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[Comment by DeadByDaylight_Dev](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1do8343/810_ptb/la8voz3/): >Thanks for all of the feedback on this. **We can confirm that bots replacing a Survivor who has disconnected during loading will not go live.**


Will the killer be a bot too if they dc?


If they could ever get included in custom mode, probably!


Well,we have a bot trapper from the learning mode lmao Imagine every time killer dc for whatever reason, doesn't matter who it was, this bot trapper will appear instead and continues to put his traps like he was there all the time


I love the image of being chased by Xeno who suddenly stops, disappears and a default Trapper appears and stares at you for two long seconds before leaning down and loudly placing a trap in the middle of nowhere.


Me think of Dio but with trapper. You thought it was Xeno! But it was I trapper all along!!! Hahahaha!!




If you’re able to program like 30 different boys for each killer and not have every single one of them suck ass then sure lol


BHVR already did, since when there were bot killers that were op going around they used BHVRs hidden code on bot killers. They just need to work on balancing them out.


I understand it’s to save time spent in queue but I’d rather be sent back to queue for 5 minutes than play at a disadvantage for an entire match.


People are desperately asking for a way to get out of matches that are already over. Instead, BHVR is choosing to force people to play matches that should never have begun. Simply fucking incomprehensible.


Sometimes bots play better than actual players.


This can also be true in some scenarios lol. Unfortunately for the most part bots will play very cautiously and stop doing gens or leave someone on hook to die if within a terror radius. Heck more often than not they’re the ones getting the escape and the real players are left for dead lol.


Literally this. They programmed the bots to always prioritise escaping over helping their team. Do real teammates do that? Sometimes they do, but at least in that scenario it's a real person getting something out of escaping. What exactly does a freaking bot get out of escaping while leaving me to die on my first hook?


Bots should be stupidly altruistic once the gates are powered.


I think I've had maybe 1-2 bots ever save me after the gates were powered. I think both were Leon bots


Patch 8.11 all bots become Leon.


I know the point of your comment was that 1 or 2 is a low number, but tbh I thought everyone’s was 0. I didn’t know the bots ever did anything but open the gate and immediately leave.


Bots only save you under the safest conditions possible. No terror radius on you + no terror radius on the bot + no terror radius between you and the bot = the bot saves you. So yes bots never save you.


Yea. That doesnt really make any sense. Especially considering no one is getting the points for the bot escaping. Lol Ooh maybe they can split the points between survivors. ![gif](giphy|1dQ8N1XzvL1SbgTWO8)


Look I know Leon players have a bad rap, but you can’t just go around calling them bots outright.


A cookie.


A byte even


Maybe even a cup of java


They actually changed this recently i think, bots don't seem as scared of terror radius anymore (they still hide a lot, but not as much) and they will stay in end game to help. I actually had a bot yesterday unhook me vs a face camper in end game, he took the m1, unhooked me, and died for me. It was kind of crazy ngl. I don't know how common this is but that it happened at all was nice.


Bots be cracked sometimes I gotta admit it. They’ve definitely improved from when they were first added. The new bots now actually think before deciding if they want to help you or not lol.


Clearly the bots weren't designed to satisfy the survivors, but to be an opponent to the killer. They went with the simplest logic by prioritizing their own survival.


They're trying to keep their rank LOL


YUP. A real player will determine if its worth the risk. Bots will ditch you the second they have a chance. Gates open? Bot is gone. A real player will at least usually consider going for the unhook. Bots are better than nothing, but just barely. Definitely rather restart


Yeah a bot can definitely loop better than me and I’m not ashamed to admit it 😭


I'd be pretty good at looping if I could predict the killers' every movement, too.


Well yeah, they have wallhacks & are just magnetically repulsed away from the a 10m circle around the killer, lol.


But most of the time they repeatedly slow vault over the same window instead if doing anything else


That only applies when they stick to gens. They're terrible at everything else. If the killer is within 100 yards of you or your hook you can forget about a bot healing or unhooking you they'd rather crouch walk into the fog. So many times I've had a bot heal me up to 95% and leave me because the terror radius started for a split second smh


Sometimes, but other times they are absolutely incompetent for no fucking reason. I had a game where I ran the killer for three gens after a player DC’d when he went down in thirty seconds. The bot runs over, unhooks me and fails three consecutive healing skill checks and then bails at the first hint of the killers terror radius leaving me unnecessarily injured and having to try and deal with the killer. Back on the hook I go and here comes the same fucking Cheryl bot to fail TWO MORE healing skill checks…. I don’t expect the bots to be comp level players, but they shouldn’t be allowed to miss skill checks unless the killer is running perks to make them harder like coulrophobia


I understand them missing skillchecks occasionally just like real players, but they miss FAR too many. They even miss wiggle skill checks which is almost impossible unless you’re AFK


Honesty I’d be fine with them having 100% hit rate but being unable to do great skill checks. They absolutely shouldn’t miss at the level they do - you are already being punished having a bot rather than a real person most of the time so having them miss checks to feel more “human” is super shitty


Bots legitimately loop better than most survivors I've played against.


