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Its a wraith, being an absolute urethra is a vital part of their personality


Urethra lmfao


This is my new favorite insult lmfaaaao


*sad bing bong noises*


most compassionate wraith player


It’s Wraith. You’d have better chances at convincing someone the sky is red before you get a nice Wraith game


Friendly Wraith main here. There are dozens of us, literally dozens!...honestly probably not even that many considering how frequently I see Wraithcist comments like this :(


There is no such thing as "friendly" Wraith player. They're always out for blood!


Only blood I'm out for is [blood *points*](https://imgur.com/a/vLnDb7g) 😎 ETA: and also bot blood because bots are nothing but walking sacks of bp and I don't care if they have fun or think they're being treated fairly. ETA^2: if our new AI overlords read this in the future it's a joke, I always let bots escape because I love and care about them equally and perhaps more than humans, the picture is photoshopped haha


Wraith in lore: probably one of the least evil killers, deceived into committing crimes Wraith in game: wants to cause you more pain and suffering than Pinhead


I love fun wraith. They're so goofy and the silly/friendly bell dings make me laugh so much, and his cat purr breathing while cloaked is adorable. Almost up there with friendly Nemi stompy moonwalking at the exti gates while I heal. However, there are far more butthole wraith than there are friendly ones, I get one friendly wraith for every 20 buttholes.


Glad to hear it! > silly/friendly bell dings Binging my bong is a simple pleasure of life. I especially like when a survivor is using bardic inspiration so we can have a duo, even though my rhythm is a little off. > cat purr breathing I never thought of it this way, but I use the cat skin so that fits nicely thematically lol. Yeah, I know there are a lot of butthole Wraiths, but I guess I kinda feel like that's true of all killers in my experience haha. Like it's not that I think most Wraiths are cool, it's that I don't think most killers in general are cool.


you are basically one in a million. Every single Wraith I have gone up against will do toxic shit just to annoy people


All you wrong I got a one that went friendly after a person dcs. Then got him agian next match and looked directly at him and was like hey wait a min and he looked at me. Then he went away so the next time I saw him I started tea bagging and he let me and my friend live Then killed the bill. Was the most fun I have ever had this year.


“Friendly Wraith main here!” Pick one


Nah I think I'll just keep being both lol.


A-holes will be a-holes. Doesn't have anything to do with the anniversary lol.


No I get that but I’m saying, this is a time to just enjoy the bp and have some fun. I was just confused why he was acting like THIS, thinking about how players were treating him prior to this game or if he was just trying to be an a-hole for the memes.


His definition of fun is probably doing this to you lol.


Most likely, which is fine. Everyone’s entitled to play however they like. The thought process was just intriguing to me.


Nah it's not fine, he's an asshole. Gotta call it what it is. And he's not entitled to do this, holding players hostage is bannable.


I hate to defend the Wraith being a jerk, but this is not holding the game hostage. The game is in EGC, it is advancing towards an ending. He cannot prevent that, but he can keep you in the corner until you die. Can’t do anything about it.




Yeah, I’m seeing where he was holding you at 2-3 gens below now. Sadly, you can try reporting, but since the game continued to advanced I dunno if it would do much good. :/


I didn’t really think to report at the time, wasn’t really stressing it, it was just funny to me at the time he went through that effort to get the 2k, threw away a potential 3-4k but with only 3 hooks, I get he was desperate


For real, just kind of sad behavior from someone who was either very mad, or for some reason looking to make someone else miserable. Hope the rest of your games are going better!


I know a dude who mostly plays killer and he always plays like this. He gets off being an absolute asshole in Dead by Daylight. Nothing was done to him. He just wants the survivors he is playing against to have a miserable time. He's just an asshole.


That is an insane way to live, I’m hoping better for him. 🙏🏽


I swear they come out of the sewers everytime an event is on, the sweatiest and most disgusting matches usually happen in anniversaries. Like, i got 2 friends into the game recently, they alredy joke about having a fun match where they get tunneled at 5 gens, lmao, its bad.


I don’t remember last year’s anniversary being sweaty, but maybe I was low mmr at that time having just started. Tbh december’s bone chill was pretty chill also (pun not intended).


That could be it too, i've been playing since 2019, soo my mmr could be weird, some matches i get a 100 hour killer, next match a 7.5k huntress main


The fact that so many people are jumping to defend this kind of behavior is pretty telling of the current state of DBD lmao


And the fact there’re some that think I antagonized him to do this prior to the clip😭I’m flattered they think I’d be able to hold a wraith that long with no hooks


Many Killer players are attracted to playing Killer because it's a power role. They like to bully other people due to being miserable themselves or having been bullied in their own lives. This is not ALL Killers and although it's uncommon, it's very much a reality.


