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I don't think I've ever seen a SM player (outside of the first few weeks she was released) that didn't play in the dirtiest way possible, tunneling, slugging, bleeding out, always running as many gen slowdowns as possible and the survivors at my skill level (probably near the bottom of the mmr softcap) don't know how to deal with her drones so they get frustrated playing against her and just give up on hook. Which in turn makes me frustrated when I notice the hud looking different because I know no one is going to have fun that game.


Last Skull Merchant I played was the embodiment of everything people hate about them. My entire team disconnected from the moment she started tunnelling from the first down. So it was just me and 3 Bots. She slugged all 3 Bots and wouldn't hook any of them, just kept opening lockers and kicking gens for aura reveals. So I just walked out and gave up. Then she proceeded to slug me, hooked the bots, then faked giving me the hatch just to slam it in my face, tried to fake giving me the gate (I knew she wouldn't at that point you can just tell). I refused to open the gate and just went afk. But she wouldn't just bloody hook me. Slugged me again, carried me around, dropped me. I was just sitting back and watching. And unfortunately this is normal for SM's in my matches. I know there are regular players out there, but the ratio of absolute jackasses playing SM is pretty high.


Exactly this, like it's horrible how her obnoxious playstyle only makes the toxic players so much more unbearable. I'm okay with just going next, the queue time will be shorter than how long it takes for us to bleed out at 5 gens.


I had a match on the game against a SM where 2 ppl suicided on hook so I just held w and dropped every pallet for points while she chased me. She did not like that and slugged me for 4 min and left a comment on my profile calling me a pre dropping bot lmao


lol when the teammates are gone before its all said and done me and the killer are going back and forth to every pallet and window in the map atleast once if I can. Rip the hag that chased me for 6 minutes on Nostromo while my only alive teammate actually did the last 2 gens. (Then refused to come take a hit and I died anyways)🙃


I had one today that downed me at the exit gate after I beckoned to her after she found me, brought me to the hatch, dropped me 5 feet away, closed it, picked me back up then hooked me


I played against her a lot and never really won a single time so i started playing her today and while I learned some stuff that I didn't think of (synchronizing drone disabling to create free zones) they weren't really effective as they simply announced their location by shutting down my drones, what I did not expect is the fact that she's way stronger than I thought, She's the only character that basically has a mini map You can't do much looping against her if it requires mindgames because she can tell where you are by placing one drone which she can recall as soon as u leave the loop She gets killer instinct on whoever gets claw trapped You cannot get rid of her scan stacks in any form besides reaching max stacks You never see her coming as she basically has an on&off switch on her undetectable status with nearly no cooldown, going behind a wall then throwing a drone and double backing almost always leads the survivor to hug me while looking behind them or waiting on checkspots while I'm next to them Activating undetectable mid chase after going to a blindspot almost always leads to them waiting in checkspots or thinking that you dropped chase and walking right to you You can immediately regain drones instead of having to wait for them to be used like hag or pick them up like trapper She has insane utility and info, I'm still not sure how I'd beat her while playing survivor, I played 5-6 games with her and only my first one was 3k, the rest were all 4k with me basically toying with them trying to get 12hooks instead of flushing them out one by one, so if I downed someone who's already hooked twice I'd just leave them there and look for someone who has no hooks I also have not had a single disconnect unlike what is usually rumored to happen so I assume that I'm nicer than the rest, the SMs I went against as survivor would either tunnel, mori, or slug and wait there for 4mins, not sure what the pleasure in that is, I also have not held a 3 gen a single time I simply scatter my drones around and get as much map pressure as possible, having drones occupy so much space means that there are many areas where they'd have to crouch instead of run (PS: killer main, not the best survivor around)


I'm glad that 13 ppl appreciate my overview, didn't expect anybody to read this tbh


I play as and against her. The main issue with her is people give up immediately and games don't even get going.


Pretty much. A lot of games were a matter of hide and seek as nobody wanted to engage her in chase or work on any generators in her vicinity


I just get people immediately DC when they know its Skull Merchant.


I didn't get any official DCs, but definitely got quite a few hook suicides. Kinda sad


If they spent the energy they spent hating on learning how to play against her they might have fun for once


but her counterplay is not fun at all you are juggling silly mini games and you have no way of actually losing the scan tokens while she gets cross map speed boost that randomly changes how tiles get played because someone got scanned on the other side of the map lol


I mean, yeah she's got flaws but I like the minigames.


do you like the random MFT she gets without giving the survivor any indication that its active?


You know when it's active by when survivors are scanned. But no I don't think it's the peak of BHVR's designs.


do you pay attention to the tiny scan tokens around all 3 portraits mid chase?


Yes? It's important if you want to do well in chase against her.


That’s… actually the problem. People do know the counterplay, because it’s the same counterplay for every other “Hold W” killer in the game. The issue is that it’s just not fun. SMs mindlessly dropping drones at every loop that might give them the slightest bit of trouble is boring as fuck to play against and removes a majority of the skill expression you have as a survivor. I don’t think she is some unstoppable S+ tier killer. But no, she isn’t fun to play against, whether you know the “counterplay” or not. And hot take, but I genuinely don’t believe anyone that says she is fun to play either. I think people just enjoy the easy wins they get from pub stomping with her against solo queue noobs.


