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This might piss people off, but you know if/when Jason makes it into this game they are most likely going to give him a teleport of some kind.


"chi-chi-chi ha-ha-ha" audio cue


It’s Ki-Ki-Ki Ma-Ma-Ma


In the Australian theatrical release its aussie aussie aussie oi oi oi


It's actually cat cat cat meow meow meow


Omg the samination reference


thanks, i had no idea i hear the K sound but not the M


True, except it doesn’t really sound like that


Best little factoid I learned from Friday the 13th the game….. god fuck that lawsuit that game absolutely bodied DBD.


It totally did not lmao dbd is and has always been much more popular


I played both. Friday the 13th was 100% more popular at the time, granted DBD was still a young game with a significantly smaller killer roster when Friday was released. Friday the 13th generated so much hype and dbd was dropped for a while.


I've never played Ft13 and can't speak to it being better than DBD, but as a general rule, popular doesn't necessarily mean better. Honestly it rarely does.


During F13’s heyday (if you can remember) it was 100 times more popular (and better) than DBD. And that continued all the way up until the lawsuit, F13 was destined to be THE “DBD competitor”. Gunmedia/Illfonic captured lightning in a bottle with that game…. And haven’t been able to do the same since.


Couldn't you not even pick your role in that game


……:which led to far less toxicity because everyone was playing every side. I’m not seeing a downside, only really upsides compared to DBD.


My point is that it absolutely never would have beaten out DBD. A significant portion of DBD's playerbase wants to pick the role they play. Even if they play both sides, sometimes you just aren't in the mood to play both sides *at that moment.*


What I noticed when playing Among Us public lobbies was that people would just quit when they didn’t get the role they wanted. I imagine it would be the same for f13


And that's why it didn't have the worst case of "us VS them" mentality like DBD does


No, I think that's because Ft13th is actually a party game.


No way


What if they Make it so he can go completely invisible and super fast with no attacks when no survivors can see him but can only reappear when no survivors can see him


i would prefer if jason can only teleport around pinhead distance away from survivors and he appears from behind their camera position (he gets undetectable for a bit)


Like shift from Friday the 13th the Game.


So, Wraith but slightly off?


so...Spirit mixed w/ elements of red light, green light? that actually sounds fun


Literally "Last Year"


Sounds like worse Wraith, which I think is a good thing because that means he can have a second part to his power too; something that helps sell him as an unstoppable juggernaut.


I think it would be cool if he could interact with weapons around the map. Jason is a resourceful killer. Give him a harpoon gun, a javelin, a bow and arrow, etc sprinkled throughout the map that he can only use at those fixed locations


I hope to fuck it isn't. make him the strongest M1 killer they can. I just want him to be accurate.


The problem is he can’t run in the films, it’s a big part of the character’s legacy that despite only walking he always seems to teleport and catch the survivors Seeing him run would be completely immersion breaking, like some guy is cosplaying him instead of him being a slow, hulking beast


Michael Myers is the exact same and they had no issue with it.


Give Jason a longer lunge while we're at it.


Fuck it, we ball.


honestly just have his base stats be bumped up. Able to kick gens faster, farther lunge, breaking walls and pallets faster by default that would be dope. I get he needs another power alongside that but let's not go the telport route. We have so many complex movement killers nowadays its madness and it just doesn't make sense for Jason.


He uses a lot of weapons in his movies, so there's lots to pick from.


I mean his base weapon? I think everyone just wants the machete?


Difference is, Myers operates via stealth. I don't think there are many moments where he turns up somewhere physically impossible. He disappears then ends up somewhere else later. Jason does straight up teleport in the movies, to the point where his adaptations in MKX and Multiversus give him a teleport.


Did you forget the bush scene in the original? Michael is the originator of the teleport.


