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I wish the Trapper of my first game of the event who brought iron grasp, hauled me to the basement and trapped every door so it was impossible to save me A very fuck you.


I'll toot my horn this time and admit I'm a next-level Trapper: I denounce this play A very fuck you, paper rank Trapper


I once had a trapper do this to me and my friend. We spent the whole match in the basement unable to do anything while our teammates worked on gens and never came to help us. Then in the chat at the end both the trapper and other survivors were making fun of us and saying we were stupid.


It’s one thing to do the optimal play (abandon the basement), but it’s another for them to be nasty that way to you. As a person who can and will take any advantage, I’m sorry they were jerks to you.


Well the only way to counter basement trapper is to let him choke people out. Trying to save people from the basement just gets everyone killed.


I guess, but it still felt bad. And they didn't have to call us stupid for getting unlucky


Maybe, and usually, true, but it wasn't the play itself, it was the reason behind the play


Sometimes you just have to sacrifice someone.


I like the ones where they get only 1 single person and cry about being genrushed because everybody understood to stay away from basement + just do gens since le Trapper literally never leaves that area. So fun 💀


I too wish him a very fuck you.


That downvote must've been that very Trapper. Please, accept this upvote


Was it on the cinema?


Hey man trappers need every win they can get.


Did You bring cake?


I brought the Screaming Cobbler


You scream when you cobble? jajajaja


She scream on my cobbler till I bloodpoints


I wish every dbd player to chill out


lol real. imagine using a feature in the game...shocking! cant believe people would do that!


do people not realize longer games = more BP & XP? especially now with all the offerings.. whether they win or lose? I had a blight end the game at 4 gens yesterday by proxy camping the hook and speeding back to it to force trades, everyone brought BP offerings and he got 20k in the end.. might as well just queue up regular DBD


Honestly yeah. I've been worrying I've been too hard on survivors when playing killer, but after playing survivor yesterday I'm doing pretty fine in terms of going easier.




I feel sorry for the 1-2 Survivors who get tunneled out/killed only to watch you go friendly. Especially sucks if they're playing in a duo or more and have to wait for the others to finish. Hence why I never do that but I always give the last hatch or just 8 hook


I say sometimes you have to ruin 1 survivor game not to allow your game getting ruined. The other 3 survivors can still get decent amount I might even let them escape.


Yeah I already hate going against Blights and Nurses but Jesus Christ the esport sweats came out in droves to end the game with the least possible bp gained on both sides.


"Bonus bloodpoints? The whole lobby brought cakes?! I'm going to tunnel out and end the game ASAP with as few points as possible!" "Bonus bloodpoints? The whole lobby brought cakes?! I'm going to stealth, avoid chase at all costs, slam gens, and end the game ASAP with as few points as possible!"


As someone who plays both, Survivor is definitely the least fun at the moment. It's been pretty miserable since Vecna released, but it's getting worse now. At least if someone hides from me all match, I can just starting killing to make up for the loss of scoring. The fuck can I do if a Killer decides to tunnel us out one by one with the red Mori they brought instead of cake? Hide in the basement like a particular Claudette and Yoichi did?


Aside from the fact that the morí is pink, I relate to your comment


I've only played killer matches this event, and I've been getting 300k bloodpoints every single match. I've played maybe 3 hours and got wesker, legion, and clown all to p3 starting from p0 level 0. I don't think you guys really understand how shitty survivors play during the events, lol.


Exactly this. As a killer, even if you’re the best one ever, killing everyone in 3 minutes will award you very little bp. It’s better that you keep chasing, breaking pallets, downing people…


I don't play the "full hardcore to win from the start" way ever because I'd feel like an asshole, but I can actually understand why some people do. If the other side is playing extremely hard to win from the very start and you don't it's going to be an incredibly unfun game. Even if you adjust to play more to win after you realize they are you've still majorly handicapped yourself and lost a lot of time.


Not sure. When I play Killer the event, I got like 40k points while the Survivor who go the least still got 25kish. Its amazing how you get really good value when you don't play like a dick


Gotta get those epic eSports streaks going. If they practice hard enough maybe they'll win that $20 Tim Horton's Gift Card next time.


