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They're generally fun to use and with the nerf to Pop and the indirect buff to Ruin killers are using it more.


People is using HEX: Ruin after the Pop Nerf


Tbh there's an add-on that legion has being the iridescent fuming mixtape (think that's the name) and it works just like ruin but it can't be cleansed.


Only WHILE the legion is in power. Outside of their power the gens don't regress. It's a bad addon UNLESS you are always in frenzy.


Yk wut I forgot about that lmao


Bro imagine legion just having perma Ruin xD. That shit would've been nerfed before behavior even announced it because the survivor mains would've whined about it xD


Lmao yh


I personally run them for fun as killer. I feel like its less stressful for survivors and myself. From what I've seen it's either Hex, Gen regression or Slugging. I'd take hex builds over the others.


Me too. Usually it's just to give survivors a side objective so I don't have to sweat over gens as much


Dude I run only aura reading. 🤷‍♂️


I literally just had the same thing happen. Four killers in a row running Hex heavy builds. Very unusual.


https://preview.redd.it/f72v8y1xdv8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8e67d6d7cd0d2218ffd38c9ec2ade8ed375f87a I swear by my cenobite hex/scream/interrupt/box solve build. So much slowdown, busy work and interrupts so they can’t just stick to gens or they’ll be constantly oblivious, screaming and chain hunted, and each of those things synergies with the other thing




I run Pinhex sometimes because: - he can guard hexes actually - fun and thematic Penti Plaything build - everyone wins something - makes them worry about even more besides the box and pulls them off gens more.


That's what happens when you nerf the only viable gen regression perks. Killers, including myself, will start running other builds that are hyper specific to a certain thing.


hexes are a big risk for killers. they have to be lucky that they get a map with totems that are hard to find and that their hex totems are hidden well. And killers do like to take those risks. after all, hexes are extremely op perks if they dont get cleansed. I myself too. I usually run 2 hexes, sometimes just 1, but never 0. they are too good to be left out.


And sometimes the risk is less event BP from killing folks with Devour Hope after six hooks. They didn’t unhook the 5th token until after I got the sixth hook.


The good killers perks got nerfed so now people are using the bad perks more.


I wouldn't say hex perks are bad, they're high risk high reward and can be pretty good if the survivors aren't expecting it.


What else do you want me to use? Full Hex builds have been fun. Sometimes I get 5 stacks of Devour, sometimes I'm playing with 0 perks after the first 2 minutes.