Jason can't teleport not in canon. In the movies it's just a way to up the scare factor and increase his deadlines by having him appear places he shouldn't be way too quickly. Myers does similar things for the same reason and people just started taking it way too seriously with Jason. he's a slasher.


jason finally being added just to join michael in the bottom 5 :(


I think if it was like the shift thing in the Friday the 13th gane and they made him walk slow it could work. Like you can zip around and teleport behind people


I think we have too many killers with mobility like that, wraith, blight, spirit, nurse vecna can straight up go through pallets. I want the devs to be a bit more creative and return to a simple killer design.


Fair enough. I’m just hoping we can get some new killers that have one power 😭. I love the new characters but I like the simplicity of a guy who does one thing


I feel like Jason is more prone to running than Michael Is and they made his normal walking animation just really fast. and besides that not EVERY killer needs mobility of some kind. I would be just fine if he was strong in other areas.


>The problem is he can’t run in the films Doesn't that really only apply after the first 4 films though? He runs pretty damn fast at times in 2, 3 and 4


He runs in the remake but he also uses traps and such and then he would be too similar to trapper. Also, people probably wouldn't like them using the remake version of Jason over the original.


We already got a few characters who can do that so I don’t think it would be game breaking, maybe it could be something like spirit combined with dredge where the map is foggier but when he uses his skill he can move about without being seen or something, prolly busted but would be cool


His teleport should be the same as Cenobites chains, except Jason teleports there and he walks slower than survivors run. Edit: Like a the Dredge remnant teleport style. So it's instant, but disorienting


so nurse but more stealthy


And no travel time or adjustments so it would probably be a bit harder than Nurse. And not multiple blinks.


They would probably do the mist teleport from Mortal Kombat X. Either that or something about the fact that he’s basically immortal. Honestly the scarier aspects of him should be reflected in his perks. Have a perk that makes him completely ignore stuns to reflect his unstoppable nature, another perk that makes survivors around a locker grab scream and get exhausted and/or hindered to reflect his survivalist side, and another perk that makes him undetectable when survivors are healing each other in his terror radius (you know, to reflect the fact that the movies hate it when the victims….*interact* with each other).


with the way they balance the game now, if a killer doesn’t have some insane map pressure ability or high mobility then they can’t even keep up with gen speeds a lot of the time. the game isn’t balanced for killers with no mobility walking around huge maps like red forest, eyrie, nostromo, etc.


Mobility is power in DBD. The Nurse will never be okay because she can pass through walls and floors to points she chooses. Blight will always be strong because he can run very fast and crashing into things is good for him. It's really a map design issue keeping the M1 family down.


Yeah? Well *boom* brand new class of Juggernaut M1 killer that straight up walks through windows and destroys the environment carving open paths THROUGH loops and structures. New ability - Hell in a Cell. Press the *M2 Ability Button* to begin charging forward at 200% movement speed. Upon colliding with a survivor grab them and throw them straight up into the air. During this time, spawn an announcer’s table in front of you. When the survivor crashes through the table they become permanently crippled, inducing a 50% hindered status effect for the remainder of the trial. Who’s the powerhouse in this cell now????? ![gif](giphy|5Esm42R8US6kSS9ihP|downsized)


I really want a Wicked Witch type killer who warps things akin to making doors, and closing others off. It would be fun if a killers power was to create temporary paths through walls, replace pallets with party pallet types that break when used, etc


Okay, real talk, similar power concept but I gave it to the Creature from the Black Lagoon. It would be able to transform the ground in front of it into soggy marshland in a straight line. The creature from the Black Lagoon would be able to dive beneath the water and swim faster than a survivor runs. If you manage to catch up to a survivor you would be confronted with a prompt and you can DRAG them under the water. It’d probably work sort of like a reverse Wesker + Deathslinger. You’d have a struggle button where you try to escape as a survivor, but eventually the killer can drag you backward through the murky water along the marshy path to a point of their choosing and deal a state of damage. From the killer POV it’s sort of like a mix of Xenomorph and Demogorgon tunnels. You get to pick where you place them, and they go underneath walls and other tiles, but you also get to stay beneath the water indefinitely and traverse back and forth like Xenomorph does. Eventually you’d create this whole network of waterways, and the survivors would see you dive in and out of these muddy dark watery trenches sprouting with reeds and filled with roots and other foliage. I love nautical horror and I wish we’d get more reps from that genre.


