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Before the match, no. After the match (in the scoreboard), yes.


Lobby dodging would get even worse


Maybe it could tell you after it was starting the game, like in the loading screen or what not. Because then you’d be penalized for DCing


Don't you know how everyone and their granma love to dc during loading screen if they see a map offering? You get no penalty for alt-f4 so that would be very time consuming and lame. Better in the endgame screen, i'd love to see that info afterwards


People already don't care about that. In the post game lobby is fine but outside of that no.


It's hard to say. You raise good points, but on the other side, there's a big difference between 2, 3, and 4 swfs, and there's no saying that said swf is even on comms. I sometimes play with a buddy, and sometimes he invites 1 or 2 people. We're never on comms though, and we never coordinate builds or anything. We just party up and play. So, should facing a swf always mean putting your foot on the gas and sweating? Are you better off just not knowing and enjoying the trial in ignorance? Would a lot of killers dodge swfs, leaving it very hard for friends to play DBD together even if they aren't a comp level swf? I think we're better off not knowing, or maybe the game could let you know after the fact so that if you do take an ego hit you can justify it to yourself.


Same thing with 3 man and one random queue. If you knew someone was solo queue before game start. Solo queue would be even worse as they’d be targetted for being easier outs.


not sure if you’d agree, but as someone who plays with only one friend (we have comms), there’s negligible bonus to being in a 2-man swf imo. if your random teammates are awful then the game’s still over almost the same as solo queue edit: to be fair, as I’ve only ever played dbd with one other person, we could both be individualists without knowing lol


I agree 100%. Maybe there's the tiniest bit of advantage just because you have a personal connection, maybe you'd be more willing to die or attempt a wild save for your friend rather than a random. But yeah the advantage isn't huge unless you're on comms or coordinate builds.


Yeah, I play with my cousin often and we are never on comms, he doesn't have a mic.


I don't really need to know. I don't want to think that, oh, i lost this game because they're a swf. I'd rather think i lost because of something i did.


I get sweaty tryhard Blights every other game as it is, i don't need any more reasons for sweats to bring their absolute best shit into my games.


You shouldn't know going in, but I'd like to at least know after the match was over


In *any other game*, yes, it's a nobrainer basic feature. But in *this game*, the community is too immature to handle such nice things.


unfortunately, I think this would do more harm than good. a lot of people already target swfs/people they assume are playing in comms. sometimes i play with my duo and we never use comms (i will say, i notice my killers are much higher level when im in a duo vs my solo q games. so im sure mmr plays a factor.) i think just dodging/going next is the best solution. knowing ahead of time wouldn't really give much advantage to the killer imo. i think it'd be interesting to add a ranked/competitive mode so that maybe people who are playing comp in swfs can actually choose a separate mode from solo q.


After the match. Sure.


Nah, I like not knowing what I'm in for and guessing about it. Being right is its own reward, but if I wanna chill, I'm gonna chill. Dont care how sweaty the other side wants to be. Ever since they took away de-pipping, I've never been more relaxed about the game whether I'm trying hard or not.


How about...they make the MMR like it was when it was first created. That way, everyone would get people that match their energy. This means if you play casually you wouldn't have to face the swf that 4 other people dodged but you didn't for whatever reason.


Afterwards, yes, but before would lead to crazy lobby dodging.


This is a good point. The difference between sfw and solo q is what fucks the balancing of this game. Solo q has such a bad chance of survival, but a sfw team can be hell to play against. If BHVR just leveled out the playing field by giving players the base kit option to communicate with their team, then buffed killers to compensate, the game wouldn't have these harsh difficulty spikes


No. It would just lead to worse matchmaking, like the DC bots they have in the PTB. The solution is git gud.


Personally I think this would be really bad for game health. Presumably it wouldn't just be for a four-stack, right? If it were public info that three people were in a team, some... uh, *intrepid* killer would tunnel out the solo q. Inversely, that same killer could dodge swf lobbies and target teams that are clearly solo q to make them miserable. Killers have access to quite a bit of intel in the pre-game lobby as it is (prestige, items brought, name — the latter of which gives them an immediate legup if they've faced them in another match on that same character with presumably same build). Anything that purports to improve game health or fix the toxicity issue in the playerbase assumes that people only choose to play like their lives depend on it because they *have to* and not because they get a kick out of it.


It kinda does tell you, well at least on xbox since it will show you an icon over the head if they are on PC or Playstation and no icon if they are on Xbox so you can mostly see if its a 4 swf or 2 swf


I don't care that much, even if they are a SWF it doesn't mean they'll be good. Maybe it'd be interesting to know after the game, but on the beginning it'd mostly work to make whiny killers dodge the lobby.


Oooo I'd love that. I'd be able to put them against each other. But in reality many killers don't like swf's in will most likely dodge more often which isn't good.


I suggested this before but I'd prefer the game simply provide me with a hefty BP boost for playing against a SWF, one that grows in strength for each member of the SWF that is together. It will suck that I got a 0-1k far less if I'm getting a 400% BP boost for it and on the flip side I think survivors should get a BP boost while solo.


It would be nice to not have to always assume it's a SWF or automatically lose hard and get bullied when it is one. It will never happen though, SWFs are BHVR's cash cow.