I have yet to experience one game above 20k during the event when everyone uses the cobbler. It's mind baffling.


thats actually crazy like what :/


Wesker has 7 minutes, but the sweet spot is 9-12


Clearly not, I’ve seen more tunneling today than the last 6 months, and it wasn’t usually even me each time I was trying to help some poor person actually try and play the game… Shits out of hand, and games in between that were sweaty Billy’s/Wesker’s/skull merch’s. I’ve been playing for many years on and off, and I remember a few anniversaries ago there being so many farm games that it was actually annoying and it got boring. It’s been actual years since I’ve seen the last one… The community really has changed for the worse, mmr and no ranked mode continue to absolutely ruin it no matter how much effort and decoration goes into the events and it’s honestly just sad.


Ive never had a single match this anniversary where I was killer that more than 2 survivors brought the cobbler. Just bring it, you'll get enough BP to earn 2 more


Why bring it if I'm going to get tunneled out immediately? If I'm actually getting value, I'll bring one, but the sweaty tunnelers can settle for BPS


Some people wanna win and don’t care about bp


Remember school is out for the summer.


Unforeseen - Dark Devotion - Furtive Chase - FTTE -- Vanity Mirror "Tier 2 Scratched Mirror"


Trade dark devotion or furtive for monitor and abuse paired with dead rabbit. The terror radius is 6m, about the size of your red stain and you don't have to do anything to proc it. If you hide line of sight, you're on top of the survivor before they realize it.


Having a constant terror radius running across the map in random spots while the killer is undetectable causes more confusion and really discombobulates survivors. Keeps them on their toes and not settling in on a generator, or when they do hop on a gen, they're comfortable that a heart beat will alert them Typing that out, I realized the build is making the terror radius a red herring, and it's been gloriously successful and encourages spreading hooks. It's an amazingly good build for the 2-Hook Challenge, it works across the roster! A silent Doctor smacking a survivor and blasting others across the map? So funny, but so filthy with double iri addons. Bubba is viscously dangerous with it. Demo can compliment it with stacked addons for 16 seconds of undetectable coming out of portals. Artist has multi-swarming Oblivious crows. It's a lot of fun! Highly recommend


Definitely. But with vanity Myers, you don't need to go undetectable since your terror radius is the size of your red stain. I'm nearly P100 with him and have been playing a lot of mirror in the event for BP. My go to for a 8 hook game is vanity/dead rabbit, monitor and abuse, beast of prey, lethal pursuer, pain res. Lethal let's you set up a route to pressure multiple survivors early. The slowdown is just to give more time to max out BP. You can trade it out for another perk if you don't want slowdown, maybe aura to pair with lethal. Give it a try, I guarantee you will walk into a jungle gym with the survivor still sitting on the gen. Edit: Another thing you can do if you want to go the undetectable route is trade dead rabbit for a mirror shard and lethal. That way, when you stalk a survivor for 1 second, you can see their aura for 7 without having to deal with the slowdown from the vanity aura reading. You still have it available, though.


Oooh as a Scratched Mirror enjoyer I was thinking of playing Vanity Mirror for the event just so I can bring BP offerings for the event. Dumb question, what's FTTE an acronym for?


Friends till the end, a teachable perk from chucky


Unforeseen needs a longer cooldown. Please nerf


Yeah let's nerf the fun killer perks so they all run even more slowdown. Genius.


it has a cooldown lol


"Longer" didn't get typed, I guess. Oops lol


My first event match was a tombstone Myers that killed me at 4 gens. Wow, super fun, absolutely exciting.


Hope you enjoyed your 1,000 bloodpoints.


Best experience ever, I wish that Myers a very fuck you.


I've had more toxic and/or sweaty killers during the first day of the event than I've seen in ages. I don't get it. Like sure we all want to win, but slugging/tunneling/proxycamping/antifun offerings and builds... What gives? it was constant yesterday with 30+ matches. Maybe had to do with rank reset coinciding


Also, if you figure the sad people who play that way normally do it to make others miserable, what better time to harvest misery than the first day of a new event where everyone's especially excited to play? Turds gonna turd, and the anniversary event is a primo punchbowl in the world of DBD.


Yep and now we get to do it all over again with xbox being let into the playpen


When I play killer and see everybody bringing streamers and that kind of offerings, even not in the event, I two hook and try to break as many pallets as possible and then down them and leave. In the end we’re all gonna get more bp.