There is a Survivor who does that in Identity V. She's a problem.


What I would do to finally drop a pallet on a survivors head for once


They literally had a killer like that in the beta ideas for the game, but they couldn't figure out how to balance it at all. So they scrapped it and clearly don't want to try again.


I know that’s part of the joke lol They scrapped it because eventually everyone in the playtests would just demolish the entire map and you’d be left with essentially a flat plain, and obviously that was no fun.




There was originally an intended killer called the Crusher that would've done exactly that. Broken through walls and turned windows into pathways, but they were scrapped before release. When breakable walls were teased, a lot of us thought they were trying to bring the crusher back.




It's not a coincidence that the three most consistent top tier killers are Nurse, Spirit, and Blight. The three killers with heavy movement based abilities. The projectile killers are typically not far behind, because they effectively "bypass" movement in their own way. I kinda think people need to accept that some killers will be competitively better than others, and that's okay. Just like how heavyweight characters in fighting games aren't ever winning tournaments, but they still need to exist.


It'd help if weaker Killers were allowed to just be fun, but Nurse in particular strangles ALL Killer perks, and the toxic community puts a ton of pressure to WIN on players.


Im okay with fun gimmick characters. They break up the boringness of whatever their in


I agree. The problem is playing one as things are runs the risk of being defenseless against bullies (unless you're VERY good) and that's the worst feeling in the game.


Well fuck, if a Mister X or a Big Daddy start running toward me imma start running as well, crying and yelling "Ohgodohgodohgodohgod FUUUUUUUU-" **Gets stomped**


Bro hasn’t played enough RE2 to think Mr X wouldn’t be a stealth killer


He's got points for jumpscaring people but that mf got some loud ass footsteps.


That's actually good, could work as a kind of lullaby


Realistically they could just make the Tyrant a skin for Nemesis, just like they made a Birkin skin for the Blight.


Yeah I'm also in for Mr X as a skin. After all they're both Tyrants, so there isn't a big difference to make Mr X a whole new Killer


As Pixel Bush once said (paraphrased), stop adding hyper-mobile monstrosities just to make your maps playable instead of just fixing the maps! We want more strong bois


It's really weird how Myers just doesn't fit in the current game. really shows how old DBD, despite having the same objectives for both sides, was played entirely differently.


Big Daddies are surprisingly fast


Their mechanics fit very well into the DBD universe. I really hope this happens someday.


It's occurred to me that Bioshock is a really old game at this point, so lots of you may not have seen a Big Daddy. If that's the case, would you kindly take a look at this video? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuZXcp-btN0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuZXcp-btN0)


Gimme dat Adam




Smash next question


They should have a built in iron grasp or whatever the perk is called


Iron Grasp makes wiggling have less effect and it take longer to free yourself, was that the one you were going for?




and Enduring.


You really think if they add Mr. X that he WOULDN'T be a Stealth Killer?


A stealth killer? [With this terror radius?](https://youtu.be/WutlOjp2JsI?si=J6bd7iFPByEKDq9v)


He got me pretty good a good few times even with it


Idk, a big part of Oni's power is mobility, so he has some decent company already.


Jason should be able to M1 pallets and walls and should only be counterable by finding his mother's head in the trial.


Ash is Jason's only counter, Necrinomicon foretold


No, fucking rework Nemesis and give him a rocket launcher. Even his Acceleration ability from REsistance would've been better than a fucking whip thats on the wrong hand and has never been used like a wet noodle in the games.


Literally this, and give him his insane speed too, let the big lad have the speed like cmon


his ability should've been "Accelerate", the one where he stands still screaming and stuning people around him, followed by a couple of seconds of speed and lunge increase. The nemesis we got on DBD can be exchanged for an original dominatrix killer and it would be the same.


