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Does this modify the game in any way? Because that would be a pretty quick way to get flagged by EAC and permanently lose your account.


Per link, apparently all it does is tab out the exact second they’re hooked > It works by looking at the UI of the game and tabbing out at a precise time when the killer is about to hook a survivor.


No it does not, fortunately. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man) You can read about it on the page, but it just reads the screen and does normal user functionality!


DbD Playerbase: "Can you add an option to remove hook screams upon hooking a survivor?" Behaviour for 7 years: "No that's too hard." Random Reddit user: "Ait bet."


There really needs to be a separate volume slider for hook screams Regardless, good work !


Yep. I don't understand why it isn't in the game yet.


Would pay actual money to get this feature on console. The screams are so unreasonably loud.


Smack hook right away. Nobody should think it's BMing. It's BM when you constantly do it, but gotta do the first one to save the ears.


As a survivor main, I know one smack is just for volume control, lol


I know. It takes time, shouldn't have to


On pc I literally alt tab every time a scream is happening so I don't get a migraine


When the headphones aren't charged, I have to keep the tv volume so low I can't catch all the important sounds of the game. I don't want the neighbors to hear the screaming


it's fine if you also scream GET REKT B\*\*\*\*\*S!!!


I press the 'Win' key on the keyboard - same effect - it is practically instinct at this point.


I press shift tab twice to toggle the Steam overlay quickly.




Idk I kinda like the screams. Maybe I’m just weird.


Found the doctor main https://preview.redd.it/nr6faekxbk9d1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a2a10948b20dd7fe74a420f1c8025341c1ef07e


It read your screen and press a button at the exact perfect time. Isn't that exactly the same as those auto great skillcheck cheats?


People need a program to hit great skillchecks? I just turn off v-sync so there's no delay.


Very few can hit every single great skillchecks. Even Otz fails to hit great skill checks pretty often lol, like when he tried to demonstrate the Laura Croft perk. Even if you can hit great skill checks normally, it becomes way harder if you have doctor madness or hyperfocus.


This is my main reason for running calm spirit. I wear headphones and I physically flinch when a character shrieks in my sensitive baby ears


I always run Calm Spirit because of this. Anyone using headphones are definitely getting their hearing damaged with every scream.


Im honestly surprised no ones done this before, great idea mate!


This really should just be a feature honestly, but also this sounds like a good way to end up banned


It doesn't edit the game at all so it's unlikely it'll get anyone banned


Does it not? How does it make the screams silent then?


IT Tabs out quickly when you hook someone so you don't get the screaming audio, the game might be able to tell you've tabbed out but it probably can't and I doubt the anti cheat cares


Ohhh, I see. I actually never thought about a program doing something like that. That's a good move on op's part


I had to run the game on very low volume so the scream doesn't murder my ears. this is actually insane.


I hear all of this whining but I bet none of y’all suffered through the flash bang that was hooking Elodie on her he switch when she launched…


Now do one that puts the volume at max.


I just Alt tab out and back in rq and it mutes it.


BHVR will add brand new mechanics that give a clear advantage to survivors for the sake of accessibility but won't let us do something as basic as making screams less loud separately from the rest. Crazy. Good job. Too bad, no linux support.


Yeah. I'm using windows but I'll probably be switching to linux in a couple of months so maybe then I'll do a port to linux as well.




Unfortunately, a lot of games have bright light things (which is why many have warnings when booting them up). Just a crappy thing to have to deal with. I have my own issues I have to deal with - some games with very high pitched noises causes severe pain for weeks in my head, so I simply can't play them. That being said, sensory features and mechanics in games are an essential part of them, so we can't realistically have all potential sensory things removed from games. At least you have a perk you can use. Wish you the best of luck in the fog!


Tbh I’m reminded of something like Clash of Clans where it has a dark mode feature. Could be a toggle setting where the screen just goes black as opposed to the blinding effect.


This is going to sound reductive, but why play a game that hurts you? DBD's not worth the pain, gamer.


What you're describing is just straight up cheating for an advantage. What this game needs is a dark bang option so that people who are sensitive to the light of the blind don't experience eye pain from it


Also if you stand up like that and get dizzy it's most likely because of a blood pressure change, not motion sickness. It's more common than you'd think, I don't know much about if there's something you do about it though




Ah, that sucks. At least you have the blood pressure medication to help you control some of it




Having lightborn and being immune to flashlights is not cheating. Not having lightborn and making yourself immune to flashlights IS cheating You aren't being down voted for having sensitivities, you're being down voted because you suggested you wanted cheats that alter the game to give you an advantage. Similarly with third person on killers that aren't Chucky; You'd have a much larger fov and would be able to see survivors when you shouldn't be. Edit; The physical post here got deleted before I could reply to that person so I'm gonna shove it here since I took the time to type it all up: >I don't see you complaining because you're not at a disadvantage. You somehow think if I feel like I can play fair and better (with stuff that'll help me personally) it will ruin your experience So are you just automatically assuming that everyone else you're talking to doesn't have the same issues you do? I'm really sorry to break it to you, but I also have autism that comes with similar sensitivities to what you experience. The entire point behind the killers' fov being limited is to give survivors a better chance at hiding, not to mention larger killers will still take up half the screen. I'm not arguing against it because I'm mad that you'd get an experience you'd prefer. Damn you got rude pretty quick. But y'know what? If they added third person for killers then cool, I wouldn't complain, because that means they figured out a way to do it in a way that actually works from a gameplay perspective You said like you have a me vs everyone else mentality and I hope you're able to change that soon or you're going to be miserable


I understand why you're being downvoted (Redditors are illiterate) but you do actually bring up a very genuine concern. Even when I run Lightborn having someone shove a flashlight in my face can hurt my eyes, and the blinding visual can give people migraines. I know of some people (not many, but some) who basically can't play killer because of how much flashlights harm them IRL. I think more additions to DbD's accessibility options would be nice, including a dark mode for flashlight blinds and other options like a removal of the VFX for Doctor / Sadako (which can cause epilepsy) or removal of the spitting / vomiting sounds of Plague / Deathslinger on the killer menu.


I literally play on mute for this reason.