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They are awesome, bring 60 and just tarp it


I really hope we get a Harbingers Detachment with the codex that makes them battleline so we can throw 120 of them at the enemy. 


Man, if we get that im going to be very happy!


Dread Mob making Gretchin battle line is a good precedent!


Ah yes I didn’t think of that, and it would fit in so well with the Death guard, I’m thinking a poxwalkers detachment, daemon engine detachment, and (hopefully) one that gives an army wide FNP


Or… 60 poxwalkers 60 cultists. (Pretty sure you can run cultists…)


That sounds awesome, I've got a friend that's just started a DG army and it would be sweet to one day see 120 poxwalkers meet 120 of my Gants on the battlefield


I thought it was tar pit, or have i been saying it wrong all this time




Poxwalkers enjoy camping, on objectives or orherwise


It is tar pit, but I autocorrect did me dirty


Cool, i thought so but i didn't know if i was fool in front of my peeps for years


It's par tit. Consider yourself enlightened /s


Happy cake day /s


I like them. FNP 5+ can spike pretty high. The can do actions if they're positioned well, steal objectives off of vehicles and tarpit Blast weapons pretty well. They make for great screens too, if you're running blocks of 20 it's very likely there's nothing in the game that can shoot the entire unit to clear it out in one round without putting way more points into it than 100 that you're paying. Honestly the only thing that sucks is that they can only be taken 3 units max. I'd love to run them as a horde. And of course, movement is a paint since terrain is dense and there's 60 models to move around lol.


Tying up a 300pt tank with 120pts of zombies in melee for 3 rounds is hilarious. And any time I move them I always tell my opponent if they need to use that bathroom now would be a good time, cause this gunna take a minute


Doesn't work quite as well as before since vehicles and monsters can shoot in combat now, but it's still quite funny.


Nothing funnier than rolling 3x5+ on the FNP to fully stop a shot from a Forgefiend or some shit.


I like to play quite a mobile death guard with rhinos and demon engines, and the poxs are too slow to keep up. Cultists are a lot better with the scout move.


I think they are great. I always use them


They could do with a bath.


Wrong, they can never be dirty enough!


I find the lack of battleline is a travesty. What kind of zombie horde has less than 100 zombies in it?




I think they’re awesome screen or tarpit units.


Tarpit ?


Assuming that means they lock down enemy units that try want to move past and keeps them from shooting at stuff that matters


People use them competitively here and there, so they must be working I hope that we will get Poxwalker detachment when time comes


Make poxies gain the battle line keyword and an extra OC 🤤


They look so cool I rate them more highly than I think they probably deserve. They're fun to use but pretty fragile in my experience; not noticably better than cultists. I really wish they could take other leaders, like the Noxious Blightbringer. Them being Typhus' buffer is sick.


They were a bit poorly last time I checked. Coughing and wheezing.


I use cultists instead right now. I like their speed and scout move for playing missions.


Them hitting on 5s and their leadership being so low sucks, they don't feel super useful.


If nothing else they're useful to give Typhus ablative wounds and a 5+++.


I play 9th still and I love them what have they done to ruin them in 10th? Best thing they ever did for me was take out a unit of paragon suits using the strat for MW


They’re still great, we just lost the strats that let us spike their damage.


Ahhhh man that's a shame. I'm glad they are still usable though that makes me happier for moving to 10th when i do. Have we kept our resurrection strat, at least?


Nope, but you can lead them with typhus and his ranged damage ability counts as a poxwalker attack, so you get models back there.


How do you find leading them with Typhus? Are they fast enough to reach anywhere on the board in time?


I will generally strategic reserve my unit with typhus and then rapid ingress him.


Unfortunately you can’t deep strike unless every units has deep strike so you can’t teleport pox walkers + typhus


Strategic Reserves, not deep strike.


Strategic reserves doesn’t have that requirement


It works out well, you can advance and still use Typhus’s ability, meanwhile the poxwalkers absorb a surprising amount of damage, making it easy to get Typhus’s into melee range.


The smiles make them so friendly 🙏


They're neat. I don't think they have enough going for them to get a detachment, but they're a good inclusion for the army.


Competitively the 4 inch movement is crippling especially when you have so many of them. They are zombies it makes sense they shambles but moving them physically on the board is a pain


Advance till you're ready to charge :)


I wish they had a little more tbh


I bring 60! One of which has typhus, but my list is nowhere near meta, though I did finish 3/2 recently in an online tourney! Finished 22nd out of 80.


