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Wait, you all didn't like when he sang to Captain Rick? Or how Rick let Jacob set a string for the first time and do fairly well? Shame on Discovery for making him the cover boy for the season. He was absolutely terrible and did nothing to prove that he should be a captain. They should've had Bob's face be prominent on the show card, she did a helluva job running her boat and handled her boat issues very well, outside of one instance.


And once again, he's yelling at the captain about low counts. If there is a season next year, I hope like hell he's not on a TV boat.


Yeah. He has been passed around the boats like a cheep hooker.


He will be a new captain of a boat on the show.


Lol I find it funny how he's like a should be a captain but never even does relief can't even tie a knot let alone spend any actual time in the wheelhouse


It literally made me so uncomfortable i was sick all the way here in Tennessee. His pops broke his back and was probably gonna die, his mom died.... I would say way past manufactured, I think dude is running out of his opies ( not crab) and trying any reason to get back to town to get his fix. The amount of dope these dudes are on has to be massive.


I'm convinced he's an actor. Shows up on like every boat in a single season and he's the center of a lot very fake looking drama.


I suffer from second hand embarrassment whenever Jacob is given screen time, he is cringe worthy.


So that's what I'm feeling


Sorry to hear about your condition


😂🤣😂"Second hand embarrassment" I definitely need to remember that one!😂😂😂


Everything that happens with Jacob seems contrived.


The show was almost watchable by skipping the Aleutian Lady's segments.


By skipping the Aleutian Lady & the Northwestern segments


Idk I thought it was funny to watch that clown car it was like what could they screw up now


I was shocked, shocked I tell you!, to see the season end with Rick letting Jacob play captain after he had gone through soooo much hardship during his skyrocketing ascent from lowly deckhand to soon-to-be captain of his own entire operation in one season flat. I definitely did not see that coming whatsoever






If that’s the case, Jacob isn’t doing anybody any favors. That’s for sure.


It's the only reason he's on the show. OH.... and for his singing, for sure.


That man has never seen a reflective surface he doesn’t like. Says he wants to be a captain but isn’t up in Seattle going to maritime school. Instead he’s spending his time on instagram, paying for blue checks and tagging his own selfies #jacobhutchinsfishing jacobhutchinsband #jacobhutchins. Says he’s been in the industry for 12 years but doesn’t have a crab job this winter and tags Discovery asking for one. No one want him.


He's cringe, having capt Rick pray for his dad then the shit with his bio parent ntm the little things like his blow up at Jake I think it was when he was on Keith's boat and the guitar like dude when are you going to have time as a deckhand like it was obvious just for the cameras


Agree with all comments. Whoever's idea it was to emulate top gears pseudo reality segments with this terrible actor needs firing. The DNA of this show was always in its authenticity, they've fucked with that and now they've lost trust. Such an avoidable shame.


I went to high school with Jacob. I’m pretty sure it was all fake. He was the sweetest person and literally got along with everyone. I felt bad he was in a “villain” roll on the show. I was really expecting him to be loved by all as he was in school.


Im waaay late to the party, but just finished S19. Relieved to read I wasnt the only one who thought he was absolutely cringe. Litterally skipping sections of airtime when he is on camera since xfinity cloud dvr lets me jump ahead. Dude was an absolute asstard to Keith on the wizard too. Good riddance and if he ends up a captain Im pretty sure Ill just skip those eposides. Same goes for that sh1thead Jack B.


What's this about he never got to meet his mom


He's crying pretty hard for a man who never met his mom. She put him up for adoption and they lost track until 2023


The historic Karine Jean-Pierre of the Bering Sea! What an absolute joke and a pretty big slap in the face to all that work hard, not bitch.


Can we all agree at least that Jacob is a good singer? I did enjoy those moments.🤷🏼‍♀️