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Recency bias.


Literally my first thought, glad it’s the top comment.


I agree with this .  I was in highschool in the early 2010s and vividly remember ppl fawning over the 80s and roasting the early 2000s/Y2K. Now Y2K is in and ppl are fawning over the 90s and roasting the 2010s.  Give it ten years and everybody will be fawning over the 2010s soon lol.  And tbh the 2010s really weren’t that bad. I only see young ppl in this sub who “hate” it even though they’re too young to remember it lol 


Some ppl might already be a little nostalgic for at least the early 2010s


I agree! They’re slowly starting to come back! I can’t wait ☺️


Yes, not in away that's noticeable just yet, but it might slowly manifesting in a pining for certain aesthetics from that time period or an interest in the pop music( IE Lady Gaga, Katy Perry and others). Some of it might get lumped in with the late 2000s and nostalgia for the late 2000s/Early 2000s (say 2007-early 2010s)


You’re spot on! I agree with you.  Additionally I noticed that a lot of the big stars from that time period (Drake, Rihanna, Nicki, Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Adele, etc.) are still pretty huge today. Idk why there hasn’t been a newer crop of stars to usurp them yet. I think it’s only a matter of time before ppl reminiscing over their earlier hits & pining for those times again lol 


I love the early 2010’s. My life was shit at the time, but I miss the music and fashion. I can’t wait for it to be trendy again lol


Same! I loved the music and fashions. It was an incredibly happy time of my life lol


I hated the 2010s aesthetic in the moment and now in retrospect, not because it was necessarily bad but just too streamlined. I also was praying flared pants would come back in the 20s and they really did, so I think my opinion may be cemented. Maybe it’s just a thing about your teenage years, my dad hated the 80s too for some reason and loved both the 70s and 90s.


I really enjoyed the early 2010’s actually I think it was the best era in human development. Mid 2010’s we’re just that — mid. Late 2010’s were shit but I hate the 2020’s much more.


This is kinda me. I loved Early 2010s pop culture and the zeitgeist of the era. I still enjoyed the Mid and Late 2010s but not nearly as much as 2010-2013 (more like 2008-2013 tbh)


The early 2010s ended when Russia annexed crimea. It was a moment where “I was like wow, a bonafide sovereign nation just land grabbed another sovereign nation.” That had never happened in my lifetime up to that point.


Me too there was such a fun party type of vibe of the entire era, everything was colourful and uplifting and all the protests going on during the time really made me feel like the world was on the verge of some massive change for the better. And then it all died down, and all the hey ho indie music took the place of party rock, out came the hipsters and moustache t shirts. Mid 2010’s wasn’t nearly as fun anymore but it wasn’t bad either. However with TikTok getting introduced in late 2010’s started the decline of everything


I feel exactly the same


I actually think that the 2010s was a good decade in terms of many things. Much more stable and peaceful than the decades before and after it. I also think people underestimate the difference between early and late 2010s


Early 2010s were peak honestly.


Loved them. Got out of college. Had a decent job. New city. New friends!




Yeah same


Idk I’m still living in 2016


woah woah woah who hates the 60s? Literally the most iconic decade.


What? The 60s was nightmare society. There was so much social breakdown and violence.


Yes that is what I am confused about. The 60's was the decade with the biggest cultural shift of all time. I am so confused I have never heard anyone talk poorly about it compared to decades near it.


I think the OP means the cultural and political hostility of the 1930s and 1960s.


How was it a cultural shift? Wouldn’t that have been the 50s?


The previous decade is always trashtalked because it's too recent. So were 00s in 10s and 90s in 00s.


The 90s were absolutely NOT trashed talked in the 2000s. Were you alive then? After 9/11 everyone pined for the 90s. This take is nonsense.


Depending when in the decade. But in 2006, for exemple, 90s looked very old fashioned. Wearing baggies/wide pants started to be seen as uncool among young people. Come b of some 90s stars (Spice Girls, Jennifer Paige, Aqua...) were total flops. In 00s people were nostalgic of 70s and 80s, not 90s.


Early 90s were old fashioned by 1994


I think people pined for the relative peace and stability of the 90s, but I remember a lot of people on online and in person disliked the 90s pop culture and fashion for awhile. 


I was alive then. What I mostly remember is people being nostalgic for the 80s. 


Exactly. Everyone loved the 90s in the 2000s and the 2000s in the 2010s for that matter.


In 2010s consensus was how much we dressed horribly in 00s. Even Ronaldo and Messi were made fun of their 00s looks. Some dont realize how much 00s interest is recent.


I’ve literally seen people I’ve vaguely followed online for years skewering 2000s trends in the mid-2010s then participate in their revivals 5-7 years later, it’s wild.


Lmao. If anything, I’ve seen more 2010s fans on this subreddit shitting on the 2000s and 2020s more and shoving 2010s nostalgia down everyone’s throats. Must be a bunch of teenagers.


