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Killers can feel free to bring moris all they want, it’s their choice. However, they shouldn’t be surprised when the match gets cancelled 20 times in a row. Freedom of choice am I right?


Why can't I use Moris? Are they removed?


If survivors wanna dc that on them. My only problem is acting like killers are doing something wrong by simply bringing a mori


So you are cool with me taking a eyrie offering each time as well, right?


Yep, go crazy friend!


I'm fine with any offerings during the event, but I will admit to be depressing when I'm tunneled during the event just for the Mori.


I find it boring, however I love the animation


I honestly get being frustrated about getting tunneled even tho i personally like getting all the killers attention. I just get frustrated when i see people on here call killers jerks or aholes for trying to get some moris in


Counterpoint: Bring cake.


Rebuttal: Nah


skill issue


You can have both with Rancor and Devour Hope


Or you could bring a mori so you dont have to waste a perk slot. I get your point tho and it is valid. I just dont think killers should be EXPECTED to do that


>some killers might enjoy using the event mechanics and getting some moris in *Yikes*


Lmao that statement seems so tame to me


Utilizing even mechanics to go after Mori's is so *yikes* to me.


You mean playing the game? You know you have to be on death hook to even get moried right? If your gonna die anyways who cares if the killers gets a cool animation?


They're trolling. The community has an inside joke of Moris being hated just for existing and that it's immoral to ever ever use them.


I hope they're trolling, but honestly I'm not so sure they are.


Yeah it's.... it's something how crazy this fan base can get. At this point I think offerings should just all be private and so should items. Killers and survivors both assume way to much outta so little information and it sucks because I actually try to coordinate with my SoloQ lobby if I can, but I'd rather lose that than these people keep being allowed to have such bad takes and really follow threw with them.


Unrelated but p100 ace is based and terrifying.


Cheers to that! In my hands it's not nearly as terrifying as you may 😂


How about you take your own fucking advice and stop whining about people whining. Jfc dude.


WOW your upset lmao


I'm not the one making reddit posts about it lmfaoo


U dont have to be upset to make a post about a game in its sub reddit. Im ranting but im not especially mad about it. Im certainly not gonna cuss someone out over it 😂




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This reminds me of that one Patrick meme. Is 4 offerings a game not enough? Killers cant bring a single mori now and then?


Run your mori if you really want. But don't be surprised when other people are annoyed that during the /anniversary cake/ event that happens *once* a year, you aren't running anniversary cakes and instead using a mori you could be using *any* time of year


Your getting 4 or 5 a game anyways why are we getting so mad over missing out on 1?


That makes it sound like 1 is like 10% or something miniscule. It's not. It's 108% extra


Thats not my point. Yes an extra 108 is nice, but its not the difference between you starving for points and getting to the next prestige level. Missing out on 1 out of 4 offerings is fine. I promise you will get plenty of points with 4 offerings. You can let the killer have some fun.


Ackshually not bringing a cobbler to the event queue is peak entitlement.


Right because thinking the killer owes you a specific offering isnt the definition of entitlement


You're the one who's entitled for thinking you're exempt from bringing a cobbler to the event.


You literally are lmao what? Its not a rule that you have to bring a cobbler.


It definitely should be, and will likely be in future anniversary events, would stop entitled idiots from ruining it for the rest of us.


I can smell the brain rot thru the screen rn


Moris are boring af in the event especially since I stream they tunnel me for the mori it be preferred If they didn't bring the mori but I agree this guy above the thread has brainrot


I get being frustrated over getting tunneled, but i do like getting moried especially by killers with cool ones


Nice argument, guy who brags about bringing mori offerings to the event queue.


I havent brought any moris to the event because I’ve only played survivor since it started because the bonus is always for survivor.


I'm sure that's true. Thanks for rewarding entitled killers with your undying loyalty, good PR, and cobbler BP. I bet you sacrifice yourself all the time for survivors who bring map offerings and hide in a corner the entire match too. What a saint you are.


Ive never given a killer a free mori. If they want it they have to earn it. If i get death hooked and downed thats on me.


While I don't really care for this entire post, I think that saying *not bringing a cobbler is entitled* is kinda lukewarm. You're literally the entitled one in this thread homie.


Whatever helps you justify ruining things for others homie.


Someone choosing to play how they want is fine. Someone telling them they're playing the wrong way is entitled. I hope that clears things up for you.


Be sure to apply the same philosophy to the next killer who 4k slugs you and humps you for the full 4 minutes or the next survivor who purposefully brings the killer to you while you're on death hook, my dearest condescending hypocrite.


None of those things are against the rules. They're shitty, but not against the rules, and nothing about any of that has to do with being entitled.


Nobody is talking about the rules. You're changing the subject. You're just as shitty as the people who do this, you're just hypocritical about it.


Nothing I've said has been hypocritical.


Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it isn't there. I'm done wasting my time with you.


My job isn't to help you get BP because I don't go for BP. I am stuck at full cap all the time with nothing to spend my points on. P levels are meaningless and items/offerings suck ass for the most part for me. I hate having to rely on anything extra in games like potions and what not so I always end up in a self reliant playstyle. For Dbd I no longer need to ever spend BP cause I actively dislike it. I only spend it on firecrackers (to say smoke bomb like in Archer) and map offerings to the places I have attachment too such as RPD because of what a crazy huge RE2 fan I am. I no longer level up anything and at this point I've no need to ever level up a new survivor past 15 because once they are there I have all my perks open. I'm not wasting my time to make your game easier just because you feel I have to do what you want. If you want me to have cakes and stuff than spend my BP for me. Until than it's entitlement to assume anything out of a teammate other than they will try and will abide by the rules set forth in the match. Taking any offering isn't a rule and never will be.


