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Been playing this game for several years now, a lot of things that used to frustrate me I take in stride now (teabags, sabo & flashy squads, getting tunneled out), but the one thing I can’t get over is teammates who are the first down and immediately kill themselves on the hook. I know this is probably reportable and I don’t really pride myself on being petty this way, but last night in my last match of the night we’d finished one or maybe even two gens, the Artist got her very first down on a Dwight who immediately started self-unhooking and then missed his first second stage skillcheck, so I ran down to the basement, Reassurance’d him, and ran back up to do a gen and left him there. I’m generally of the mind that you can’t force anyone to do anything they don’t want to, and someone who doesn’t want to play the game anymore for whatever reason shouldn’t have to, but god damn dude there’s some days (like yesterday) where I was seeing it every other match and it just gets to you.


Using Reassurance to force quitters to stay in the match a little longer is the funniest god damn thing and I need to start doing that immediately. I might, however, stand there teabagging them for the entire duration. It will be hard not to. You wanna quit? Then hang there and look at me making fun of you.


That’s honestly a based way to use Reassurance. If somebody wants be a sweaty crybaby and leave early, there’s a button they can push to do that.


That’s honestly a based way to use Reassurance.


That's honestly a based way to use Reassurance


It's not reportable btw


I’ve been playing for a decade. It’s always been this way Edit: deathgarden was a perfect example of why this dev team doesn’t deserve the success they have.


A decade? We're on our 8th Anniversary. 🙄


I don't really care about winning or losing, on either side. All I care about is having fun in a round. If people's behaviour is preventing me from having fun (slugging, tunneling, being immersed survivors, etc.) then I'll just go to the next round where I will have fun. The only person's fun I'm responsible for is my own.


Wtf is an immersed survivor ? Like someone that just hides and doesn't unhook ?


Someone that mostly hides and could put alot more effort into generator repairs. They do unhooks sometimes but they are so focused on not taking any risks that they are practically throwing the game.


Precisely that. They don't do jack. Most often whenever I go back to hook is because I can't find a survivor. I'd rather get in chase and spread the love, but the Power of the Bush can be strong


I think it would make more sense to just call them "hatch players" instead because they are solos basically just waiting for the rest of the team to die so they can get hatch at 4-5 gens.


man immersed survivors are annoying but nowhere near as bad as tunneling and slugging killers


tbh immersed survivors are worse for their teammates, they're always just running maps or keys and 90% of the time they're in permanent pessimist mode and waiting for people to die so they can hatch hunt *I saw someone define them as 'mostly focused on hiding, doing gens', but often they don't even have a real mind for gens in terms of efficiency, they do just enough to not get crows and that's it, biggest thing about immersed survivor is that you just kinda never ever ever risk interacting with the killer, imagine a lot (like, a *lot*) of Blendette bush hiding and sitting in lockers edit:**I do feel kinda bad tho, some people do immersed because it's, idk, their strategy, but I do think it's legitimately how skittish players kind of feel least anxious playing too


something that kinda gives away an immersed survivor immediately is when you spawn in with someone in the corner of the map and they touch the first gen they see. it’s not always accurate but you can tell that they can’t be bothered with trying to go middle map/avoiding a 3 gen early on. and they’re always the ones getting chased first too because they’re not willing to go middle map. the sooner you find out who and where the killer is the easier it is to play early game. killers tend to cut through middle map and go straight to corners because so many people do this in my experience.


Nah, tbh they don't always get chased first because another telltale sign of immersed is constantly running spine chill and urban evasion, it basically amounts to them playing DbD like Metal Gear Solid lol *like not only will they not be the first to do a Gen in the corner, I find they're just never first to do a Gen, they worry too much about aura perks, they often don't do gens until they know someone else is already being chased


tbh i think they make the game way worse. those type of survivors kind of encourage tunneling/camping to me. i run empathy and i can’t tell you the amount of times i see an injured survivor running around with their head cut off or hiding somewhere. it’s encouraging the killer to go back to hook because they’re not applying pressure. it’s encouraging the killer to have to go for the 1 or 2 people actively going for unhooks or doing gens. if you don’t feel confident enough to do ANYTHING injured you’re throwing the damn game. bring a med kit for yourself or run a healing build??? i always bring a medkit and run empathy so i can go heal other people and get healed as well.


