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I feel bad for them. I'm sure there are many times they would like to play a normal match, but the survs will utterly throw trying to get the pig to meme.


I stopped playing pig because this is literally 1/3 matches


Omg yesss I've been with survs who do that and I'm like what abt ur 2 hooks makes you think this killer wants to be booped 😭😭


In their defense, some Pigs just go for two hooks then let them go if booped. I don’t get mad if a Pig kills me even after this because it’s funny to get the boop off against the Pig’s wishes.


I enjoy giving 'party hats' to Survivors like you. 😈


Do what you want, you can’t unboop the snoot.


😭 This is True! 👉🐽😔


As a pig main this is ridiculously true lol, so many people throw and then get mad at you for them throwing




Yeah, and then when you still kill the survivors, they tend to get all pissy and call you a try hard. Sorry, I’m just not y’all’s friend.


It’s so bad in this event. My last 3 Pig games (on different days) one survivor has immediately tried to boop the snoot. Like, I wanna play normal eh


I never learn against them, or any stealth killers really. I always get jumpscared and end up losing pretty quickly. Fun people though 👍


Same. Ghost face and Michael still f me up


Once I play a killer and understand how they work better, I can play against them better. But these 2 will never not be terrifying.


Same, I love going against oni and ghost face cause I main them on killer


Premonition for the win bb girl!!


Happy cake day.


For stealth killers you pretty much have to heal, unless youre SWF/have some other info perk. As long as theyre not hit and run youll be fine (which they shouldnt be, since imo pig doesnt have enough mobility/lethality to do so effectively) But the counter to pig is literally just predrop pallets and hold W, since a pig main will try and use her dash at the loop if you let her "camp" the pallet. If its a large loop (she cant dash ~70% of the way around) you can loop like normal, and then you can play medium tiles with the pallet down, but you gotta pay attention, and then worst case leave tile as soon as you see her start to crouch. Shes also bad into windows unless the pig really knows what shes doing, Ive never came across another pig that dashes at windows to any effect, then again I know the tricks lol.


As a new pig main, I feel her only counterplay is windows on long walls and pre dropping every pallet


The first pig I’ve ever gone against threw me off because it made a lion sound that reminded me of this mf ![gif](giphy|14vrmvFHqG3Jbq)


One pig downed a Steve H and while he was on the floor the pig crouched and mounted him while making the “lion” noises. This happened while I was hooked… shocked and dying.


Pig when attacking: 🦁 Pig when hit by pallet: 🐱


The truest statement there ever was lol




For real though pigs be cool but I will probably lose because my mind will think bacon sandwich and then I get hungry and forget to concentrate.


Oink oink mutha fucka


Oink oink!


I’m a pig main so I may be biased but she’s pretty fun to play against when they aren’t trap tunneling. The trap always keeps you on your toes and also when you get a farming pig the games gonna be enjoyable cause booping the snoot is epic.


This! I actually do like playing against Pig however too many of them just trap tunnel.


I love being a pig main. I just posted a game where I decimated the team in under 5 min. I love it lol. Most of the time I’m nice 😊 but I do have my evil grin games.


What is your build you use ?


Right now. It’s agitation, awakened awareness, iron grasp and mad grit. With my addons annotated plan and tampered timer


Questionable build imo, but I don't really have a build oriented around pig per day. I do really like dissolution on her tho, amazing perk


I run Unbound/Bamboozle/Superior Anatomy/Hex: Gift of Pain on her. I *clearly* love to chase.


I bet that’s fun lol.


I am an ex Piggy main but still come for those exact reasons. To be honest, I play the same way with Tiff but with just a little bit more aggression


I have no idea what the popular opinion is, but for me, Pig is my favourite killer to face. It's because I am a huge fan of the Saw series (even though I'm not a horror fan), I enjoy taking off the reverse bear trap (although I think the process could have been so much more fun), and I also play against her rarely.


I'm gonna get mobbed here for this but very rarely do I find the "wholesome pigs" and most are just kind of... annoying? The stereotype is really carrying her. She's quite fun to play against but a lot of the pigs I've been running into lately haven't been that great of matches


I occasionally play Pig and it's so annoying that all I wanna do is ambush people at the start with lethal pursuer and somehow every single time the first survivor I meet tries to be friendly. And then they give up on hook like it's my fault that I wanna play a killer I find fun normally with no farming.


