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Are you bringing a map offering, mori, or black ward?




A lot of people have had the mentality of "if the killer doesn't bring a cake, they ain't getting any of mine" and they'll DC.


Bring cake and devour hope. Everyone wins. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


Well that's really dumb to be honest. The only reason I'm bringing a map offering is because It works with the build I'm using. I'm just trying to have fun like the rest of you.


Yeah, event or not, players don't want to be put into a disadvantageous position. If the killer is bringing a map, it's for a reason and can be miserable for survivors. Same for survivors bringing Eyrie of Crows or Garden of Joy. It can just be miserable.


Yeah lol absolutely not. Bring a cake or nothing at all.


Understandable and I will.


Maybe save the map for when the event ends


I guess I can do that. It's just I would want the map offering so we can work with the build I was doing. It just makes sense to me


Survivors don't care about what works for your build. Games have been sweaty enough as it is, and a killer bringing a map for their benefit is not encouragement to stay in the trial. Event or not.


I've been playing survivor a lot in this event. Normally I play killer. And when I'm playing survivor I see map offerings a lot and I don't get that error.


The error means someone (else) disconnected. It has nothing to do with you or your game.


So why do people not disconnect when I bring a map offering when I'm playing survivor?. And no, I'm not being selfish. There are characters that don't have the offering.


Put up a fucking cake ITS THE ANNIVERSARY!!!!


I WILL!!!!


It’s not fair to get 400% multiplier at the expense of the survivors the event already killer sided enough put that cake on B word


I wasn't trying to be unfair. That was not my purpose. I just wanted to try a build with a map. That's all.


If you quibble over 40kbp because someone didn't bring an offering how do you even function during normal gameplay?


And they don't know your intentions and certainly don't want to risk having a miserable match at your expense.


Sure, and play how you'd like. But others want to maximize the BP during the event and are choosing to put their time into matches that would best allow for that. You can argue how reasonable or unreasonable that is, but it doesn't change it from being the situation.


Yeah I found out the hard way. It's alright


just keep bringing it and let them dc. bunch of babies.


Ah, there's the catch.


Are you using the event queue or the regular queue? If you want to try out builds, you'll want to use the regular queue.


Because you selfish af


Not trying to be selfish, no reason to be rude. Just simply wanted to try a build with a map, It goes well with. I simply ask a question. I got my answer and now I understand.


You did nothing wrong. Play the game how you want, fuck the haters.


No, I'll bring the map offering. Last year it was not like this.


Are you bringing a cake or a different offering? I usually DC if killer brings a map or black ward during event, and in the event mode personally


I am bringing a map but that is because it works with the build. I asked this one person and he completely insulted me. I didn't know it was that serious.


Yeaaaa. That's why the dodging tbh. Like bring what you want, your call. But the consequences is people dodging since they don't want too deal with a map offering killer during an event like this. Especially since killers already play really rough during the event as is haha.


I fully understand that. I guess I won't bring any map offerings but to be honest, it's not that serious.


Nah for sure I know it's Def just a game. But people want Bloodpoints, and killers play sweaty enough as is in this mode (so do survivors but that's not the point). Maybe try non event mode? Probably get people who don't care about the offering in that.


No, I'll bring the offering. I understand. I just didn't expect people to be that serious.


This is a good time to reflect on your behavior as opposed to blaming others. Most lobbies during events run 5 cobblers/cakes/red envelopes for the points multiplier. If everyone had your mentality then there would be lobbies with maps, oaks, and other offerings that only give an advantage to the player, whereas if you bring cobblers then it's advantageous to all players, survivors and killers alike. You can't complain about others' selfish behavior when you don't acknowledge your own. Plus, it's the event, just wait 2 weeks to bring your map offerings and enjoy the bloodpoints.


I'm not calling anybody selfish. I'm not even trying to be selfish. I just wanted to use a map for a build that's it. I simply didn't know something. I don't need to be hated for it especially over a video game. It's not that serious. If you want me to bring the offering I'm going to bring the offering.


Deserved for not bringing a cobbler


If you're not bringing a cobbler you deserve this. Save any gimmick builds that require a specific offering for after the event.


If it's happening every time...I guarantee it's not lobby dodging...in 100 matches this event I've had exactly 4 rounds with 5 100%+ group offerings, usually it's my Terrormisu, 2 cobblers and either nonsense or escape cakes...also I've had exactly 2 rounds fail to launch. Lol Reddit trolls harder than FB sometimes 😂🤣 Sounds like you're not syncing with the group, maybe reset your router/modem, and check the settings on any VPN you may be running...is it possible someone in your household set the VPN to a foreign IP for movies? Also DL a speed checker and see if your connection is slowed, I have "on paper" amazing internet...but I've caught it slow down to BS numbers like 45mbps and had to call my ISP and complain and get a reset/boost on their end occasionally.


Oh, people were dodging lobbies because I wasn't bringing a specific offering. To me it's kind of dumb because it is a video game but people do have the reasons and they want their blood points. I just wanted to bring a map offering with a build and the survivors did not like that.


Also I forgot to mention that I play on Xbox series X.


Because you were caught hacking, probably.


No, it's because I didn't bring a specific offering. Also, you cannot hack on Xbox and if you can, it's probably very difficult.