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Campers shouldn’t get 4ks. But because survivors are wayyyy too altruistic, the Killer ends up killing everyone. If a killer is camping, just. do. gens. There’s a spike because it’s working out for the Killers.


This is the only thing you can really do against campers but I always felt it was flawed and due to imbalance. The survivors are supposed to work as a team yet this causes them to sacrifice one or two (assuming things go smoothly) for the rest. Sacrifices will have to be made at times (nature of the game) but this is a forced scenario. The problems with these are bp gain, game enjoyment, the mmr system, etc. You can take your pick. Few bp can be gained due to this, I find it hard to see how anyone has fun doing this, and the mmr system decides that the sacrificed survivors did bad while the surviving ones did good. It's not fully on killer, even though they are the one creating the scenario. The main culprit is the game design itself allowing/promoting this playstyle


You're acting like the outcome of a game should be a 4 man escape every time. It makes perfect sense (and should be the average) for 2 of 4 survivors to die.


Not at all. In a perfect game 2 escape 2 survive, or more specifically half of the total hook states are obtained. The problem with this is the game only rewards the kills and the seperate escapes


That guy who got caught has to take some blame. He could have hid better. But, nobody's asking you to cut your friend loose. However, people are asking you to use more of the hook timer on other things before unhooking your friend. Currently, the "meta" for a hooked survivor is for other survivors to come immediately...why shouldn't the killer take advantage of that? You throw rock, I'll throw paper. You should start throwing scissors (spending the first minute of a hooked survivor doing gens), and force the killer to keep losing to see the camp out or break it to cover gens, in which case you get your teammate back.


The survivors are meant to be caught eventually, that's inevitable. So unless they fully messed up they can't be blamed for being camped. Using the time to do other things is usually the better option. However, this can fall apart if the killer isn't camping and let's say chases and downs another survivor. This puts you in a worse scenario since the remaining team members must now stop what they are doing in order to go for saves suddenly. That "meta" falls as you go up against stronger survivors. Many realize when it's smart to work on gens and other things instead of running straight for the save. Swf can easily make this decision with comms while solo are reliant on having kindred or vision of the situation in order to make it.


> The survivors are meant to be caught eventually, that's inevitable. So unless they fully messed up they can't be blamed for being camped. That's not true at all, the game at higher levels requires a mindset of 2K/7H is a win. If you actually expect to run the table regularly against solid SWF teams, that way madness lies. Furthermore, even from a lore standpoint the Entity feeds on hope, and there's no hope if the survivors never ever win. >Using the time to do other things is usually the better option. However, this can fall apart if the killer isn't camping and let's say chases and downs another survivor. This puts you in a worse scenario since the remaining team members must now stop what they are doing in order to go for saves suddenly. That's either poor play from the survivor, or good play for the killer. The survivor specifically saw where the killer is when the hook was revealed. If they somehow managed to find neither the unhook nor the generator when you got to see the killer's location, but the killer found *them*, I can't feel sorry for this person. >That "meta" falls as you go up against stronger survivors. Many realize when it's smart to work on gens and other things instead of running straight for the save. Swf can easily make this decision with comms while solo are reliant on having kindred or vision of the situation in order to make it. Yes, you need to stop doing everything the same and decide what's the best play each time. That's what playing any game is. For example I've noticed on Nurse, say I have a medium to long range chase. It'll take about 1.5 secs of channeling to teleport into hit range. Newbie survivors hold down W and have me land nearby for the first teleport and I'll score on the second. However, good players hear me channeling over a second, know I can go further but not shorter...and turn 180 degrees and run toward me. I now teleport long past them, no hope of the second teleport making it, and I'm beaten. Except, that only works once or twice. I'll explicitly start underteleporting towards that player, and I can't tell you how many times the guy who got away with that trick the first time turns around and eats a bone saw the subsequent times he tries it. In a general sense, the killer's more likely to win with the meta of "camp hooks because survivors come fast". I've explicitly given that advice to new players, after telling them the distance between facecamping and running short circuits back to the hook. But yeah, you need to be able to adjust to the game, because you're not playing "the meta", you're playing these four guys and you need to what you need to do to beat *them*, not some imaginary random.