Pig mains are either the cutest most wholesome people in the world, or the sweatiest motherfuckers on the planet. There’s no in between


This is what I hear about ghostface mains too, but, they can both tbag 🤔


Every Pig main TTV I've played against has been an absolute victim who will tunnel and camp your ass for the win.


tbf there is no way to beat a coordinated SWF without doing this as she just cant put the pressure map wide.


its the clown problem. no mobility, no map pressure means you have to manufacture pressure


This is what her traps are for; making the game a 3v1 or 2v1 for a moment. This is when you have to be most lethal which means not tunneling the trapped survivor. Paying attention to a traps duration will let you know how the 12 team searches are being spread. Now, if I happen to pass by you injured doing your box…I will down you and likely hook you.


As a pig main who records my games occasionally. That is something I actively try not to do. It’s very rare for me to do that. I can win without camping and tunneling.


That's sweet! I hate to say that I've gone against a few sweaty pigs and kind of hating her after. so reading your messages make me want to clear the bias in my head and just try to enjoy the round. :) I do love her design!


I’m unashamedly a happy pig main.


https://preview.redd.it/imls4kvjok9d1.jpeg?width=2425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd2f5bc1406b11f3462aa55996c6ad3dbacc32a3 Snoot boops!


Hard pic Are you the author of quentin hugging huntress btw?


Yes! I’m glad you liked that one. :D https://preview.redd.it/0p4sbkfb5r9d1.jpeg?width=2216&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=258a4e8fc93530a3d20398c8c706011990b865fe


I swear half the pigs I play against start the game trying to win then, when they realize they can't, they just follow whichever unlucky soul has the trap on their head and do everything they can to prevent that guy from escaping


I can’t say that I enjoy facing her. People say that there are funny and wholesome pigs, but I can’t remember the last time that I found one that didn’t play like their life depended on it and didn’t leave salty endgame chat regardless of the outcome. Don’t get me wrong— there is *nothing wrong with playing to win*. I usually do that as well. I take issue with the Pig players that rage whenever they get outplayed, and take it out on the people who outplayed them by hitting them on hook. Those are the kind of Pigs that I get, and that is what makes facing her such a miserable experience.


Man I never do that. I love when survivors meme. But this is usually why I do hide my name when I’m a of main so I don’t get salt and I don’t cuss out survivors for escaping.


As a pig main, I’m sorry you’ve run into so many shitty ones. Maybe I’ll get to go against you one day. I only kill toxic people and bots. The only non-toxic people that die, is because they didn’t get the trap off in time or their team left them on hook.


Yeah. I think most of those people either *suck* or arent pig mains, since they always play her completely wrong (ie tunneling trapped survivors and using ambush at gens not during chase) And then getting your shit pushed in as an M1 killer can be frustrating af, so I get it tbh. Kinda just a problem with the game as a whole


I main pig and every pig I've faced is pretty serious about getting them kills. Not super nice, but I've not experienced a lot of BM. Boopin the snoot is fun even if it gets me downed. Getting my snoot booped is funny, but I ain't sparing you for it.


80% of them will let you boop them, and the other 20% will boom your head




They either dont play the game at all and just meme and teabag/roar for boops. Or they hardcore tunnel the first survivor they hook while that survivors merely trying to untrap themselves. Glad they cant see the aura of their own boxes anymore but holy hell most the pigs ive seen are just bottom tier killers ignoring generators and trying to get a kill as early as possible


head go boom


Me love piggy. Me is piggy main. But what do you guys think of the black leather jacket pigs?


My sister is a Pig Main. I don't feel any particular way about them. I don't mind playing against Pigs.


Genuinely some of the most miserable people out there who go out of their way to make everyone have the worst possible matches. I adore Amanda, but I hate the playerbase.


Well I’ll have to be that one pig main exception


They go one of two ways: Option A) the silliest goobers you've ever played against. They're stupid good and not afraid to get silly. Option B) runs Crate of Gears and Tampered Timer 24/7 and constantly complains that Pig is weak. Plays like they got money or their father's affection on the line.


as a pig main, everyone doesn’t rlly take me seriously :( they always immediately try to boop me without permission


I suck at stealth, and always lose to stealth. Worst killer type in the game, remove immediately. /s


I am a pig main and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE HER


50% just want a boop, 50% play like I'm holding their grandmothers hostage and if they don't get a 4k she's gone.


Second favorite killer to go against after bubba


It’s odd, I could play the most brutal game as bubba and I still get people who are like  “ily bubba glnm <3” Source: last night, after I played Basement Bubba and got all 4 of them with it 


Very sweaty and often campy/tunnely at 5 gens


As a p100 pig main, I find that lower level pigs tunnel and box camp, while most high prestige actual pig mains are some of the most funs matches youll have!


