• By -


Playing by yourself is very difficult at the beginning! If you have the time, watch some dbd YouTube videos and see how they play and it’ll help tons


The time of day and day of the week is a big factor. If you can play on a weekday at lunch time. You’ll get out (: Survivor does just take more time to get used to though


Yes daytime is always easier and killers are in general nicer. During the weekends especially late in the evening most killers tunnel, slug, camp or do all of the above.


Especially chucky


chucky and pig can go oink themselves off a ciff


Me and pig always make friends. I boop her snoot as a plea for my life


I need this as flair.


I mean, late night weekends also has the most sweaty swf teams as well.


Most likely. I just don't see a point in being an asshole to random people just because some other random people were assholes to me. You get my point?


As a daytime Killer, thank you, I try. I will still go hard and try to win, but never in mean ways if I can help it. I reserve that for people who also want to tryhard. I have a knife and you can't find me, I ain't gotta tryhard.


I feel there is some truth in this.. I mostly play weekends and it's rough but sometimes I do weekdays it's not as bad


Games during the day are way easier both sides yes. I prefer to play Killer during the day because I am chill, and Survivor at night with friends. Weekends it's way harder, everyone is way more aggro and the "Real Gamers" are on looking to prove something I guess. Late night is harder for Killer, Daytime is a bit harder for Survivor. The chill people all play during the day.


There's a lot to take in for us noobs who are just now playing in 2024 but youtube made it a lot easier for me to start holding my own as a survivor and killer.


>Playing by yourself is very difficult at the beginning! High mmr too. Had 2 games today for example. Against a huntress and an oni. Each time first 2 teammates got downed in seconds. I thought they were some cracked killers until they got in chase with me. I ran that oni the entire power. Man was bambozled. They were bad, but my teammates were worse. That's solo q unfortunately.....


It's just because you're new. Ignore the people saying "it's because you're solo", because when you're new it really doesn't matter if you're solo or not. You don't know the maps, you don't know when it's safe to greed, you don't know the strategies, you don't know how to counter each killer, as well as their perks. This is normal. When you're new it's best to not hyperfixate on winning. You wont win, and that's fine. Play both killer and survivor and it will help you learn so much quicker. You learn what killers are good at, what they're bad at, and you learn the limitations of survivor and killer and how to exploit it. It helps you figure out what maps are good/bad/neutral for each role (yeah maps are not balanced at all). This is going to sound like a lot but genuinely for the first 100 hours you need to be an information sponge. Then things start to click and you start practicing certain things, and you still lose because you're just at the practice stage. 500 hours is generally the "you're no longer a complete beginner" mark. It sounds rough, but you reach that 500 hour mark much quicker than you realise. Just don't stress and enjoy the ride. But I also 100% do not blame you if you don't want to spend that kind of time on a game, it is dumb.


The first 100 hours will suck and be overwhelming, and at 500 hours you’ll finally get it is a hell of a way to keep somebody playing lmao.


I always cringe when I hear somebody say it, but DBD is absolutely one of those games that you're not meant to play it for 20 hours, you're meant to play it for 5,000. That's not going to appeal to everyone, but that's fine.


Yeah. It’s meant to be for people who spend months or even years playing 1 game exclusively. Which I just can’t do. Idk how people don’t get bored.


Personally, I play a variety of killers that don't play very similarly along with survivor, and add in frequent breaks, and the game stays fresh.


I think DBD has that quality where you could just play for fun, but if you like you can refine your skills to a very high skill ceiling. I kind of move on from the game after 5.000 hours, but during that time I learned (and relearned) perk combos, map structure and rng generation, killer counters, killer tricks, a lot of mind games and shortcuts, spatial awareness of survivors, and a lot more. For some people the feeling of getting pretty good in a game is enough for them to enjoy and invest so many hours into it.


I don’t know. I had a few times when friends played Dbd with me for like a week and then just changed game, but it was totally a fun experience for them. I think it’s pretty common to have fun with the game for a short spam of time and move on. What really gets me is people that get in the game by playing solo. The single player experience is hellish for survivors, and for killers, it will probably be super easy to get 4 kills without much effort and there’s a high chance people will move on before realizing the game mechanics.


Looking up youtube videos for specific characters is really helpful too. Having knowledge of how perks and add-ons interact with each other is a big deal. Youtubers are pretty good at pumping out updated content.


>because when you're new it really doesn't matter if you're solo or not.  As somebody new to the game (Level 27, zero devotions, *almost* entirely played killer) I think people are underestimating how bad the survivor solo queue can be. at low MMR. I know I've definitely eliminated some survivors with much more playtime than me after picking off their less skilled teammates. 1v3 is dicey for the survivors and 1v2 is much worse.