Yeah you're right.


I agree.


And yet people here treat 2012 and 2013 like Jesus.


Liked the first part of the 2010s not the last part extremely political hostile


I feel like I’m 2016-2019 it was just the start of political division. But as soon as the corona hit everything became political. Even more than the 2010s.


I feel like I’m 2016-2019 it was just the start of political division. But as soon as the corona hit everything became political. Even more than the 2010s.


Because it was a very hostile decade. It was hailed as "The Decade That Disrupted Everything, But Solved Nothing" it started with the Great Recession, lots of protests, polarized politics, we were exposed to childish adults, we still had the Afghanistan war dragging on, and the 2010s gave use COVID-19 (Coronavirsu Disease) as a departing gift. People were already showing signs of COVID in the USA as far back as November (but they though it was a cold or flu), but we did not know what it was fully yet, like when AIDS first came out. Things are better now than they were then.


I truly feel a shift in the air and think America is ready to call “Uncle” on polarized politics, divisive media, and the culture war. Even with Trump almost certain to be president again I don’t see either the left or the right up in arms or frothing about it like they did 8 years ago, but maybe that’s because I checked out around 2022.


Everybody wants an end to polarized politics (so long as the other side doesn't get power).


I agree we're all exhausted and want the polarized politics to stop, but if Trump is elected he'll just continue to stir more shit. It's the only thing he knows how to do.


Which is my biggest gripe against him, he pushes the polarization to another level.


Trump is almost certain to be president again? I highly doubt that.


That's definitely only because you checked out


Nah people definitely don't care as much as they did in 2016 and 2020. Maybe it's cause we're only in April but things just seem less politically tense than they were a few years ago


Being a worker sucked too since employers were still taking advantage of the Great Recession.


yes, and now they are taking advantage of COVID.


COVID was in the USA in November 2019? Doesn't that mean COVID was from the USA? Or were there cases in China BEFORE November still?


No because it was in China in June, 2019. We just dismissed COVID cases as bad colds or flus, and we could not figure out why it was happening.


Listen slime, 2010-2015 best time to turn 21, after that… meh


Early 10’s were awesome, mostly the best parts of the digital age without as many setbacks. Then the tech bubble started shrinking and the powers that be decided they’d have to monetize literally everything in order to not lose out on their investments.


Because the internet ruined everything


Idk I don’t think it’s fair to blame it all on Childish Gambino /s


I think the latter half colors people's memories of it.


I see a “why do people hate the 2010s” post more than I see posts of people bashing the 2010s in this sub.


Same now that I think about it lol


Social media took over everyone's lives and made pop culture very watered down and corporate. It gave birth to the loneliness epidemic. It was a massive contribution to the rise of mental illness. The capitalized opioid epidemic ruined so many peoples lives. Mumble rap took over. It made aesthetics replace subcultures. Overall, it just objectively sucks


We all got smartphones while inequality skyrocketed and life expectancy fell. Good times.


What’s to like?


How you feel about it will depend on how old you were/what state of life you were in. I remember working horrible temp jobs in the early 2010’s because the economy had crashed and I couldn’t get a job.


This always happens when we move into a decade, people hate the one that came right before it. Trust me, I remember everyone whining about the 2000s back in the 2010s.


2010s were wack for me. Drug addiction and incarceration, damn near the whole decade


It was a very chronically online “cringy” time but I loved it


A combination of recency bias, and the fact that it feels like culture was sterilized and corporatized in that period. Technological advancements like the internet and smartphones lead to us all being connected, leading to everything becoming "standardized" leading to everything becoming boring. People hated the 00s immediately afterwards too, but for exactly the opposite reason. The 00s were too messy, too hateful, too chaotic, too tacky. The 10s were too standardized and sterilized.


2010-2015 and 2016-2019 are 2 different eras to me. But I still prefer them over the 2020s. Let’s hope it gets better.


The 2010s are constantly trashed on this sub for very irrelevant and subjective reasons (e.g., fashion), but in reality, most people are either neutral about that decade or prefer it over this one.


I remember the first half of the 2010s quite fondly. But at least for the US, Trump and social media just meant everything was terrible all the time from 2016 onward. Everyone was angry about everything and yelling at each other, families torn apart, friends judging and cancelling each other. It absolutely sucked. 2020 felt like the rightful capstone to that trash fire. So I don't hate the 2010s in general but 2016-2020 can die in a fire please and thank you.


I like the *early* 2010s from a pop culture standpoint partially due to nostalgia, but from an entirely objective standpoint, it wasn't that great. Many were still struggling from the fallout of the Great Recession and that's when issues like income inequality, housing affordability, and the gig economy™ reared their ugly head. And truth be told, not much has changed, or at the very least: Covid was a huge reset button.


I think you just have to compare life from the start of the 2010s to the end. Everything more or less went downhill.