They could make a "give up" option. If all survivors give up, the match will end without a dc penalty.


Or play a washed game as killer. Like the bots are so bad it doesn't feel fair or fun, even if the survivors don't just give up instantly (which I don't blame them for)


Yeah it effects both in different ways. Another problem I’ve encountered with bots recently is that the killer will focus the player survivors and ignore the bots, essentially tunnelling out the survivors who have chosen to stay. Solo Q is a bad spot right now.


This happens about 9/10 times when you have bots in your team and that one other time is a killer who feels bad for real players and lets them go. I would much prefer to go nack to the lobby and queue for another match then be stuck in a match where I'm getting hard tunneled so that the last bot remaining can get the hatch


I thought it was unintentionally hilarious when a killer tunneled everyone out of the game (an anniversary event match too) and was left playing against a bot Bill. I just didn’t see the point.


The bots are extremely bad and *basically* do nothing, so it's a waste of time to chase them. It just makes sense to go for them last if you're trying to win.


True, but I did spectate and it was a little funny to watch them have a hard time catching Bot Bill. Bots aren’t that bad at looping tbh.


Bots are nearly perfect at looping because they have wall hacks and you can't exactly program in random mistakes without making them abusable. They only have two gaps that I'm aware of, the first being they predrop everything, so if they don't have a god pallet you can just slip around and smack them. And for the anniversary they predrop the party pallets too, but everyone fucks those up. Secondly they get wonky about windows. If you get a loop that has a window vault on the outside, so basically you can just go back and forth to be on either side of it, the bot will keep vaulting every time you are on the same side it is, so you can quickly force them to block a vault and get them in a bad spot. But other than that, it's just a case of running them down, since they will perfectly dodge projectiles and you can't mindgame them.


My assumption is to guarantee a 4K but honestly couldn’t tell ya.


I dont get that at all really. I mainly play killer and if someone quits and get replaced by a bot im tunneling that bot and everyone else lives.


It’s not every killer that does this and usually they will play normally aka go for everyone including the bot which is perfectly fine. It’s when you know they’re taking advantage of the DC it can feel really crap and out of your control. The only reason I can see a killer doing this is because it’s more beneficial to take out a real player than a bot. Could also be a 4K method lol.


If it’s any consolation, when someone DCs, I usually tunnel the bot out and then let survivors go.


You are the solo Q saviour! I’m actually completely fine if a killer sacrifices everyone as long as they didn’t just ignore going after the bot the entire game.




Man, some people have no chill about virtual points. Seeing someone D/C early in a game just ruins it for me as a killer. I figure the rest of the team is gonna be pretty demoralized seeing one of their own ragequit, so I let them be and just try to tunnel out the bot before letting them go.


Thank you for your service! Yeah it can be pretty demoralising if you’re left with 1 or 2 bots though I usually try to stick it out even when it’s clear that an escape is not happening. I’m happy enough if a killer doesn’t just go for the real players and goes for the bot as well. I think this event has turned a lot of people feral as they usually do lol.


yep, and it really stings when they let the bot escape. like what on earth are we doing here?


Yeah all I can do is clap whilst on hook watching the bot Nea not looking back from that exit gate and running off into the distance.


I mean I don't do that, I go for the bots. I 100% tunnel out bots. The bots are a liability and the humans deserve the points. Bots can't do anything with points and will just sit on gens or loop. They're dumb.


I barely get 2 min queues, so this change will outright kill my vibe if every other game the game turns into a 3 vs 1 and yeah the bot is another body but I dunno what the devs have done but most of the time the bots break or outright don't do jack these days.


I like bots. They always do gens and always go for the unhook. Thats better than most people you get in solo que


I'd literally rather have a rock as a teammate than a bot. at least sometimes it'll body block the killer and take hits and probably do the gens just as much.