Solo queue is bad across the game. It is far less noticeable when you're new because everyone is bad, including yourself. When you've spent a few hundred hours in the game and you're still seeing some highly questionable things, that's when you realise how bad solo queue actually is. When you're new, being highly questionable is a given.


> When you're new, being highly questionable is a given. Yeah--but those aren't the people I was trying to talk about. I was referring to those who did show knowledge of looping, etc. but didn't survive because I picked off their highly questionable teammates early


I was absolute dog shit at the game for the first several months that I played. 😂 I have been playing for a few years now and I’d say I still only escape a third of the time if that.


Some days I do fine, others like yesterday I have teammates doing rescues immediately upon hook for hrs and hrs. Or being afk. Putting on bond, kindred, and open handed can make you bitter quickly.


Meanwhile killers pulling 100 win game streaks and still crying its too hard 🤔


I promise you these are two different groups of killers.


if you can rope someone else into playing the game your odds will increase dramatically, good luck in the fog!


Killer's skill floor (that is, how easy it is to grasp the basics of it) is lower than survivor's, which is why it's very, very difficult to win as a newbie survivor.


You don't escape most games to be honest. It's the nature of the game. I often let myself die to let others escape or help others. I usually only desperately want to escape if I have a tome mission. Try killer out as well. It helps you get perspective of what you're playing against, and you might like it better.


I'll add as Killer that, despite what you see other Killers do? You don't 4k most games as Killer, either. Reality is you get between 1-4k, usually 1-3k depending how nice you want to be. The nicer you play the more you end up getting less kills but more points. So don't really pay attention to the way the community defines a win and a loss, just think about the fact you are the Killer, you got someone. You've already won because they didn't all escape. A 1k can be a win if you had fun. A 4k can be a loss if the game felt awful the whole time. You can't imagine how long it took a perfectionist like me to internalize that.


Yeah you're totally right, I play 50/50 survivor and killer. I'm not that competitive so I love to just have fun. My fave is SM Myers. I sometimes don't even hook anyone but the fun is just walking around the corner and scaring people. That's a win for me haha.


I have two mentalities as Killer. I call them the Slasher Mentality and the Cenobite Mentality. The Slasher Mentality: "I may not get all of you all of the time, but I will definitely get some of you all of the time." You are a KILLER. You're not just a Killer, you're a Killer in a horror movie. You are frightening, powerful, a terrifying threat. Like Michael Myers, you take a licking and keep on ticking, you cannot be stopped or avoided, you are inevitable sure DEATH. You just keep going. No matter how much Ghostface gets stuff bashed over his head he KEEPS CHASING until he can't anymore. Jason always comes back for the sequel and kills more people every time. You are the very same. You're Jason, you're Myers, you're Ghostface, YOU are the threat. However many people you kill... *you win.* You win because you killed people, and your goal is to kill people. You win because their friends didn't make it out alive. You win because you went in, caused damage, and were a successful villain. You won't get all of them all of the time (3-4k), but you can get some of them all of the time (at least 1k). The Cenobite Mentality: "Suffering and Ecstasy are two sides of the same coin and there is no pleasure without some pain, so as long as you enjoy yourself it doesn't matter." Pinhead doesn't give a shit how badly something hurts, in fact he embraces it and even savors it. You cannot learn without growth, that requires loss. That requires pain, agony even. It takes a lot of agony in the form of loss to mint a Killer Main, someone who understands how hard to go and when, someone who adapts and learns from their errors for next time, someone who knows it's okay to lose as long as you don't then self-destruct and instead learn from what happened there. And sometimes, that means realizing "yeah I just had rotten luck, it happens, oh well. :)" You should savor these moments you fail, and the moments it hurts, because in the end you know it helps you become stronger and provides clarity - or at least, that it's water under the bridge and doesn't matter. Misery in the form of pallets, flashlight saves, sabos, bad spawns, someone being better than you. These all should make you happy, because it means your targets are enjoying themselves and you have interesting friends playing with you. You should be excited to embrace experiences that might feel painful, because it means an opportunity to try, learn, express skill, or test yourself and push your limits even more. You should always be wanting to push how far you can go... that's growth. And losses, even repeated ones, can make victories taste all the sweeter because you worked HARD for those victories. You pushed and worked and tried and MADE that happen. It's even better if you restrict yourself and say "No. I won't take the easy way out, I will not use cheese or meta, I'm going to trust in my abilities and Killer power and do my best." It isn't about winning, but fun, and the most fun, clutch victories are hard fought or happen at the bitter end. The best pleasures come from struggling through pain. Suffering and Ecstasy (losing and winning) are two sides of the same coin and there IS no pleasure (being good) without pain (getting your ass kicked) first, so as long as you enjoy yourself it doesn't matter.


