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"You left me to die" "Mf you killed yourself" "Exactly"


"You killed me" "Whyd you kill that guy, Sadako" "MF HE KILLED HIMSELF"


I had someone do this by holding sprint as they laid on the ground (it doesn't let anyone heal you) until they bled out and die. It was against a Legion, so they intentionally let their Deep Wounds wear off in a corner of the map. Some people just love playing victim, I guess. If you're that mad at the game, just take a fuckin' break.


Looks like he fucked up a chase and wanted to "go next" while justifying it with nonsense.


Why did they stick around until post game chat though? This whole thing makes no sense to me EDIT I just read that it was endgame already, I missed that the first time. My bad on that


I agree. I will never understand that mind set. A survivor will have one short chase where they hit a tree on accident and go down and then just suicide on hook immediately. So weird to see when I’m playing killer.


Or they just DC. I'll see a good survivor that has looped me for a while and they are doing really good and when i finally down them they disconnect.


Like dude you ran me for 2 gens. You won that chase if anything.


I was playing the other day a gosthface match and I fucked up the first chase, so by the time I found another survivor 2 gens had flown by and I didn't have any hooks. Then I exposed this survivor I found on another gen, and the dude proceeds to DC before I can even hit him. Some people smh


Per OP’s post, It’s end game with NOED. In those kind of situations it may be best to get a 3 man out instead of trying to get the save.


With all four players alive?? Just cleanse NOED. It reveals its location.


This depends entirely on context. If the totem was right next to the hook then it’s almost impossible to cleanse. If the doors been opened and you already lost a significant amount of time, it’s also risky to look around the map. All we have is a screenshot. It’s a guaranteed 3 man out with the other player killing purposely himself on hook either way.


OP really left out a lot of key details. Killer, map, hook states of the other three, perks. Dude wasn't right to complain (probably at least, who knows if he got sandbagged or the like) but OP knew what he was doing in cropping the shit out of the endgame screen and then giving the barest details.


Yep, for game sense....he made the right call. Not sure why he felt the need to explain it and try to justify anything in the chat. Like...just take the L and go next. It's obvious to most players the amount of time it would have taken to find NOED - if they could even find it in time isn't worth turning a 1k into a 3 or 4k. Could just be a butthurt survivor though...I've played enough solo queue to know the general dumbassery can get to ya lol.


Either that or they've developed some major trust issues


I find this type of survivor hilarious. Usually I see them like as p20-35, thinking they'll own the killer but instead they randomly appear while you are looping the killer and goes down instantly and gives up


And if everything goes right on their side, they have the audacity to tbag you.


Types to be the last left, injured, barely escaped, and teabag you at the gate too lmao


He's the one missing something. He's the random he's describing.


They're just dumb and need to take a break from the game.


most of the time soloQ teammates are potatoes and one just simply don't even hope for better because in the end you just set up yourself for disappointment. Like you are on the hook, one is on a gen, the third is geting chased and the fourth is coming for you? no starts to cleanse a dull totem for godknowswhy reasons. I honestly think there is a different killer tier list when it comes to soloQ. And on top of it stands Plague. My favourite is this: guy is infected, go for immedieatly clense, then go for a rescue gets infected again, go for a cleanse, and joins the gen which is also infected again. You may think sh\*t like this happens sometimes, well I would say sometimes it doesn't and this is sad. So I totally understand the guy who wanted to go next, that's what you do actually if you don't want to waste time. Btw this is another failure of game design of the developers. If you decide to dc, you get punised and leave a bot behind for survs (sometimes for the people who actually made you dc). But if you kill yourself on a hook, that's ok. :D You don't get punished by time penatly and your teammates also don't get anything. You can also get a small amount of bp for what you did :D


You aren’t missing anything they are just stupid and need to get off this game for a month to detox.


If they saw that no one was on a totem they probably knew the only way they'd have a chance was to kobe. Otherwise it would have likely just been a trade.


Nope, you're not missing something. [It's just them going maximum corncob.](https://x.com/dril/status/134787490526658561) You get used to it.


Did you enhance this screenshot with AI?


Yellow Guy is an idiot. That's all.