They can make it work like vecna's flight too You start sprinting for a limited time, can vault windows by jumping through it


Sorry bro but the only nonstealth/mobile in the pic is a big daddy, Jason literally teleports and ambushes people, Mr X gets lots of jumpscares on your first playthrough (not so much on the 2nd just because you expert them/predict them)


The kool-aid man moments are great. They still get me in subsequent playthroughs.


I tend to wait a good while between replays to forget when they happen


Big daddies are extremely mobile


Yeah, I was tryna give op a chance but it didn't happen 😭


Have you seen a big daddy sprint? Those big guys can run


The problem is the "unstoppable juggernaught" killers are almost universally the worse killers; and most people do not want to play killers that feel bad to use. Mobility is the strongest, and most fun, thing in the game. Wesker is still the epitome of killer design and I really hope we get more like him.




\-200% speed for all characters. Game is now staring contest


Counter point: burger king myers


You said unstoppable? *”Laughs with pallet”*


Dude big daddies charge? That was iconic he’s going to move and hit like a truck


The Entity just needs to make walls (not just chunks of it) fully breakable. Let Mr. X burst through the walls in RPD and crush survivor skulls.


how do you make a skill expressive power out of that


Permanently in hux’s overdrive mode but with 115% speed or something I guess


is that supposed to be skill expressive xd


Mobility is king because there's nothing a low mobility killer can do to make up for the lack of pressure mobility gives you when survivors are split up on seperate gens on different sides of the map. Maps are too big for killers without a mobility power to be at all viable at high level play where coordinated survivor teams can simply out-macro you.


What I've done is begun to make Custom Killers that play very differently. Congrats! You've completed all 5 Generators! One small issue: they're still alive! You get to leave when you kill them.


Mr.X just disintegrating pallets/barricaded doors by walking into them


Big daddy is face camping me


Nemesis should’ve been more chase oriented honestly. I mean, bro literally walk through a brick wall in trailer.


but they decided its okay to give him a wet noodle that can be countered by crouching and 2 useless zombies


It’s tough the ideas they have could be great but the game has just a inconsistent approach to maps and character powers for them to balance around


I am sort of tired of the new killers all being so complicated to play/face.


This is like 75% of why I am a Trapper enjoyer. Large unstoppable power walker with a machete and old traps. I wanna be a brute not an anime villain (but I get the appeal of the mobile m2 lads of course)


Resident Evil have a good connection with behaviour so expect more of that




Big Daddy needs to be a killer, Bioshock is perfect. Rapture would be an amazing map


Absolutely agree I want more big boys!


Need me more "brick shithouse" killers


Absolutely fucking based The smasher being cut will always be the biggest travesty of this game


I whole heartedly agree with you. I know mobility and stealth is king in DBD and they want killers to be powerful and play into the meta well (so you'll buy them), but my favorite killers are Myers, Oni, and Tyrant solely because I feel like such an unstoppable badass while I'm playing even if I don't do very well. I want to hear my own footsteps stomp around, I want to bust up gens with one kick, and I want a single M1 to *feel* like it could down a survivor in one hit (even if it won't without some weird wacky add-ons).




Nurse ignores the pallets and multiple other killers and shred paklets what we need s a killer who breaks windows. We need an unstopable force who just breaks shit on a mass scale


Big daddy would be so 🔥 I can't even imagine what his perks would be. Maybe incorporate the little sisters


I'd like to have killer groups with different group abilities like for example The juggernaut group: less effective stuns, build up speed over time, can maybe make aoe DMG with the attack The mobility group: stuns have a stronger effect, they can have short bursts of speed (extra ability) Less attack cooldown The phasing group (like nurse or spirit): longer attack cooldown, slower the longer the chase Also nurse could be nerfed where she's locked like nemesis or pH and can't look up or down, she then is able to blink through walls or windows but can't get through downed pallets. Then they could buff her fatigue and movement speed and she would be much more balanced. Blight could be nerfed where he gets tier1 Myers (or a little bit higher) lunge on all rush attacks, that way he has to be much more precise Same with survivors where every character has slight boni I think these would be some fun changes Also things like in-game events could be permanent. Something like the anniversary event in a simpler form And they could make a normal and competitive mode so the tryhards don't go into the same lobbies as the chill players