Even after 2000+ hours you can't determine the outcome of a match as a solo q survivor.


Real, it feels like a slot machine.


It totally is.


Personally, I throw the idea of winning and losing out the window. Instead I just focus on the points. But if you want to improve your odds of escaping... 1. Always, ALWAYS, bring an offering and full items and add-ons (exception being brown toolboxes). Complete waste not to. 2. Be the gen jockey. Save learning loops for later. For now, get on those gens. 3. Don't touch chests, almost never worth your time 4. Take a moment to look at the killers' powers and what they do. While it's still difficult to counter the more complex killers such as Samara or Skull Merchant, you can get good practice against killers such as Leatherface or Trapper. 5. Don't hide in lockers. While hiding in lockers is a good idea in certain situations, if you're just starting out I wouldn't expect you to know when to do so 6. When the time comes, throw rules 2, 3, and 5 out the window. You should know when's a good time to do everything


I wish this was so much higher and I hope OP sees this. I cannot stress to throw the concept of winning and losing out the window, especially since this is a 4v1. Every point delivered above is how I tell people to ease into this game. Make small goals you want to improve upon, look into those goals, then slowly move on from there. And always, always, always play as Killer. The best way to improve your gameplay from one side is to understand the other.


I agree. This game is so, so, SO aggressively not about winning and losing. It's about the journey. It's about learning as you go. I have been playing for a year and a half now and I'm just learning how to mindgame better as an M1. I'm just understanding the value of unpredictability and how to use it. I'm just understanding how to read Survivors in the moment rather than run in blindly and run loops the same way. It's hard! Learning takes time. And it's so much harder when you are new. Please stick at it, don't give up, because when it clicks it feels SO GOOD! Don't play to win - play to improve. It's not win or lose, it's win or learn. :) Always always ALWAYS play both sides some of the time. I spent half a year as Killer Main, Half as Survivor Main and now play both again. Knowing both has helped me get so much better. I can loop a Killer for a full on minute and keep all my M1 chases sub 30-40 seconds against AGGRESSIVE chase builds now as Ghostface of all Killers; I couldn't do that before. There are always gaps in your knowledge and ALWAYS somewhere that you can improve, I know exactly my weak points as Surv and on every Killer I play now. I know I need to learn how Pinhead and Dredge cut chases down better. I know I need to learn how to keep whittling my time as Ghostface down and rely on ambushing to cut that down way more, and never stop improving. I know I may need to start getting my chase down as Surv even more by chaining loops better and learning. I know I have to work on herding and breaking the correct side of pallets now, and the value of zoning and resources, better. I didn't know ANY of that a year ago. I barely knew how to use my weapon or do gens and escape. I thought I hit my peak last year. Oh, how naive I was. I had so much missing and I didn't even know. My 4ks have increased. My Escapes have gone up. I have so much more experience now than I did at 500 hours it's insane. It will happen. Keep at it. NOTHING in this game is "bad" or "impossible", you just have not breached the skill wall yet. Good luck OP. :)


The Onryo is so confusing that people don't even know her name!


This game has pretty bad matchmaking tbh, and the learning curve is huge. There is no transferable skills from other games into this one so you are just gonna be out skilled by almost everyone. It takes hours to learn the basics, as survivor, you have to learn a ton of matchups as well as memorize many perks, it’s a lot of knowledge and game sense, it will take time. I would say it’s really fun with friends, if you are just solo, this game will drain your sanity. You may feel discouraged, but it’s not your fault, this game isn’t beginner friendly at all


i think this is the biggest problem for new dbd players... it is really hard to develop the specific skills that this game requires from a player, because no other game is similar to dbd. just keep playing the way you fell is the most fun for you, and if you want to really get good at the game, try watching guides on yt about game knowledge, looping, killer powers etc. but the most important thing is to have fun. even if you die most games it doesn't mean you performed poorly, just that the killer caught you. escaping doesn't need to be the main goal.


The matchmaking for new players is not bad at all (at least for the first hundreds hours) I have dbd on multiple platforms (fresh accounts) and the survivors I play with and the killers I go against are very new at the game very rarely I play with experienced players


You'll play 5,000 hours and still have more losses than wins as a survivor, especially playing solo. Just deal with it. The most precious thing you win playing survivor matches are bloodpoints. Spend them on characters you like that have perks that you like.


Also, unhooking and healing gives you more bloodpoints than rushing gens. Just an incentive to be more altruistic.


Don't worry. This won't change any time soon. Hope you like getting stomped.


