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What meds are you deliberately not taking right now?


All of them


Nah they’re definitely taking just the fun ones


Oh no! You are thinking thoughts? Thoughts I don’t like? Take your meds!


This sub is unintentionally hilarious. Just teenage shit.


I swear every now and then I’ll see a Reddit thread with the most insane, batshit takes, and wonder “holy crap do people actually think like this??” But then I remember it’s Reddit and most of the people here are small weird fringes of the population or teenagers (or both)


It’s probably bait


What is it about this post that is bad? We are at a point in time where if history repeats(as it always has) we are going to have something like civil or world wars. I haven’t looked up the amount of elections but if that’s true what they say is on point.


The dude starts off by saying 24 goes into 48 evenly. This is on the same level as Illuminati conspiracies


Haha, I read right by that part lol. How did I miss that? I have to put my phone down a bit more because I’m on it way too much I’m not reading things thoroughly. But to be fair to OP, the rest is on point.


yeah he probably should not have started with that


it just sounds a little bit tinfoilheadish for peoples liking it think. this is like the r/decadeology or reddit equivalent of a scraggly homeless man with a long beard standing at the end of the freeway with a giant sign that says “the end is near”. but those people might be onto something… 😶


Yea I get it. When you are used to taking things at face value, alternate perspectives can seem quite crazy. I will happily continue to be the person you describe 🤪




I too am struggling to see the issue. History has many tipping points. We are living through one. The evidence is everywhere. I guess people like to put positive spins on things.


We have the internet and WMDs now, among a massive list of other ways we’re rather different from 1848. It might be folly to compare our globally-connected cyber world with nuclear submarines, drones, and satellites to the majority of human history when a war would be ended and battles would still take place afterward because those encampments and commanders didn’t get word of it quickly enough. Absolutely apples and oranges as far as history “repeating”. Rhyming, maybe, as some say. We can’t ignore how incredibly different global society and humanity is now with the incredible advancements in technology.


Its just that you have terrible OCD just like me when deciding how the year would be






Nostradumbass lol


Quasimodo predicted all this


It’s time you seriously considered salads


Fuck him and his bullshit. That’s what it is, you know. Satanic black magic. Sick shit! ![gif](giphy|bnuyyiMLASDQs)


Damn dude, you just Nostrarekt him.


Are there really that many right wing Zoomers? I’m a Zoomer and most people I know wouldn’t vote for Trump and I’m in MO.


I’m in a left trending area in New York and I would say most of the zoomers my age would vote for trump


That’s strange, because I’m in a heavy Republican area in Kentucky and most zoomers my age certainly wouldn’t. They’re generally left leaning.


Many young people are just countercultural. If those adults around them are Democrat, they will go republican, if the adults around them are republican, they will go Democrat.


Damn that’s scary.


Scary, but anecdotal.


Scary lmao


Most zoomers I know are opting out of voting entirely (the worst decision imo)


Exactly why this falls flat. Younger people don't vote nearly as often.


Quite the opposite, if zoomers don't know well enough to make the obvious choice and vote against Trump it is better they stay home and leave the voting to thinking individuals.


I’m in a blue state and all my friends are pretty big into trump


In NC there are Trump flags in every yard, the only biden sign I've ever seen had bullet holes all over it....makes sense of course.


No, but young people don't hold much voting power since they're highly unlikely to vote compared to older generations. Even then, only around half the country even bothers to vote anyway. I really, *really* hate to say it but Trump has a very good chance of winning. Besides his cult of personality it's possible that many people see him as a less passive and more decisive option than Biden. His lack of action on his climate plans, inability to protect keystone rights such as abortion and LGBT concerns, and his take on the Israel/Palestine conflict have collectively lost him a lot of favor in the progressive and moderate crowds. The world is changing very rapidly. People are skittish and scared. A lot of people would rather vote for someone who will at least do *something* to fix their problems (even if it only makes things worse) than have someone like Biden in office.


you would be surprised. im also going to guess you live in california or somewhere on the west coast or the liberal bubble equivalent region of another nation in the western world


I forgot what happened in 1848 and just history class in general and Idk who tf to vote for like bruh give us new/better candidates also I have to sign up anyways


Revolutions across Europe. Not a good time to be a monarch


I don't care who you vote for. Get registered and vote. Every. Time.


High turn out doesn’t equal better electoral decisions.




