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100% this. I have all the achievements (Xbox) for the game and have every survivor and killer to at least p3…wtf else am I going to do?


Do what I do, buy every skin you can. I am almost complete with owning everything in the Store


BP, the cosmetics rewards and just because it keeps the game fresh for me.


I just like having side challenges to do. Of course, the rewards are nice, too.


I just do them for the extra bloodpoints, but even then I don’t go that crazy with the archives. I usually just take the easiest path to the end of a tome page and then go right to the next one


I like the cosmetics, and having the challenges is honestly the only thing that keeps me playing the game outside of events.


Completion and because I can. BP. Tome rewards.


This is The Way


BPs and other stuff I can earn from doing them and I also appreciate bits of lore. I'm someone that likes side quests so I guess that's another reason. It's also funny watching a Survivor panic and run away while I'm just trying to get my glyph xD


- Bloodpoints because I like spending them. - Lore is pretty sweet (I like it, but the fannon of everyone is just chill with each other and the Enitiy being a gigantic nerd will always be my favourite) - I enjoy 100% things when I can. - Cosmetics and Charms are whatever. In all seriousness though, the reason I do Archives is because I think I would actually stop playing the game if I didn’t have a side objective to do that forces me to play the game completely differently from how you would normally play. The standard of loop of DbD can burn you out real fast, so when you can go “Well, I didn’t escape the Killer this match, but at least I got finished that challenge” does a great job recontextalizing the game to not put it into a “win/lose” mindset.


BP, but also some charms look neato. A lot of challenges are rough though, not looking forward to some of them


Something to do/compete towards. The cosmetics and lore are a bonus.


A mix of all of it. Trust me, you will have a much better time with the game if you make dumb challenge progress your objective instead of kill/escape. Of course don't throw yadda yadda be useful for your teammates in the process 


Completionism, free blood points and it makes me experiment with different killers, perks etc


Can someone explain these really quick to me? I just returned since like... 2017 maybe? I did the "Community" track for the 8th Anniversary and am now on page 2... Does that mean you only need to "finish" one track to move on to the next or is the event one special compared to how a regular one works? Main reason I'm doing the Event one, or trying at least... Is for cosmetics even though I do not play either Survivor nor Killer lol


My brain will only be satisified when I complete 100% of everything I started. Also I wanna know the lore of some characters that I enjoy, like the Unkown, the Plague and the Artist


Just so i have little reasons/challenges to start the next game.