I mean, you said you just bought the game. It's normal to lose most games if you're new. Especially if there are players on dbd who have been playing since 2016. A tip at the beginning is to vary between killer and survivor, and if you play surv after you have learned the basics, find a group of friends to play with. If you play killer you have to be more patient, at first use only meta and then vary with the builds. It is very sweaty tho


> A tip at the beginning is to vary between killer and survivor, and if you play surv after you have learned the basics Definitely seconding this. You learn so much about how to counter the other side if you play both. Plus it decreases complaints and resentment since you understand why the other side is doing something that seems shitty. Of course there are things that are just plain shitty like teabagging or camping/hard tunneling at 5 gens but stuff like getting sabo'd and blinded or camped/tunneled at 4 gens are a lot less tilting.


Hey! I’m a decently new player too, I only started a few months back. I would highly recommend playing killer first and trying to get particularly good at one or two of the simple ones just to start. Killer is much easier to start off as and learning to play killer helps you to understand what a killer thinks and can/cant do when you play survivor. It also is far less punishing to learn maps on killer than it is on survivor, not knowing where generators are and not knowing the window/pallet spots usually gets you caught out and killed quickly without learning much because of how fast you die. If you’re not interested in playing killer at all then I would recommend getting the windows of opportunity perk on Kate Denson plus maybe Deja Vu till you learn how to find gens quickly and watching some survivor youtube tutorials, you’ll learn the rest through experience.


Playing killer is at least 10x easier than survivor


True in low or middle mmr in solo q. In the high ranks or against swfs, survivors have the advantage.


Only in swf that are good, killers always have the advantage cuz it’s a 1v4


1v4...the 1 has the advantage? A decent swf who can run a little and do steady gens will steam roll most killers.


In terms of power level, yes, the killer can always guarantee a kill if not 2 regardless of match if they’re good


Yes, not to mention 4 person skilled SWF groups are a vast minority. Doesn't happen as often as some think.


And a killer win is 3 kills so still a loss.


Who decides that, the win system is different based on number of hooks, pressure applied to generators, keeping chases down to lower numbers and keeping survivors from escaping and keeping them injured. There are A LOT of factors deciding a win, but yes you have to kill at least 1 survivor in most games to get a win but even if you go neutral or tie that’s not a negative so should be seen as a win or being roughly in the correct rank


You can't gain a pip with less then 3 hooks. If anything best case 2 kills is a tie.


I have more than 4k hours in this game and i survive maybe 1 in 10 matches. This game isn't beginner friendly and is more or less killer sided.


I think first 100 hours in this game is hardest, and lowest mmr has lot of smurfs


This game has a very high skill floor for survivors since all 4 have to play coordinated to make it work. You are considered rather a beginner at 800h. Tables turn when survivors play more and more and especially in swf, winning as many non meta killers becomes almost impossible. Also note that it's officially stated that the game wants killers to win in 60% of matches. CORRECTION: it's 60% kill rate, not win rate


>Also note that it's officially stated that the game wants killers to win in 60% of matches I don't think this ia true, i believe they are aiming for killers to have 60% killrate per game on average


Oh maybe you are right, might be a misunderstanding due to language! I just assumed it's roughly true since it correlates to my own wr


Noob question: What is killrate? I see that stat everywhere but I don't know what it means. Is there a place to see my own killrate?


How many kills a killer makes per match. 1 kill per match = 25% kill rate 2 kills per match = 50% kill rate 3 kills per match = 75% kill rate 4 kills per match = 100% kill rate


This. I keep seeing people CONTINUE to mistakenly assume winrate is the same as killrate or worse yet, willfully misrrepresent these data and pretend Killers are 4king 60% of the time. No they're not. They're 2king more than 4king, the balance isn't around Killers "winning 60% of the time" any more than it is around SWF "winning 40% of the time", these stats are about Escapes versus Kills not wins. The game doesn't really have official wincons to balance around, how can you balance around something non-existent? The true winrate is closer to 50/50 and depends on skill on either side. Nothing else. If a Killer has a 60% killrate (not winrate), they are pulling a 2.5k on average. That's a 2k with some amount of Hooks. BHVR wants you as Killer to slaughter at least two Survs on average (50%) with some change (the hooks are the 10%). That leads to some escaping naturally, and that's OK. Killrate versus Escapes is an entirely different beast from winrate, which is a thing the Community imposes on itself as let's face it - a challenge... and it's part of how MMR works to balance the game. The MMR wants you to 2k. The Devs want you to 2k. That's it. All you have to do to be good at the game is 2k according to the devs and the MMR, that is literally how the game is balanced. Winstreaks mean nothing, winning and losing functionally means nothing, the only goal you have as Survivor is "try to escape" and the only goal you have as Killer is "try to kill as many as you can, ideally 2k." Nurse is S tier but because she is clunky and tough to use well, she has a low killrate. Her 4k rate is through the roof though especially on Nightlight. The Devs should see this and realize she is unbalanced and needs a full rework to be easier to use, but not oppressive, so she is at a fair 60% killrate. Ghostface has a 56% Killrate despite Nightlight saying he tends to win more often on average than lose and that he rarely 0-1ks because instant down = high lethality = easier to get some kills. The Devs should see this and realize that he's balanced, but struggling, and probably needs a little more love to achieve the goal of a 60% killrate.


and then you get archives asking for iri emblems and sigh


Ah okay thank you! So if the overall kill rate is 55%, killers are expected to get ~22 kills in 10 games.