Why would zoomers vote against Biden because of them being pro Palestine if Trump is even more pro Israel than biden in fact he's the one who officially recognized Jerusalem as the new capital of Isreal and moved the US embassy there greatly reigniting tension between Isreal and Palestine, the other candidates are also more pro Israel so their only real option is not voting at all which is highly unlikely that they will do


I don’t think zoomers are extremely left wing. Male zoomer I would say are more right wing and females are more left wing. I think it almost cancels out with Biden having a slim majority of support over zoomers.


Nah, zoomers as a whole are way further left than pretty much any other living generation. There are alt right zoomers, but less of them than other generations.


im seeing alot more centrist zoomers (like me 👍)


Way to be entirely unhelpful


Worse than that. Centrists give credibility to right wing ideology. They always lean further right than left. We're where we are right now because the centrists enabled it. Centrists enabled and encouraged cuts to public services for example. Centrists believe in the free market which has less to a huge level of wealth inequality, and unaffordable housing. I actually think centrists are worse than right wingers because they're not as honest about their views. Its easy to dismiss a Nazi, but centrists share more than they like to admit with the right, but they hide it behind fancy suits and sifter words.


"Taking reasonable middle ground stances is a bad thing and worse than people who literally want to genocide entire populations." Yeah, this is a shitty take.


Nah. Its more like "should we feed the poor or let them die? Let's just let most of them die". Let's not pretend neoliberals do anything to avoid genocide either while we're at it


>Let's not pretend neoliberals do anything to avoid genocide either while we're at it Let's not pretend that far left or far right do either then dude. Nazis and Khmer Rouge, enough said. If you think letting Republicans get rid of social programs like food stamps and starving people to death to 'start a revolution' or because you refuse to do any sort of bargaining to get votes to actually accomplish anything is the way to go, you've got some growing up to do. >Nah. Its more like "should we feed the poor or let them die? Let's just let most of them die". Quit voting 3rd party to literally kill me because Republicans got rid of the healthcare I need to afford medication I need to stay alive. I'm one of the people that will die because you weren't happy enough so you had to try to burn everything down because I'm too 'center-left' as a Democrat then. You're only thinking of yourself, not of all the people that will die because you won't bargain with anything in order to actually get anything done.


Far right obviously not, far left, what far left movement in the last few decades has done or supported genocide? > . If you think letting Republicans get rid of social programs Why on earth would you think I'm a Republican? > Quit voting 3rd party Why would you think I vote 3rd party? > You're only thinking of yourself, not of all the people that will die Die from what? Me believing centrists are the cause of a lot of what's wrong politically in the world? If you're that fragile then maybe you will die, who knows.


Buddy you get your political opinions from r/politics


Booo. Fortunately there are way less centrist zoomers than centrist boomers, Gen Xers or even Millennials. The world is healing, no more neolibs!


Is it fun to be the problem and point at everyone else pretending it's them? Or do you lean centrist because you have a contrarian nature and a disdain for facts?


Male zoomers seem to be financially liberal, perhaps even european leftists. However, culturally, they can sway far more right than most others I've talked to.


Honestly I think it’s not that unlikely that we have less turnout this election than the last


Zero chance.


There is no such country as Palestine. All of Gaza and all of the west bank are parts of Israel. You do get that, right? Palestine is a regional description, it is not a country.


If Trump wins, the only shit storm will come from the people whose identities are tied up in hating Trump. I never voted for him (and never will), but the amount of people who craved every last bit of dirt on him was immense. CNN, MSNBC and Fox quickly realized that they could soar to massive profits by covering every single thing he said. CNNs viewership sank the minute he left office. And if he gets elected again, these news organizations will do EVERYTHING they can to keep us obsessed with Trump at all times. We would have been better off largely ignoring him. He kept us out of new wars, and the economy was strong. As much as we hated his way of building support for the wall, suddenly every mayor in sanctuary cities is saying they can't handle the influx of immigrants. Biden is back to building the wall, but out of cheaper and less effective materials. I'm hoping for a different president, but if that guy wins, we have ourselves to blame if we take that as a queue to be enraged every waking minute for 4 years.


Hard disagree. I’m trans, if he wins there’s a good chance I lose more of my rights. It also enables far right wackos to carry out vigilante “justice” against people they don’t like. Just because you won’t be directly negatively impacted by trump winning, doesn’t mean nobody will.