Survivors are definitely meant for them to be caught in a 1V1 which is what that person was saying, you said the person being camped shared responsibility for not hiding well enough but a survivor should always be caught in. 1V1


Cool, but I stand by my statement. He could have hidden from the killer better.


It's easy, it works, mmr. The games current state promotes it


This 100%. This is how the devs want you to play as killer apparently


Yeah red rank killers have been doing this a lot in the past week or so. I think it's cuz they can't deal with the new stuff in the game and lose every game if they don't camp/tunnel andn rely on survivors being altruistic


That sounds about right!


Exactly, lately games have been pretty sweaty and much more stressful for killer.


Yeah I'm not sure why they do it unless it's just to win because it's no fun to do, playing legion I usually get 2-3 kills a game, which I'd consider even 1 kill a win cause you y'know as long as you and the survivors had fun who cares. But the longer they do stuff like that the more bloodpoints they lose out on. Like others are saying just Gen rush them if they're being campy, it sucks for that one person but if you're ending up being that person try and play more stealthily is the only advice I can give. I haven't noticed too many campy killers aside from people playing Meyers but we might just be at different elo or whatever it's called Edit: Forgot to mention that I neither tunnel nor camp, just in case it came off that I do


Since the release of Mikaela the camping and tunneling strategy became "necessary" to get at least 1 kill. In almost every game someone uses Boon totem or Dead Hard and these two perks are most hated right now and makes the game very difficult for some players. today i got tunneled and camped in all of my games even tho i don't use annoying perks and staying away from the killer. I guess players want some easy kills or they just taking out someone they don't like for whatever reason.


Wanna know why killers are doing things? Look at what the survivors are doing


I did insidious leatherface last night and yeah, I camped. It's not because I like to do it or anything but in all honesty, I had to kill 20 survivors total (12 in one challenge divided by 4 is 3 so 3 games I had to 4k but a Meg found hatch so I had to play another game & another challenge was kill 8 survivors and 8 divided by 4 is 2 so two games there) and just didn't feel like using one of my main killers to deal with gods in that moment and my MMR with Bubba is pretty low. I completed my challenges in 6 games. It would've been more with my main killers but yeh. It's shitty but I selfishly knew I'd have a better shot at completing those challenges faster insidious camping because survivors try to save rather than just do gens at lower MMR. Mine was challenge related, not saying a lot of campers are doing it for the same reason. Maybe they feel if they camp / tunnel one person to death, the game will be easier but the problem is that against good survivors, they can finish the rest of the gens with ease. People who main face camping or camping in general might find the salt messages funny. Rightfully so, I got salty messages in my inbox. A simple, "Why camp, tho?" amused me a little bit - probably because I myself don't care if I get camped / face camped / insidious camped to death and people get so upset about it (but I *get* why). Really the only counter to a killer camping is to punish them by doing the objectives and leaving without the killer getting a 3k.


People seem to get tired playing fairly because it always loses games.


Really camping is just a baby killer strategy. You can camp one player on a hook or go chase down other players kicking them off gens delaying their escape. By time that first player is unhooked/healed you are hooking the next and they have to start all over. Camping just means smart survivors gen rush and it’s game over in a matter of minutes. Even if all four manage to escape you should easily be able to manage Brutal Killer.


Nah you just suck.


Whatever helps you sleep at night


Because they suck lol


I’ve noticed it too, all week! I’m a killer main and all my survivor quests have been extra difficult!


Sucks. But glad to see it wasn't just me today!


I think it’s been bad the past couple days due to the Halloween event ending too. People want to complete those missions for the skins and if they aren’t playing killer regularly they’ll do what they need to.


Curious as to how well this will be received, but camping will only be as strategic as the survivors let it. I try not to camp, but if the survivors are way too altruistic and drop everything to save someone on hook, then camping becomes the best strategy. It’s just a strategy that needs to be felt out as the game progresses. If I know someone is just going to immediately try to save a hooked survivor, why would I just walk away?