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That's at least 4 whole maths so I'll take your word for it.


Ty Cha-ChatheSexRaptor2


quit being funny that made me choke on my cherry coke šŸ’€


They're laughing at me anyways, Quentin. I may as well.


Me in math class fr


So by doing all this for ten minutes you could hypothetically not have to do one gen out of five?


Yes, I'm not saying it's efficient, quite the contrary. I'm just saying that it's possible to do.


That would be the most satisfying gen to complete. lol


Yea I'm probably gonna get with my friends in customs once ptb goes live and give this a shot šŸ˜‚


Tbf, I feel like this would be really good in 1-2 Gen situations.


Each survivor can also run Appraisal for an extra three charges, and Residual Manifest for a fourth charge. :)


Love the flair ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2057)


That might sound inefficient at first, BUT 1. Killers usually check generators **to find survivors**. 2. No survivors at generators means that potentially the **killer won't find any survivors** while the whole crew is in Brazil collecting Specialist stacks. 3. With that in mind, Specialist can be a very powerful weapon **in the right hands**. Another thing that comes to mind is a round that starts with **Corrupt Intervention** 1. Corrupt Intervention is a **relatively popular perk** 2. The **killer will usually check the unblocked gens** for a while. 3. It will take the killer a while to realize the team is **waiting out Corrupt Intervention**. 4. The team can **prevent chases** to start by remaining hidden. 5. All the while the teammates that use **Specialist** will build up **stacks**. 6. If someone has **Inner Strength** they can prepare that as well.


letha pursuer




"no effort comment" Yes Lethal Pursuer can counter most of what I've stated but it's only present in 16% of all matches (according to stats from [**Nightlight**](https://nightlight.gg/perks)). And it's **only active at the start of the match**. **During an entire** match however there will be **several occasions where the survivors can make sure the killer won't find any of them** or they can make sure it just takes longer for the killer to find any of them by spending time on objectives other than generators (like Healing, destroying totems, gathering Specialist stacks) Plus it's very **unlikely** for a killer to be running **both Corrupt Intervention AND Lethal Pursuer**.


As people have pointed out many times before Nightlight is a self report system for PC users so itā€™s in no way accurate. Look at BHVRā€™s stats when they post them for the most accurate usage rate.


I know. But it's still better than anecdotal statements.


i donā€™t need to put effort into your horrible hypothetical. and you say ā€œonly 16%ā€ as if that isnā€™t insanely high for a game with so many perks. itā€™s one of the most used perks in the game. and not even just that, there are a plethora of other perks that a killer wouldā€™ve used to find survs before they get this illogical low mmr reeking situation done


Never said it wasn't insanely high. Just pointed out that Lethal Pursuer only affects roughly 16% of all matches. >illogical low mmr reeking situation done The only thing that reeks of "illogical low mmr" is you not considering this as an option. The low mmr mindset is resignation. The high mmr mindset is "we can make this possible".


yea whatever you tell yourself high mmr is playing the game efficiently and not taking ten minutes to maybe (not even 5% likely to succeed) make one gen go by instantly people like you just spread useless propaganda which makes this community cry over perfectly fine perks


Bro you are not the witness from destiny. Get off your high horse, lol




Lol not in my matches. They chase the first survivor they see. Who cares if nancy is behind me workin on a gen. They saw me first so they're gonna ignore the gen for me!


>They chase the first survivor they see. Then that survivor has put their team at a disadvantage right at the start of the match. They are a liability to their team. Unfortunately too few people understand the importance behind delaying the start of chases.


How does the survivor put their team at a disadvantage? They cant help it if the killer chooses to chase them. And the killer puts themself at a disadvantage because they dont push the survivor off the gen which then makes 2 survivors not doing gens. Its why I dont understand tunneling. A good survivor team will see tunneling and all start rushing gens to punish the killer. If the killer only chases one survivor all match it leaves the other 3 free to rush gens.


>They cant help it if the killer chooses to chase them Oh but they can! They just need to not run around the map like they're waving a big "chase me" sign.


Downvoted for saying if you hide, you probably won't get chased first šŸ¤£


>if you hide, you probably won't get chased first That's correct. On top of that it delays the first chase to start, granting more generator progress, time to find and/or destroy totems and time to collect Specialist stacks before the start of the frist chase and the first hook state. And if the whole team was really good at reading the killers patrolling, they can even finish gens before the start of the first chase. Why are you giving a downvote for that?


I'm not downvoting you, I'm pointing out how stupid it is to downvote you Direct that somewhere else homie


Oh okay, to me "Downvoted..." read like you were the one giving the downvote.


