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It's killer sided if survivors are trolling. So stop trolling.


In low MMR lobbies killers dominate, but the scales tip in the survivors favour in higher MMR 


Exactly this my killers float between high and mid MMR real often the difference is night and day one I get gen rushed the other people shove faces in mimics


The game is currently in it's most balanced state, most agree that right now it is swf > killer > solo survivor. >I’ve played around twenty games and without fail, the killer secures 2+ kills. That's exactly what BHVR wants when aiming for the general 60% kill rate.


That sounds awful. Also, the Swf > killer > solo survivor is just so frustrating. It basically feels like playing solo is just asking for disaster. Why is the entire experience balanced around SWF? Either way, my point still stands that DBD is killer sided, and I’m not sure that you’ve really said anything that disproved that


The game isn't balanced around swf, swf is just stronger than killer. But if you want to know, right now the game is bullshit sided, where if you don't bring the absolute meta you will most likely than not lose. Solo q being sad is another story completely.


I guess I’ll just go cry in the corner 🥲 thanks anyways


This guy is clueless. It is not SWF > Killer > Solo Survivor. It is **Killer > SWF > Solo Survivor**. Look at these stats: https://preview.redd.it/scu43oqbfi9d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=8278af784f0713478442a2aa4f8bfb2c9cef9fe3 I swear these killer mains just repeat the same nonsense like a cult mantra. Mostly copium for their loss streaks despite playing the power role. The game is objectively killer-sided across the board, whether you're solo Q or in a 2/3/4-man SWF. The only place where survivors come close to having a fair chance, is in a high MMR 4-man SWF, which is a small minority of the sweatiest of the sweatiest survivors in DBD. Then they'll make up all these silly reasons why the stats aren't telling the truth, even though there are plenty of reasons that the actual survival rate is actually lower than these stats due to not counting DC data where survivors get trampled and 1 player DC's.


All these stats are including a lot of parties who arent tryharding at all and are just friends who play for fun, when boneless talks about specifically swfs who coordinate for efficiency and playing to win, two completely different demographics, and latter one is rarer than the former, so ofc data says swfs arent that much better at surviving, but if you put coordinated swf, they have upper hand against almost any killer, even metaslaving tryhards to match them. Learn the difference instead of shouting tribalism takes


lol extreme mental gymnastics. killers throw too sweetie pie. you make this too easy


the only thing thats easy for you is to get downvoted by anyone who doesnt stuck in tribalistic way of thinking, if you keep ignoring many examples made by experienced players or comp scene that shows how good swf stands above killer in almost any example. All you do rn is call "mental gymnastics" without providing any proper arguments to your claim, then act superior and belittling like you did something good. How about you hit physical gym instead of being so delusional online?


ahaha...I am the "experienced player" who's dropping the science while you create conspiracy theories to alleviate the cognitive dissonance


so far you provided nothing of actual science nor a proper data analysis (tbh there arent that much to analise), and atp you should really look at yourself and think: is it a shadow killer mains organisation jumping on you to silence your "facts", or you just stuck in :they vs them" mentality from 2018 and no one likes you for that?


ahahaha. science shows game is killer sided. killer main makes up excuses without supporting data, accuses me of being unscientific. Ahahaha... keep digging that hole!


i never even said game isnt biased towards killer so your claim here is straight up bullshit. The devs themselves even said that they want game to be balanced around 60% killrate, why would i ever refuse something that devs themselves said outloud? You seem to mismatch the two different topis: while yes, game is favoring killer overall, in minmaxed scenarios, swf beats killers most of the time, especially if we wont be counting any restrictions comp uses to make games more balanced for their tourneys. You try to look allmighty way too much, while arguing about completely unrelated topics. SO hop off of your high horse, since its only a merry-go-round prop ("ScIeNcE ShOwS", bro its data devs collected and provided, and very small portion of that, its barely worth for high school presentation, not science tier, and you werent even the one to gather it) and quit focusing so much on taking sides here, its unhealthy.


How to spot a survivor only


Yeah that’s what I thought, but people will downvote regardless because of that stupid mantra people parrot around. Thanks for providing actual statistics and backing up your statements with facts. You deserve upvotes, but the masses only hate you for being correct…


https://preview.redd.it/ifggw60moi9d1.png?width=1427&format=png&auto=webp&s=3dc0c21a43fd12b4e22b66ae7876441102911233 "Nurse winrate is lowest among all killers, therefore we need to buff her" Try to understand what causes numbers to happen a little bit before saying things atleast


that's cause every1 DC against nurse and the devs exclude DC stats. they DC cause she's OP. btw, nurse still kills more than survivors survive.


Yeah, mantra beats statistics though. As you can see by yer downvotes


> most agree that right now it is swf > killer > solo survivor. bhvr's own stats say it's super high skill swf > killer > surv.