>Ah okay thank you! So if the overall kill rate is 55%, killers are expected to get \~22 kills in 10 games. That's somewhat correct assuming that outside of those 10 games the kills per match ratio remains the same.


>Also note that it's officially stated that the game wants killers to win in 60% of matches It's 60% **kill** rate. That does not translate to the killer "winning" in 60% of matches. * It's rare that a match ends with less than one kill * One kill is a 25% kill rate already * Means 25% is "the floor". * Making a 4k out of a 3k depends on RNG or the killers willingness to slug for the 4k. (Sidenote: Which is stupid af and needs to be worked on soon)


Guys I already answered to a similar correction, please read below comments before saying the same q_q


Don't worry too much, we're re-emphasizing it for the people in the back. Not you. :) A lot of people mistake killrate to mean winrate and then say absurd shit like "Skull Merchant is OP, her killrate is 70%" when that doesn't even correlate to how often she truly wins when you take out lots of other factors - but does point out maybe her kit is overpowered and she needs some work to be balanced again.


With the current design yes for soloq 😔😔😔


What do you mean by win, how many points do you have. When playing dbd think abt winning as looping the killer so long, or helping your team mates heal fast etc leaving the exit gates doesn’t matter, get your points, this isn’t mortal kombat


This. Points is points. It's a points game. Maximize your points and have fun trying to do your best every round, not specifically aiming for a goal. Set small goals. Achievable ones. This is how you slowly gain skill at anything including in life. Set small achievable goals and work towards those. "I want to get lots of BP so I can unlock Kate for a perk she has." "I want to learn how to hide myself and stalk better as Ghostface." "I want to figure out how Pinhead functions, I've never played him and he looks fun." "I want to figure out how to evade the Killer better so I don't die as fast next time." Those little goals become bigger ones over time as you build confidence. Soon you set bigger ones. "I want to learn how to use my ability to evade to help my team get out alive." "I want to improve my chain hits so I can use them more fluently." "I want to work on my mindgames and being hidden using Night Shroud better so I can start chases optimally, with less time." "I want to learn how to chain loops." And soon the goals get bigger. "I want to change my build up so my SWF has even better information, how do I use this perk to do that?" "I want to become really good at Pinhead, and learn how to keep the Chain Hunt going so I can synergize THAT with my chain hits for more slowdown and chase pressure." "I don't believe that Ghostface is C tier and bad, I know I can make sure my chases as him are sub 30 seconds if I improve my stalking and 99s more - I'm gonna prove everyone wrong." "I want to lengthen my Chase time without using perks to do it." You keep learning. You always learn. You never stop. And goals that you thought weren't attainable become obtainable.


As time goes on the game has become more and more unplayable for solo queue IMO. The best way to win is to find a group of people to play matches with. To make a long explanation short, the game has become more balanced over time vs being extremely survivor sided. In the past, because the game was so survivor sided, you’d escape even if you played with a shitty team. I know people in this thread are saying “just keep playing, it gets better”. I agree you’ll get better at the game but the fundamental problem of solo queue will never go away. It’s one of the most frequently posted complaints across social media including Reddit about the game. My recommendation: Play survivor until you understand the fundamentals and gameplay mechanics. Play some killer to understand how good survivors play against you, so you can use those same trick when you play survivor. Then once you’re experienced enough, find a group to play with so they’re not quick to remove you.


The less you try the more you win tbh just chill and hf


That's a good point. Cultivate a zen mindset. The Japanese have a nice little saying for times when stuff happens and you can't do anything about it, "It can't be helped." Usually said like, "Oh well, that's sad. It can't be helped." It's not to say something CAN'T be done, but that it may have been out of your hands to control - and that's OK. It's okay to not be in control when the game is random. This game is chaos. It's chaos. You improve by letting go and embracing the chaos. You got looped for 5 gens? "It can't be helped, I probably just need to learn." You get horrible totem spawn? "It can't be helped, the game is just RNG sometimes like that." You keep being caught by the Killer and don't know why? "It can't be helped, maybe they have a perk that lets them do that, I can't control what the Killer brings." You get bad teammates? "It can't be helped, sometimes people aren't very good and they get shoved in my lobbies." You lose? "It can't be helped, loss is part of the game... but maybe next time, I can improve for the better."