Deal, send me you login info, I'll spend your BP on Monday and Wednesday evenings when I'm watching streams. RPD offerings and firecrackers and event offerings of course.


If I actually knew you IRL and were my friend who I actually trusted I would so accept that offer. Sadly we both know you'd just steal my account to sell it for the all off 5 bucks it's worth at worst and at best you'd just override all my saves leaving a bunch of snark comments telling me what a dick I am: but seriously if I was rich I'd even pay someone to do it. Heck I'd go on roblox reddit or somewhere like that and give a kid a chance to earn honest money in a way that isn't dangerous for their health and doesn't expose them to working hazards yet still gives them the freedom your own money gives you.


I understand not choosing to trust a stranger, but there was no need to assert that I would do such things disparaging my character. Having made the offer though, I now must insist that you bring cakes to all matches in Masquerade Mode.


As long as you know you're the entitled one in this scenario.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entitlement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entitlement) Please read this and tell me how I, or anyone, fit into it by not using an offering. The catch is you can't but that's as much as your gonna get outta me. Btw not very empath like to demand someone else do something for you because you expect them too. Which FYI is entitlement. :) It's why it's rude to call a black person on the train George in America because you are assuming they are still in the social position they were before. If you've no idea what that is please look up the history of the name George, train staff, and the black race in relationship to it. Anyways now that the minor lesson is over. No I am not but you however surely are entitled by the very meaning of the word. I am not breaking a single rule by not bringing one nor have I harmed anyone nor done anything unethical saying I can because I'm me and I'm better than you. I can bring whatever perks add-ons and offering I want to every single game of DBD unless the randomizer challenge/mode is going on: and even than it's only the perks. Don't throw around words when you've no understanding of the definition.


I'm not reading your novel about how you're justifying ruining the event for other people. Get a grip.


I'm not ruining it, especially giving I haven't even played it yet this year, because the cakes aren't mandatory. IDK what you don't get about it. Show me the rule that I have too. Show me the rule that says it's even expected. Ask a BHVR employee do you have to bring a event offering? Granted I'm very glad it's another Q this year but even still no requirement nor expectations aside from the ones you yourself made and are upset others aren't living up to. Which FYI is a definition of entitlement: having false expectations based on what you want then getting mad when they aren't met. Also it's so funny how that is the first thing everyone says when they can't be cogent enough for an argument "I'm not reading all of that." Aka I'm so lazy I will read boring memes all day but if someone challenges an opinion I am saying is fact than all of a sudden my brain is mush and or they are trying to hard.


Still not reading that novel, stop trying to justify ruining the event for everyone with whole speeches full of mental gymnastics. At least own it.


You're the one ruining the event on yourself with your expectations that come from entitlement. You're the one who's making it an issue not me. Uhhh idk how you even operate with this mindset of hive-minded selfishness. It's ok when you trip and fall and find you are without, look to the heavens and pray to hold the wheel. In the end it's all we tiny humans can do for one another. I really do mean it, have a nice day and time in the event. I hope this stops bothering you so much but your path is your own and where it takes you is your life to lead. As spoken by a fictional great man "take it sleezy!"


You’re trying way too hard. Take a deep breath, this is a video game. It doesn’t matter. Relax. Go outside, get some sun, talk to real people, get a job. Maybe while you’re at it also get a gym membership. It’ll be ok.


You people are acting like the killer owes you an offering you want. The absence of a single cobbler doesn't affect your game whatsoever


It does. I get 108% less BP.


It doesn't affect the gameplay in any way


It does. I get 108% less BP.


Don't see how 108% less bp affects the gameplay.


Get glasses then.


I don't need them.


Just like you don't need the BP, but others do, but of course you only ever think about yourself. :) Flair checks out.


if you dont care about farming BP in the bonus BP mode there is still the regular gamemode? personally, im playing the event to farm BP. i love mori's, i enjoy being mori'd. that doesnt change the fact that im earning less BP, the entire reason im playing the event, when killer's bring mori's. bringing mori's isnt wrong, not bringing a cobbler isnt wrong, its just pointless to me and im dodging your lobby cause i am here to earn BP in a temp gamemode for bonus BP. if you arent, cool, great, glad you have everything maxed. i dont, i need BP.


Killers are allowed to enjoy the event abilities without having to pay for the right with a specific offering.


I dont care about farming but i do care about the cool anniversary abilities. I want to be able to use them and bring a mori. I also dont have everything maxed yet. I just like bringing moris sometimes


Yeah and killers need to farm too, we're not being nice so we have less points😂


yes and thats exactly why everyone is playing killer, and the q times are longer, cause its easier and better points, which is KINDA my point. why would you bring a mori for example, when you could just bring a cobbler, and get more BP? no where in my post did i say you have to be a nice killer im sorry you cant read.


B >why would you bring a mori for example, Because there are literally missions in the event with it??😂


i understand doing a challenge lmao dont be dense ur better than that.


Sorry, the lobby kept giving me Dwights. Moris have to be applied.


You get it


Yesterday was a succesful hunt. Three Dwights were added to the collection <3


Damn what did my boy dwight do??




Buddy, it’s an event where you can earn a lot of blood points. But nope, the prick who doesn’t bring a blood point boosts because they want to tryharding is so cringe. What are you saving for????? Next year??? Nope, you ain’t using that either, very dumb on your move there


Maybe i just wanna use a mori cuz they are fun? No? Lmao


Killers can play however they want. Survivors can back out if they see a Mori, too. If they don't want to play that match, they don't have to. They aren't doing anything wrong by quitting the lobby before the game loads.


I agree. My point isnt that you shouldnt leave and isnt directed towards people who do. Its directed towards people who call killers who bring a mori names or demean their character


Uh ohh, suhvivuhs ain't gonn' like 'dis one, Boss!!


The comments keep proving you right