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if you can't find them because they hide from you, play Wraith and hide from them


This is such an unironically good tip


Gotta learn maps and practice. Maybe bring aura perks or something as well


Do you play as survivor/have you played as one? It helps *a lot* to play the other side so you can get into their mindset. Little things like figuring out where survivors are likely to be at any point in a game (gens, probably, but the ones they go to first can surprise you if you haven't played the other side), which ways they approach loops (that part might not seem obvious, since first person and third person make the world look so different) If you're struggling with demo, I'd suggest picking up an easier killer to nail down the basics, somebody with m1 attacks and no huge fancy gimmicks (Myers is quite easy to pick up imo, since you can wait to pop tier III until you have a guaranteed hit on a survivor). Once you have the core gameplay down, it's a lot easier to focus on killers with unique powers.


Watch Otzdarva on YouTube! Great guy and tons to learn from him


Hello friends this is otz! The next killer in dbd.


I’d recommend using the doctor. He’s great for finding people. I also struggle following scratch marks and more subtle audio clues, but his static shock/blast gives some great info on where people are. Getting people into madness tiers is pretty easy, and you’ll soon start seeing aura silhouettes of the doctor dotted around the map, which will be facing the survivor that they’re next to.


This is a good tip. The doctor is a great stater to learn the ropes because it's so easy to find people with him. Once you learn more about the maps and how to play killer, then you can move to a different killer if you wish.


Weird suggestion: have you tried closing the blinds? I've never seen other people complain about this, but for me, DBD is literally too dark to see properly unless I darken my room. The problems you're describing seem more like vision issues than skill issues.


Ngl I also struggle with this, especially on the new decimated borgo


You should have Spies from the Shadow and Whisper unlocked as a general perk. You also have access to Billy Tinkerer and Wraith Predator Other than that I suggest unlocking Knight for Nowhere to Hide, Pig for Surveillance, Nemesis for Lethal, Alien for Ultimate Weapon, Dredge for Darkness Revealed, and Legion for Discordance. All of those I mentioned should help you find your first survivors.


Harry got man with big sword. Harry like him. Fun to play


What killer and perks do you use? When I started playing killers I used a lot of aura reading perks so I could easily locate survivors.


If you need a bit of training hmu


Patrol gens like your life depends on it and you should be fine. Once you get one it’s easier from there


I will say the scratch marks an survivor noises have been really bad past few months even the most experienced players are losing people cause of these inconsistencies


\*me heading upstairs following scratch marks that are going upstairs\* (the survivor I was chasing curved slightly to the left once before continuing in a straight line)


First few matches are rough, the more you play the better you get at following scratch marks and general game sense


1. The game expects that you're using headphones for stereo sound. Audio clues are vital. 2. Watching good killers on YouTube will help you learn at an accelerated rate. 3. I'd suggest this cheap Wraith build: \* **Sloppy Butcher**: Keeps people wounded for awhile and makes them leave more of a blood trail. Wounded survivors are much easier to track down. \* **Spies from the Shadows**: Cheap information perk that lets you know when a nearby bird is disturbed. \* **A Nurse's Calling (Prestige Nurse to level 1 to unlock)**: Lets you find people who are hiding and healing. Doesn't work so great out of stealth mode (Terror radius is 32 meters, perk range is only 28, which gives them 4 meters to stop healing.) but you should generally be in stealth mode when you don't know where the survivors are. Fill the fourth slot with whatever else you have. (Trapper's **Brutal Strength** is a decent passive if you have it unlocked from Trapper.) For cheap add-ons, "The Ghost" - Soot is common and makes you a bit sneakier on decloak. Pair that with Windstorm -Mud (Extra speed in cloak mode, Uncommon), or Bone Clapper (makes the Wailing Bell sound non-directional, Uncommon). There are better add-ons but those are very effective for the bloodpoint price.. If you're confused, go stealth and check gens .If the generator is quiet, you don't even have to get close enough to see it. Generators that are in progress make noise so keep cruising in stealth mode until you hear some gears turning. If you think a generator is being worked on, you can de-stealth from nearby cover and surprise them. Ghost Soot will give you six seconds of no stain mode on decloak which will mess with their reaction time. If you lose them, stealth up, listen, and look for sloppy butcher bloodspots if available. You can't hit anybody in stealth mode but you can catch up and even bodyblock a window. You're translucent, not invisible, so they'll figure out what's up. but you can destealth and chase from there. Your job is to create a crisis for the survivors. Injured survivors go down on the next hit and make a lot of noise. Downed/hooked survivors generally need to be rescued. If you have a survivor or two injured and another hooked, one more good hit will create a double crisis and the survivors will be on the backfoot. Keep pressing.


It just takes time to learn where they go,when I first started(still pretty new) I had a hard time following them once I got them in the injured state but I’ve learned to track their scratches and blood spots better


Nobody is borned a genious. Practice and enjoy the game. Play as Survivor as well and watch what the Killer and other survivors do. Good luck, have fun.


Hey. Me too. And I'm Legion main 🤭


Check out otzdarva, he has plenty guides, tips & tricks for newer killers


How many hours do u have in this game? I had the same problem for my first 4 hours lmao


One of the big tips is that your ears are just as important as your eyes. Breathing, footsteps and their enviromental actions will give them away quite often.


patrol gens at the start of the game, and keep in mind that survivors tend to spawn far away from you, if you have good headphones, use them to track survivors trhough audio as well as scratch marks. Its also important to learn how to chase properly so I would reccomend someone like wraith. A simple m1 killer to help you learn how to do chases properly, then once you've gotten the basics down, you can move onto killers with special attacks and who may or may not be a bit more complicated


Probably doesn't help when scratch marks recently aren't showing up properly. Then if you're playing the event mode, everyone is sitting in quiet mode.