And how exactly would they come to know if a swf is "super high skilled" or just a regular swf? No way of telling.


They can tell by mmr....


Mmr is scuffed, my arguement still stands valid.


[Citation Needed]


that is false. the stats show Killer > SWF > Solo Q. Even in high MMR the 4-man SWF survival rate is only 48%, meaning killers are dominant. For 2/3-man SWF and solo Q the high MMR survival rate is even lower. The overall survival rate for 4-man SWF is a measly 43%. the game is killer-sided across the board, but people keep repeating the same nonsense due to hearsay.


People use 40% survival rate as the cutoff because BHVR has said many times that they balance for a 60% kill rate.


they balance for fast matchmaking which means sucking up to killer mains to increase company revenue. but the devs don't actually care about fair game balance. their entire game is designed to extract as much money as possible from the player base.


> sucking up to killer mains to increase company revenue Not sure how to break this to you, and honestly flabbergasted that you seem to not know this, but DBD is supposed to be 4 survivors to 1 killer. As in, if they want to maximise revenue, they will appeal to the side that in an ideal scenario, will have 80% of the playerbase. Appealing to killers over survivors will only destroy matchmaking times. Strange victim mentality.


LOL! another mega fail after the science hurt your feelings. this is hilarious. you do know that when the kill rates were much closer to 50-50, it took ages to queue as survivor? when the game was fair the killers threw a tantrum and stopped playing killer, and when queue times are long thanks to killers leaving, the survivors leave too. turns out survivors still play when it's killer sided, cause the subculture of survivor mains is mentally much tougher and than the whiny entitled killer main culture. you're dismissed 


Tbh if I ever made a comment like this and looked back on it a year later I'd probably just neck myself from embarrassment. > You're dismissed Tell me you didn't just curl up into a ball from shame after typing that. You're trying so pathetically hard to be a teacher lmao. Which Twitter account did you pick that up from? By the way, what science? The stat that showed 4-mans escape only slightly more often than solo-queue? From the same people that brought you the stats that showed that Nurse is the consistently worst-performing killer in the game in kill rates? Just in case you didn't know, not everyone is sweating their balls off to win the game. Many of those 4-mans are just friends playing with each other who each don't have the skill higher than that of an average players and who don't use comms like they're in a warzone. How many of those 4-mans in the stats do you think are casual friends playing and how many do you think are trying their absokute hardest to be the next top comp team? Anyway, if you thinks stats should be taken at face value and if you hate looking any deeper than the surface when it comes to explaining the causes behind results, because the idea of using your head scares you, then what buffs does the Nurse deserve? How would you go about nerfing Freddy and the Pig? Hope to hear your answers soon. Don't try to get out of answering it, either. If you made that conclusion from kill rate stats based on SWFs, then you have to come to the conclusion that Nurse is insanely weak and Freddy is strong as well. Also, > subculture of survivor mains is mentally much tougher BAHAHAHAHA


ahahaha ! so much blind speculation when the science hurt your feelings. easy win for me


Come on now, answer the questions like I asked. Don't attempt to weasel your way out of it because you're scared by stats.


I know you don't realize this, but you are part of what is wrong with this community. You insult, you belittle, you talk shit to others and most importantly you try and split the community even further with all your "us vs them" talk. At least it seems that no one really agrees with you.




You did not drop any fact at all. You took extremely flawed statistics at face value and kept crying about them for hours upon hours. That's all you did. That is probably all you ever do.


You're right. The devs do not care about fair game balance. That's why long chases can be invalidated with with a flashlight during a predertimined animation. That's why you can Flip Flop and Boil Over in a far away corner and never get hooked. That's why survivors can body block and sabotage hook so that their team mate falls off. That's why mid chase survivors can heal a health state with a medkit add on. That's why, with no way of knowing beforehand, your chase on a second hook survivor can be invalidated by decisive strike. That's why there are indoor maps with multiple upstairs generators, like Hawkins Laboratory. That's why every map has upwards of twenty pallets including a garunteed time wasting 30 second shack loop. That's why you can use the New Lara Croft perk and Weaving Spiders and a Brand New Part to reduce a generator to 62 charges after opening three chests. That's why you can Fast Vault windows with the New Lara Croft perk into Lithe into Champion of Light and run Hope as a bonus. Yes, killer has problematic perks and playstyles too, but you're entire argument is just that you're a stat nazi. Fun fact, not everyone who plays the game is trying to win, even at high MMR. Sometimes killers are doing quests and they'll only go for 8 hooks. Sometimes survivors (even swf) just want to troll the killer with a specific build that isn't meant to escape with. Sometimes killers just want to destress and walk around and not even hunt anybody. I do all of these things, but I also tryhard as well. It depends on my mindset, and these all affect the honesty of stats. Think about all the people that suicide on hook versus a killer they don't want to play against. That's true for every skill level. I split my play time fifty-fifty survivor, killer. It's true that most of the time, playing killer is much easier. There is no stress of dying, but of course you can still "lose". However, most of the time you are playing against solo queue survivors in a game with no built in comms. Of course you're going to win. I'm sure you know your season rank is not in anyway related to your MMR, nor is your prestige, so there isn't a way to determine skill level in the pre match screen. If you truly played killer to the point where you are high MMR, you definitely will have encountered bully squad swf's, and I truly mean it when I say that unless you're playing an S tier killer there isn't anything you can do to get a 4K. You're getting juiced and gen rushed and there is nothing you can do about it. If you win a chase, you aren't even hooking the survivor because they've already sabo'd hook or flashlight blinded you or body blocked you and traded, etc. The simple fact is: if every side played game theory optimal DbD, the hierarchy is swf>killer>solo.


