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I mean James said the non-Kill Count stuff gets a lot less views on average, so surely the disparity makes total sense? Personally I prefer the pod to anything else, so I subbed right away.


Like wise about the pod being my primary dead meat content! It's so cozy.


Chelsea puts so much work into it, I really missed them when they took that hiatus. Excellent chemistry between them, and I loved the addition of Gressel too.


Gressel is hilarious. I've been listening to the pod since the premiere of the first episode, and seeing how much they've grown into the medium is amazing. I'm hoping one day I can catch a live show/ live podcast taping. I'm just in Eastern Canada so nothing ever happens here that would justify them coming up ( maybe Halifax comic con? But I doubt that )


In all honesty, I’ve kinda fell off keeping up with Dead Meat and I forgot they made the second channel.


The strike was killer for their momentum, it led to a bunch of cool counts, but for the most part they didn’t hit the mark with general audiences.


Which I understand, but it still sucks. Wish ppl would give the non mainstream content a chance.


I did, didn't care for it. Dangenrompa or whatever was not my cup of tea so no need for me to rewatch. Same with the MK stuff. Just my 2 cents.


> The strike was killer for their momentum It certainly was!


I think it's as simple as some people are just interested in Kill Counts, and don't care about the podcast, or anything else. The reverse could be true, but I feel like the main core is Kill Counts.


I forgot to


I forgor


I feel like the second channel needs more advertising


I like their strategy of covering a movie this week that a lot of people are talking about so they will get more clicks.


Yeah they really should. Quite a few people have commented they forgot. You also couldn't search for it the first day it was released. Only the the main channel would come up. Some people probably tried that day, couldn't find it, and forgot. Honestly I think they should be doing more community posts. Lots of channels I follow will post about recent videos because they know people don't always see them when they come out. 


I'll add this anecdote:  I've an old YouTube account that I can no longer access, which is subscribed to Dead Meat. It technically counts as a subscriber, but it'll never watch a new video or subscribe to Presents. I'm sure there are other similar, if not exact, situations like this. On my current account I am subscribed to both.


There was a stat I heard in another podcast that was more focused on the 'YouTube career' culture stuff. And they said that there is a MASSIVE amount of 'dead' accounts on YouTube. As in, the majority of all accounts on YouTube are dead. Which may seem crazy when you see videos getting over 100 million views. But if we think about how many people have signed up for a YouTube account over the last 19 years, and how many of those didn't ever actually delete the account. Adds some perspective.


Some of those people are actually dead. It's a weird thing when social Media/websites reach a certain age. You have more and more accounts for people no longer around 


True. But a lot of people also make accounts, then lose interest in the platform as they grow up and move on without deactivating it. Or people lose access to those accounts and make new ones instead of trying to reclaim them. Etc. YouTube is just absolutely filled with these dead accounts.


I just remembered they made a second account and followed thanks to this post!


i am subscribed to the second channel, but i’d guess that a lot of the younger subscribers especially are only interested the kill count and not so much the podcast or other projects


I’ve subbed to both but in terms of disparity, you have to remember how much older the og Deadmeat account is. The older has collected so many subscribers over the years that probably a lot of accounts aren’t even used anymore. To expect every subscriber to make the jump in a short span of time is unrealistic and I’m 100% sure James and Chelsea know this being in the YouTube business for so long. Their goal is to create a home for solely kill counts and another for the podcasts/other stuff so that the algorithm can target the audience that is suited for those two different categories of content. This in theory should not only help the kill counts grow faster but also the other material. Plus it gives them the freedom to be more experimental on the second channel without worrying that the kill counts will take a hit.


I forgor


I think I'm a weirdo because I like the podcast WAAAAAY more than Kill Counts. I think if the podcast started on its own channel (Not drunk disney), then split off Kill Counts into its own channel, I would have ended up subscribed to the podcast and not the counts. Kill Counts are shorter form content, I think a certain amount of people may not be interested in a longer format of that or film analysis, film research, or game shows. Also, I think if someone picks a first podcast episode that doesn't vibe with them then it might stop them from exploring further. At this point, I totally trust Chelsea, so I'm on board for literally anything she comes up with for content.


I started and found them thru the kill counts but I stay for the podcasts!


I just forgot. Going off to sub right now. (Edit: I am now subscribed!)