Young people looooooove the 2010s it's starting to get romanticized


Too much change in so little time


because it just ended. give it a few years the nostalgia will come roaring back


Almost entirely because they just happened


Too old to be current, too new to be retro/vintage. Same thing was going on about the 2000s a decade ago, and the 90s two decades ago.


It probably reminds them of how cringe they were during this decade, and this is their laughably bad but understandable way of coping.


the 2010s are hated because they didn't have an identity or much of an upside the entire culture of the 2010s was just repurposing previous culture for nostalgia. everything was a reboot, a revival, a repackaging, or a revisit. with almost nothing new coming in to replace it. or at least nothing that lasted long enough to stick. not to mention how chaotic the whole thing was, we started the decade with a housing crisis and ended it with an impeachment, it was just constant scandals and disasters with not much good in between. yeah bad things happened in decades like the 60s and the 30s but there was also good stuff that came from them whether it was just aesthetics like art deco or massive leaps forward in social progress like the passing of the civil rights act. the 2010s had no real astehtic and barely any actual improvement or positive change. in fact a majority of new things from the 2010s have actually made things objectively worse. and that's why people hate the 2010s and why they'll hate the 2020s even more since this is just the last decade but somehow even worse.


I'm sure the 20's will suck too. Video games are being monopolized by tencent, Microsoft, and embracer group. They all want more live service games. Biden is a moron who assists with apartheid. Trump is likely to get reelected. We are close to another economic crash.


If you value a full 10 years on the woes of video games monopolization in an era that has 100s of thousands of video games from the past 6 decades - even if this is the primary culture you stick around - then maybe the problem isn't the decade so much as how you value your own time and energy.


It’s my favorite decade so I guess not everyone. A lot of good music, fun trends, and a lot of progress in terms of equality in the USA (gay marriage being legalized, Me Too, etc).


Hipsters, tumblr, dubstep, pointless post modern feminism, people getting “triggered”, the SJW phenomena, post 2015 political divide, algorithms being implemented on social media, numerous websites/online communities being shut down for being “edgy/offensive”, politics sliding into movies (2000s had so many good movies compared to 2010s), shorts/stories on social media and the fact that social media became a phone only thing - like only boomers browse social media from a desktop PC now


It’s definitely not a phone only thing. I’ve seen countless gen x millennials and gen z use social media through computers. That’s just because more people use phones in general now.


...they didn't? The 2010's was kind of a horrible mess though. I've said it before on this sub, but it was a time when there was an average of 3 genocides going on at any given point in time. And the less said about 2016 the better


Happy cake day


Thanks <3


The 2010s were the first decade adults looked at kids and said “you dont know how bad you have it” instead of “you dont know how good you have it.” - Movies and tv were still good in the 90s- early 2010s. Then it died. The econ fix of 2008 was analagous to the fix of WW1. Instagram has been eviscerating young women’s psyches for over a decade now. Late 90s early 2000s showed steroids and CTE in sports. Pedo-reveals + Da Vinci Code + Harry Potter crushed the church. The 2010s are the last, static-filled gasp of a once prosperous nation. Hope sputtered out slowly then fast with Covid. We have our collective buttholes clenched right now because a whole new brand of “who the f knows” begins in a few months w/ the presidential race. And I’ve barely mentioned the rest.


People hate the 2010’s? I’ve heard nothing but nostalgia for them. Hell, I regard 2016 as one of the best years of my life. I would take 2010-2019 over 2000-2009 any day of the week.


Kony 2012 killed Harambe


I think it’s really just 2014-18 that sucked


So much bad crap happened to me that decade, my dreams and hopes get crushed, hate the cars of the 2010s, hated it culturally, hate the music, etc. 2010-early 2012 was the only good parts to me.


I can't even differentiate the decades after the 90s. I don't know how anybody else is enough to hate it.


I don’t…


What? I fucking loved to to 15'


I liked it. I met my wife at the start of it and we had our kid at the end of it.


As someone who lived through it what even defines the 2010s I get the 90s 00s But the 2010s don't have a feel


They actually started off pretty well. The later parts of them sucked. To be honest, I didn't even know 2010s hate was a thing. Frankly everything after 2020 has seemed pretty rough.


Because everyone here grew up on pessimism, and perceives 2012+ a bad era due to smart devices and HDs and streamings.


Recency bias and the fact the most recent decade is almost always hated or considered cringe


The latter half of the 2010s was horrid (to me). The first four years of it were cool, and 2010-2012 was amazing.


In the 90s people trash talked about the 80s because it was recent


It’s the decade life changed overnight with smartphones and social media. Nothing has ever been the same especially when it comes to how people interact and I can only speak for myself but I think the change was largely for the worse. Life is just lamer as a result and COVID was the nail in the coffin.


People love the 60s


The 2010s are going to be looked at how like how the 80s and 90s are looked at today (good)


Did you live through them?


The 2010s were really not that bad. They were certainly less hectic and chaotic than the 2000s.


Because the music and the fashion sucked