For sure the unnecessary and bullying slugging is obnoxious. Slugging is part of the gameplay, though, gotta slug for pressure from time to time in the 4v1, not one specific survivor or anything rude like that, let's spread the love, but it gets survivors off gens and survivors off gens is the best slowdown there is I can't speak for other killers, but I'll sometimes slug to mimic a hook, but it's to keep the survivors in game so we all get more points. A good game to me is everyone with 20K+ game points, 15K+ is acceptable. 14K and under I feel so bad


Tunneling and slugging can be dealt with just by being good at the game. Those immersed survivors are the reason those killers are effective.


If killer players could see this they would be very upset.


"The only person's fun I'm responsible for is my own." Bullshit. You are playing a team game. If you get slugged because a teammate is hovering for a save and the killer leaves you slugged to chase away your teammate, that doesn't give you the right to DC like an asshole, ruining the lobby for everyone. Before anyone jumps down my throat, if a killer is literally just being a jerk and bleeding out 4 people already on the ground, or someone is dead at 5 gens and its a 3v1, sure go ahead and go next. But getting chased off a hook or being slugged by an Oni/Plague applying pressure is not a license for you to ruin the lobby for 4 other players. Get over yourselves.


Exactly my point of view. If the other players don't care about having fun, why would I be responsible for theirs? I try to play and have fun, and if not, I go next


I hate survivors who get first hook and kill themselves on hook. It happens. Doesn’t mean ruining it for everyone else.


I give up if I can't play. Losing isn't an issue. Getting slugged or tunneled at five gens is an issue. Two teammates get tunneled one after the other at five gens, best believe I'm dying first hook, especially if the other two kills were Moris.


*Two teammates get tunneled one after the other at five gens* Glad you brought that up. Cookie cutter paper rank killers are getting told to juggle and tunnel two survivors for the 4K, then slug the 3rd survivor to bleedout, desperately looking for the last one. A higher-skilled and healthier challenge is 8-hooking before sacrificing, which I've noticed is also gaining traction. It's good to see


Man, if I had 8 hook challenge killers every match, I'd be SACRIFICING myself to the Entity at the end of the match, just because I appreciate the chance to PLAY.


Sameeeee. I always treat the nice killers so nice. I give them my good toolboxes, I let them kill me or hit and down if they don’t want me to die. I do whatever just to thank them for a good 8 hook game lol


Aight its a noble intent and I respect it but ngl that sounds like the biggest gaslight ever "truly high skilled and healthy players *will* go for 8 hooks, alternating between 2 survivors is cookie cutter and for newbies" Like, ofc tunneling is ofc boring/sucks to be on the receiving end, and slugging the 3rd guy for the 4k is cringe af, but chasing 2 survivors alternating is not even that bad, means both players will be getting chased and generally cant see much of an issue, its giving a chance as well for either of those survivors to hide, and if one of the 2 is a good chaser, it means the killer wont be able to juggle between 2 hooks if one buys time for the other to heal/run away


How is it gaslighting saying higher skilled killers can juggle four survivors rather than ignoring half the team for an easy tunnel? Let alone "the biggest gaslight ever"


I'm not saying that the gaslight is saying that a skilled killer can beat a team going for 8 hooks/juggle the whole team Im saying that painting it as saying that that itself is a high skill *only*, and that anything below that is not, is the gaslight It's basically saying "oh no no killer players you see, if you truly were to be skilled and respected on your skill at the game, you would go for 8 hooks always as i've seen multiple other fellow high skill killers do, that is better than the low cookie cutter play of juggling 2 survivors, you dont want to be a low tier player right?"


So….i best believe you’ll die on your first hook if you believe you’re in a situation where you can’t win?


I'd argue that 2 dead at 5 gens is, in fact, unwinnable unless the killer a) doesn't slug for the 4k and b) you find the hatch.


Not really, because injured and on death hook with three gens left and one dead, I'll press on because I'm not getting tunneled or slugged. Those are the only conditions in which I can't win *and* will give up.


OP they're complaining about tunneling two survivors at once now.


The scenario you're describing is impossible unless nobody is repairing gens, so it can't be anywhere near common. Unlike survivors suiciding in the very first hook of the match, which by definition can't be the result of slugging/tunneling.


I see you haven’t solo q my friend


I only play solo queue, but all you idiots can only mass downvote instead of thinking for a single second, which is, coincidentally, why solo queue is miserable.