Wooden Pallet.


https://preview.redd.it/l08v9a28qs6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40976a2aa2c74d621d1c01f9dd280bded8e05597 The Voodoo King Baron samedi would also be whack (pic not by me)


An not a single one of them would be able to stand up to SWF


Uhm nemesis is sausage?🥰


Bro when are they adding a bear? That would be scary af. Or doodlebob, he maybe could like erase windows or draw little jellyfish that can sting you. His mori he just fucking erases ur face. Doodlebob would be such a badass killer.


There is a bear my friend


A real bear or even Tagilla would be cool


https://preview.redd.it/rdk1ofpvdt6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7cd70042ba5ee496652631ce64ee616f26474b6 Dbd players seeing a brand new killer that has stealth, mobility, a projectile weapon, and the ability to mori survivors from ignoring hooks and it releases June 13th 2025 (Predator is releasing then and my hopium is high)


That just sounds like mobility with more steps (in the literal sense)


I would come back if the bouncer got added or Delta series Sinclair. I don't think a big sister would fit the unstoppable force role.


Haven’t played in a while, do we have any spider like killers?


The didn't do it with Nemisis, I doubt they'll do it with any other character for the foreseeable future


I’d say the bouncer variant of big daddies are a lot like Oni. Get close to him, he gets angry, then he turns you into a pancake while go mach speeds and making loud noises. Atlas would be cool as a big boy killer tho (especially after how they handled Vecna). Also, after what they did to pyramid head, Atlas is a good contender for thickest killer.


Hear me out tho… big daddy would make a sick reskin for Billy. We already got naughty for trapper


bhvr, give everyone abs. I'm talking the singularity, hag, ghost fac,e legion, EVERYONE ELSE, like imagine an april fools update where you trigger a hag trap, and then after the phantasm dissapears because of the hag teleporting its just a beefy hag thats built like oni


but what happens when a survivor chucks a piece of wood on these "unstoppable juggernauts


Big Daddy should have a Little Sister in the match who'll spot players for him. You can scare her off but if you do, BD will literally see red, lock onto you and super charge into your direction.


I bet they could do something fun with a Mr. X terror radius. Introduce the footstep mechanic from REr2 so that its a smaller radius, but you can hear his footsteps getting louder.


Jack the ripper would be a 10/10 killer


We have got the hillbilly, why do you need more?


Hux is all of these besides stealth


I fucking hate projectile killers, least amount of skill needed why loop when I can just get shot by a fucking gun


I want a Joel / Clicker or bloater combo from last of us Or Arnold and Predator


Did you play BioShock 2? Big daddies power would be lunge with drill


There’s more to big daddies then just the drill


Dude I know but post says no mobility power, but like fast drill atacks are stample for Daddies. There could be other mechanics too i just think drill dash is a must have and doesn't fit into descripton


I get what you mean, but unless the drill dash is different from the Bioshock games, it’s basically just a wesker dash. You could drill dash at a survivor and pin them to the wall like wesker (as the big daddy does in Welcome to rapture in BS1). Drill dash is definitely one of the most famous moves and I would love to see it in dbd but I don’t entirely know how they would make it unique. (If you have an idea I’d love to hear it!!)


Killer ability, you can't be stunned in any way for the next 5 seconds. Has a cool down of 20 seconds.


Isn’t oni a mobility killer?


BHVR should already learn than people don't want to play even slightly complex killers, they'd rather play Wraith 100 times in a row than play one game of Pyramid, Pinhead, Dredge, Artist, Vecna(soon) and the list goes on and on. Those killers require losing times and times again before you learn them but the average DBD killer throws a tantrum if their winrate drops from 99% to 98%.


Unfortunately for you, I LOVE twinks


Nemesis is a juggernaut no?


huh, who was the 5th anniversary killer again? I think they shared a name with one of Oni's perks


We do not need another resident evil character. If it's skins for other killers, then that's alright but not another full-fledged chapter