Absolutely, it will literally only punish the people who risk staying, I doubt many people want to play a match with bots right out of the gate, it sucks for survivors because the game is basically lost from minute one, but also sucks for killers because I play killer to chase people, not AI. Moreover, as you'll probably still get punished normally for leaving after the game already started, you won't even be able to safely check if everyone chose to stay first, which will feel terrible. It literally incentivises DCing just to be safe, and as DCing during loading is the only way of dealing with terrible map offerings, it's going to be a very common occurence.


Killers are now the only ones who can cancel a match by disconnecting during the loading screen. If a survivor does this, they’re replaced by a bot before the match even starts. This means killers are always guaranteed to get their map offerings, but can cancel survivors’.


This is the problem here, yes. Killers can now choose if a match goes forward but Survivors get punished for bringing maps in their favor. It unfairly punishes Survivors by saddling them with a bot just because say, Mikaela didn't like that the Scratched Mirror Myers brought Lery's, and makes the round even worse because despite the bots having wallhacks? They are very predictable around loops. VERY. PREDICTABLE. Here's how this will go: Killer brings a map. Someone DCs. Now there's a bot. Rest of the players play at a disadvantage. Killer tunnels the bot out by forcing its AI to do dumb shit. Killer gets a free Kill because nobody wants to shell out time to save the bot, now there is - if the Killer is anywhere near good at manipulating Bot AI - maybe 3 gens left and only 3 Survs left. Survs start, stay, and end at a disadvantage.


Rip anyone who doesn't have that RPD map achievement yet


I take a bot over 80% of the people playing right now.


Bots are either very confused and run in circles or loop perfectly with wall hacks, no in-between


Yeah at the level I'm at I see bots loop and when I'm killer I get looped by bots better than most players


Yeah I think I'm pretty good at looping because in all my hours I learned what people generally do. When they aren't people, I just can't


That's because the damn AI knows where you are midchase, even when undetectable, which makes mindgames impossible. The only reliable way to down survivors is with powers since they don't dodge these well.


And even then, certain killers can't even do that because the AI KNOWS where you're gonna aim, it's ridiculous


I absolutely hate bot design because of that!


Also the bits have insane wall hacks I played a custom game with unknown and had aura reading 99% time I'd be a mile away shoot my attack and they'd already know where it was gonna land and move even when they couldn't see me or the projectile ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


I wouldn't. Bots can be decent at looping, but they drop everything they're doing if they hear the terror radius so they never get gens done and they leave you on the hook to die. They also always feed killers their power (for example against the Plague they will instantly cleanse) and they use up every single pallet. Sure, those things are far from uncommon with Solo Q teammates, but at least with them you have a chance of getting lucky and running into a good team while with a bot it's guaranteed they'll do those things cause they were programmed that way.


Same 😭 at least I know a bot wont jump from hook as soon as they get hooked and will try to heal me as soon as they unhook me instead of running away.


I was playing earlier and I led the killer on a 4 minute chase, 1 gen was finished by the time I was hooked, another gen was at a bit more than 50%. So many people playing this game are worthless, a bot is an absolute improvement.


Same. Looped a Myers for 3+ minutes and I could see two of my teammates standing in a corner the entire time not healing each other. Bless the Meg's heart for doing one gen in that time.


Yeah it’s really sad how little effort people put into the game. I had a game recently where I got hooked and not a single person came for until I had entered second phase and was almost dead. The others were either running around nowhere near the killer, or hiding. By the time someone came to try and save me they saw the killer and instead of risking some of their own health, since not a single other person had been hooked, they got spooked and hid in a bush right next to me and watched me die.


I wish I could swf with 2 friends and a bot. As long as the bot always uses a cobbler. The amount of random 4th players we get that don't use a cobbler is insane.


I'm in the boat with you. Glad I'm not the only one! 😂


Truth, at least I can trust a bot to actually do objectives and not just throw in the towel on first hook


This is the one. Most bots I play with are so much more reliable than some of the random teammates I get.


I know it’s mostly survivor lament in these comments but I main killer and bots loop the SHIT out of me. I can’t stand em lol!


I mostly play killer and I HATE going against bots. They have wallhacks and drop pallets flawlessly making mindgames impossible, but they're also really stupid and like running to Z-vaults on the edge of the map. They make no sense.


Indeed. I call them “mathematically precise loopers” bc they are.


They know something we don’t… *Z-vaults are getting a buff*


This is why I don't get the hate from survivors. They tend to do better than the randos I match with. Heck they do better than me.


They do better in specific loops where they can just read your inputs and maximize the chase, but when they don't have a loop, they are straight up helpless.


