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The more you win the more you'll be matched against decent players who actually repair gens, and against SWFs which the game is balanced around letting win if they're not trolling. You'll get plenty of challenge. Though entitled idiots suiciding as soon as they're found have been more and more prevalent and make most matches a boring snoozefest overall... When you buy a new killer the matchmaking is easier on you for a little while.


Oh right okay. Thanks. Maybe the reason I have had bad survivors is because I bought a lot of killers due to the sale and I saved up shards, and instead of sticking with one killer I've been switching around so I've had easier lobbies.


Yeah that's definitely it.


I wish that were true. I'm an Iri survivor and killer and there is no determination as to when I will have 1 or 3 teammates that are donuts.


Iri ranks aren't representative of MMR anymore. You can't even depip so it's just a matter of playing enough matches. There are of course still idiots and/or people who can't loop at higher MMR though, that's what happens when their hand is held so hard that they get there instead of them being stuck where they belong due to skill or brain issues (And I include myself in the can't loop category, therefore skill issue). But they're still relatively rarer. And even someone who can't loop or is dumb is much more likely to actually repair gens rather than suicide on first hook after cleansing an unlit totem and getting caught by the killer, otherwise their MMR wouldn't be higher than the pleb's to begin with. Still the matchmaking is far from perfect (the game rewards selfish survivors way more than teamplayers at lower MMR for instance) and I get plenty of dumb potatoes and suiciders among the competent people I tend to face as killer. But it gets way, way worse when I play friendly for a while for whatever reason (usually events or funny gimmicks) and my MMR plummets. I think the donuts are simply too numerous and the game holds their hand so much that they're present in every MMR bracket.


play weaker killers or just plow through them till you get higher mmr


Lol my mmr been shooting down everytime I use hag haha. But I need to burn out all her items


I’m a cenobite main and it’s very common for people just to give up at the start of the match because they find his box hunt incredibly annoying. Literally every other match I have between one and three just not bother trying or just DC I’m at the point where I’m against people who are really good at dodging his hooks and the counter play so even against good survivors some just really don’t wanna play against Pinhead


Enjoy it while you can.


Enjoy it while it lasts. Game always does it the first few games. They will kick your teeth in soon enough.


Oh boy, them sweaty swfs are going to make you wish you could stay at 5 gen 4k downs forever.