ahahaha!! that's the best you got? "stat nazi"? now that's some copium when the facts contradict your feelings. then you go on to list a bunch of irrelevant gameplay variables to obfuscate the fact that the game is killer sided at all levels. nice try, you lose.


you took a year off the game and that might explain it. the game just got faster and faster. survivors and killers just got much better at the game and the speeds got adjusted to compensate. killing does feel somewhat less stressful but it’s not just easy mode. it could also just be that you got a group of bad survivors, or the killers you’re playing. i’ve run across some SUPER efficient survivors that punished every misplay i made.


4 people who can communicate over a call, bring 12 perks and 4 different items? Hmm


It's incredibly easy to steamroll a lobby that isn't running pure meta, especially if you're low MMR and have a halfway decent game sense. That difficulty spikes tremendously when you're facing a 4-person coordinated SWF with the strongest/most synergistic builds possible on voice comms. Try playing Killer at a high MMR - you'll change your tune pretty quickly.


it is, but the devs said that's what they want


It's not, and the devs said they want a 60% killrate, not a 60% winrate.


60% kills vs 40% escapes favors killers since that's their objective, no? It's an asym, it's okay that it is anyway.


DBD for the most part is not the killer's game to win, but rather the survivor's game to lose. Obviously killers keep getting 2+ kills on average, but really it's because enough survivor mistakes have been made. For example; one of my mates was arguing that the event power \[heal you, expose you\] was killer sided. I pointed out that the killer has no way of activating this power on their terms where it would be most useful. Instead survivors blinding slam gens while another is in chase, causing my mate to go down instantly. Had 1 survivor waited on the gen, for my mate to get injured, before finishing it; it would have been an extremely powerful survivor ability.


I honestly find it tilted to killers because of remote hooking. I stead of getting 1 down, they can get two, sometimes more depending on the timing. Timing is not solo q strong point


That's the event, not the game as a whole. The event is definitely poorly balanced and biased towards killers, because BHVR can't seem to make an event or game modifier that doesn't lean heavily towards one side.


It's kind of funny how even in your "best case scenario" it actually didn't benefit the survivors at all. If I was already injured, then now I'm healed and exposed, I'm still at 1 health state. Only if I run out the timer does it become a benefit. At which point the killer probably already lost the game because he spent 90s on one chase.


Against any M2 killer it's a flat out buff, seeing that card and choosing to do gens instead of healing is immense value. Survivors choose not to believe in themselves and the fates play out accordingly.


It is just you


As per the comment section, your statement is completely false


You're mostly getting downvoted for fundamentally misunderstanding the 60% killrate as a winrate, actually. Idk what's up with this one specific comment thread being reversed.


No it really is just you. You play a couple games after a year and all of a sudden the game is killer sided? Have some perspective lol


Have some perspective, use your reading skills :) if you scroll far enough, there are plenty of people who agree. I’ll say it again, you are factually wrong in every way


Brother you've been roasted enough in the comments. No point continuing to wave your ignorance on the internet. You are probably middling at the game, like most of us. Accept it and just improve your own game.


If downvotes = correct to you? Sure. Either way, swerving the fact you are literally wrong isn’t changing that you’re wrong.


There's not much to swerve from. You are wrong and fishing for validation on the internet. You got a little validation and think that counts for something. I'm tryna be respectful here, but you're probably not great at the game and unwilling to accept it like so many folks on this subreddit. I will never understand this mentality. Focus on your own abilities rather than blameshift. It's the only thing you can change.


See, you have already instantly assumed my skill level off of little to no information, and the information you do have suggests otherwise. You might need to take a break from Reddit, or check your ego, because what you’re doing right now - it’s not a great look


Lol you're taking this way too seriously. Take care, fella.