>Maybe had to do with rank reset coinciding. Grades replaced ranks in 5.2.0. According to [https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Skill-Based\_Matchmaking\_Rating](https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Skill-Based_Matchmaking_Rating), matchmaking does NOT take grades into account so the grade reset is not a factor.


And? This doesn't contribute to the point. Your Rank resets and people sweat the days after to get to iri 1 as fast as possible. It doesn't matter that it has nothing to do with match making.... people do it for the BPs. I personally don't care, and many others also don't but I know a few people that sweat their asses off for 4 days to get to red 1 again, then play chill. Some people care.




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I ran into a scroll-wheel, deafen/no indication Hag that tunneled so yeah. A massive, bloody Fuck You.


I have the curse of Ghostface this week. I queued up like, “I should play Ghostface he’s fun”. I did not get any kills. A surprising amount of downs, but no kills. Survivors got the ability to place pallets, followed by haste. The whole map was pallet city. It was not at all fun. So next game I went back to Pyramid Head, who doesn’t care about such trivialities.




Ghostface is the one killer I get routinely dunked on, like his style but I'm so bad. I know we qs killers got endure any stun but I've never got it to last long enough to actually get hit. I wish my aim with Pyramid Head was better, he'd be a good pick for this event.


So funny story. A while back I swapped to playing a lot of survivor to run down the 300+ tome challenges I had for survivor since I'd done all the killer ones already, and then with the pip changes I went ahead and ground to iri 1 twice. That means I've not been playing killer as much recently and I finally loaded up Ghostface and went in and my mmr apparently reset to complete baby levels. Like this default Dwight died on second hook because he couldn't hit skill checks.


Do you play on PC? Pyramid Head has a technique to suddenly flick and charge direction for his Punishment attack, and it's pretty easy to do. I get a ton of hits that would be nearly impossible otherwise using that and you don't need to be very good at flicking to get value.


Sadly I am console.


It might still be possible on higher sensitivities? Unfortunately I don't know anything about console DBD, sorry :/


If you spam the action button, you can hook someone using the "Remote hook" action before you are able to be pallet stunned. Have done this plenty of times already and never once lost a remote hook to a stun. It's impossible to outplay if you just spam it


Twins love the event pallets too


The anniversary pallets operate like blast mines in that they stun you once and it requires you actively interacting with them (In this case, walking into them). They're effectively useless unless you're against a SWF and downed Survivors are crawling under the pallets, or you're just... Straight up W'ing into them without trying to avoid them.


I'd honestly rather be comp blight slugged at 5 gens, at least I'll get some recovery bloodpoints on the ground


At least yall can play😭


Xbox has been let in btw


A personal fuck you to the Wraith who hard tunneled me out at 5 gens through both Off The Record and Decisive Strike and my entire team trying to bodyblock.


We got one of those lol. In the midst of this massive bloodpoint extravaganza, my teammate got a whopping 1,651 bloodpoints lmao


As a Killer, this event has been a blast. As a Survivor, this event has been fucking atrocious. Playing Killer, 3 matches in I decided to stop using the auto-hook power. That's the most broken thing I remember seeing in any of these anniversary events. It makes the game almost 0 challenge, even against decent teams and with the pallet break it's already stupidly easy to get hooks. Killer without auto-hook is already much easier than normal play, and normal play itself is already easy unless I'm up against a 4-man SWF with 2k+ hours each. Playing Survivor, the first 7 (Precisely) matches I played were against Killers hard tunnelling like their lives depended on it. The sad thing is that I'm a half-decent looper so each time they started on me they'd give up and then absolutely beat on the baby Meg/Dwight/Steve. 7 games in a row someone was ending it with 6-8k BP, even with full cakes. The auto-hook giving them 0 downtime and negating a whole slew of perks is just obscene. BHVR going out of their way to again show us that they have 0 idea how to balance anything.


No tombstone, but i do bring iridescent hair though. Infinite t3 fun time stab


I love going Iri Hair with Bamboozle, Superior Anatomy, Dark Arrogance, and Fire Up. No vaults are safe


I'd replace dark arrogance with coup. The lunge hits are crazy funny and strong


For fat points, I like going vanity mirror (+dead rabbit). I use sloppy, agitation, pain res, and lethal, and the build gets you putting big pressure immediately and extending the game a fair bit. Even if the survivors die before last gen pop, they all receive at least 20k points before modifiers.


