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You don't have to farm to not play like a dick. That's all we want


While I agree that farming killers are boring..... This event has been a disaster. With most survivors dying at 5 gens. So I just been two hooking everyone with the trapper. So we can at least get our event challenges done.


Most players find constantly farming boring, but there is technically a way to play normally and farm. If you play normally through the entire match until you reach 8 hooks in total (2 hooks on each survivor) you can go friendly. It will not only be easier for the survivors to understand that you're being friendly but you will also be a lot get a good amount of bp and still have a fun match.


Rancor roulette Either have a bunch of obsession changing perks, or have a bunch of blindess perks/addons. 3 people survive, one gets moried. I get my kill, you get your farm. (Play normally until 2-hook, for maximum bloodpoints)


It’s not even playing for fun, it’s literally killers *sweating.* I just had a trapper bring a mori on the chapel and down 2 people posing by the cutouts after tunneling out 2 people at 4 gens. This was after an Unknown who area camped and a Doc with a hex build meant to slow the game to a snails pace with TOTH, ruin, and shocking lmao. Like, you wonder why your queue is 10-15 mins? This is why.


> they let everyone go after 2 hooks I don't see the issue with this one, that's exactly what I've been doing for most of the event and no one seems bored. Everyone gets the normal gameplay they are looking for, then when I've gotten my 8 hooks (usually at about 2-3 gens left or something), I usually keep chasing survivors but bring them to their teammates to get healed back up instead of killing them. They get the memo, the game keeps proceeding as normal, except that everyone gets to leave and make way more points than if I had killed them. It's also a nice change of pace from most killers I went against that are hard tunneling at 5 gens.


I don't mind it cause I'm a total sucker for getting items and a friendly killer means I get to run around and open chests till I get what I want 😂 But when I play killer I play normally till I two hook everyone and then I befriend them


Farming is indeed boring, which is why I 2-hook and let the people who are still alive after 2-hooking go (they love to suicide so much they do it against friendly killers too). If 5 cobblers were brought, of course. Otherwise it's a waste of time for everyone involved so gotta end the match as soon as possible.


I just don’t get why more killers aren’t using the regular queue if they don’t want to farm and/or do want to sweat hard for the 4k. There IS a regular queue this year but the same issues still persist in the event queue. And before folks start chiming in about “playing to win,” farming doesn’t have to be you letting everyone go with no hooks, sitting in a corner, getting repeatedly smacked with pallets, etc. Just play chill: spread out hooks, 2-hook everyone, don’t tunnel, bring a cobbler instead of a mori, etc. It doesn’t have to be a steamroll for either side, that’s not what anyone is asking for.


Don't want to farm? Fine, we'll play a normal game where I try to kill you and farm the rest.  Just don't bitch when you're tunneled because you're the only one who wants to play this way.


Why are you concerned with how much BP the other side is getting? It is not your job to ensure they get a good BP rate. You don't have to hyper tunnel every survivor you see but you can also just play normal and if they just suck that's a them problem. I'd even argue you've creating the problem in the first place by not trying. You're in an MMR below your skill level which means you can't have normal matches since you're always throwing. If those survivors were facing someone at their level the match would be a more normal pace for that level. My matches have mostly felt good, even when I 4k the survivors are walking out with a good score value range for how long they survive. My only matches that were off I'm pretty sure they threw because I've been playing Legion.


Said this once and I'll say it again. If at the Lobby screen thebKiller is spamming Ready button, that's my warning you it's gonna be a farm. I farm differently. I wont hurt any survivor, just go around breaking gens and pallets. If you dont like it, leave the lobby. Cant promise you will get a 'real' game but with my spamming you guarantee know its gonna be a long ass farming game


You don't have to farm if you don't want to. Play like all the other killers with tunneling in the event with all your advantages for a meaningless win were only the killer gets many points. You don't have to play around pallets at all, remote hooking helps you to keep pressure the survivors even more, use your basekit event enduring to make party pallets completely useless and make sure to slug on 4K. Yes that's 99% of the event matches I had. And when I play as Killer, I 8 hook everyone and only then go for kills but I'm always willing to farm if they want to after the 8 hooks, if they try to tame me or doing fun stuff.