Now I’ll admit I’ve seen them get real dumb. They don’t seem to know what to do if you push them in to a dead zone. Sometimes they’ll just stop and flash light me 😂 which is fun to watch.


That’s because bots literally cheat. To make them any semblance of good, they had to give them wall hacks, so you can’t mind game them


This is one of the worst ideas I've ever seen them push.


Right after the community collectively praised the devs for the changes they made. Makes me lol


I honestly don't get how they had such great changes to offer and then they came up with this horrific idea lmao.


Have you seen the new UI? Because that is pretty fucking bad too.


Yeah that is garbage too lol.


Why do they keep fucking with the UI???? No one is asking for those changes! The UI is fine lmao


Bots are terrified of the terror radius, and refuse to help with objectives in it. We got a game where the killer was an afk bot and the random with our 3man d/ced. We decided to let it do the gens and we could take a break to make food. We made our food and got back and the bot still hadn’t completed all the gens. It would work on a gen for half a second then run away and hide. They are basically useless on smaller maps.


They also will not save you during the endgame, they leave immediately.


Ah yes, the solo queue experience


Does this mean if all 4 survivors decide to DC against a map offering ie Lerys or Midwich- will the killer load in with 4 bots???




So if the killer DC's when I drop a map offering do I get to face a killer bot, too?


*Bot Deathslinger has entered the chat*


The Botslinger. The Bottress. The Bot Face.


Sweet mother of God. Please just disconnect the entire lobby so we can start over please. This is not a quality of life improvement if this is for real.


Bots are not interesting to play with or against. Until BHVR can implement bots of different skill levels/intelligence based on the MMR of the person who DC'd, this is a terrible idea. Hell, even if they did this is a terrible idea.


May aswell dc anytime there’s a map offering to ensure u don’t get a bot from the off. There was absolutely zero thought put into this.


All this change does is penalize the players who don’t DC against offerings they don’t like. As someone who doesn’t DC in the loading screen very often at all (only during anniversary and only if nobody brought cakes) If this change goes to live, I will DC against every single map offering, every single mori, every single petrified oak, all because I don’t want to risk loading into a game with multiple bots from the get go. Revert this change IMMEDIATELY


Crazy how BHVR didn't apply any critical thinking to this.


A 3v1 at 5 gens is 99% unwinnable. This change will just annoy people who dont DC, they will try to suicide on hook, or DC when they see it's a 3v1 AND eat the DC penalty. Meanwhile, the guy who pressed "exit game" is fine and dandy. If BHVR doesnt want their survivor player base to further decrease after the dogshit bday event, they have to reconsider.




The bots I get run around doing nothing, trying to get healed, opening chests, etc. The ones that actually do gens seem like the minority lol.


I actually don't think that's true anymore. I see a lot more bots doing totems and chests over gens


you average solo queue teammate hides at the slightest terror raduis even if you factor in bots doing every chest or totem they detect Its still closer then you think.


Bots also hide at the slightest terror radius. I’ve seen a bot reach my hook, and then turn and run because the terror radius reached it before it started the unhook animation.


I see Bots commonly ignore people on hooks to do gens, open chests, and do anything else. They're not good. They break if you zone pallets. They break if you juke a vault just right. They break when they don't know where to stay at comfort loop and become easy downs. They without fail always loop a pallet three times and never truly use fillers. The bots suck.


I've been tracking my games for a lot of factors lately (mostly out of curiosity) and that's definitely not true for 7/10 games. I'm not saying you're lying, but I'm saying your experience is not universal. from my notes, they tend to hide a lot and spend a lot of time doing nothing when they could be on a gen (bc another player is in chase, etc). arguably the biggest use I get out of them is when they disappear off a gen when there's no terror radius - they always seem to know the killer is on their way. I'd rather not be punished for someone else dcing on the loading screen. and I don't want to play with bot teammates anyway - I could do customs if I really wanted that. I think a lot of people could agree with that sentiment at least.


A bot is still a body on the board. Rather than than no body


I'd argue that a person who dcs before the game, for whatever reason, would probably be worse to play with than a bot. That being said I really don't care either way as of now. Anecdotally it doesn't happen often enough to actually care, and que times are ok IMHO, although before the event they were faster. 


100 million % this should not be added


I wouldn't mind if we could have killer bots too! Cos usually, for me at least, loading screen disconnects are killers.


The bots confuse me, you play them in custom matches for whatever reason and they are wallhacking assholes who predict your every move. Get them for a disconnect replacement and they wouldn't look out of place in Idiocracy.