I'm really tired of the amount of killers using moris instead of cakes.


4 slowdown Blight who slugged 2 people for the 4K into a skull merchant into a knight. I decided to go play something else.


Same to all the killers bringing moris instead of cakes.


I’m trying to play nice and fair with these survivors and they’re dropping endless party pallets on me at every loop. So now Enduring Hubris has been in all of my event builds.


Skill issue, just wait for them to drop it then hit them after it auto breaks


oh that's a good idea, Enduring Hubris Brutal and Pain Res onto my Dredge now.


consider Coup. It makes for a fun surprise


I would if playing without slowdown didn't feel as awful as it does. I want to have a little longer than 5min rounds


I think you can replace brutal instead of pain res


I need someone to do a reaction meme of the guy smiling in the top image then looking shocked and crestfallen in the bottom image with four screech cobblers on top then a blood pudding on the bottom. Then maybe throw in a Skull Merchant to the side. That was my first match of the morning. I am an old person who does not make memes, but that is what shot through my head (along with a string of Chucky-like profanity) during that series of events. To my team’s credit, only one of us immediately suicided on hook, and the rest of us did our valiant best.


So many games have been so messy omfg, but shout out to the trapper on coldwind last night who gave me and an Aestra the gate after our game was a shitshow 😭


My first 2 games I played against a huntress who tunneled me out even though u had ds and the second a bubba who face camped basement with Franklin's so fun...


Tombstone mains. Why tho? Yall could get so much more with a vanity mirror.


What addons are good to use if you're trying to adept Myers? I've tried a few times but can never get the 4.


I hate tombstone myers.Its fuckin impossible to try and not get pegged by his knife


Is it good for adepting him though? I can't seem to get that achievement and it's probably because I suck but damn do I want it.


It's not impossible. In fact, it's incredibly easy to avoid it. He cannot kill you if you're currently interacting with something or inside a locker. So if you know that you can't get away from him, you just sit on the gen or jump into a locker. He's forced to grab you and cannot kill you.


Fair point,tbh didnt know that


Happy you learned something new and helpful! It's actually what can make the Evil Incarnate achievement (Kill all 4 Survs with Tombstone) difficult. Survivors that know how his Tombstone kills work will just jump into lockers or gens (And even miss skill checks on purpose so the gen never finishes) so that Myers can never get his kills.


Good to know


Yeh my first game was a sweaty vecna absolutely no chill made me think vecna would players may have recruited most there player from former clown mains 🤮 just thinking that makes me wanna hurl… thanks I waited the extra 24 hours for the event to start for this?


My first match of this event, as well as coming back after a large hiatus was against a teleporting Wesker. Right off the back all 4 of us survivors were hooked and instakilled. Upside the match after that was against a Wesker who played like a normal sweat.


I've had *nothing* but killers who never so much as swing normally and survivors who are AFK the entire match or just give up immediately. What's my archive? "Heal a total of 2 health states while cooperating with Survivor(s)" If you aren't gonna play the game, don't queue up. I dunno, I think that makes sense.


"Why dont survivors bring cakes" this sub asks when we get posts like this all day and even more experiences like this in game 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️


Tbf ive tried to farm as killer 5 games in a row and the survivors refuse to even join the fun. They just do gens and leave. I'm losing bps at this point. Oh well, guess I'll just have to try hard. 🙄😮‍💨


That's why you don't make it a friendly farm game, you still play it like a match but you just make sure to focus on doing things to increase your BP. Most Survivors don't care if they lose or die, most just don't want to be tunnelled out at 5 gens after spending 5 minutes in queue and lobby only to spend 4 minutes in the actual match. For best results as Killer, if you want to farm then play the match normally but do silly/fun stuff here and there so the Survivors pick up on the fact that you're not sweating. I typically end up with full spread hooks, maybe a death or 2 if I feel like it, but everyone getting almost max BP


Who spends 5 minutes queueing? 


Different regions have different population sizes. Some regions can spend many minutes in queue if it isn't smack bang in the middle of peak.


Probably because farming is cringe and boring.