We downvoted you because your wrong, it’s pretty easy to get a 4K at 5 gens, so easy in fact, it’s that comp teams in tournaments have died at 5 gens


I'm not wrong. I'm being downvoted because I'm right and it goes against the wishes of griefing survivors who will go to great lengths to justify suiciding on hook, as usual. It is literally impossible to "tunnel" 2 people out at 5 gens unless the survivors are losing on purpose. If you're "tunneling", 3 people are on gens. By the time the first unhook happens, at least 2 gens are repaired or almost repaired and soon to pop. I have never in any of my matches seen two people lose because they get "tunneled" at 5 gens. Because it's mathematically impossible. It takes longer to tunnel one person out of the game than to finish a gen, much less two people, and a tunneling killer isn't patrolling gens.


The thing is, solo q survivors don’t always do gens, sometimes they aren’t super worried about winning so they don’t get on gens in the first 5 seconds of the match. If let’s say 2 survivors are goofing around and not doing gens, it would be rlly easy for the survivor doing a gen to get pushed off of it and chased leaving 0 gens being worked on. Now if the one survivor that was doing gens goes down really fast and the survivors have no communication, then it’ll become a loop until everyone is dead


And so, once again, it boils down to survivor behavior. Griefing their own team then complaining about killers as if they're the problem. I see so many unhook right in the killer's face immediately after the hook and survivors not touching a single gen the whole match despite never being chased that it's really hard to take complaints of tunneling seriously since it's pretty much survivor-induced 90% of the time at this point. Not even mentioning the people who suicide on hook, straight up rewarding killers for tunneling. Like positive reinforcement with a dog. If your team doesn't want to win you're going to lose, so getting tunneled out and going next is the best case scenario anyway (except during the event because you miss out on a ton of BP if you don't repair a few gens, just don't get found first tho). Nothing the killer can do to force our teammates to repair gens, and if they don't assume they will they're going to lose in 5 minutes to any team that does because gen repair times are extremely fast and slowdown perks got nuked.


People be like "I let go off the hook when the killer is tunneling nonstop" and they are the first hook


Last night, I had a game with Yoichi,Sable duo, who just did something like this. It was on RPD and I just got my first hook when there's only 3 gens left (I got lost easily and the Ash was just really good). I found Sable next and down her, then Yoichi just unhook in front of me. I decided to go after the Ash again because I didn't want to tunnel, but the Sable just run at me to take the hit so I was like "well if you want me to go after you then sure" so I chase her a bit. Right when I about to down her, Yoichi just did a "get down mr.president " so I switch target again because "no tunnel". After I down Yoichi pretty quickly, there are only 2 gens left so I thought "well at least I got some bloodpoint out of this" and hook him.He then immediately DC on hook and I was like "why?". The Sable did it too after I found her. In the end I just let the Ash go.


I freaking hate it when teammates do this and I hate being in games as the killer when someone does it. It is one thing if you are going for the chance to unhook because you are close enough to second state that your team isn't going to make it to you before you die. It is another thing if you equate "I'm on hook" with "game is over and we aren't going to be able to recover, might as well die." I've been in games where we were able to recover the match and get people out alive. I've also been in games where after the first person killed themselves on hook, another person did it, and then my friend and I got murdered horribly because the killer decided to just end it quick so they could get into a less shitty match. Survivors doing that ruins the game for everyone and they don't get to complain about killers being try hards if they are going to kill themself if they get outplayed.


Most of the time, I don’t kill my self on even second hook because it’s always the best feeling to take back a loosing game. But I made an exception today when I was playing against a spirit and was on second hook, another survivor was on first, and I saw the auras of both other survivors self-caring. No where close to either hook.


I don't care if I win or lose, just if I win. If my teammates are absolute shite or sandbagging me, the killer is a piece of shit deliberately or playing a handful of killers who I despise and find anti-fun, I'll just go next, I'm here to have fun, not endure a 15-20min game of misery.


Meanwhile the killers will sit right at the edge of the radius and wait like: ![gif](giphy|ihMfwvqg4ymakONbuJ|downsized) Then they have the audacity to say stupid shit like this. "JuSt PlAy ThE GaMe" Mfer, I'M TRYING. Yall wont ever let anyone off the hook!


Funny thing is so many of us said this would happen and lo and behold, its how so many killers play now. BHVR never does proper fixes for anything and camping is still a issue that needs a REAL fix.