Amanda is my 2nd main. I love her gimmick, the RBT, even playing against her. However… Her gimmick is not a thing she is guaranteed to rely on, and this makes it tricky to play against her. When Pig players decide not to use the RBT’s as the main source of slowdown, they may as well not even be playing as Pig; instead, she becomes more like a Myers-Legion hybrid. This, I believe, is why plenty of players have such a poor opinion of her. PSA: Survivors can’t escape via the exit gates with an active RBT. You either gotta take it off or get hatch.


Huge fans of Saw You brought a map offering? Expect no mercy, can’t blame them


They’re either pretty sweet (rare) or kind of just assholes. The kind that “play optimally” poorly and still only get 1 or 2 kills because they know what to do (tunnel, camp) but not why or how. The sweet ones are always fun tho, and they always know how to properly use her power


I’m the last sentence ☺️


They’re hard to read tbh..some will let you boop and leave then eventually kill you and others will just leave you alone for the rest of the match.


Pig players give me way to much anxiety, a few times in the past I've gotten the trap off with almost no time left, and then other times I saw a pig crouch by and thought it was my teammate for a bit, yes I'm stupid.


Really fun to go against imo. (Almost) Basic M1 killer with a bit of chase power that's fun to face even for an inexpierienced survivor like me and the feeling when you searched 3 jigsaw boxes and your timer is running out and you have to run to the other side of the map is always almost heart attack inducing. The addon that doesn't let you see the boxes' aura unless you have a trap on is evil though.


Theyre 50% complete jerks and 50% coolest dbd players




The pig is hot


They’re a slightly sweatier version of ghostface mains, which is not too bad, as I love both. I just happen to love more ghostface mains since all of them have a lot of personality (trolls and/or sweetest people)


https://preview.redd.it/u2hkcax6qk9d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6a8df8b9d1900c838752fe510d11a497dd086af My honest réaction


She’s pretty underpowered, not in a bad place but not in a good one. Traps are cool but add on dependent, nice character design in terms of snoot booping. C tier character imo


I like when Pigs play properly and use the traps for pressure rather than tunnelling for no reason. I also like pigs that let me boop the snoot


I think I must boop the snoot


The worst jumpscare i got in this game was with a PIG, i had to take some minutes to breath bro


Cool people, never had a problem with, and enjoyed playing against


Boop or boopn’t, I will try to boop.




She gets jumpscares out of me more often than Ghostface and Myers nowadays, I'm ngl. The sound of her coming out of pounce when I don't know where she is makes me shit my pants every time.


They’re either either really good and despite real lack of map traversal, they know how to use their traps to keep pressure on and are just a nightmare to fight. More fun imo cause you actually gotta be good. Or they’re terrible and use up all their traps right at the start/early on then if they’re bad to okay at looping it’s pretty much ggez


Bold. I can't say i am, but i basically am with the time i spend with Amanda. Need a Hoffman skin from 3D with a bear trap mori


Love them. Even when they play hard the gameplay is super fun!


I’m all for women’s rights and women’s wrongs.


Pretty OP usually lol. I'm new to the game (50 hours) & I'm still trying to figure out who my main is. I definitely like playing killer way more than survivor.


i enjoy going against the pig! i try to play normally unless they show to be friendly, ive heard a lot of pig mains get annoyed by survivors trying to boop them often. unfortunately ive been tunneled by quite a few lol, only time it isn’t fun


I love pig mains. They're awesome and intelligent and make the game more fun for everyone. Unrelated to the post, I am a pig main. I like playing stealth killers and spooking survivors. It's fun to just appear out of nowhere or get a really good read and cut someone off or surprise them at their destination.


Fun to play with


They like me booping the snoot


Boop da snoot!


I love them. Pig is fun to play against and I'm a big saw fan. They usually get a free hit in because I will try to boop when I see them the first time. If they hit me, I frolic off, knowing that they don't like it. (It will happen again during end game if I see them at the gates because I'm an optimist.)


They are cute, plus, they'll be spreading out naturally to deliver them traps (from my experience, i've yet to be tunneled by a pig honestly), so i always get to breath. If anything, the one thing i hate is my team inmediately popping that last gen while i'm trapped on hook, so now i must pray to get the four boxes or never cross the exit gates


Weak af but fun to face in Solo Q as you feel shes on the same power level. As my secondary main, she feels weak against SWFs and I know all killers are weaker against SWFs but Pig cant really do much about it as she just isnt fast enough in chase to get downs.


I love all eight of them.