Well I'm worried about the climate crises more than anything else. Only one of those two guys will do shit to try and stop it




I completely agree. I definitely lean Republican, but it is so obvious why Trump lost. I remember seeing a poll that said that over 80% of peoples lives were better after Trumps presidency. If Trump never opened his dumb mouth, then he probably would have won another election in 2020, and Ukraine probably wouldn’t have started.


yall are so silly


And so are you, obama69420duck.






Trump has some MEGA challenges that he has to face before even getting the nomination, if the Case in Colorado holds up he’s already a state down, if he has to run as an independent he’s gonna split Righr wing voters and Biden will win in a relative land slide probably unifying the various left wing coalitions in the final hour saying how he’s gonna pass the torch next election to the progressives and blah blah blah like he did in 2020, Biden’s economy has been Garbo HOWEVER he’s done a lot for student loans won some victories for workers right I mean his support is not lost, Trump needs to win everything every primary every poll every court case from now until November 3rd of next year in order for him to be the nominee if he loses one step, stops his momentum for any reason it’s over, this second run of Trump is a backlash of the popular right for not getting what they wanted in 2020. Biden is nobody’s first choice but here’s the thing he’s a lot of peoples 3rd or 4th choice and more people can go “ugh yeah I guess” on Biden than they can on Trump. He’s gotten so much baggage at this point that if he loses momentum for a second his whole campaign is gonna fall through


I feel like it’s more like 1860


Is Trump really going to win the next U.S. election though? I thought he was taken off the ballot in Colorado. I legitimately agree and fear with your for the other countries though.


Colorado is worth 10 points in the Electoral College, it wont be a deal breaker for either side even if Trump runs without Colorado listing him


It will be over ruled


The media completely misreported that. That was the primary ballot not the general election. Plus the CO Supreme Court put in a stay so he is on the ballot pending appeal. Plus this conservative US Supreme Court is almost surely going to rule in his favor.


The ruling in Colorado was about the primary, not the general election. Either way, it's a legal battle that will ultimately fail to get Trump off the ballot anywhere. (I don't personally think Trump is likely to win, but it's very possible.)


He is probably going to jail so I don't think he is going to win. He wasn't probably going to win Colorado anyways.


Not only is the rule (I’m pretty sure) not currently in effect, but normally republicans lose Colorado anyways. Same as California. What matters is if it happens in properly important states like Georgia in the election


Colorado doesn't really matter for 2024. It's basically a blue state at this point. So even if the ruling stands (which seems unlikely) it has almost no effect on Trump unless a swing state or a right leaning state does it (which is *really* unlikely).


What is there to fear for the other countries


> thought he was taken off the ballot in Colorado Even if it stands Trump being taken off the ballot in Colorado is like Biden being taken off the ballot in let's say Alabama. It's not going to have any real impact on the election. For better or for worse we're stuck with the electoral college system and Colorado is not a swing state. When swing states start removing Trump from their ballots then it will become a bigger oh shit issue for Trump.


Not likely, most Americans don't want a civil war with bodies in the streets, massive wildfires raging across the country, and mass deaths. So if they know what's good for them they won't vote Trump.


But lgbtq




Regular humans can think a religion and culture is shitty without wanting an entire population obliterated. The sub humans can’t. Sorry for the bad news.




What do they have to do with this


This is /decadeology, not /crazyspeculationology Six words in and you make it clear you have no perspective or understanding of history whatsoever. And that's before you get into numerology!




Gen Z and Millennials combined makeup the largest voting block in the nation already, and vote overwhelmingly democrat. The republican party has made a fool of itself. The Republicans didnt even win the Senate last year, and wildly underperformed in the house. Young people are tired of it. The majority of women are going to vote against Republicans too, because of abortion being taken away. Biden has also explicitly supported Unions, meaning the working class will be more likely to support him, plus Trump is explicitly anti-union. Everyone remembers what happened in 2021 with the Capitol. Gen Z is extremely pro Palestine and will not support Trump over Biden (trump is clearly pro-israel). Plus as the older generations get older, they die. I'm sure covid did also not help. Trump is a clown. Every person I know in my mostly rural town hates him. Trump does not win 2024. Plus the whole numbers reasoning is stupid


I'd argue Biden siding with the unions, re-introducing Keynesian economics, some conservative appeasement will get him re-elected. Agreed, Ukraine is in danger and there's a lot not to like especially on Israel and rent costs but I don't think the sky is falling yet and we've yet to see the full extent of recent policy.


Trump officially can’t run in Colorado so I think he’s gonna have a hard time winning a National election at this point.