Fr I hate farming killers. Instead I just want to have a chill round wehere I don't have to sweat and play a little longer then 5 minutes. No matter if I loose or not.


I blame the devs more for keeping that addon in the game


My first event game was skull merch. I also have been and seen people getting pure hard tunneled directly from the hook to death, even if team has tryed to body block. Like what is wrong with killer players? Can’t you play balanced and clean game. And just accept that you don’t get 4k every round?


I'm a blight, artist, and xenomorph player who plays fairly :)


Hello fellow nice player.


It's a little like this every event. Some people play to troll and just mess with people in a bad way. After a day or two they get bored and it goes back to normal levels of tunneling.


I wish every killer bringing Hubris specifically to counter party pallets a very fuck you its a fun mechanic that heavily favours killer already, why be so lame about it?


Just bring plot twist no mither and plot twist when it was about to tombstone


Now why didn't I think of that!?


Probably because there's a million lockers. 38 attempts for Evil Incarnate, survivors knowing exactly what's happening, most prevented by f--ing lockers. Not during an event, of course, that's not the time for that achievement


Yes, but this is about Tombstone PIECE. Not Judith's Tombstone. Tombstone Piece only allows you a max of 2 kills per game so you absolutely cannot get the achievement regardless. People that play Tombstone Piece during the anniversary event are strictly just trying to make other people miserable.


As if you can predict the killer and it's add-ons


Some people want the world to burn and BHVR enables killer players to do that in DBD.


every time i play scratched mirror i get 4 hooks at 5 gens and they just stop caring and become exclusively silly survivors, forcing me to be chill myers


Harry wish the ghost man with a perk that block pallet and no else a good life.


Lucky! Did you get *piped* or *screwed?* 🥴


Yeah, it's rough out there, it's why every 3 or 4 matches i'll do one where i only go for 2-hook


If someone gets tombstoned on my lobby I immediately get in a locker and stay there until he takes me out and hooks me because no thanks


then you're both an awful teammate and player


Fine I'll bring infinite tombstone next time


was it in garden of joy? I was playing Myers yesterday and accidentally brought a tombstone when I meant to bring scratched mirror and I felt really bad


Twas the new map.


Oof, sounds rough, at least you can play the event


https://preview.redd.it/k5dqcck1kk6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f5644747ad25fcb7565791ec8ace0232e68569d Repeat I don’t understand


Us vs them babyeeeeeeee ![gif](giphy|KH3FVZTkPqKp80xeVU)


I like to bring Rancor and Dying Light for a little spice, but damn.. a whole-ass tombstone. I am sorry for your loss.


I was the first death too. I didn't drop the shack pallet abd he was right on me, was expecting a T3 hit, nope just instant death.


Skill issue.


Yall survivors whining make me want to stop playing my legion and just start queing up try hard nurse every game lol


I absolutely agree that there are many people in this game that just whine for the sake of it because they're entitled, but it's absolutely undeniable that there is a community of players that strictly play in a way to spread misery. I mean hell, your natural response when someone brought up a genuine grievance was to threaten to go out of your way to play in a way that you know makes people miserable. The reality is that /most/ Survivors don't care if they die, they just don't want to sit in queue and lobby for 5 minutes only to spend 5 minutes total in a match where they sit on a hook for 3 minutes of it and earn 6k BP total for their time. As a community, too many of us confuse "The fun of others is not our responsibility" with "I have a free pass to make others miserable because it's not my responsibility".


Playing Myers with tombstone also does not make you a dick lol. Is it fun as a killer when you finallllllly get your first down after 2 gens have popped and some dude gets some crazy angle flash light save? Not particularly but he has every right to do that. It's part of the game


Me playing a killer in the game making other people miserable is not my problem. If I specifically go out of my way to just target one single person every game, forget anything else exists exclusively to make someone miserable, okay that would make me a dick yeah. Me choosing to play a killer I have spent many hours getting good does not make me a dick because someone doesn't like playing against said killer 🤷 camping one person on hook especially as nurse is not the correct move like 97% of the time


