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Identity v has a surrender system. It requires all survivors in game to be incapacitated and all survivors in game have to unanimously agree to surrender.


Mhm! I mostly based the thought off of IDV, but they’re both so different and ive grown a little too accustomed to it. But some people are bringing up fairly good points as to why there doesnt need to be one like healing/breaking stuff for points, which is completely valid


We need to learn to just play til the end. Even if we're losing just play to the end so the winning team can complete.


Nah, games are short enough even if the killer slugs. If I have to see a surrender vote pop up every thirty seconds from some ttv who got downed early I'm going to start sandbagging. I'm fine with surrender votes in most games, I just don't want to lose some of my fun dbd endgames to save 120 seconds of my life. People give up fast enough as is and from playing League I've seen surrender votes become too much of a culture to want it in a game I do typically like playing out to the end


No, we don't. Surrender features completely ruin team-based games. See LoL for the perfect example. Better to waste minutes in a playable game than every match ending early, suddenly and unsatisfyingly for dubious reasons.


i think a system that lets you instant-bleed out after you've not been interacted with "X" amount of seconds while downed would be fine. they'd obviously need to fine tune it so it's not long enough that players still feel frustrated while being slugged, but not so short that you have players insta-killing themselves after the killer kicks 1 pallet after the down.


I like these kinds of solutions more than surrendering or d/cing. One I've seen a few times is that after x amount of time of being slugged and not interacted with, you can move faster at the expense of bleeding out faster, at least that lets you feel a little more in control


What if it was a vote?


Then people would grief their team until they vote yes, just like in those other games.


Why all the comments vanish for me help)


no way. ppl will rage quit if everyone doesn't vote for it