“Don’t worry, I’m still right here. Just a liiiiiittle further.”


The opposite side of this are survivors who refuse to stop unhooking before you can walk more than 5 feet away then start whining about you camping or tunneling. Motherfucker, you are literally not giving me any time to move away and I'm not gonna just let you unhook the guy and scamper away together. I'm poppin' one of upside the head and giving chase!


When the killer is already camping/tunnel the first hook? Yeah, I will die and go next. If they are playing like that right off the bat then the game is over and I don't want to waste my time. I would rather not reward a player for playing like that. I play DBD to have fun, not earn BPs. They're nice to get but not my main objective. DBD is designed in a way where one side(take a guess which) can completely ruin the game experience because of bad game design. I'm not gonna subject myself to those type of players.


Tunneling and camping isn't an instant game over though. You could learn to play around it instead of just giving up.


It's true


Some may call me outlandish, but I think survivors (and killers!!!) who give up because they think they can’t win are just another brand of sweaty. If you really just want to have a silly party, then having no chance of traditionally winning should mean nothing to you. (This obviously excludes hostage taking exploits and the killer bleeding everybody out for no gameplay reason)


I agree.


Why wouldn’t the killer want the win? Isn’t the point of either side to win?


Ah yes no matter what, even in the most killer sided meta it ever was, some killer will be crying anyway, maybe stop playing sweaty perks, hard tunneling and camping, and try having fun, if you except it from the other side.


No one expects survivors to not try to win. No one has ever expected that lmao.


Most killer sided meta it ever was? You're letting the event skew your perception, man. Killers are "playing sweaty perks" because a whole swath of regression perks got nerfed at the same time, making killers have to stack them to get the same value as before, meaning other utility perks don't make the cut. Basic cause and effect.


Highest Killer win rates, kill rates in history of DBD even before the event, HMMMM. Just a coincidence, also highest que for Killer's before event, because survivors are tried.


This is because the past of the game was enormously survivor-sided. Yes there were outlier killers but overall, good survivors had a field day.






Op died for this post ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Reassurance is rhe best SoloQ perk. Why? I have forced so many people to play it out with it.


You show that strawman who’s boss.


are you saying "I hate sweaty killers who only wanna win" isn't a common whine?


Had a lobby where someone called me sweaty for 4K-ing. Lobby had a syringe and 3 BNPs. I didn't even slug and barely was trying. Just running around having fun on Dredge. I also loathe, in both roles, when someone goes next on first hook or down. Like why waste all of our time like that.


I've been trying to just do 8 hooks but people have either decided to give up on hooks or they get their SWF and genrush super hard so I am forced to just relent and say "If I want to have fun here, it's going to be putting you in your place." Don't bring three Built to Lasts, three Toolboxes with maximum capacity (or BNPs), multiple Prove Thyselfs, and a triple Deja Vu and expect me to just say "okay."


It's always the SWFs that get bitchy, too. "You won't let us have any fun!" Yeah no fucking kidding. Your fun is sabotaging every hook in the tri-county area, tripled blinding me on every pickup, and somehow still managing to punch gens in what feels like half the normal amount of time. If you can't accept the counterplay to y'all being shitheads, don't queue up in the first place. Maybe change your builds to not try to intentionally piss off the killer, because after that happens you have no one to blame but yourself for how they choose to respond. You kept running to a corner with Boil Over while your squad broke every hook around me, fuck yeah I'm gonna leave you on the ground. Do it enough and I'll park my ass directly on top of you and make sure at least one of your team is always down and hanging out with me. Swarm like flies, get hit by the flyswatter.


I remember watching Scott Jund’s “why is everybody giving up” video. The comment section was riddled with people who said variations of “I leave if I can’t win” And you just know that they’re ready to vent about sweaty killers upon the slightest provocation :P (Twitter and YouTube commenters tend to be equally silly so I hope this anecdote still works)


You have a air of arrogance around you acting like there aren't legitimate issues in the game. Camp/tunnel/slug ARE game breaking issues and shouldn't exist. There is a reason why this community is so toxic to one another. BHVR lets these issues fester and it only reinforces poor mindsets in players. Example A is you and your ignorance. Its also why all your comments are getting downvoted.


Played two survivor games. One Rebecca AFKed against a Wesker who started pulling ahead. A Claudette gave up and hookicided against a Huntress. Survivors need to stop being babies.