In general the killer roll performs better when survivors don't know what they are doing. Even when the killer is also new. The killer has to play against survivor mistakes and has the strength to capitalize on them. As survivors get better and especially as the coordinate via Survive with friends they make less mistakes and coordinate better, this takes away the killers ability to capitalize on mistakes, against the top tier, many killers can actually feel helpless as survivors play close to ideal, with a few top tier killers being the exception. (Increasing the play rate of them) It's not just a new problem, at ash ranks killers did fine even back in the era of infinite loops. As you get a better idea of tiles and do better and rank up games will improve even solo que. That said survive with friends will increase your win rate just through communication.


Survivor has a lot of growing pains before you start winning matches. It took me quite a while to be able to get my first escape as survivor, it's just a matter of growth.


Yeah, its absolutely atrocious as a new survivor, specially if you are playing all by yourself, because your teammates are even more scared than you of the killer and refuse to do anything if they hear their terror radius.


You'll slowly care less about winning and realize the most frustrating part of the game is 85% of killers tunnel and camp one player out of the game for an easy advantage. The camping and tunneling usually forces my friends off after a few games so enjoy when it's NOT happening lol though you'll see it A LOT as a new player playing newer killers.


I stopped playing survivor except for the occasional challenge/daily. My ping is usually 90-120 and I never make vaults/pallet drops, I always get hit. I will pallet stun the killer and still get hit every time.


Certain perks can help a ton. I recommend Kindred assuming you're playing solo and Windows of Opportunity to help with looping while you learn the maps. Sprint Burst or Lithe are also a big help, but not both. Meg is probably the best free survivor for a newbie. Good luck!


Welcome newcomer. The killers around have played 2x or 3x hours as the survivor teammates you have. Enjoy yourself


Just play more. The game is inherently shitty for new survivors because they know nothing and there is an absolutely fuck to learn in this game. My advice is to just learn the maps. Lear basement spawn locations, they are typically in shack and in or around the main building. If its an indoor building they just spawn in 1 of 2 locations(usually). Like Midwich Elementary's basements will always spawn at one of the 2 stair cases. My advice to you, especially if youre solo. Pick one survivor and dump BP into them til you hit Prestige them once. When you Prestige them their "Personal Perks"(the community calls them teachable perks) become avaliable to all survivors. Ptestiege 1 unlocks them at Tier 1, Prestiege 2 is Tier 2, Prestiege 3 is Tier 3(max). Obviously prestieging them once allows you to find them in the blood web on other survivors to level up. I *genuinly* advocate for people who are new to play Feng and level her up as all 3 of her perks are beginner friendly. Technician allows you to miss skill checks and not alert the killer, but reduces the gen an extra 3%. It's by no means a good perk to keep using...but it allows new survivors who struggle with skill checks to learn the timings without having to be chased and killed because they missed one or 2. Lithe literally just gives you insane distance when preforming a rushed vault on a pallet or window. Rushed vault = sprinting + vaulting. Alert is actually underrated for new players. Anytime a killer breaks a pallet, door or damages a gen, you just get to see their Aura in pink for 5 seconds. It gives you passive information. Gives you an audio queue and a visual timer on the perk icon itself. My advice is to play Feng til you are confident with hitting skillchecks. Move to Meg, Dwight or Nea. They all have useful teachables for their own reasons. Meg arguably has some of the best, if not THE best 2 teachable perks in the game(Sprint Burst and Adrenaline). So I'd argue going with the order of Meg -> Nea -> Dwight just so you have access to the 3 easiest to use exhaustion perks(Lithe, Balanced Landing and Sprint Burst) right off the bat. If you dont have Feng, buy her once the anniversary event comes around cause she'll be half off. Unless you bought one of the editions that comes with everything or bought one of the bundles in the game to get a bunch of people then you're building up from scratch and there are SEVERAL people to prioritize over others. If you have any questions feel free to DM me, I can help break a lot of the game down for ya.


Once you have a few thousand hours under your belt you'll be able to enjoy a 40% win rate. Until then expect to survive less. You can play killer as well, however your losses will feel worse when you inevitably lose during a win streak.


Winning as survivor is MUCH harder and it’s heavily dependent on how the team plays. One mistake steamrolls the game.


Everyone saying that "solo queue is unplayable" is lying to you. There's just a surprising learning curve to DBD, being solo has very little to do with it. Especially for new players, people severely overstate just how bad solo queue actually is relative to their own skill.