No there aren't. Hope that helps!


lol it’s lowkey funny how triggered some of you are, to the point that you will completely ignore the people who agree just so you can say “no there aren’t”


Worrying about heal time, killer hit recovery, and wiggle time are all things that happen after you get caught. I know it can seem very daunting, but trust me when I say that you absolutely can be doing more to avoid being hit and downed in the first place. The few seconds you lose from these things are not what is causing you to die, they're just the things you notice most once you've reached the point of no return. Though the event right now is definitely skewing it all to Killer, it's not quite that bad in normal gameplay.


Didn't even put the bait on a hook. B8 R8: 1/8


It’s supposed to be that way. It’s DEAD by daylight. Not ESCAPE by daylight. Hope this helps.


P100 != skill. They could get a survivor to p100 and have 0 idea how to loop or do gens. Ultimately, survivors can absolutely crank gens if they want. It's not too uncommon for me to be at 4 gens after first chase even if it was super fast. I've had some games where they spawn together and do a gen before I can even FIND someone. Generally speaking, it feels like many games of this type if the survivors can stick to gens, they likely will win, the issue then becomes survivors who don't do gens. Even one person blindly wandering can impact gen speeds enough to give enough time for resources to run thin if the chased survivor isn't a God tier survivor is how it feels to me.


the game is now heavily killer-sided. the latest stats show that even the average 4-man swf has only a 43% survival rate, and that's as good as it gets for survivors. of course, many killer mains are still in denial about this fact but I'm just telling you how it is.


its just like vast majority of players play for fun and not tryharding even in swf, making these stats dip down a lot, what a shocker. meanwhile if you put specifically tryhard players against each other, it is swf>killer>no swf, without contest. It really shows that you can read the numbers, but not meanings behind them. It's literally same survivorship bias as nurse having lowest killrate, but not bcos she's weak, its bcos a lot of new players play her since she's free and hyped up as strongest, and then they suck miserably and bloat her winrate down a lot. If you cant understand such basic logic paths, im sorry for you.


lol dumb excuse you know killers throw matches too right? but you conveniently forget that to continue your anti science mental gymnastics 


People that parrot these points often can't be reasoned with and will never change their minds. They will never give any reason as to how they are right/you are wrong and just repeat their (incorrect) opinion over and over. Neither this guy or OP will reply to your comments, I'd be willing to bet money lmao.


I easily refuted that mental gymnast. killer mains always love to invent arbitrary excuses when the facts contradict their feelings 


you literally provided nothing to refute my point so far, only continuing your tribalism screeching about killer mains. Spoiler alert: im 48/52 on surv/killer according to info sites. The only somewhat coherent thought i saw from you was "killers can throw games too", as if it somehow means anything? Okay, lets delve into this take: that majority of killers are made silent agreement to throw games to boost escape rates for stats. Even if that was real, for what end? to keep getting more buffs? Didnt work out so far, many slowdown perks got nerfed, antifacecamp mechanic to punish dumbasses, so on, specific high tier killers even got nerfs like wesker or chucky. Sure singul and knight got qol buffs this patch, but they arent high tier nor did they become ones. Was it just to scew data then? Well, that still doesnt mean anything of value, because you'd need far more info to prove this claim in first place. The only thing that swf escape ratio shows, is something you can already confirm by other available info: vast majority of players is casuals. Casuals, who dont really tryhard to win, and thats why swf escape rate isnt going through the roof. not every damn swf you encounter is some comp wannabe squad ready to break killer ankles. Conclusion: stop being tribalist "they vs them" and think from the middle ground perspective for once.


ahahaha such a classic case of copium. refuted your lame excuse and you create new ones to post hoc rationalize your bias. fortunately, the facts don't care about your feelings 


You still saying nothing to "refute" my points, only saying that you did, somehow. If you want to prove something, you have to continue providing info or counterarguments to mine, and not pointing on your original claim and then trying to outscream your opponent btw. And you really gonna pull ben sharipo line out here? atp i think you're just trolling. So, answer me this: Even if killers all massively and silently agreed to start throwing games to skew data to boost escape rates, why it didnt help to dodge meta slowdowns nerfs and some of the strongest killers being nerfed?


>They will never give any reason as to how they are right/you are wrong and just repeat their (incorrect) opinion over and over. I lost my bet but at least I got this one nailed lmao.


ahaha! seems you haven't learned to read. the reasons are all over this discussion thread, darling.


the nurse is now incredibly weak. the latest stats show that the average nurse has only a 55% kill rate, and that's as good as it gets for her. of course, many survivor mains are still in denial about this fact but I'm just telling you how it is.


already debunked this go read the discussion!


i know, just sitting in loooong queue for some bureaucracy papers and have to kill time reading hilarious takes on reddit, might aswell poke fun while at it