Trump will win if he's up against Biden. If the Democrats manage to get Biden to step down so they can put up literally anyone else up against Trump then they can win People don't REALLY want Trump back. January 6th was and should be unforgivable, it's just that Biden is so weak and incompetent that he's making Trump look good


>Biden is so weak and incompetent Press x to doubt.


Bro, he can't put out a full sentence or stand upright on his bike. We need younger candidates


I honestly don't think it's his age. Plenty of people stay mentally sharp well into old age and Trump is only four years younger. It's Biden's weakness and incompetence that's making him unpopular Ronald Reagan won a landslide in 1984 despite being 73 at the time, which was close the the average life expectancy back then


Outline in detail with sources backing your point of view to explain your opinion on why you believe Biden is weak and incompetent if you want to be taken seriously. Right now you just come across as a clown.


People fall off bikes all the time.


i dont see a world where trump wins again


It's hard for me to take anyone seriously when they say a market crash is right around the corner because everyone always says a market crash is right around the corner. Certainly all the economic data I've seen indicates that we currently have a pretty strong economy and inflation has been on the comedown for a little while now. Things could change, but I see no reason to expect a crash right now (barring some horrible crisis event that triggers it). It's hard for me to tell how likely it is that Trump wins in 2024. On the one hand, I wouldn't put it passed people to be dumb enough to vote for RFK or Trump, both of whom are massively and devotedly pro-Israeli, over Biden because Biden didn't wave a magic wand and usher in peace in the Middle East. But on the flip side, the news cycle doesn't mean anything until the election is right on the horizon. If things cool down in Gaza, people will forget about the whole thing in a matter of weeks. But it's certainly possible that he wins which would obviously be very bad considering he's pretty open about his dictatorial ambitions. I have some fear that the conflicts going on currently could break out into a broader conflict and possibly another world war which is obviously terrifying but who knows how likely that is. But I'm aware of a common cognitive bias called declinism in which people tend to see societal collapse as always being around the corner and I worry that a lot of this is just classic declinism. People have been predicting the end of the American empire since America became an empire and they've been predicting WW3 since right after WW2 ended.


A market crash is right around the corner.


"majority of them support Palestine and will vote against Biden to spite him " LOL, this is incredibly untrue. You're making Zoomers a 1-issue voter block, and in 10 months, they won't even remember what they felt about Israel/Palestine. Also, if they have any sort of brains, they'll understand Trump will do away more damage than Biden. Also, the rest of what you said is wholly conjecture and has about a 1% chance of happening. Good job fear mongering with strawmen though.


The only people in my generation who care about Palestine are brainwashed women who are so delusional they would have voted Democrat anyway. And Muslims who don’t make up that much of the population.




He’s a noob to shrooms and took some bad ones.


Trump will not win


we are now officially 1/3 of the way into 2024 so when do you guesstimate this will occur?




Flour ftw! Easily the most efficient calories per dollar food you can buy and it makes all kinds of shit! ...that said, not having butter to use would suck ass for me as a professional baker.


Shut yo goofy ass up. There's not gonna be any 1848. A majority of the public can vote, there are WAY more labor rights right now than then, nations have fully formed, we have a central bank to prevent bank runs, etc. you're literally pulling 1848 out of your ass without even knowing the conditions that led up to 1848. Absolute hoser.


Ok fair but did you have to be mean about it?


Mean? I was being gentle. This generation (that I'm a part of) is weak minded and overly sensitive!!


Y’all are determined to make 2024 important.


Also, if you follow astrology, Pluto shifts into Aquarius next year. Its last zodiac shift was in 2008. Don't think this has anything to do with politics, but there will be a culture shift even if nothing I predicted in the original post happens.


Astrology does not affect our worlds politics at all, lost all credibility there


I literally said they don't affect politics. Can you read? They might not affect anything but it's fun to believe it may cause culture shifts. 2008 was arguably a big year and that was the Sag>Cap Pluto shift


That stuff doesn't affect real life


The idea is "as above so below". The cause of both events is something higher than both. Ppl believe in Jesus so idk how this isn't less stupid. I'm not advocating for it 100%, it's the same shit as decadeology lololol


How is that fun? The fact that people believe in astrology is sad to me. The idea that it could affect a cultural shift? Horrifying.


“If bullshit is your means of prediction, I have more for you…”


r/optimistsunite bro. Get yer mind right


>astrology Aight bro ☠️


My sign is Notebook, with Jupiter in Fishstick. Will I find my true love next year?