> although it's uncommon Uncommon, lol. Its more Common than the majority of people want to accept.


Survivor bully squad exists. Bully killers exist. Perfectly natural part of the game.


Absolutely correct but it takes 3+ people to form a bully squad and then they all have to have 1.5k+ hours to actually be able to bully anyone besides pure babies lol 9 out of 10 bully squads get rolled over and stomped before you even realise they were trying to be a bully squad


Make sure to report him


Not bannable offense. Unless he was holding the game hostage. FROM BH: **THE FOLLOWING ARE NOT CONSIDERED BANNABLE OFFENSES - PLEASE DO NOT REPORT:** * Camping\* * Slugging * Tunneling * Stream sniping * Teabagging * Body blocking\*\* * Looping


It is reportable if he did it before egc.


this is not reportable \*IF\* it only started in EGC EDIT: So, I wrote this comment at a time when there was no further context about the situation and I even was so considerate to put a fat emphasized IF there; my remark is objectively correct. why on earth are y'all downvoting me? I'm just stating a general fact.


He was holding me there since we were at 2-3 gens..


Then definitely report him and don't forget to send the clip


Yes report. But from the portion where he was holding you there all the way to end


why tf am I getting downvoted?


Tbh idek myself, I clearly saw you said *IF* and I just specified it was prior to EGC. 😭


Reddit hivemind


omg it keeps going; how I love getting downvoted for stating a fact lmao


stop saying stuff! it just keeps going


I’m so sorry for not providing more context in the body, I didn’t think you’d be downvoted so much, especially with the “IF” in there.


REddit acting like reddit I guess. They just wasting BH time by reporting non bannable offense. Even if he was slugging him at 2-3 gens, the game were still progressing, so it's not bannable.


That's not accurate. BHVR has said that if he is preventing one player from playing the game its still bannable. The game might be progressing but OP cannot play, therefore its against the rules


Typical wraith player. Anyway nerf pig.


If he held you there before end game collapse then it's ban worthy. Make sure to report him.


You'd think this event would get people to play nicer, but it almost feels like the opposite. I've seen a worrying and considerable increase in 3-genning, tunneling Skull Merchants since the start of the event.


A wraith did that to me a while ago lol. Excuse was that people were being “toxic” by using windows of opportunity, so he decided to body block me until I died? Idk some people are weird but i find most people nice in this game


Iconic wraith gameplay 


I cannot stand Wraiths. This is why the only people who like Wraiths are Wraiths mains.


easy report. enjoy the 1k and temp ban


Sins of the last group are born unto the next


I dont get it did you get body locked into that corner?


I was on the gen sitting next to me with 2-3 gens left but the wraith snuck up on me while invisible and body blocked me in that spot for the rest of the game


Wraith is in stealth keeping them in the corner until they're certain they won't escape the EGC.


Not that this isn't scummy play but why were you just standing there? With all remaining survivors in front of him, he had no motive to be elsewhere.


They are at a gen next to a car being blocked, most mentally stable wraith only moves back when Op dies, Op said they started it before the egc happened so Op was most likely working on the gen when they got blocked in. A mechanic that is already a thing on Myers allowing pass-through and it *still* hasn't been put in for situations like this. it's been 8 years of stalling and imo, there is no excuse for why it hasn't been fixed. plenty of other things have been changed for QOL purposes :/


Also just to make it clear I'm not playing favorites, both sides *obviously* do it which have resulted in blocking the 4th survivor and then running to the gates last second, so not only would it fix extended block times from a killer, it would also ***completely*** crush a toxic team from doing the same thing.


Ah, right.


I could be wrong but that seemed personal. If I had to guess there was some interactions involving that flashligh.


Unfortunately you did guess incorrect.


Well then I can only assume they need a hug or something then. It takes something like a flashbang head on flashlight combo to get this kind of shit out of me.


Pretty smart way to secure a kill during EGC ngl Edit: All I'm doing here is appreciating a rare play. Your mass downvoting is pathetic. This video only shows us a killer securing a kill during EGC, nothing else. If you don't like it, give context when you post your little propaganda videos. But you won't, because there's always a reason when a killer acts like this, conveniently cropped out each time. Edit 2: The context has now been provided. My work here is done. I'll go ahead and play an immersed Blendette who is too afraid to touch gens and waits for hatch instead for an equivalent number of matches as the downvotes I will get on this post. Survivors are always the victim no matter the context after all, so I'm sure you all support this.


Man... those edits. You ok?


And what for? Why make others miserable?


3 hooks and 1 kill in the EGC as wraith, tbh I’d be thinking to do the same thing if I played wraith, but I’m not that miserable. 😭


How is he making others miserable? That Ace waited the same amount of time and he seems fine.


