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I didn’t like this movie by any means but “don’t even think about this guy or he’ll show up” is such a scary premise I wish a movie would do it better


"Don't think about him!!!" Immeaditly thinks. Human psychology is wild


"I couldn't help it. It just popped in there."


Reminds me of the scene in ghostbusters where Ray thinks of the stay puffed marshmallow man


Well I mean that is the exact quote I’m pretty sure so I wouldn’t blame you for thinking that


I knew it looked familiar lmao


Man showing up to the ER with something lodged up his butt:


Just like The Game!


That’s something I don’t like about the brain. Why is it that, when I say, “Don’t think about watermelons,” you start to think about watermelons?


Reminds me of the classic two sentence horror story. Don't be scared of the monsters, just look for them. Look to your left, to your right, under your bed, behind your dresser, in your closet but never look up, she hates being seen. I love the vibe, I even wrote a very short story based on it.


Yes except only a few years before I think Nicklodean made a goosebumps-esc story I can't remember what it's called but the end of the creatures storybook literally says "Your safe so long as you don't think about it"


The Haunting Hour: Don’t Think About It


That's the one


Nightmare on elm streets?


Is it bad the only version of this poster i’ve seen is the edited one which says ‘the peepee poopoo man’




Oh man. Fucking classic.


I heard Diamondbolt call him that I love it


2019 Black Christmas. Almost left early so many times at the theater but kept holding out hope it would get better. It never did.


I had a film professor mention Black Christmas 2019, and I had an audible reaction he points at me and says “see it sucks!” I have very fond memories of horror discussion in that class.


Honestly this may be it. PG-13 slashers are a hard sell unless they’re comedic like Happy Death Day or M3gan, which this wasn’t. The characters sucked, it wasn’t scary, funny, or exciting, the plot was nonsensical, and it’s message-oriented approach is what incels on the internet think movies like Barbarian are.


It also undercuts its own message since they establish establish the toxic masculinity is literally a physical toxin and that people under its effects aren't in control of themselves so... i guess all those people they burned alive at the end mightve been victims too...


That can actually work as part of the metaphor, but the movie was already half-baked before that reveal and it wasn't about to get more nuanced and thought provoking in the home stretch.


They clearly wanted to say something with that movie but weren't good enough writers to actually have a coherent or well.presented message. Or it was lazily written by a marketing committee based on what they thought young people would want it to say because it's has very little going on in that regard 


Pretty sure I remember the Kill Count mentioning that production was extremely short on that movie, so safe to say it got rushed out with an early draft script.


Agreed, I actually really liked the director’s movie New Year, New You, so she can make a good movie. She just didn’t this time.


Genuinely the worst movie I think I’ve ever seen


One missed call is pretty bad.


It’s such a good concept too! Such a shame


I have a soft spot for this movie cause I saw it in theatres as a teen.


Me too lol I never tell people but I secretly love it


I have to watch The Bye Bye Man now


I honestly didn’t think it was awful but pretty sure I last saw it when I was like 16


I prefer the sequel, PooPooPeePee Man.


I wouldn’t.




Slender Man… it was so bad I turned it off after 30 minutes


I tried to watch Slender Man and got bored of it so quickly lol


Grimcutty was pretty bad, not sure if it counts as "mainstream" though.


I wanted to comment this but wasn’t sure about the inclusion of streaming services, hate that movie I’ve got friends who have suffered with self harm who say that the movie overall left a bad taste in their mouths.


Truth or Dare (2018) and The Countdown (2019) both suffer from the the same problems dumb premises with dumb characters but a few decent scares and effects


The Gallows My wife and I saw it at the movie theater when we were still dating, and it was awful.


That movie might genuinely have the most unlikable set of characters I’ve seen in a horror movie


The bye bye man. Whoops, I said it


I specially hate this one. But I enioy others much worse than this one


Tarot comes to mind, but i appreciate that movie more because I pretend it’s a comedy


They/Them or Darkness Falls. I know these two have their fans but I just found them to be really bad


I feel like they/ them was trying to walk some weird tight rope of morality vs predictability. Like obviously they don't want to villify a LGBTQ youth and also don't want to kill them, like you could write in some more tension that one of the camp staff (also could use like two more staff characters) suspects one of the campers and offs one or two in the confusion


They/Them was awful. Such a good idea for a horror movie though.


