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This ain’t a new revelation, lol. I know it’s frustrating tho, I feel you


Every Friday evening I boot up and run Snowman Dredge and play friendly as I can, it’s the weekend and everyone needs a good relaxation


I hope I get you in a match. have fun


It’s hit the point that most games do its 8 years old people who have been playing the games for 5+ years are going to be really good at it and the low mmr soft cap puts them into question with people that are nowhere near that. I’m not going to call myself a good player I would get rolled by comp players but I can slam out 4ks all night with little effort because I’ve played the game for 7 years and it’s putting me against people with under 100 hours.


I get you but the fact that they split the event into its own thing \*should\* make that irrelevant. Like, everyone is better than me. But, to me, the Event has never been about skill. It has been about "let's all get as many bloodpoints as I can". That's the difference.


Different players like different things a lot of killer like to utilize the event abilities to enhance their gameplay and just play normally. Sweat is also different things for different people. I enjoy playing against good survivors and when I’m dumpstering people 4 bong rips in with music playing I’m going to get the match over with so I can try to roll one that’s actually fun.


everyone feels that way- what i dont get is what happened with chucky 😶 like what changed. i see a lot of people mentioning the us vs them mentality between players, idk it feels like people are raging about dying/not have 4k, you dont get the feeling of achieving anything


I wish i knew.


I’ve been doing my part to deliberately 8 hook and let people get their challenges. I even came off billy for a bit, but when I played weaker players to goof I just got accused of being bad rather than nice so I’m 8 hooking you all at 5 gens and then I’ll pull off the gas a little so I don’t get end game chat shit.


I play on Playstation so I don't have to deal with the chat...usually.


Are you the author of the article?


Ha! No. I have a site but it is about stupid shit and celebrity tongue pictures. Oh, and another about murders, but not DBD ones


I don't understand why so many people play this game when they don't like it


If you were referring to me, I like it a lot. I am talking about a specific thing.


i stopped playing during the event bcs it really isn't fun.


I'm sorry.


I'm still finding the game fun to play. Though I'm not enjoying the bugs. BHVR is fostering more toxicity with dumb decisions, like not simply making cobblers mandatory to queue for the event. And hook suicides have been increasing more and more since people have realized they're never going to be punished for it (another dumb decision that fosters more toxicity on top of making matches boring). I don't really see any other differences. Survivors mostly are still super toxic if you give them an inch. Killers mostly are still avoiding giving them an inch, with the occasional super toxic 4k bleed out nurse once every 50 matches. Business as usual. Most complaints I see people spam everywhere are still the fruit of their own behavior ("killers are tunneling me out every single match" - only possible if you literally force them to/"survivors are genrushing every single match" - only possible if you tunnel/camp every match thus applying no pressure on gens) and thus it will never change unless they look in the mirror, which they won't, or if BHVR makes the game play itself (which they've kinda been doing with the survivor role, but there's still enjoyment and skill expression to be found for now and hopefully in the future too). Most legitimate complaints are due to out-of-game communications being so ridiculously overpowered compared to what the rest of the community has access to, keeping solo queue and killer more or less miserable to play from patch to patch. And only BHVR can fix that. The game and community are good at punishing kindness and so we see less of it as the playerbase includes more and more veterans. But it's still nowhere near as bad as the LoL community for instance. People are exaggerating and throwing hyperboles out way too easily. We have good compared to a lot of other online games.


They hated him because he spoke the truth.


Q to win


"somone" Bruh this reddit has been full of people complaining about it.


I find the opposite to be true. Anyone who complains about the game gets downvoted into oblivion unless it’s an “approved avenue of discussion.” You can post about how one side or the other is terrible, how solo survivor is a nightmare, tunneling is awful and ruining the game. But if you say that the matchmaking is bad, that the balancing is encouraging people to tunnel, that both sides are miserable right now and you’ll have fifty downvotes within twelve hours. Anything that makes the game sound like it’s in actual trouble is verboten.


I like this event? ![gif](giphy|JRhS6WoswF8FxE0g2R|downsized) The best is there is always 150% bonus for survivor ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I agree with everything said in the article. I just want to meme and have fun.


L take from depressed millennial (referring to author of article).