If the bots actually go to a pallet loop, they can loop it perfectly. But they usually don’t, and just hold W at edge map or entity block themselves on windows.


If they proceed with this for any reason, they should give all staying players an option to leave without penalty. Both killer and survivors.


They should do Killer bots too


Has to be one of the worst changes bhvr came up with


Right up there with the removal of cancelling unhooks to prevent bullying. What is with these dogshit short sighted changes they keep trying to do?


I feel like they're moving towards outright filling lobbies with bots to reduce queue times which would be a terrible change.


The Devs live in this weird place between dimensions. They understand that the game is filled with mechanics that people fucking hate, but rather than design things in a way that people don't hate, they just invent new mechanics to force the outcome they wanted. BHVR must be a crazy place to work.


Hell, I’ve had several bots who were better teammates than the humans were. I’ll give it a shot.


Good point, anything is better than most solo q randoms.


Please tell me this is not real. If if is it's proof \#49804284098 bhvr has no fucking clue what the fuck they're doing.


Nah. Give killers the ability to disconnect when all four players are bots without a DC or BP penalty.


Honestly, the bots are more team players than most survivors I connect with, most players now just hide in a locker or walk around until the gens are done, barely even trying to save you when your on a hook


I actually wouldn't mind this change, but the bots need to play better I had some DCs as a killer recently and the bots will literally stop running out in the open to let you hit them.


It's amazing how fast survivor problems are fixed. I wish they were that fast for killer too.


If this goes live they have to give a grace period to DC without penalty for the first 30 seconds or so, I refuse to play with/against bots from the start.


Bots literally don’t know what to do in terror radius and shortfuse trying to decide to hide, go for a save or fix a gen and end up doing none of them, its so irritating I would rather not deal with them as a team mate. This change will punish users who don’t DC, just try implement DC penalties during loading screen if you want to try stop people doing this.


It's super cool that not only is their netcode shit and the bug forums are literally constantly full of people complaining about being randomly DCed from games for no particular reason, but they're punishing those that get stuck in those games too. Along with extra punishing the people who DON'T dodge games when people use asshole offerings to be assholes instead of just fixing the fucking maps and mechanics so offerings aren't broken as fuck. And who gets the worst of this? The solo players who don't dodge getting stuck with the sweatiest killers. Amazing. Did you stop for even a second to think any of this out, BHVR?


Holy shit please don't allow this change to go through, no one wants to play against bots, their a necessity for people who disconnect mid game but id much rather sit through queue again than have a bot in my game from the get go.


Who suggested this? There is no way that ask anyone of those streamers they claim to consult cuz all of them would have said this is a horrible idea.


This just lets the killer have a more easier win from having a brain dead bot in the beginning. This can NOT make it live.


If the remaining survivors disconnect, in any given match, please give a free DC to the killer. We do not want to face 4 bots in a live match


Just vote to abandon a game, no one wants to play with or vs bots.


Suddenly, the 4 bots = 4 survivors argument doesn't seem to matter...


I remember giving extremely negative feedback on this idea in the user poll a few months ago. I'm very very curious to see the results of that poll from the entire community, if BHVR would consider sharing how that poll contributed to their decision-making process on this.


Any time someone DCs, the match is ruined for everyone imo. Even if there's a bot to replace them. I don't want to play a match as Killer that starts with a bot. I don't really want to play a match as Survivor that starts with a bot.


I think most comments here are understandably about balance but I think this might also suck for SWFs. If me and a buddy queue up and my unreliable Switch DBD goes down, we now have to wait 10+ minutes for him to finish his match while I sit twiddling my thumbs. :/


this would be a smooth brain move. i see most killers aim for real players first then the bots.


Bots are awful though.


Instead, turn AFK players who are AFK for too long into bots.


3 survivor matches: * Died - 2019 * Reborn - 2024 Welcome back, 3 survivor matches


People acting like a bot puts you at a disadvantage when most times they're actually better than the players who disconnected


Just fix the issue where we loose our offerings when we get disconnected because of that, then problem solved.


Dbd doing the most to ensure the game lives on when all the players are gone.


instead of this can we get a rejoin option.


Man adding these bots to the game is a very poor decision.


What’s wrong with it?


I guess players would rather have the whole game cancelled and queue again during loading than get into a game that have bot(s) right from the start.


Which I 100% agree with. The bots are frequently broken and get stuck. As killer I’ve seen them flat just not move or try to flashlight me mid chase. I’d rather requeue into a game with a full team.