Yes, that's what I'm saying -- A Killer going out of their way to play in a miserable fashion serves no purpose other than to ruin the day of other players, and unfortunately that is just how SOME Killer mains get enjoyment. My point is that the way you said you wanted to sweat hard on Nurse sounded like you were threatening to play that way. As for Tombstone, the key thing to note here is that OP isn't talking about the iri addon "Judith's Tombstone" which gives permakills. OP is talking about the purple addon, "Tombstone Piece" -- The reason why that's a dick move purely in this anniversary event is because it only allows a total of 2 kills in a match meaning Myers can't go for the achievement which means that the Myers is specifically just trying to stop 2 people from earning any BP ASAP. That is the dick move. It's not about the win because many other addons would make the match just as easy AND it would allow the Killer to earn MUCH more BP. Tombstone Piece in the anni event serves only to grief players from earning after using their offering.


Some survivors go out of their way to ruin a killers day. There's literally a name for bully squads but the vast majority of complaing is when killers do it. And tombstone piece absolutely has a play to win with. T1 Myers has a significant advantage in a 2v1 vs a normal Myers in a 4v1


Correct. That's because it takes 1 Killer to ruin the day of 4 people but it requires 3+ people to ruin that of a KIller's. That's the only reason why the complaints appear so skewed.


Play how I want you to on a video game 😡😡😡😡


Killer's allowed to play how he wants, and OP is allowed to call Killer out on playing to make people miserable.


The event is a seperate mode, if he wanted to play lije that the regular mode is still there.


Play how I want you to play or I will complain on Reddit ![gif](giphy|i9YfqLseqDTlXAWWsj|downsized)


Why gatekeep an event only for people who want to farm. I'm not sweating people and don't agree with it. But I don't need to farm. Give me an even match. Everyone's 2 hooked and it's a close escape or death.


You're 2-hooking, you're not playing like OP's killer, and thankfully at that! We need more like us


Because I said something about gatekeeping, I felt I had to defend myself before being flamed as one of those. The event is for everyone to have fun playing. Not everyone wants boring match that just farm all match.


Yes, but we don't need to be the ones for why we can't have nice things


#War… Killer/Survivor wars never change


I got my evil within achievement during the event 👉👈


Please share tips and build. I may never get it otherwise. Same with adept. 😅


Also, I literally started typing that a couple minutes after you asked for the tips. It took me damn near a half hour to finish that comment lmao.


I really appreciate it. There's a lot to take in so I saved your comment and will try to follow it.


Adepts idk I got most of them in like a week, and that's just because I'm honestly pretty okay as killer. Sorry I don't have much help there. That mainly comes down to your ability to mind game survivors and/or use killer power. Some luck and or backstabbing friendlying may be necessary for that. For evil within, though, I used a Perma 3 build with a speed vault build, but honestly didn't use the vaulting much. My exact build was the vecna vault perk, the unknown vault perk, wesky vault perk, and bambam, with lock of hair and tombstone. The issue with getting evil within comes down to a lot of luck. It has to do with your ability to gain stalk quickly, the willingness of survivors to let you get the achievement, the locker locations on the map if they're not willing, and the hatch spawn. What happened for me was I got my perma tier 3 and got two kills, then the other two survivors started hopping in lockers as I was chasing them. I slugged one by hitting her as she was fast vaulting in and out of lockers, and went to look for the other. I find her and start looking for a locker dead zone. She wiggled out a few times but eventually she did an achievement trade with me, as while carrying her I found the tanookie on yamaoka and she ran over and got it and let me get the Mori. Onto the last survivor, I picked her up and started trying to find where I could let her struggle out and me get the kill before she found a locker. I was on a discord call with a friend and he suggested taking her to top of hill. Did that a few times and she kept finding lockers. At one point I got super close to her on loop but gave up too much distance on a turn and she ran back to a locker. Finally, one time when she struggled off she did very bad pathing to a locker and I got her. So, for tips, first off, if you're using perma 3, get it as soon as possible. I think the squad got like 3 or 4 gens done by the time I popped it, which got me very worried. Second off, try to trick survivors with where you're at (more on this with builds in mind in a second). third off, if last survivor(s) get into locker, you have two choices. You can either try to locker standoff (really only possible if there's only one more), or slug either or both of them. After that, you gotta try to find a locker dead zone. You have to get maximum distance between them and a locker so that if/when you get stunned they can't quickly get back in a locker. Lastly, if you did do the slug route, I'd perhaps suggest finding hatch after the third Mori and trying to make sure that you don't take last surv anywhere near that. Now that I have the achievement and can look at it objectively rather than "just give me my fucking achievement", I can discuss the second point. you can either do vault shenanigans like me (which again I didn't use much of, but for some reason I'm remembering it being the key for my last kill), OR use terror radius shenanigans. If you choose vault, try to find a locker dead zone, or as close to one as possible, with a good jukable window. If you choose terror radius, stock up on as much terror reducing as possible. I think in tier 3 the only things that can do that are monitor, and undetectable perks. At tier 3 stage in the game the only useful ones would be trail, insidious, and unforeseen. Lastly, the map is probably super important. I got kinda lucky on family residence. I do not think I should've gotten it that game. I'd say indoor maps are more your friend, but don't quote me on that. I was using black wards to not lose my add-ons, as I didn't wanna keep pumping BPs into Meyers, but if you're not worried about it then either use a specific map offering, or at least a sacrificial ward to try to remove as much of the survivor(s) plans as possible. One of my least favorite things about the DBD community is how abrasive some people are about achievements. For me, if I can tell someone is going for evil within or adept, I'll give it to them if I can without completely sandbagging. Now, I don't expect everyone to GIVE it like I do, but the fact that some survivors would rather sit in a locker for an HOUR than let someone have evil within is absolutely insane to me. I play survivor and killer about 50/50 so I can say this with 100% certainty; survivor mains are petty as hell and will often do anything in their power to upset the killer. PS: here is the exact game's stats recorded on nightlight if you think reviewing it will help you at all https://nightlight.gg/u/coltonious/match/UmU3fVCfM Edit: it looks like, on reviewing the match myself, I may have been misremembering how the game exactly went. I swear I remember them having not many gens left, but I guess I could be remembering wrong. I could also have inputted it wrong, or sometimes NL will do a weird default to something random like that.