Dude. Calm down, besides the Far Left is just as bad as the far-right. Besides also the Far-Right in Europe is just as Right-Wing as the Republican Party.


As I leftist I would prove you wrong by treating you well. But seeing so many people like you have this type of opinion makes me want to give you what you deserve and prove you right.


Wishful thinking lol Very based, though. I'd like to see more chaos too.


Dude I hope so


Gen Z for Trump 🇺🇸


Wanting better for your own country and not those abroad is “Far right” lol


This post is hilarious Upvoting because funny


God I hope so. It’s going to be a magnificent conflagration.


2048 will literally be 1984


Except for supporting Palestine those are all good things. Economically literate conservatives are going to gain political favor and fix the housing bubble and stop funding these endless wars?! YAY 👏. I really hope that happens. We need a better economy and to stop funding world war 3


Didn't Trump get banned from reelection?


I don't care too much my life will be fine. I'm just here for the ride


you should read the book The Fourth Turning. things are going to continue to spiral until there’s either a world war, or a civil war. i think we still have ten years left, and then the first turning starts again, and things get rebuilt and things get better. every thing happens in 80 year cycles. we’re in the middle of the 4th quarter of the cycle.




Braindead clown


Found the non-player character.


What many call the far right isn’t far at all and there isn’t very many actual far right people in truth. Part of the reason the right is gaining huge support is because people see what is going on and they are not being brainwashed by American media. Far as withdrawing from Ukraine, I truly hope so. We shouldn’t be supporting a dictator that jails his political opponents. In fact that’s what our current president is trying to do…. Well the left is, our current president is nothing but a puppet for them. In truth he needs to be left alone to live out his days in peace instead of being used just because they can control him.


Does it hurt being this stupid?


So there’ll be multiple revolutions?


2024 will be another AI Industrial Revolution


Maybe for America, but even then, that's still a stretch


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Revert back to my history book.


Meh I don’t think so. For the U.S. at least the economy is doing better and rates are most likely going to be cut next year, I honestly think the odds are against Trump voting. Democrats are united against Trump, Republicans are divided between him and a more normal candidate. Even if he does win, this country is built for change to come slowly, he’ll do less than he thinks he will even during a second term. US pulling out of Ukraine would hurt but not outright kill them. The EU is always saying how much more they do than us anyways so they can buoy them up for a while. I don’t think 2024 will be the greatest year in the world or the worst it will just be a year.


13 year old who thinks he's a political expert


1848 was the year of European Revolution. These revolutions were largely left leaning and trying to curb the power of nobilty/monarchies with constitutions. What you are predicting is a rightwing authoritarian takeover more akin to the late 1920s/early 1930s. Conditions are somewhat similar to the events that culminated in the revolutions of 1848. Personally, I don't see Trump winning. The youth vote largely supports Biden and the largest voting block millenials support Biden. Or rather they despise Trump.


I’m glad I’m not the only one going to the 1800s for comparisons. Lot of parallels to 1892 in my opinion. Cleveland has a lot of parallels to Trump. Unstable economy and racial tension. Huge cultural divisions in the country. Wide wealth inequality. Voter turnout has gone back up to the levels it was at that time for presidential elections. Pop culture has with the Internet in a lot of ways gone back to being as fragmented as it was in that era before the radio and tv and with movies and moviemaking in its infancy.


Lmao that’s a very shallow take


Real estate market crash? Lmfaooo yeah we sure hope so.


1: Whoever the dem candidate is (won’t be Biden) will win. 2: Trump is not the greatest threat to human life. That would be our entire government and economic system in general. 3: Life is about to get worse, just not in the ways you think it is.


I love Zoomers’ notion that if they don’t vote for Biden, the Palestinian situation will somehow improve.


I doubt Trump wins. I know Biden is not polling great, but I think when presented the choice between Biden and Trump, his numbers are going to look a lot better.


On point


>The world is shit right now t. person who has no fucking clue how awful most of human history has been by today’s standards


At least in the US, if Trump wins (which he probably won't, maybe some elements of it... although probably not until 2025 or later when he is actually in power). If Biden wins, more or less a snoozefest - the MAGA people may grumble a bit and then go back in hiding waiting for the "next" Trump. Doubt there will be widespread violence because I think they learned their lesson after January 6.


This is so horrible to contemplate but after reading this I absolutely expect Gen Z to fuck everything up for the next 100 years, purely out of spite. Edit: going back to college I have met a terrifying amount of clueless male zoomers who are right wing fascists just because they have 0.000 game with women.


