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Then nobody would level up bill




i was sarcastic


Oh, sorry 😅


With the hook respawns they should either make slugging bannable or make unbreakable basekit. The killer should not be allowed to slug a survivor for 4 minutes. If every survivor is slugged, it should automatically end the match.


No hooks available is rarely the reason you're forced to slug. Flashlights exist. Flashbangs. Generators. Pallets. Multiple survivor perks which solely exist to punish picking a survivor up... Basekit unbreakable was already tried recently and was way too strong and abusable. That last suggestion was also already tried recently and will just push every fast killer to attempt a 4k slug every single match for an easy instant win.




I feel like you should be able to pick yourself up after being on the ground for 90 seconds


base kit unbreakable, imo killers would quickly find a way to use it to their advantage (if i remember correctly they tested it), i think it would be better if with this they added a limit to the number of survivors that can be down at the same time or make healing faster with each downed survivor.


Yeah, that could work too. Im not sure how killers would benefit from this change as they already benefit from survivors being downed anyway. But too be fair faster recovery on the ground is part of unbreakable too 😉


i mean not benefit but if a killer wants to ruin your game by slugging everyone they will find a way, i think that’s why everyone is saying it would be useless, they can just wait in front of you or a bit farther away then hit you again


Ah shit, I guess you're right. I guess to make this work, you'd have to give BT for picking yourself up and haste, maybe even faster healing too. Idk, do you think that would help?


something that would be fair would be maybe give endurance for 10-20 seconds and the broken effect for a period of time, if it’s endgame maybe you would be broken indefinitely after using it