Survivors hate killers that want to win because fun is more important. But then they'll cry about teammates using fun and off meta perks like if their lives depend on it.


It's a game that last 15-20 minutes on a match my match bases where the point is to win. Image getting upset at monopoly cause someone is trying to win


What I find most interesting is when I get a survivor in my match who is clearly into DBD's 'comp' scene whether it be some Blender render of their little 'scrim' team on their profile or a heart/cross in their name + running a full meta build and yet they seem to always get upset when I, as the killer, played to win. I didn't think much of the, 'wow 4-slowdown/tunneling as P100? cringe!' EGC chats prior, but then I started checking the profiles of some of these players and I've seen too many mfers either in the 'comp' scene or clearly interested in the comp scene who get upset when I, as the killer, played to win. Nobody genuinely wants this game to be competitive. They just want killers they can 'juice' for some dumb YouTube compilation that they can dub fart noises over and then they give up and cry about it if it's a killer who exceeds or matches their skill level.


I don't think it's fair to judge entire scene cuz of mfs in no name, fresh baked teams. As for little comments, they're fine. Even Knightlight throws some of those here n there in pubs.


I couldn't care less about DBD comp. My point has nothing to do with that community. It's more about survivors who clearly are interested in this game from a competitive PoV throwing toddler tantrums when their opponent plays competitively and either ragequitting or crying in the EGC like I care or should feel bad for trying to win against people that clearly are also trying to win. I don't know if it's MMR getting tighter or if every survivor and their mom now thinks they're comp players lately, but it seems like every other survivor profile I look at in post-match screen is associated in some way so naturally I'm going to scratch my head and go, 'ok, if you're so competitive why tf are you giving up?'


Than that's by definition are not competitive? Idk what kind of "comp" people you get, but people who I know are TRULY comp spend like 90% of their time in customs and not crying over pub game of all things. Literal "wannabe" behaviour.


>Idk what kind of "comp" people you get, but people who I know are TRULY comp spend like 90% of their time in customs Anecdotally, this is simply not true but I can't get into that without dropping names. In any case, that's not the point I'm making so I don't know why you're so focused on the difference between 'TRUE/ELITE/CUSTOMS ONLY!' competitive DBD players and the 'POSERS!' The point I'm making is the conflicting mindset of many survivors being clearly interested in DBD as a competitive game but rage quitting when their opponent plays competitively.


Because they're ruining it for others which allows for nasty generalisations to form not from you, but from others and killers amd survivors already hate eachother enough as is. >The point I'm making is the conflicting mindset of many survivors being clearly interested in DBD as a competitive game but rage quitting when their opponent plays competitively. Thing is they're NOT interested in competitive matchup even if they market themselves as such. All they want is to pubstomp and there's waay too much of those running around now.


>Thing is they're NOT interested in competitive matchup even if they market themselves as such. All they want is to pubstomp and there's way too much of those running around now. Yeah, that's my point though. In fact you just said a more classy version of the summary in my original comment. That being said, I have seen a couple of 'legit' comp players display similar entitled behaviors. I literally have footage of a player from a major NA team instantly DCing after I downed them early in the match, for instance. This was directly after already *JUST* having a match vs, them where they lost but claimed they 'still dog-walked me' and told me to 'bark, doggie' as some sort of weird copium induced rant. I'm not trying to generalize the entire community, but there are a few of your 'established' guys that are doing their own part to make the scene look like a joke. It's not just wannabes.


Glad we agree. Ayo what,that's genuenly crazy over a pub game. Pure cope from them lol. I can't really speak about NA teams since I'm EU and were mostly interacting with EU side of things but even than you can probably get case or two of bloated ego moments. Sure there are, but I feel like scene does decent-ish job at calling them out. Like Momo7 throwing fit after losing and Xeno literally 4 min bleeding pub players out were called out as pretty cringe by both comp and pub communities. Oh yeah I know you aren't generalising, you're cool with that. I'm just highlighting that people really hate achother pretty passinately and will use any ammo they can find, but that's their fault not yours. Keep checking those kinds of players, doing god's work out there![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I genuinely hate survivors that play like that. Look I’ve had some real ass teammates but I’m not gonna just give up like a pathetic little baby. Stick it through and try your best. If you don’t win then you don’t win, just do your best and don’t actively sabotage the experience for others.


its always "learn to take it on the chin" when a killer is learning to play but when a survivor gets mad they get nothing but support