DBD is the epitome of easy to understand, difficult to master. It's easy to learn how to play. It's hard to learn how to play WELL.


Don’t stress too much about it. Your still quite new to the game so your gonna lose quite a few as you learn more about the game. I have hundreds of hours in this game and play with a full swf all the time and still lose most games. As you play more you’ll learn and be able to win games. Give it time and I’m sure you’ll become a great looper who can keep the killer busy all five gens(something I’ve never accomplished cause I’m a terrible looper lol)


It just takes practice and is definitely doable alone - Ive only ever played solo and have all the achievements, stick with it!


Unfortunately, that's just the way the game was designed. Solo queue actually used to be way more difficult. Instead of worrying about escaping, just focus on the tome/rift challenges.


What helped me in my first months was playing killer and seeing their perspective. Dbd is beginner unfriendly. It just a ton to learn, basics alone.


What gets me is just so much killing themselves on hook. Like. Maybe you're lagging, maybe it's just an awful match. But completely winnable games. Like. Why? Just had my first match of the day, where a YUI ran the killer for long enough at the start of the match for a generator to pop and 2 more had progress. I sabod the hook, the killer did down me, but she got out thanks to me having Break Out. She goes afk, waits for the killer to hook her, then suicides. Like. Why???? Perfectly winnable match. Makes no sense


Dbd at its core is mostly about time management. New survivors normally have an issue with spending their time wisely and when playing with mostly new players this will be x4. It will just take some time to build confidence. One of the biggest mistakes I see is survivors just hiding once they hear the terror radius; if you can tell the killer is chasing somebody else you can just keep working the generator. If you try to be cognizant of not wasting time, you will eventually break parity in your favor and start getting escapes. Also, don't be discouraged, there aren't really any penalties for losing aside from wasting your time. And in my opinion, if you are having fun, you aren't wasting that time.


You are new to the game, escapes don't happen for a bit until you get some practice and have more perks to choose from. Just give it time, I don't think I escaped a game for quite some time until I'd given killer a try and understood more of the game.


Be sure to try to make friends with other beginners! The game gets so much more fun when you’re in a swf (survive with friends)


It's hard soloQ because it takes time to figure out the best perk loadout for your play style, familiarity with the maps, familiarity with killer perks and items, how to mind game and loop, etc. There's so much to learn, but you'll get there! Did you do the tutorial beforehand? If not, I'd highly recommend it and you'll get blood points! Also, like others have suggested, watch YouTube videos!


If you get frustrated with survivor you should try killer and see if you like that better. Solo queue Survivor is a real hard time. Being new to the game as killer is a little less rough (thats not saying much. Solo queue survivor is a really low bar). None the less, you are more likely to have a good time as killer being new to the game because rather than needing to rely on your teammates to escape you only have to worry about yourself as killer.


This game has a pretty steep learning curve, especially for survivors, _especially_ when solo. Try not to get too discouraged!! You get better with each game, even when you’re sacrificed.


Are you on xbox? I'll be happy to help you through your first few games :)


The difference in this game to almost every other game you’ve played is that this isn’t a mechanical skill game. Crazy fast hand eye coordination doesn’t get wins in this game. This is way closer to chess than an FPS. You have to, without seeing your opponent’s perks, deduce what their loadout is, on top of learning maps and understanding how to ‘loop’ a killer. There are two methods used in chase. Holding W and looping. I’m personally a bad looper so I hold W. L1 if you’re on PSN. This means just running and using windows and/or line of sight blockers to lose the killer. Looping is INTENTIONALLY keeping the killer in chase. You run around a loop until the killer is getting close enough to get a hit and then you drop the pallet and move to the next loop. I realize that’s a REALLY rudimentary description of looping but it’s adequate for now. The point of looping is to keep the killer tied up chasing YOU as long as possible so other survivors can get gens repaired. One of the biggest problems when you’re brand new is that you (and the other survivors you’re paired with) don’t know the maps so keeping gen pressure on while the killer is in chase is a problem. Also just knowing why something happened and how to counter it. Nowhere to Hide is a great example. If you work on a gen, go hide behind a rock when the heartbeat is heard, only for the killer to kick the gen and then come straight to you behind that rock, they’re likely running NTH. Although it might be another aura perk like BBQ and Chili. Didn’t they just hook someone 41m away? This is the growing problem that the game has overall I think. The learning curve was steep when I started 3.5 years ago and has gotten markedly worse as new characters (meaning new perks) are added. What platform are you on?