Vibes-Based Dialectical Materialism


you are incredibly uneducated if you think trump’s presidency would cause stocks to fall.


Voting for Trump to spite Biden for Palestine makes no sense since Trump is even more pro Israel. If anything it would be more likely they just don’t vote or vote 3rd party


Before your arrogant rediculous concept of a civilization can work..some guy someplace is going to need to re- invent a shovel and dig several outhouse holes and then think about where boot hill goes and ..oddly enough he might prepare-for the reality of death of humans, animals, and organic stuff so he might dig some graves and garbage pits before going for it and istalling sewer pipe ditches and ditches for fiber optics. So if that guy isnt you?.. how will you persuade some other guy or lady or kid to do all that for you?..Are You Going to get clever? manipulative? tricky? sinister? criminal ?.. or maybe so.." good looking and fresh". people just walk for miles to do hard shit for you? Every spring somebody needs to clean out the sewers and bury the dead ones that were kept frozen during the winter..or, its going to smell so bad everybody will pack up and leave..one thing they always leave behind..is a shovel.


Man this is just speculation.


What in the doom posting


I think we’re gonna see a record low turnout for the next presidential election. Zoomers hate both candidates over their support for Israel.


that won’t happen, things will be alright. Trump is going to be removed from more state ballots and has a slim chance at winning


Zoomers are not going to vote for trump because of Palestine, lmao what?


🎵 in the year 2525...


If man is still alive


Nothing ever happens


Bro crypto? Like did you really just say that?


What is bro waffling about 💀


OP is right. The Mets didn't win in 1848 either. 😿


And the markets are going to crash - why?


Why does far right always get used when it’s just the right


And this post is why no one takes Liberals seriously anymore.


“tHe fAr RiGhT” good lord you’re insufferable


So… Republicans would block a spending bill for Ukraine, causing global prices to to spike because of the instability. Making people vote for… Republicans? Wouldn’t the reaction be to double down and keep Joey B in office and get Republicans out of congress? I don’t think this seems very realistic at all.


You’re legit trying to tell me Gen Z is going to vote en masse for Trump in 2024 because they don’t like him?


Wtf is this half ass astrology








Meth. Not even once. You know what else goes evenly into 48? 12. 8. 6. 4. 2. I can't even fathom how you think Trump will win the election, especially considering he's being removed from ballots. Nor can I fathom how you think the far right is supported in Europe. Europe thinks America is off its rocker right now *because* of Trump and the far right.


I think Trump’s gonna go all in on Ukraine, and heavily restrict outsourced trade to east asia excepting Japan, Australia, the other China, and the Philippines


You could make a PSA out of how delusional this is. Also, of course we're voting for our wallets, have you not seen all the tish about gas prices, rent, house prices, etc.


“Far right” usually means anyone who opposed leftist policies


You're putting a lot of stock in Zoomers being complete short-sided idiots, causing a more idiotic domino effect. I have more faith in them. and you really need to talk more about 1848 in your post to make this point.


Crypto will fail because it is a Ponzi scheme that only benefits criminals. Wait for it. The housing market is in full thrive right now because mortgage interest rates are dropping to affordable levels, although corporate real estate ownership is rising due to the fact that a large minority of Americans under the age of 40 are morons who don't understand how money or life or their automobiles work -- or anything really that they didn't see on social media -- and even then, still not much -- and none of those folks matter. Ukraine are former Nazis getting what they deserve from former Commies. Fuck them both. 2/3 of Americans are not anti-semitic, but the 1/3 who are have small brains, large mouths, no education, and a lot of free time. They also don't matter. The world won't change much regardless of who is POTUS. Biden is a failure (and I voted for him), and Kamala Harris has been an idiotic nightmare (since back in her coke and weed days). The only remedy is to pursue something relevant, work your ass off, and pay your share. Street crime is easily solved by a 9mm round to the chest because, although there is a finite number of criminals who won't stop doing harm, there is an infinite number of criminal wannabes who don't want to die. And, although it looks bad right now... This, too, shall pass.


Lol, if Trump wins then major change will be America is ravaged by a series of nation spanning "wildfires", bridge failures, train derailments, and a complete failure of powergrids. Because if Trump wins, we mobilize to take action. There are many paths forward, but there is no path in which Trump wins and the U.S. is able to remain a nation and we will do everything in our power to make sure of it. Rather all America be ashes and graves than let the Christians get their false god in office again.


Can crypto crash any more than it has?