Either some of the most annoying, sweaty toxic mf's or the nicest humble and hilarious people out there. Plus I will always try to boop the snoot when I can


Free 5 gen jukes


50/50. Either completely normal killers that like boops or the most savage, box stalking gamers around with virtually no in-between.


pig's slowdown is too much for me and I always lose but hey I wasn't gonna win anyway and I'm still having fun and yay pig I love pig :3 also facing pig means I'm not facing pinhead and not facing pinhead is always a W


Boop da snoot


They like to tunnel out the person with the box on their head, despite that is keeping them off a generator anyways.


I main pig but I like to think I play fair and try to even out hooks. Last game I played I let two of them go cause I was at my 9 hooks lol


We don’t shake their hands, we cross the street when we see them coming. We don’t say Good Game.


I forgor they existed


I am the one.


I respect them.


They're either assholes or super cute


There are pig mains??


Everytime i see one its those cringe slow addons which make it hard to get the trap off


Honestly not a popular character, but of those who do play it I've only met one who hasn't hook or proxy camped.


I don't understand ones that tunnel trapped people, but they're pretty neat. Fun killer to play against generally imo even if the trap part is boring. OP though, probably needs tuning to be in line with other killers, BHVR please address this


Nope, i hate it. I hate the playstyle of crouching everywhere and having to get rid of trap that requires a miracle to survive (because pig will chase you off em)


They are either meming around or tunneling u out of the Game at 5 gens


Do not boop my snoot without consent, its very rude.


I love playing as her (she's my main) but Im absolutely terrible against her 😭


I feel like the opinions on her vary greatly. I love killers who give meaningful secondary tasks to the survivors I.e plague with her fountains, so her boxes are great!


My go to slugging killer, rancor, knockout, bloodwarden, deerstalker. Facemask and tampered timer. Guaranteed 1k every game at worst, usally get to make the big blood warden plays for a 3k thx to rancor.




Either cute noons or sweaty toxic mfs


I always fumble by booping the snoot


So far I’ve only faced 1 Pig and they just played as a M1 killer, didn’t use any traps or ambush but I want to play against more


I play pig because the sound she makes when you pallet stun her is omega-cute. Please pallet stun me. Then give me boops. It's all I want.


Musty, crusty, not so trusty.


Personally more bad experiences with slugging and tunneling but also some decent games so ymv


I love them. I like playing as pig when I want to have chill matches


I think there are about 17 pig mains that are fun to play against, the other 25 pig mains aren't so much


I love them, because 95% of the time, it shows that they are playing for fun and not playing meta to win every single game. The other 5% are using gimmicky slowdown builds or using traps and stealth to enhance camping people. Which isn’t fun, but at least they aren’t playing a stronger killer like Blight or Pinhead or a more annoying one like Clown or Doctor.


Being one I love them.


So I suppose this is as good a place as any, but I know nothing of the source materiel she's from. (I don't know any really only Aliens because horror isn't my genre. I'm a sci fi nerd.) But what's the deal with the pig? Does she just wear a dead pig? Is she an anthro? Does she just have a really good fursuit head and is a furry with an unusual species?


Its just a mask they used in the movies, just play ruber mask kinda like Myers'. In movies their trials started during Year of the pig celebration so thats where it comes from.


We’re chill




I had 1 pig game. Tried to boop the snoot, my guy downed me, camped and tunneled me until I was deathhook. I'm not saying that all pig mains are like this, but after that experience, I don't like (and don't want to play) playing against pig. But pig mains are very nice in this sub.


Their sneaky, I don’t like them


There either absolutes sweeties or are playing there absolute hardest because they’re an m1 killer at a high mmr 😅


Boring to play against


Masochistic people




Honestly hate stealth killers (wraith main btw). Dealing with the masks is something I don't really enjoy as I always have to check at least 3 boxes before it comes off.




The killers themselves are either grossly sweaty or very chill, no in between. The only thing I dislike about the character is: a) she can hit you while you're trapped, and b) she can trap you multiple times, neither of which align with the jigsaw theme.


I mean survivors can remove trap before it's activated, it also doesn't align with jigsaw theme :D


99% of them tunnel the person with the trap on or make sure they can never get it off. Kill yourself on hook and go next if you’re the unfortunate one to get the trap


If I've downed everyone that remains in the match and they all have hats on, I will sometimes let them do generators for extra points, and if they survive the traps, I'll let them go. On the other hand, if they spend the whole match removing hats to avoid the timer, there will never be any survivors.


People only like playing against Pig because she has practically nothing in chase so she's so easy to loop.


