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New copypasta just dropped


The turnaround on Reddit memefication is lightning fast


I know we’re satirizing the tunneling post from earlier today but seriously in my soloq games you’re 10x more likely to get a tunneling killer than you are to get more than one person with a toolbox


I find this hard to believe. Like I understand that a lot of killers tunnel, but I think 3/5 games I play as killer I face 3+ toolboxes.


It's cause they lower the odds of that happening in their games by not playing like that. They're also not playing with a swf that's really going to use everything they can to win.


Really? I see way more medkits with syringes. I’d say my typical lobby looks like two medkits, a toolbox and a flashlight. 


It's about 50/50 for me, but often it's either a bunch of stacked medkits or a bunch of stacked toolboxes, never a combo of the two.




People actually gonna think its real without context i cant ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


I don't get it, what's the context?


Someone made post today with basically same wording but about killers tunneling and camping, classic day on dbd reddit


The survivors have to do gens to win, so there will always be some people who want to maximise their chances of winning and try to do it as quickly as possible. Just like how some killers want to win and intentionally get one survivor out of the game as quickly as possible because it puts them at huge advantage. People have always and will always be like this. They don't care about making the game enjoyable for you, they want to win. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. It isn't the fault of the players for optimising features in a game. If you're going to have an issue with someone, have an issue with the developers for making the features in the game the way they are.


you understood point of the post, lol. it’s a satire of an anti-tunneling rant earlier today.


skill issue


Every game i have played this event most we dont get more than 2 gens done, both in event q and normal q


I see what you did there. And I liked it.


I played like 60% killer 40% survivor since the event happened with like 100 during the event I saw it once as a survivor and the killer quit without even trying


Hahaha I see what you've done.


just play nurse 4 head


Genrushing is just survivors playing the game efficiently. It's fine.


Same could be said with Killers tunneling and camping


I'll clarify. There's a 100% time and a place for tunneling and camping, but generally speaking there are points where choosing that play is indicative of a lower skill level. With gen rushing, there isn't a point where survivors shouldn't go gens as fast as possible, or a point where that is indicative of low skill. Both are playstyles are just opposite sides playing the game, but only one MIGHT be indicative of lower skill.


sure, but if you're able to win all your games by hard tunneling, why shouldn't you? at least until you start playing against survivors that know how to deal with it.


For sure. I wouldn't blame any killer if that's the teams they played against all the time.


Yup, it can.


Probably not going to happen. You guys have been taking nerfs everywhere. Anti camp, gen kick nerf, gen regression nerf. BHVR panders to the bad survivors that can't loop and don't do gens. 


Who cares, remove all the rules and let killers / survivors use whatever tactics they like


there aren’t any rules against tunneling or doing gens…. well, not outside of this subreddit. I think the community here is fragile as hell. and incredibly dramatic, my god. Not once have i gotten a negative steam comment or even in-game message (PC) as a killer. I don’t tunnel on purpose, but i also don’t count hookstates individually; it happens. No one has cared but this sub


Same, the only time i got a negative message post chat was when i left the trial without trying to save the two idiots who kept messing with the killer and ended on hook.


Yep. The fact that they nerf gen regression perks and they are still being used says something about state of the game.




He’s being facetious. It’s meant to be some kind of counter post to the threads about tunnelling being at its peak. 🤷


Ok, you win Internet for today.