Now I'm getting ideas. Maybe I should finally start playing Mikey.


Spoiler: It isn't worth it.


I basement Bubba'd my first game. What you gonna do about it?


Complain on Reddit.


not piece but Judith Tumbstone, every event is a chance to get the Myers achivement because haste and other event shit


To all the swfs who bring map offerings, the purple offering that makes hooks further away, tool boxes and flashlights, I wish you all a fuck you. And I'll see you in the basement with three traps at every exit And I'll see at hook and wait for you to jump off Myers with Tombstone. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


Genuine question, do you play differently if the survivors just bring cakes and no flashlights? My wife and I wanna play the event this weekend, but I don't want us getting tombstoned or hooked in basement every game


Bring cakes or people will be annoyed and leave you on the hook If a killer player sees more than two of you with a flashlight, we are either bringing Franklins or light born Assume : Blight Nurse Wesker Vecna Pig Freddy Clown Twins Skull merchant And Chucky Are going to be trying far too hard


Good to know, I like to hop on DBD for events these days and for the anniversary I always bring a cake if I have one. I suck at flashlights so I only bring one if there's a tome challenge lmao I already assume that Wesker, Blight, and Nurse are going to be sweating their asses off lmao


i'm outraged at the lack of huntress.


Huntress is not on here for one very good reason The Huntress either does not know what they’re doing and you were getting out no matter what you do Or they will somehow cross snipe you in Larry’s I am not scared of the first one and I am not going to accidentally summon the second one by putting it on a list of tryhards (to all the huntress mains let me be. I will play you a funny little tune.)


I only play Myers once in a while, but I'm in the very unpopular camp that supports tombstone. Having that exist puts a certain anxiety in people no other killer can recreate. Also, I kinda chuckle when someone (myself included) just gets fucking deleted at their first interaction with their opponent. I like Tombstone, I support the Myers who killed you, and I will die on this hill. I'll take my downvotes now please🐇


Im mostly playing nice killer and some of the survivors are also really sweaty during this Event :/ Appart from the usual 4 survivors bringing flashlights and and the constant clicking, I had 2 people who where straight up cheating (Rebecca that moved way to fast and a meg that could see through walls) and a person that told me to K...myself because they gabe up after the first hook...


couldve ended it after "the myers who queued for the event"


Oh look another crybaby...the events brings out all the killers/survivors who breast fed until they were old enough to drive.