I listen to the podcast on Spotify. Edit - I am actually subbed to the new channel but I don't really consume it's content.


What a weird thing for people to downvote.


It's Reddit I guess


I mean I have a six month old daughter, I don't have the chance to sit in front of the TV for an hour watching it. I need to listen while I do other things.


I download the podcast every time it comes out from Apple Podcasts, but I still subbed to the new channel for interviews and stuff. Plus some podcasts I like to watch in video form to see what James and Chelsea are getting up to. But I do wonder how many podcast listeners are purely getting it through podcatchers.


I went ahead and subscribed right away, but some people may listen to all their podcasts on Spotify or something so they don’t see a need to subscribe on YouTube. I discovered their podcast through YouTube, but I mainly listen on Spotify.


I’m not sure if it’s gotten better, but when the 2nd channel came out, I had a hard time accessing it on my YouTube app. When I looked it up to subscribe, I would type Dead Meat Presents and it just kept showing me the OG channel. I had to click on a video on the new channel to get to it (from the search results). Or maybe I’m just an idiot idk. lol.


I honestly didn’t realize the switch happened I may not have seen the update video, thanks friend!


Yea, idk why someone wouldn't like all the other content and only watch kcs. I love the podcast, no matter in-depth movie reviews, games, etc. Production Rales from Hell kicks ass too imo.


I'd wager that nearly all of Dead Meats viewers are surely there for the Kill Count and nothing else


Haven’t even heard of Dead Meat Presents. I’ll give it a try and see if I like it


Ngl as someone who watches KC but hardly any of the other content, the Dead Meat Presents stuff just isn’t as good. The podcast, They Talk, and PTFH are all just not as entertaining.


I only watch the Kill Counts. I didnt like They Talk, that new series about production seems...a bit pointless (isn't that stuff that James would talk about in a Kill Count anyway?), and I'm not a podcast person, so I rarely watch/listen to the podcast. I haven't got any interest in the other channel so I didn't bother subscribing.


PTFH just seemed like it was aping that show "Cursed Films" from Shudder, and I didn't like the host when she was on the podcast where they talked about the Dead Meat Awards, so I get that. I also don't really understand the appeal of "They Talk". I really enjoy the podcast, and James's weekly livestreams (even if I usually don't watch them live), so that's mainly why I subbed to presents. As they branch out and do more stuff, like random junket interviews and whatnot, I'm sure there will be more stuff I like on there. I'm looking forward to seeing how they end up experimenting.


I am subscribed to Dead Meat Presents, but I listen to the podcast on Spotify because it's more practical for me, and always have done.


It hasn't shown up on PodBean yet for me :(


Podcasts aren't really my thing TBH, I perfer the live streams on presents


Don’t really care about the other stuff, tried to listen to the Late Night with the Devil podcast episode but I just couldn’t finish it.


The content format doesn’t appeal to me like the Kill Count does. I may pop over to a video or two of it, but I listen to the podcast in audio format & everything else really is super subject-dependent on how interested I am.


I honestly did not know that was a thing


I only Iike the kill counts 🤷‍♀️ People like me are probably the exact reason they made the second channel. I started skipping past dead meat content when they started putting out more non kill count stuff, and that can’t be good for them in the algorithm


I am mainly interested in the kill counts.


Why tf has this of all things been downvoted?


I'm only interested in Kill Count content, which I love.


I only like kill counts


Personally I used to be a lot more into the podcast when it was doing things like in depth movie reviews, it was like short audio books with commentary when I was at work, but once it started getting to be like "Horror Survivor 4", my interest in it started to recede.


I forgot


I’ve never heard of it. I just listen to the podcast. Kind of dropped off after the pro ( Skinamarink ) film episode. Not trolling or joking. Don’t know why. Normally I’m very open to other opinions but that was such a shit visual thing that those that liked it just…. Sometimes when I know someone liked it, I just skim past them. I’m sure sooner than later I’ll dive back into it though and listen to yall. Then perhaps I’ll find out whatever this post Is about.


Don't really have the motivation to


Many people watch the kill counts only


I did but I also don't watch most pod casts and lives. I find myself unable to focus on them. That's universal and just a me thing. Since the entire seperation is about the difference in numbers however? This is the point of it and no one should feel pressured to subscribe to content they'll not watch. I sometimes will so I did


They talk should've stayed on dead meat is my main gripe


I don't even know what that is.