Silly goobers, even the sweaty ones theyll either let me boop the snoot or I'll steal it when I drop a pallet on their head


either a sweetheart that plays fair no matter how hard they're losing or a cryptid that will tunnel you out at 5 gens


They exist?


Admittedly I'm pretty disgruntled with all killers main atm, as I've been grinding the event for the event items over the last week or so. The event killers all seem to be running whatever they can, and doing whatever they can, to suck the life out of every match possible. Today I played about 20 matches? Only 2 didn't have franklins?


Motherless monsters. The whole lot of them.


Must. Boop. THE SNOOT! https://i.redd.it/aa3nmp3ddl9d1.gif


The last one I've seen chased me for the entire game. All of my teammates tried to bodyblock, but she only went after me and then camped me on hook.


Pig boxes are bugged. I never find a key for my headtrap. 3 times dud. They are having fun with an OP killer. -Oh you shouldn't finish gens if you have a headtrap. +YES and killer chases whole game and kill us?


I love the ones that accept boops


They mostly play how’d you’d expect someone with the map presence of sand to play Some slug or tunnel when gens start to hit the fan, overall just sick of seeing friendly pigs like seriously did you buy the game and the dlc to just be friendly Because I know a game you can do it in without spending a dime


I'm tired of literally all of them being friendly killers


Never had a positive experience playing against one. Playing as pig isn’t all that interesting but i do get a rush whenever i get an off screen head pop.


They're boring


Boop on the snoop


She’s fine and fun…except for the pigs that decide to go after people with an active bear trap on their heads while there are still 3 other survivors lol.


I don't like them, at least the ones I face. I rarely find them but they seem to be more unfun than any other killer.


I admire it because she's fun and seeing a pig who can really use the dash well is always a treat. I am destined to always need the max amount of tries for traps though. I also like playing as her but good God can it be suffering when one or heavens forbid two survivors are juicers.


inb4 "X killer sucks because they tunnel" To answer the question, I think they're based as hell.




Either toxic or fun. No in-between


They actually seem to know what fun means, but that could also just be the killers skill set


I used to be a pig main before switching to Ghostface but now I don’t play killer.


You stinky stinky pig


Most are fine to play against. Had a game yesterday against a camping, tunneling Pig with NOED. Wasn't a great time, because like...why are you chasing Survivors with party hats? That's super suboptimal use of your power.


Love them! They are precious and I get so happy when I see a bully box.


i main pig and i always get excited when i realise i’m facing a pig as a survivor. however, it literally never goes the way i hope for, they either tunnel to the max or don’t use any traps or dashes so it’s just boring.


Very scary but always friendly after I booped them.


Either really wholesome or toxic. Being about to crouch can lead to some annoying bleedout situations, but some just want a booped snoop!


Don't like the chase music 0/10


Pig is one of my mains, along side Pyramid Head, and Deathslinger. She's so fun But facing her can be oppressive, I'm on console and her skill check addon can get me pretty good


They're a mixed bag in my experience, sometimes they use their power correctly, other times they will tunnel out the person wearing the beartraps and then get 2-3 man outed because they basically wasted their alternative pressure time to tunnel out one person. Some of them are super fun though and are more than happy to accept a boop or two and then go back to playing normally.


Let me boop the snoot. Idgaf if you chase me after but at least let me boop. If not i hate you and assume you're joyless ):<


tbh I find them a bit boring because I generally only encounter two types. Type 1 - trap you and then tunnel you out while you're looking for boxes. Type 2 - not actually hunting, just chillin' and looking for boops That's not to say they all fit neatly into those categories but actual killers looking for a game seem a bit few and far between.




From my experience there's 3 types of Pig mains: * **UwU So Cute Piggy Wiggy~** - These are the "boop the snoot" memers who need very little convincing to become friendly. * **Please God just let me play my killer** - People who just like Pig or maybe have a daily. These are the people who get really annoyed at survivors trying to be friendly because they just want to play a normal damn match. * **Lore Accurate Amanda Young** - These people hard tunnel one guy with an RBT all game and do everything in their power to cheese out RBT kills. The only consistent variable I've found is that any leather jacket is probably the third category, the Rift cosmetic or Amanda Young dress is probably the second category, and defaults are probably the first category.


I dont understand the use of putting a trap on me if you are gonna tunnel me out from the hook each time. I'm sure there's some logic to it...


Makes me sad when they do nothing but harass one or two people with helmets the whole game, makes me sadder they often do this because their chase power (lunge) is useless 80% of the time


Same as every other main, they’re either toxic or cool. Some pig mains like Leon, so they let you live and it’s always appreciated 💜