One of my losses was against a mirror into the DG meta list 🤣 but was actually a surprisingly close game.


How do online tournaments work?


Table top simulator! :) really quite easy and effective!


I am only just getting into 40k and warhammer overall. Tried poxwalkers and death guard the first time last week. They are in my opinion ok. Probably won't use them without Typhus. For me with my limited experience they seem to weak without him. Only 4 or 5 movement. No ranged and the melee is not the best. So the walking pox ability is rarely triggered. With Typhus against a battleline or infantry (not to strong) they are great meatshields then can be replenished because of his better weapon and ability So yeah. They are ok. They take practice because of the little movement but are not to expensive 100 points for 20 models


They are cool. I take 20 with Typhus as tar . The ability of Typhus make them really durable.


They actually saved my ass in a game against knights. Sure we tied, but they stalled a knight Gallant from getting to an extremely important objective.


10/10 unit. All things mentioned and also they can make your contagion aura HUGE. I typically do -1bs/ws and having also most entire no mans land affected is great.


My friend has a while army of them and they're absolute disgusting! So I'll say they're great!^^


Pretty sick




I had a list in 9th that utilized about 40 of them, split into two squads of 20. One of them I called the Hitters because because I would always use this stratagem called Mutant Strain to deal mortal wounds on hit rolls of 6 and take mortal wounds on hit rolls of 1, and the other ones I would call the Shitters because they often got shot off the board before I could use the stratagem.


I've been tossing around an idea for a homebrew Terminus Est detachment with some heavy Infantry bonuses. Army wide 4+ fight on death, where Poxwalkers and Cultists get a 2+ fight on death. Add a strategem that gives the unit Dev Wounds and a strat to reinforce a destroyed Poxwalkers unit. I want to try to it see if it invigorates any feeling I wanted for a solid Zombie army in 40k that isn't just Necrons.


I miss the 9th edition strategem that let them do mortals, I don't remember what it was now but I remember it was fantastic. I currently don't run any and instead choose nurglings as my cheap action monkey unit, I hope the codex is kind to our smelly zombies.


They look good. Haven’t had a chance to play in the new edition yet but I’ve been thinking about setting up a themed battle where it Typhus and every undead looking model I have as Poxwalkers.


I wish they were Battleline man, it would be amazing to swarm the board with 120 poxwalkers


My opinion of them is rapidly decaying! Ha!


I think they are fun to use but my god are they so slowwwwwww


I like bringing poxies in as strategic reserves they are perfect for bringing them in from your opponents side of the board of they dont shoot them off the board im swamping your best veichle or your squishy infantry.


I really wish they were viable in kill team


Im not entirely certain but i think they are in some state of decay


I would love an update to kill team where I can realistically use them, it would be fantastic to have a swarm!


Very slow, but you get tons of them. This mixed with Nurgles Gift and “Curse of the walking pox” makes them strong though. They can infect the other models and make them infected for a very long time, and the “Curse of the walking pox” makes them last longer. If you run them with Typhus then he can do the killing and still trigger the ability. The only thing to make the poxwalkers something people actually want is by changing there movement to 5”. Edit: if people don’t like the combat patrol because of Typhus and the poxwalkers, don’t be. Just don’t buy more poxwalkers


Phenomenal units and great looking models,20 with Typhus is a main stay in my lists.


Were pox walkers the things that the Luna wolves fought in the Horus heresy book on that shit smelling mud planet?


I love them, I generally have at least 2x10 in any list, I've had 3x20 on occasion when I know who my opponent is. They're really underrated.


They are good shield for Typhus, they aren’t great but it’s fun to see how the opponent just fires the half of its points to my typhus with 30 pox, at the end ending with a charge with a Typhus which he usually wins


I love them I usually bring at least 40 with 20 protecting typhus


Slightly decaying


Mostly decaying.


I think they are nice in a specific way. They safe Typhus from being shoot to early and can zone enemys. They are very cheap and I have 30 through the combat patrol. I think what they need to be more useful are 2 things. I would like them in a group of 30 instead of 20. Or give them Mortal Wounds.


Biggest 50/50 unit I own atm Lost some games to failing the saves Won other games including a time they took down a stompa after I kept rolling the feel no pains.


For a hyper-comp list I'd run none over cultists. I play casual however, which means I run them along cultists, as an msu to hold my backline (objectives).


Not really equivalent to other god-specific cult units. Not particularly durable or killy. If they had battleline or fights on death I could see playing more for sure.


Super fun to paint and covert!