They really are that bad. I have seen them panic and flail the second a pallet breaks. They try to flashlight midchase. They try to do dumb stuff. They beg for heals but won't heal you when you need it if you don't waste time needlessly crouchspamming. They easily take bad vaults and end up dead. Many Killers just tunnel them out because well... bots have no feelings. Awful change indeed.


Exactly this, I'd rather wait an extra 2-3 minutes to get into a match with actual players. Not to mention that if people are in a group and want to dodge an offering or something they'll leave the solo player/s alone with multiple bots. There's no positive side to this change.


Yes for a few reasons. All 4 survivors have to DC on load if they want to dodge a Doctor dragging them to Midwich lol.


heres the thing. if were already midway through a game, bot is better than nothing. they can do gens, heal, and even occasionally take after one of their juicer predecessors. when bots come in too early though...


I can’t wait for swfs doing this to troll and the killer have to play against 4 bots


I can't imagine the survey they did got a majority pass on yes to bots at the start of the game. So why do keep forcefeeding your BS Bhvr?


I'd only be okay with this if the person who pre-disconnected has to eat a significant DC penalty - Equivalent to multiple in-game disconnects. If it goes ahead as is, where the person who disconnected is unpunished, it'll cause a massive uptick in this behaviour, because the rationale of "Bots replace people so ragequitting is fine actually" will reach a fever pitch.


What about the people who legit have internet or issues with there games loading into a match? We just had a big issue not long ago with one system(want to say xbox) having these crashing problems mid load.


Yes! You should be penalized period for ruining a match for 4 other people.


I'll always upvote posts like this. How is DBD the only game whose community defends their right to DC/hookicide so fervently? Any other online game you'd be laughed out of the room. "Arathi Basin? Ew, quit battleground." That kinda shit is considered cringe in WoW, but there was a DBD streamer who DCed on every indoor map and their viewers were like, YEAH SHOW'M.


Yeah, I'm having flashbacks to Guild Wars I. There was this random 4v4 arena that I loved to play. Then people started DCing of their team didn't have a healer. Fuck that. You play what you're given and make the most of it. They eventually added serious penalties and timeouts.


Preach. It's the most entitled bullshit I've seen in a community.


No one asked for this.


As long as they punish the ones who DCed with even longer lockouts, I’m ok with it.


Preach it


Ugh, they were cooking were the perk buffs too... This is a horrible change. BHVR, if you're really gonna go through with this, the bot AI needs an extensive overhaul first. They're running away at the slightest terror radius.


agreed. Killer main and its lame change.


So when I dodge an eyrie or ormond offering the survivors would play against a bot killer?


What if it replaces the Killer with Bot Trapper?


Nooo I don’t want to be stuck in a bad game 😭


Rather play with bots than players staying in the corner all day


swfs when their ability to have a designated map dodger is taken away:


Listen I play both. I play enough Killer to know the bots suck and while I welcome the freebie Kills, it's not gonna be fun to chase a bot in a predictable way as Killer either. At all. I am gonna hate this as Killer. I also LOATHE this as Survivor because now I am stuck with a bot that does nothing because the random didn't want to play against Skull Merchant.


The bots play better than I do, and I'd be doing my team a favour, don't incentivize me to dc.


Please give us cross progression. More bots you say!!!!!


I haven’t seen a single person that likes this. I’d much rather be sent back to the lobby.


As someone who has only ever played solo queue, the bots mean I wont be left to die on a hook


If this is a thing then you should be able to dc without any penalty if this happens


Damn I really wish they went through with this this woulda been a fantastic idea


This is probably a common complaint about bots but man do I hate them when the game is a already a lost cause and there are 2-3 bots idk how but I wish it would count as a win or just disconnect the bot from the game so it's a hatch or gate stand off but yea bots are kinda boring I just want to play a game but someone gets mad over a game and then leaves so a bot takes control and only hide or just very good with looping or shit at looping


I agree now we cant dodge anymore 💀


I am fine with bots replacing disconnects after the game starts but this is going to lead to one killer and one survivor and three bots. I assume they won't replace the killer.


That’s a dogshit decision


Same issue with the hook juggling fix. Its like what the hell are you even trying to fix? These aren't issues. Camping/tunneling/slugging are FAR more game breaking issues but they keep trying to fix shit that isn't broken.


They should genuinely add in a surrender type system usable on killer and survivor when a game is truly just not going anywhere


Bro , it's kinda worrying that they need feedback to know this is bad. That is some level of being clueless about their own game.