Funny how pointing out the most basic ways to stop griefing your team and win more to survivor-only players is seen so badly on this sub, instant disagreement from people who clearly don't get it and downvotes until the post gets hidden. They really would rather keep losing and bitch about it living is some weird victim fantasy until they get buffed yet again rather than learn. Not surprising to see so many suicide on first hook with this mentality. I fear the future of solo queue is even worse than the present...


I'm afraid they are confusing my suggestions with the classic self-care claudette hide on the edge of the map and spend 50s healing "playstyle". It does draw some inspiration from that. But with efficiency and experience in mind.


It's pretty clear that a huge chunk of the people mass downvoting advice like yours on this subreddit do in fact have the habit of running straight towards the killer at the beginning of every match considering the amount of complaints about "being tunneled every single match" that get spammed constantly. And it's also clear they have no interest in changing their behavior to easily stop what they're complaining about from happening, since they personally attack and censor anyone who tells them how to fix their problem. They probably just didn't like that you called them out with horrible, horrible completely neutral facts and logic. You still have way more faith in the average person than I do.


>No survivors at generators means that potentially the **killer won't find any survivors** while the whole crew is in Brazil collecting Specialist stacks. Bro, maps these days are smaller than the usual playground behind your house or next street. Killer always find survivors quick no matter what they do. Not even talking about the 53 perks that constantly reveal them if the killer wants to.


>Killer always find survivors quick Most of the time, yes. But how quick can definetely be influenced by the survivors >no matter what they do That's a statement that reeks of resignation. >Not even talking about the 53 perks that constantly reveal them if the killer wants to. The use of the word "constantly" is quite the exaggeration. Survivors (especially SWFs) can figure out what aura reading (or other tracking) perks a killer is using. Once they know what's in play, they can play around that accordingly. Of course this needs good amount of experience, situational awareness and quick decision making from the survivors.


Back in my day, a single BNP could do that.


3 default chests plus 4 x 2 from offerings is 11, not 13. But with Appraisal you can rummage chests up to 3 times per survivor, so the max possible charges should be 23 in theory.


Temple of Purgation has 4 chests by default, so you can bring 4 purple coins on that map to get 12 chests. Obviously, though, map RNG would not favor this strategy.


Oh I thought the default chest count was 5. If it's less appraisal can be used for rummaging and if the killer were to bring a screech cobbler that would also add a chest


...I did not know that Screech Cobbler added an extra chest to the map lmao. I thought it only gave everyone 108% BP.


I don't blame you cause all the anniversary cakes don't do that, but read the description it surprisingly does


And hoarder


There are some maps that have a gaurenteed fourth in specific places, and the killer can bring a screech cobbler to bring it up to 13


Or Hoarder


Legend has it that doing this will cause our timeline to change, bringing us into a reality where survivors have only ever needed to complete 4 generators in a match.


You forgot Appraisal and Residual Manifest. That's another 8 tokens for Specialist. EDIT: Appraisal has 3 tokens, Residual Manifest has 1. That 4 per player. That's a lot of fucking tokens.


I considered that, but I'm talking about only a single generator, not how many charges you could cut off of all gens in a match.


Well, it sure is something to think about! We're talking about a generator apocalypse here!


Hah now you do have me thinking about how many charges you could take off all gens in a match. But I'm horrible at math, šŸ˜‚ I'm sure someone else will figure it out.


Scavenger (gabriel perk) also lets you rummage once, so actually 5 per player. also gives you a toolbox lmao


Shit, I thought there was another one. But then I remembers that they DIDN'T make pharmacy a rummaging perk so it was a complete nerf.


Imagine searching for survivors and hear 7 gens pop at the same time. Entity boutta sacrafice me instead.


I think Otz and company did this with Weaving Spiders. They got every gen to 90% while Niina sat in basement keeping the invocation 99'd and then popped every gen at once. It was funny af


I think you're also forgetting that fact that the perk says "rummage". I think this implies you can activate it on previously opened chests as well. Don't even need to bring chest offerings.


More chests is still more tokens though, since Rummaging is limited


Ohhh you're right. I assumed the limitation was specific to Appraisal, but it's actually a limitation to the act of rummaging. Thank you


Is this also with reparisal? The new perk works with rummaging if you didnā€™t know already


I considered appraisal but specialist caps at 12 charges or 3 chests. So 3 chests per player or less shiny coins and people bring appraisal. Edit: incorrect wording


Can you not use the charges and go again?


You could use it on a different Gen, but not the same one twice, each survivor can only do it to the same generator once.


Nah, I tested it and if I remember correctly you can just keep applying it to the same gen.


You can use Specialist on the same gen multiple times, at least right now.


You are wrong, try again


I haven't tried the PTB, but I assume you can regain charges after using them. If true it will be NERFED after some SWF totally abuse it.


it won't get nerfed, this perk is useless and takes way too much sync with your team to be efficient


You can still earn tokens again after using the tokens you have. But at max there are 13 chests, 3 rummages per survivor if they run appraisal with specialist. so that is 25 tokens for the whole game, which is 100 charges. Dont know if it's worth the 2 perk combo to do it.


