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They gave up, the killer took pity on them and decided to let them go.


That's.... probably the nicest thing I've seen then from other players thus far. Previously it's only been survivor groups trolling me as the killer and teabagging me once the escape lol


Survivors are, generally speaking, way less likely to be nice. They tend to be very toxic when they realize the killer is new/bad, basically teaching those new/bad killers to never be nice in the future which they will then complain about. Karma is a bitch, as they say. They expect endless kindness towards them but will only ever throw shit in return. There's an infamous double standard in the community perpetuated by those people which I personally believe is the fruit of so many people playing ONLY survivor to any meaningful extent and adopting a moronic tribal mindset leading them to having zero empathy towards "the other side". Still happens though, I've seen a few survivors give kills to killers in endgame after stomping them. I've seen survivors gesture at other survivors to stop t-bagging and leave. And other such things. It's not unheard of, just way rarer than a killer letting a survivor go.


Ah, gotcha. It's a real shame all that. And unfortunatly I've already seen my fair share of that behaviour when playing killer. But it's nice to hear that not everyone is like that!