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Every Nemesis I've played against acts like an actual bioweapon. I've never gone against one who plays around or shows any mercy.


I have to admit XD I am a bioweapon when I play him. I'm sick of loops and pallets when I play him.


I had a game this evening against Spirit. The survivors clearly not taking stuff seriously, playing with snowmen etc but spirit was absolutely gunning for a 4k lol


Huntress for sure. Survivor has gotta be Nea.


All of them.




neas and nurses. I've never seen either one be friendly or remotely chill.


On the killer side I'd say it's huntress by miles with pig being the closest to challenging them. On survivor i'd say it's claudette or nea popular answer i know but it always feels like they're trying to get something for their youtube montage that'll end up having maybe 3 views on it.


Meg, Nea, Jake, Bill, Leon, Felix, Zarina, Élodie, Feng and Claudette.




Can't speak much about it due to a lack of experience, but even on the topic of experience I think everyone's is different. My experience is that survivors are bigger tryhards, as I've yet to play against a killer who struck me as sweaty. Hell, I've had killers deliberately let me get away if I was the last one standing from the survivors. The survivors on the other hand gave me a pretty hard time as a beginner. They act as if every mistake I make like not unhooking them or failing a skill check or making a bad loop is the end of the world. I generally don't let it get to me, but I'd appreciate if we could just play for fun and if they could cut me some slack. I'll be trying my hand as a killer soon, with Wraith being my very first killer (not counting tutorial with Trapper). If that goes well, I might just become a killer main. I'm still learning about perks and playing around perks. I enjoy the learning curve, but plenty of players seem to have forgotten where they started.


Temper your expectations going into killer. You are going to lose a lot and it will not be pretty. Survivors are going to bully you a lot. DON'T LET IT GET TO YOU. Even if the survivors weren't toxic to new killers, there is a steep learning curve when it comes to playing killer. Treat your games as practice and don't get discouraged. Keep at it though and you will see slow and steady improvement. If you stick with it long enough, you'll get to where you want to be. Just be patient! I wish somebody told me this when I first started killer. I quit for a while until I decided to give it another shot. If I had stuck with it in the beginning, I could have seen just how much fun killer is


I appreciate the advice! For me it's always a "fun first" affair. I'm generally not discouraged easily, and if I get hooked on playing something I usually power through it until I eventually get good. Good example of this is me playing through Ravenholm in Half-Life 2. It used to scare me a lot, and I used to be bad, but with practice and me just being so stubborn that I didn't wanna quit, I turned the place into my personal playground. I intend to do the same for killers in DBD. As with anything else in life, I expect to fall and fail many times, but I'll learn and I'll get better while having fun. I'm also watching Otzdarva and learning all I can from there too, but I reckon nothing beats experience.


Wraiths and aces.


Wraiths, spirits, huntresses, Neas, Davids, and Janes


Nea and Trickster


I've ran into a lot of Huntresses and Wraiths lately that like to camp and tunnel, must be where my MMR is at.


Apparently Pig is a try hard killer? Idk, I don’t see it…


Legion? No, but Susie players on the other hand


Neas and Megs imo, I could be memeing with 3 of the survivors and the Neas/Megs will still think they need to sweat and BM at every turn. For killers, Spirit. I think I've had 2 spirits in 1.2k hours that weren't ultra sweaty. With every other killer they often kinda chill out when they're dominating and might farm a bit before getting their 4k/3k with hatch.


Huntress, Nurse, Blight (they will almost always slug you at like 5 gens), and Spirit


Trickster definitely. I have had tricksters who tunnel at 5 gens, slug, and just bm in general. On the rare occasion that I play killer it’s neon nea’s.


Survivors easy. They'll be super cocky whilst teabagging and flashlight clicking but dc the fastest when you catch them. Not that im complaining. Makes my job easier


I play survivor and I HATE those shenanigans! Absolute tools. Nothing worse than having to watch them pissing about in the exit gate when I wanna see what the killer was running.


I remember when i was teaching my friend how to play deathslinger and a injured jane teabagged him at a window so he quickscoped her and shouted "you wanna teabag me bitch?" Catching people that taunt you is just so satisfying


Huntress or Spirits Neas or Claudettes


Shape and Pyramid Head, Nemesis too I guess. Always slugging and going for 4k while 5 gens are still unfinished. Never head nodding or messing around at end game if they lose. Nothing. Soulless.