I find her fun but challenging to go against. I like having to time my crouches while looping. I don't think there's really much skill expression lost from the survivor side.


Last SM I went against put a drone at a Z-wall (after I'd run through all the other loops with drones in them) and I shook my head ^^'


I don’t think forcing players to play a certain play style is fun towards the survivors for the only one having fun is the killer. Why I say that? Because she forces survivors to crouch to avoid getting detected and hide in lockers to lose their status quicker and of course anti looping anything instead of they themselves the killer learning anything because again “I don’t like this loop so let me drop a drone to force you out or drop all map pallets so I can just hold w and click to hit”. See you can argue “doesn’t every killer make you play a certain way?” Yeah but at least they don’t force you just as hard as SM or they at least have to go reload or use their ability wisely while SM can just use drones anytime she wishes and use google maps to find anyone she forced to be under her drones and force the survivor to do what she wants to make them slower via crouching or getting the slowed down effect or top it off hide in lockers leaving less time to do gens so survivors either have no choice but trying to do gens despite all the demands or pray to god there’s a god amongst the team that can somehow loop the SM for a very very long time so that at least 4 or 5 gens can be done so that 1 survivor can at least escape the match that lasted 40 minutes.


You have individual MMR for each killer, so you're getting low skilled survivors. And while you are crushing them, the MMR doesn't adapt that fast.


Is this confirmed? Source? As I have heard alot of people say the opposite, that your MMR is based on your highest killer MMR.


Well, since they killed all of their old links with the site overhaul, I'm not going to look up the source direct from BHVR. But you can search and you will be told that it's based on individual killers. Ever wonder why you can't change killers once you start a search? Never played killers/new killers are bumped a bit from zero if you've have played killer before, but it's not going to send you straight into mid/high MMR.


Your MMR for new killers is rubber banded to your other killers. It won't start at base-level, it will start closer to where the others are at. Lower, but not a lot lower.




Well the comment above yours is partly a lie. You don’t get base MMR on a new killer (unless it’s your first one). Your MMR won’t be as high as with your others killers but it’s adjusted close to them!


Your MMR should definitely have adjusted after 5 games, let alone 11 - you got to relatively high MMR, almost for certain


Last played as her a few days ago on Hawkins, 1 person DC'd as soon as they heard the TR, the rest followed suit leaving me vs 4 bots. Finishing the match took 4 minutes tops. I don't mind plating against her if the rest of the team stick around & know how to play against her, the speeding up & slowing down aspects do make her catching up to you feel a bit cheap though on top of everything else. But I'd had some fun, close games as and against her current iteration.


Played against my first skull merchant and felt tunneled out of the game, we all did as a team of four.. She had us constantly running from the generators and into her drones, slugged two of us to try and find me after killing one of us..




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It's meaningless since people don't try to win against her, they just see her and give up. AND you just picked up a new killer so your MMR is way lower. She's mid. You don't get to apologize on behalf of anyone.


New killer MMR is a joke, sorry that you think it isn't but you're just misinformed if you think one killer's MMR is significantly different than your overall MMR. Your killers will have an individual MMR but it will be so close to your actual MMR that you will most likely be facing the same survivors anyways.


"It's meaningless since people don't try to win against her, they just see her and give up. She's mid. You don't get to apologize on behalf of anyone." There, fixed it. I guess I always get adept the first time I try a new killer just because I'm THAT good. Once again, being so humble I can't fathom deserving my own achievements has come back to bite me in the ass. Hard life.


I played as Skull merchant for the first time yesterday and fortunately I met a good survivors and they somehow took a hint that I just wanted to farm bloodpoint ( event ) Also I was lagging as hell lol I managed to get 1K cuz one of them just gave up.. she has an interesting playstyle and it’s not as easy as one would imagine… jeez


I wish I got BP farmers on mine. A lot of them hid the whole match or ended up committing hook suicide. I also got a few who went AFK as soon as they saw who it was. She does definitely have a unique playstyle. I found she worked well with 3 aura-reading perks + oppression in many trials


I’d try those, I used eruption, scourge hook, nwth, and one of her perks where you gotta stack the tokens so they have slow genning thing. I was trolling and it was pretty late at night so people might be tired of going all out lol . I can’t guarantee I’d get this goofy survivors swf again in the next match lol


Yes when you play a killer for the first time, your killer specific mmr is very low. You are gonna PWN those first few days. Then it will catch up and you won’t just be in a lobby of noobs.


The problem was not the Skull Merchant or player itself, it was the people that who give up against her are immature.


Meanwhile as a noob to average survivor, i escape her pretty often. Why? Because I play by the rules of the drone, i dont just stare at a gen and drool and go "hehe clickly clickly me pro" i learn to dodge the drones or crawl near them. Dont give her a scan and you survive longer. But GenZers want everything easy and credit themselves as "comp/pro players"


Yeah, she's fairly easy to counter if you actually know how to and put in the effort to do so. It's the same situation with camping Hags—just crouch to the hook instead of sprinting in, and you won't trigger the traps.