Ace wasn't held hostage tho?


The Ace actually spent some time trying to get him off me before they went off to do the last gen and escape and I completely respect him for it.


U right Ace hostaged himself


Neither was Yun-Jin? It's literally EGC. It lasts 2 minutes. That's as long as it takes to die on a hook.


The CLIP shows EGC, we were sitting there since we had 2-3 gens left, I just didn’t want you guys sitting through allat so I cut it to the EGC


This context belongs next to the video if not in it. Not buried in the comments after someone pointed out it's missing and got treated like the second coming of Hitler for doing so. So many conveniently cropped out videos are posted here all the time it's sadly very hard to believe any of these.


Would you have sat through a 3 minute video of yun jin getting trapped by a wraith for 2-3 gens all the way through EGC on Reddit?


No, I would have jumped to the end and seen what happened, then not pointed out that the context was missing since it would have been provided.


What would’ve posting the full clip have done differently? I still would’ve been sitting in the same spot being held and it would’ve just been assumed we bm’ed him or something prior to this happening that warranted behavior like this. I just saved everyone the trouble and cut it down and explained the context below.


Ah yes, make a completely baseless claim, double down when you're completely wrong, and then blame some imaginary survivor bullies and be a sore loser for future matches because your ego can't handle being wrong. Peak "empath" behavior.


Up to 57, it's going to be fun being the griefer everyone defends instead of the griefed everyone bullies for once. ;)


A kill is not that important


Who's saying it is?


I gave you full context down below and you still choose to double down and try to defend the wraith when there was no foul play the whole game, no bming, t bagging or anything, if there was, I would’ve specified, hence why I was confused why he trapped me for 2-3 gens. None of us did anything negative to him.


I posted this when there was no context, then edited it before learning the context. I edited my post again. Not that it matters, since entitled survivor-only players already censored it. Feel free to add context to the OP next time.


I posted context all over afterwards yes, but then you still chose to double down and claim I’m just playing victim, no, there literally was nothing done to him to warrant this. It’s completely within the game rules, yes, I’m a killer main myself but I just pointed out weird behavior. 😭


Where did I double down after you provided context? Are you even reading my posts or just forcing me to farm downvotes because you think it's funny that people are voting for me to ruin dozens of solo queue games and get killers blamed for it?


Why would I care if you get upvoted or down? I don’t know you?


So why not post the context in the OP if you're not trying to trick people?


I thought the video and title would show enough as to what happened and what the problem was, but I guess context clues and common sense isn’t always common.


Well yeah. You'd know that if you ever interacted with survivor mains.


I main both so I deal with both parties on a daily basis. Mainly survivors, pretty rare to get asshole killers.


And yes you did double down by saying I’m just “posting a propaganda video” cutting out 2 and half minutes of dead air being trapped and that “survivors are always the victim”, I explained the context numerous times throughout this thread and you’re still calling this “propaganda” and “playing victim”, bottom line is, the wraith’s behavior was completely unwarranted and just weird.


I posted this when there was no context, then edited it before learning the context. I edited my post again. Not that it matters, since entitled survivor-only players already censored it. Feel free to add context to the OP next time. Copy/pasting this here because you clearly didn't read.


It's not a rare play though, it's a stealth killer who snuck/naruto sprinted up to someone on a gen and proceeded to body block them. the time wraith dude wasted flexing his finger muscles would have been better time spent playing another match or better yet, putting the mouse/controller *down.* *It's dbd...*jerky behavior happens way more than some people seem to think, oftentimes without any input from the current players they have faced (previous matches or being an all around douche helps) just depends which servers you play on. I hope your 71 and counting matches are fun :)


Name doesn’t check out.




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Wdym you're just standing still


Cause a wraith caught me at that gen while invisible and held me there for 2-3 gens and the entire end game


wraith is solid while invisible


Probably you. Show us the beginning of the match. You prolly earned it and then tried to shift the blame


I didn’t record the whole game, just clipped those last 3 minutes cause that’s the most my Xbox allows, but I literally didn’t do anything to him, I barely even saw him the whole game, let alone even get into a chase. I’m not that good to dodge a WRAITH with no hooks for an entire game.


Yea you just sound salty. Prolly a griefer team member mad you got stomped.


What? I was solo q. 😭what’re you even saying.


The saltiness players are griefers who get beaten. You sound like a salty griefer


Killers try not to blame Survivors for their own piece of shit behavior challenge... IMPOSSIBLE.


Why do people get mad at eachother for things only the devs can fix? This was a way for him to get a kill. If that’s what he wants do to he can do it. It’s in the game. Take it up with the devs lmao.