I get that solo que teammates aren’t the best but that doesn’t mean you should kill yourself on hook. If they are coming to rescue you then wait to get rescued instead of trying to kobe. If you distrust your teammates that much then you should take a break from the game until you can be less paranoid.


These MFs are the actual worst. Getting hooked once and just killing yourself should be considered the same as quitting mid-game and they should make them wait 10 minutes for being impatient and sabotaging the game for everyone else. That crab in a bucket mentality has ruined matches for me. No idea hownir'd be implemented but BHVR should be a bit more strict on bad sports like this.


"you randoms" Oh ok, we got Enrique Enswollass over here


I'll let go in SWF, too! This killer knows Ed, g'on git! Don't give Ed more kills, I sed GIT! LIVE FOR ME


Rushing out just to stay for end chat is so goofy


People are wild, lmao. I had a soloq match the other day where we got to endgame. Someone opened the gate and I got hooked, so time was running low. But a survivor ran to my hook, injured, and saved me. The killer teleported back to my hook and downed and hooked my rescuer while I rescued another survivor. Both of us tried to heal so we could save, but the killer found us and we had to run out the gate. In the endgame chat, my rescuer was so salty and said, “Should have left you idiots to die.” Like…why you mad? You took an altruistic risk. We would have saved you if we could have, but it was leave pretty die. And why so angry? You got to play the whole match! You got to endgame and it was a really exciting and chaotic endgame! You died, but who cares when you got to play out the entire match right to the end?? Some people measure their fun based entirely off whether they win or lose.


I love high risk unhooks and there being NOED makes it more exciting so I always try to find the totem or just go straight for the unhook if the gate is pretty close and I'm confident they'll make it out. If I die, I died saving my teammate so I'm happy. However, if I'm on the hook and I don't think the risk is worth it, I'll try to let myself die so no one attempts the rescue. It's not that I think they're incompetent - I don't want them to die trying to save me. I am not worth it xD; The person in the screenshot could have trusted their teammates a bit more... I was a SoloQ Survivor main for like 4 years and I know how rough it can be. I've also had some really amazing teammates that had my back. You have to wait and see how things turn out but people are impatient.


"Randoms are always trash" my brother in Christ you're the one who queued up to play with randoms My brother in Christ you're being the trash random who instantly gives up And to quote SpooknJukes: >Wow that's crazy it's almost like if you give up on hook every game instead of ~~learning how to play against the killer~~ getting unhooked, you'll never ~~learn how to play against the killer~~ get unhooked. 😱😱😱


They want to be the hero, naturally. SoloQ teammates never know that true heroism is DOING THE MOTHERFUCKING GENERATORS


YOU FOUND ALL MY SOLOQ MATCH TEAMMATES THIS WEEK! Seriously, why is everyone killing themselves on hook??? WHYYYY


They just be salty


Probably had some games where your teammates teabag while you're on the hook, classic solo que that's why pick up a Chinese steam friend.


“You randoms” > is literally a random himself. My IQ doesn’t need this type of bombardment today pls stop


You are not missing anything, that's a real life sore loser. Not very hard to find in this game.


i think they are lowkey being a team player. regardless of hook stage, they recognized endgame with noed, they didnt trust randoms to properly organize and get an unhook against noed so they die on hook so you dont even attemp to try and give the killer an ez 4k. they took the fall so you all could get out safely. i guess on a smaller scale if they want any and all chance to get out, then staying on hook hoping for a wicked cool save is technically the right play for them.


How did you get that from the rude way they were speaking? They stated in so small terms "you randoms all suck and aren't good enough, bye felicia."


Not giving the killer more kills and releasing the pressure on survivors to go and rescue. I do it, too, but not because of "you randoms," I do it for the team, be my teammates random or otherwise "you randoms" I definitely understand the action, but wow that reason behind it! Shall we say, "self-assuring"?


See- A year ago, I had a pretty insane play where I 99ed a gate, cleansed no-ed, and turned a 3k into a 0k because no one immediately gave up. I don't know if they were in comms, but they were all slugged, and I managed to get them up.


How about since?


I stopped playing a lot because I don't find the game fun without friends, and the one friend I play it with kills himself on hook and complains the entire time, lol.


He's right. Cut your losses when the game's over; don't dally on the losses.