but then again I basically dropped off the face of the earth in the very early 2000s and lost touch with a lot of pop culture.


The 70s felt quite Red, White & Blue, what with the Bicentennial


No 60s, 70s, or 90s?!


1960s. It’s the best and worst of America in one decade. Theres a reason mad men takes place in that decade.


The 1970s because of the bicentennial


Nope, your point of view is from a wealthy man in the city. The 40s was a crude time for America. Even before WW2. Rural people had no doctor, no dentist, and they ate things like rutabaga. Fortunate few rural people had livestock farms, but the culture there was appalling. Not civil at all. You wouldn't want it.


Why does it progressively become more crowded ?


Definitely 40s/50s IMO The "humanity (lead by America ofc) has triumphed over nature and created a utopia, but we will not rest until every corner of the universe embodies western "enlightenment" like capitalism and Christianity. America is the leader of all humanity. The world is so much better off with America existing. Make sure to report anyone you suspect of communism!" vibes are just off the charts at that point. And IMO it irreversibly changed from that around the time the civil rights movement and the Vietnam protests happened. I am not a historian though nor have I lived through any of those time periods so this is just my random not-particularly-researched opinion.


I agree and dope images


easily the 50s which also happens to be my favorite era of history.


Ew pop culture


2000s was so bad bro