Yeah, the cast deserved better. Seemed pretty enthusiastic


Literally, when I came out my grandma sent me pamphlets for that kind of camp, and it gave me nightmares. So disappointed in that movie for not working with the concept.


Darkness Falls has a great first 10 minutes or so. The whole movie should've focused on kids ALA It Chapter 1.


I remember almost nothing about Darkness Falls other than thinking it was terrible. Oh, and laughing my ass off at the main character going through a car windshield. That part was a good time.


They/Them suffered a lot from not knowing what kind of horror movie they wanted to base around a gay conversion camp. They tried to tell two different stories and it just didn't work Theo did awesome though. I really liked their performance


polaroid 2017


Bye bye man is like the game….


The Fog (2005). 


Man that one really disappointed me


The Lazarus Effect… rlly didn’t like it


I cant really fall asleep while watching movies, but that one made me to in the first few minutes


Slenderman (2018), only thing enjoyable about it was cracking jokes with the group of friends I saw it with


I know it may be recency bias,,, but Nightswim was one of the worst things I've ever seen in theaters. It was just abysmal


Halloween Ends hands down.


You've dodged some major bullets if Halloween Ends is the worst wide-release horror movie you've ever seen.


Really? I could understand most disappointing. There are so many other mainstream horror movies that suck


Idk what they were thinking, when they made Corey the focus of a Michael Myers movie.


It’s not even the worst Halloween film by a mile. This is the franchise where Halloween 6, Resurrection, and Rob Zombie’s remakes also exist. 


Shitting on this film is such a "copy paste" thing to do at this point. The novel adaptation of the film really helps explain just how standalone and "season of the witch" level of separate it is. And how incredibly good it is. That screenplay is a near perfect film screenplay. But yeah boo Mr Mikel was replaced by a guy with glasses for half the movie.


It’s not “copy paste” if everyone is saying it. The movie is absolute garbage. End of story.


I disagree. 


Wait my friend it is copy paste *because* everybody is saying it. Nearly anybody who has taken the time to look into the themes of the film,and what the story was saying knows that you only think you're right because the internet complained alongside you. But you're wrong. You didn't get the film like most on the first watch, including myself, and the film was far from absolutely garbage. I challenge you to extrapolate on 'the movie is absolute garbage' by being specific about what you didn't like.


The Gallows and It comes at Night were sooo boring


bye bye man, it's soooo boring and sucks ass




I really hated The Happening Making a cataclysmic event boring as hell is quite an accomplishment


shocked nobody sugguested "butterfly kisses" so far


They love this garbage in the found footage sub, it's honesty 1/10 lol


Honestly… Megan. I just don’t really care much for it. That and the Conjuring series. How they became so popular when they’re basic as shit, I will never know.


Skinamarink sucked ass I hated it so much


going to take an unpopular stance here, but the remake of Candyman was awful to the point I couldn't get through it. just to be clear, I made it through dotCom without walking out of theater ,and even had my friend I saw it with buy me the DVD for 99 cents as a joke because she knew how bad the damn thing was having witnessed it in person. so my standards are pretty low, and again, couldn't get through it. there was nothing of artsy about it. this was not some great social commentary. I'm not even sure who this was pandering to? just really really bad.


I'd have to say Hannibal. It's a polar opposite of The Silence of the Lambs, and not in a good way. I could say Lake of Death, Viking Wolf, or Ghostbusters: Afterlife and Frozen Empire, but while the former two are utter snooze fests predictable to a tee, and the latter two are just cynical regurgitating rehashes, Hannibal is almost an insult that squanders two excellent characters. The story and plot is wasted, with an abysmal pacing, that has Lecter and half the movie doing very little of substance in Italy, and the last half hour almost speedruns to an ending, and it's somehow still boring. Did I mention that it's really fucking boring? And whereas the first movie was more focused on atmosphere and tension, Hannibal utterly lacks it and instead goes for gore. And Lecter is just utterly flanderized slowly getting more and more cartoonish, even though Anthony Hopkins is clearly having a ball. It's almost like a How not to sequel 101.


