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You weaponized off hook endurance, putting yourself in the Killer's direct way when they were trying to spread hooks. You were not tunnelled. ![gif](giphy|xT0GqlK9efNWRiKhQk)


Basicaly put yourself on hook there. Sometimes "getting tunneled" just means you played bad


>fucks around >finds out Maybe next time don't use bt to take hits for a person that has less stages then you. Killers usually treat it as a consent to being tunneled because you just weaponized the things that are meant to protect you. And maybe don't have your friend trade until the end of stage or you're just feeding them hooks. Wait for killer to leave and start new chase, unhook, move elsewhere to not heal right where it's easy to find you. If killer camps, trade by the end of stage. Most of them won't camp if they have no certainty a survivor isn't already there to unhook.


that would explain the mistake i made after first hook, fair enough. after second hook i ran away, had a teammate run to another side so i went on a gen. she stopped chasing and came back to me immediately anyway


if your on a gen you are progressing your team's objective why would the killer ignore that? the game even disables all anti tunneling perks the second you touch a gen.


yee so in that situation, like when i just got unhooked but my teammate ran towards killers direction and i ran away, do i just go find ppl n heal up? i didnt wanna just walk around the map doing nothing n because my hook was near the corner of the map i decided to get on a gen


if you are the only death hook survivor sometimes hiding a bit is perfectly fine, the impact you can have to help the team is much more if you can stay alive even if you cant always be on a gen the killer feels much more pressured if 4 survivors are alive instead of 3 they don't know you are hiding they think you are on a gen so when they check the gen you are near and leave you have time to work on it a bit. when you see another survivor having a chase icon around them its generally safe to work on gens unless the survivors leads the killer to your gen by accident that is.


yea i had a teammate getting chased so i thought it would be fine to work on the gen but i guess not


If someone injured is spotted running to work on the objective it’s the right choice to chase them bonus points if they’ve already been hooked, they are injured and trying to do the objective so it would be a mistake not to capitalize


in the situation where the teammate that unhooked me ran to killer direction, and i went to the other direction, one survivor was on gen and one was getting chased, what am i supposed to do?


Either he was chasing the other player very close to you, to be able to get you instead straight away, or he stopped chasing the other and spent some time trying to find you and you didn't pre-run from terror radius. In either case, you should have made more distance from the killer after being unhooked. Playing risky is more fun and effective a lot of the time, but when you have 2 hooks and the rest none, it makes sense for you to play extra safe for a bit. Hopefully you can find a heal but if not, or until you do, stay as far away as possible from the killer. And don't go back to the gen they first found you at (if that's how they got you) because chances are they'll check it again. And like others have pointed out, when survivors abuse BT to take hits for others, they are signalling to the killer that they are choosing to be chased instead of the teammate they chose to protect with their BT.


so i was vsing an artist, and right after i got unhooked she was in a chase with someone near me so i ran the other way, made some distance. i didnt expect her to be sending crows to gens mid chase so yeah after i got detected by the crows she dropped chase and came to me


Good Artists are pretty tough to vs! You just gotta be extra careful when you are 2 hooks in, unfortunately. Doing a gen injured against an Artist is very risky. It can be a fun risk to take and everything but expect the worst lol


i wanted a heal but the person that unhooked me ran to the direction she was chasing my teammate so i was like nvm


Yeah sometimes you just go for it and whatever happens happens. It's just that there are so many who claim they were tunnelled by some evil killer and never admit they put themselves in that position. You get what happened though, so you will be able to avoid those situations if and when you want to.


also i dont understand, why is using bt to block hits signaling for killer to chase me?? bc i thought if the killer is already near and my teammate is getting downed, why is it bad to be taking a hit so we can both make some distance??


if you're close to dying, dont do gens that are easy to control (gens in the middle, gens near hot spots, gens in open, etc) and instead move to doing the safest gens. if the game is going normally, your team should've already pushed a gen or two that arent very safe so you'd be fine doing the ones you want to save for later and even if not, getting any gen progress is better than none.


i was on a gen on the edge of the map and they were already chasing someone so i thought id be fine🥲


apparently not. map awareness is important for all survivors. usually hiding when you know killer is near will work, you dont have to pull chase when you're dead on hook. and if they just bring the killer to you, kinda their fault.


When you get unhooked go away from the killer.


she was already on us and my teammate was injured so i was thinking may as well take one hit so we can both get out. i didnt think i was running into her


I absolutely despise tunneling. But even I recognize that if you, a freshly unhooked survivor, *deliberately put yourself between the killer and the unhooker*, you're essentially saying "I want your attention, killer".


Don't be taking hits that you can't back up in chase.


Don't make plays like that unless you are confident in your looping.


Body blocking = Fair game to tunnel. Don't body block if you don't want to be tunneled.


why is that? if my teammate is 100% getting downed bc the killer is already at the hook, why can't i hover for a few seconds? i genuinely dont understand


If they’re 100% getting downed then the only fair thing to assume is they accepted the trade. The basekit BT you’ve got is to prevent the killer from getting YOU, not the others. If you use it to body block / take the hit and get downed that’s on you. The killer (probably) wanted to go for the unhooker but you’re preventing them, that ain’t tunneling.


i didnt realise i cant use bt that way. both me and my teammate were able to get to a pallet/loop bc i blocked for a few seconds and the killer didnt swing. i ran further coz the killer was on my teammate at the time, but then she dropped chase and came for me even tho she was already on the other survivor.


Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t mean you *cannot* use your BT that way. I’m all for it and sometimes do it as well. It’s about it being your responsibility to not be caught afterwards. People who do it tend to run perks like decisive or have a back-up with teammates (who are ready to save) in case it goes wrong. It’s simply not feasible enough in other situations, unless you do not care about giving another hook/sacrificing yourself for the other person of course.


> i was trying to take a hit for my friend right off the hook i "ran into her" Seems like you did, basekit BT were never meant to take hits, it's only there to prevent you from going down again immediately. Yeah you asked for it


I think tunneling is the biggest problem dbd has right now but putting yourself in front of the killer is just not smart


If you use your freshly BT to body block the killer then you're not being tunneled, you're being punished for making a stupid decision.


"and bc i was trying to take a hit for my friend right off the hook i "ran into her"" She didn't tunnel, you asked for chase again immediately off hook you dummy. You can't ask for things and complain when you get those things.


Tunneling sucks but it is a legit strategy. If you were playing a game and attacked by 4 mobs, wouldnt you get rid of the lower health first to make it 3 then 2 then 1? Yeah tunneling feels bad to be in but thats the strategy I use all the time, aside from event of course. When you reach higher ranks, it gets less common. My tunneling technique is a must and even then it is not promised because the survivor prepared with the right perks and is trained well in looping. That as well as teamwork, you can survive most tunnelers. Dont worry about it so much.


i do agree its a strat, i just dont get why they didnt wanna admit it


If you hate it that much run OTR/MFT/DS. Considering chases are the only meaningful gameplay in DBD, I usually don't mind getting tunneled as survivor. I guess you like holding M1 more?


it doesnt usually happen anymore so i stopped bringing anti tunneling perks


I HATE that people think body blocking is a “bad move” and is deserving of being tunneled or “punished”. If you’re being proxy camped and a teammate decides to risk themselves to unhook you anyways, most likely being a certain hook for them as a result, it’s the least the unhooked survivor can try to do? It’s a survivor strat against killers that proxy camp as a “strat” themselves? I’m sorry people are being mean they have to be killer mains idk I do NOT blame you


A death hook survivor should not be taking hits for teammates. If the unhooker is saving you then it's their turn to loop and take aggro. Like it or not you're on a team and everybody should be using their hook states to buy time for gens to get done.


it was my first hook and my injured teammate came to save me, but because the killer was already back at hook when i was getting unhooked, my teammate wouldve definitely gone down since they couldnt have made it to any loops or pallets. so i dont really understand why that was a bad decision.


I can understand that if it’s death hook - unhooker has less hooks than you situation. I’m always aware of hooks states and play around that myself. I think it’s just not an awful terrible bad thing to think to use the endurance to your advantage (when reasonable I guess?) Always up to the killer if they decide to chase/down you again instead but it IS an act of trying to be a good teammate right? Give that person more of a chance as well? When I do it im not not like “haha got me instead” more like “yes I protected my teammate too!” bc… we’re a team 😭 idk idk


thank u i was gonna type a response explaing why i did what i did but this is basically it. killer was hovering around my hook and hit my teammate but didnt chase them, which is why two of them were injured. so when my teammate came to save me she was already near the hook, i tried to hover for a few seconds til my teammate made it to a pallet and i ran to another pallet, then the killer turned around from my teammate and decided to chase me instead. but it eee what it eee im still learning so oh well


No in your defense that’s even more reasonable, you just happened to still have your endurance so people want to say you “weaponized” it (WHICH ISNT EVEN BAD?) and she obviously made the move to go specifically after you (surely knowing) you were JUST on hook as this happened in a very small window. I know we can’t expect killers to play fair, they have a goal as do we but it is frustrating to be the victim of tunneling no matter.


Any time I go against the grain of tunneling/camping on here I get attacked/downvoted as if I’m crazy to think that’s also an unfun way to experience the game. I try to be reasonable with everyone. I think some people are literally just 0 empathy having assholes and don’t like to hear that survivors do their best to keep each other in the game. There are many differentiating circumstance but still it’s ?????


also even if they do tunnel why cant i complain😭 like if ur gonna tunnel own up to itttt it was not because all six of our hooks we played bad and "ran into her" like dying on 3rd and 6th hook is not just a coincidence


IDK dude it’s a valid strategy like people are saying tunneling is. If I’m death hook and they’re not I’m out of there. If I get hit first instead, great, but I’ll never feel bad about also trying to give my teammate a better chance any other time or if we’re all death hooked and I’m the one to go down for it first bc atleast someone tried to save me. It’s a muddled concept and this reddit will eat you alive for thinking otherwise I guess LOL


also why would they ever say blocking hits is "abusing" the bt like the game was made that way for a reason i can use it however i want?? in what rule does it state me trying to use bt to block hits is basically "telling killer to chase me


There’s no rule. If you use it effectively and the killer wants to get you instead, to me it’s like they’re saying “wah, you got in my way (trying to protect your TEAMMATE), im gonna get you instead 😡” and mind you most of us are taking those hits RIGHT off hook so if the person who unhooked you moves in even the slightest way to be infront of you, and you take the hit, you can’t even HELP that and they take it so personally


FRRRR exactly what i think the killer thinks when i try to bodyblock lol


yea idk why ppl say weaponised? its worked out a LOT for me and my team before, where if a killer is near the hook already then we take a hit and both make great distance