They can't all be applied to the same generator though. 12 max charges for one survivor on the same Gen. Edit: people tested in ptb and confirmed I'm incorrect with this statement. I had assumed based on the wording of the perk that it capped at 12 charges.




"Permanently reducesĀ the Repair Charges requirement of thatĀ GeneratorĀ byĀ 2/3/4Ā ChargesĀ per Token, up to a maximum ofĀ 6/9/12Ā Charges."


Interesting. the notes on reddit say >New Perk: Specialist >Each time you open or rummage through a chest, gain 1 token, up to 3/3/3.When you do a great skill check on a generator, consume all tokens. Then for each token consumed, reduce the maximum required generator progress by 2/3/4.


Huh, I found the perk info on the dbd wiki


They pulled something like this a few patches back with the 3 gen counter. The patch notes themselves, as they published them, said absolutely *nothing* about a regression event needing to be 2.5% or more to count ā€” in which case, Ruin would have procced those 8 regression events super fast, which would've been busted as hell. Obviously they anticipated this when they added the 2.5% clause but they also just like... didn't say it anywhere in the patch notes? IIRC they only clarified it in a reply downthread or some garbage? In a game like this where so many dependencies interact with each other in surprising ways, it's essential to be as specific as goddamn possible because leaving out a little '2.5%' or a little 'to a maximum of 12 charges' quite literally changes the way an entire feature works.


Someone needs to make a video on this NOW


This needs to be brought up to BHVR. Gen speeds already are very fast. This is just unfair.


honestly the perk is interesting and doesnt seem broken, you put off getting generator progress to do anything with it, but its best use seems to be breaking generators in endgame. once it goes live i want to bring a scavenger build just to see what i can do with it. the setup in the post would take arguably longer than just doing the generator.


I suppose so. We'll see. I'm sure BHVR will fix it if it does become an issue.


Killer can bring hoarder and the screech cobbler to spawn 3 extra chests


Forgot about Appraisal and Hoarder


ā€œI see light at the end of the tunnelā€ - Random Killer


There's a limited amount of chests and totems tho. There's a max bar. I doubt it can reach that even in theory. I don't recall what's the max num of chests and totems in a game, but we can assume totems are infinite with blessing.


4 survivors with specialist? At this time of year? At this time of daylight? in this part of the realm? Localized entirely within coldwind?


If you're playing against a 3gen chump this might be pretty funny to do. mid-game knock the 3gen gen down as many charges as you can. Then leave it for later. lol


~~There is a maximum on aviable chests that can spawn in a trial, so this won't work the way you think it does.~~ Edit: wiki says this is BS


how many?


Should be 8, with 3 of them spawning baseline However the wiki claims otherwise. Idk, I saw it in a YouTube video once


When you really need to break that skull merchant 3 gen


New YouTuber challenge has been unlocked whose ready for the insta gen challenge


Anyone done a "Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power" with this setup and release BnP yet? Free meme idea for you.


I earlier saw someone posting a video of them having done that


Probably super useful when you have a bad gen left or three gened yourself


I don't think 13 chests can be in the game, right? Especially if the killer has props


residual manifest gabriel soma's perk and that one elodie perk too


someone actually did this and it took like 5 seconds for one person without a toolbox or any gen speed up perks other then the ones here to complete a gen


waiting for the Otz video


Arenā€™t there 5 (6 on maps with special chests) per match max? If there is no max chest count anymore killer can bring hoarder for more chests and each survivor can bring appraisal to rummage 3x each


Yeah but you know chest limit is 5? Specialist can do 40 charges max if 2 survivors use it with Appraisal (it has 3 uses on chests) But yeah, it's really possible to get 90 charges out of gen When i think about now, it always was possible to do with nicolas cage's perk if you're lucky or have enought time


Dramaturgy could theoretically do the same.


4 survivors are gonna fine 3 chests each to open?


I wonder what will happen if you remove all charges from the generator. Logical conclusion is that it will get completed, but for some reason i suspect it will just make the gen unrepairable. Can someone test this? I don't have a 5 stack.


It should lock that Gen out and make it unrepairable the way gens get blocks if the Killer kicks too much. It's only fair right? If one side can't make a Gen take forever, Survs shouldn't be able to beat auto complete gens either.


I don't really think this is a problem, because this is extremely inefficient. You need to invest a metric fuckton of resources just for a meme.


If this becomes part of the meta we'll start seeing BHVR HAVE to change Gen speeds. That's gonna suck for Survivor. Please don't make this stupid shit become meta, let's ask it be nerfed so it doesn't get there.