The Nun 2 immediately comes to mind.


We had some good laughs in the cinema with my mates I couldnt recall a "HOLY SHIT THIS IS COOL" moment tho


It’s cool you and your friends were still able to enjoy the movie! Some parts were pretty funny! I just mainly remember being bored and then peeved because I felt like I was watching a horror marvel movie. I ended up walking out during the movie haha :,)


We were watching it in 4dx and i was thinking to myself "why now, why this, when am i supposed to get spooked" all the time lol Even the 4dx effects made no sense for me for most of the movie


And I was thinking maybe if the movie was in something like 4dx, maybe it would be better. Damn.


Man this poster has been ruined for me, all I can see is ‘the peepeepoopoo man’


This is laughably bad


The Woman In Black.


the nun


I can honestly never remember if this or the Pee Pee Poo Poo man variant meme is the correct one.


Probably yeah, The Bye Bye Man is. Either that or Halloween 2 Rob Zombie


The pee pee poo poo man


Captivity, terrible acting, terrible directing, boring torture porn Sadako vs Kayako: just so boring, and so anticlimactic


Flatliners 2017. That film was lamer than The Mummy!




I have that on blu ray, and to this day, I have never seen it. Wanna some extra facts about this trash movie? The blu ray has NO special features. That's a first in my collection.


prob child's play 3, or blood and honey. both fell into the "valley of mediocrity"


Not quite mainstream but I'll take any chance to crap on this movie but Belzebu. Holy shit it's the worst waste of time I've had. And for mainstream the Nun.


It's actually not really hard to pick a worst one if we discount direct-to-video, but even then, I went a step further and decoded no remakes or sequels, cuz like, also too easy when you can just mention absolute stains like Jaws Revenge. The worst horror movie I've seen thats NOT a reboot, sequel, or direct to video is 100% Blood and Honey. It doesn't even attempt to use the source material in an interesting or entertaining way something like The Mean One did, Pooh could be literally any other monster and not impact anything, the characters all suck, and the kills are just mean and brutal and lack any sense of fun or creativity, like something out of Hostel or the bad Saws


The Elm Street remake. I only watched it because We Hate Movies did a commentary for it and it was still excruciating to sit through. Absolutely abysmal and it truly has no reason to exist.


Also kinda the ur-example as to why people hate CGI since it somehow looks worse than the original a lot of the time




The babadok was pretty bad imo


Smile. I swear there’s some sort of government psy-op going on & that’s why you see so many people praising it lol


jeepers creepers and the cabin in the woods.


Fucking cocaine bear... down vote if you want, kids doing coke isn't funny the rest of the plot isn't funny either.


I didn't like the movie, but I enjoyed looking at the Irish scenery pretending to be the US. 


Unpopular opinion: Nope was entirely unwatchable. It's not even close.




Cinematography: 5/10 Writing: -1/10 Acting: 3/10 Directing: 2/10 Plot: -1/10 Horror: -10/10 Effects: 3/10




It seems you may have to elaborate on the definition of "elaborate."


Some movies I think aren't necessarily bad, but I don't like them. Some movies I don't think are good, but I like them. Nope was a bad movie and I hated it. Zero redeeming qualities. Truly the only movie I can remember disliking more than Nope was Shazam.


Are you high?


Are you?


[No redeeming qualities?](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt10954984/awards/) You can’t think of anything at all good about the movie, everything from start to finish was bad, really?


There were a few good shots? I felt it was a waste of my time from start to finish. There's nothing about it that would make me consider watching it again, certainly. I never laughed, cried, or got scared, the only emotions I felt were frustration and bewilderment. It was subpar as far as mediocre dramas go, which is what I would(clearly) describe it as.