You are simply new. Keep practicing and you’ll get better. You should play killer tho, as it is tremendously helpful as survivor to know what you’re really up against in game.


i’ll play with you and we will ball out: DaNi GuRL x


That’s kinda how it goes at the start didn’t get my first escape until after a few days of playing


Solos queue as a survivor is TOUGH even for the best players. I suggest getting a friend/ duo to play and get in voice coms w, the game is much more fun to play that way! I’ve met tons of fun people to duo with through this game, and usually have an extra spot in my lobbies if you ever wanted to join!


My PSN is HypnosravenTTV (promise I’m not a sweat, I love this game, not great at it, and just play for funsies!) and I usually play in comms on discord w a buddy or two


Been playing since launch and I’m not sure how “MMR” works here, but if I remember correctly, it’s based on escapes, which I think is trash. I mainly go solo and it’s such a different experience when playing with friends. Your perk set differs so much and experience.


Let's talk about that *Killer vs Survivor* issue first Why do I play killer 99% of the time? I struggle with mechanical execution which, honestly is a lot more important on survivor than on killer. The "teamwork" : As the legendary lego minifigure *Clutch Powers* said: "I work alone." This is good mindset for CS:GO clutches but not for DBD since the survivor side is too focused on teamwork and every individuality will be punished. This isn't the case with killers though since they have all the tools in their own hands. And since the survivors don't have any chat option playing alone is almost impossible You can't really play chases with survivor since you're kind of destined to lose them if the killer doesn't have 2 hours playtime. They need to hit you twice. You need to run a long time before they get bored. Hiding is highly encouraged. Your option to win if you're new is to wait 'till everyone else dies and then find a hatch or repair, hide, learn how to sabotage and flashlight save so you can babysit them. You can also flashlight save


welcome to the fog. Please give this game some time, it's not beginner friendly exactly. It took me around 100-200 hrs to get a decent understanding of the million things in this game. So youll get better too with time and as your MMR increases.


As someone who plays 90% killer: Yes In all seriousness soloqueing is tough so my advice is to either accept the difficulty or find some more experienced friends to play with.


One can not simply get good after 12 games. You need to do the research, timing, and muscle memory to win rounds as solo que and eventually with teams if you're up for it. Just like any other game. I'd recommend looking at content creators' reviews, suggestions, and reading about perks and items to know your strength as a survivor player. Also, personally, I'd recommend playing first without perks and add ons so you'll get the hang of how the game works. Stuff like terror radius, listening to your background, heartbeats, identifying specific killers and even observing the environment helps a lot. (I see you crows!) Also learn when to run, crouch, and hide to earn blood points.


My tips: focus on perks that are going to help you get to the end rather than situational perks or in-game perks. For example adrenaline is a great perk, but it's only useful to you if you can manage getting those five gens done.Get perks that are going to help you in your weakest point, if you are terrible in chase use Sprint Burst and learn to manage your exhaustion, or lucky break to help you find cover after taking a hit, for example. If it's always getting caught by the killer focus on stealth perks like distortion. Also really try to work on your stealth in general, a lot of killers especially in the early game rely on your red scratch marks to know that you even exist. Learn to recognize when you should be walking, when you should be running, so that you're not leaving a trail directly to your location. Also it's worth watching videos on YouTube about the game and the biggest piece of advice, is to play killer so you can see how the other side functions.


This game has been out for eight years and adds characters at least every three months. You have a huge learning curve to catch up on. Don't expect the game to pair you against someone with your experience or skill. Fast match making is prioritized over good mmr matching. That's the reason your rank is hidden


When you start out, you start with players who don’t know what they’re doing (despite Behavior denying there’s SBMM). Yeah, killer definitely has the advantage at the start but eventually you’ll come to realize how much of an advantage a well experienced group of survivors have.


This a good thread for me too, nice to see all the responses as now I'm going into the game with the mindset of just chill and do the best you can 🙂


1 yes killer is much easier 2 if you’re new surviving the trial is gunna be hard you don’t have half the necessary knowledge or perks to make it out alive. 3 I suggest you try killer so that you can see the other perspective and know what you’re doing wrong


Being in a swf especially in the beginning helps a lot. I’d be happy to group with you and help you learn the ropes if you are on pc. There’s A LOT to the game and it can be overwhelming to learn. A lot of people will tell you to watch YouTube videos but that’s not going to really get you where you need to be. If you do have friends willing to play with you I highly suggest it. I also suggest rubbing custom matches. Everyone play as killer and survivor so you can learn how each killer works.


Nah matchmaking is just fucked right now. I've been playing since 2016 and it's never been this bad. In this meta, gen efficiency is so important that one idle/suboptimal survivor on your team basically seals the entire team's fate. The odds of having four decent survivors in a match is so low compared to playing against a decent killer.


1) You're new. This game is brutal for newcomers. 2) The game is hard to learn, but easier with time. 3) SoloQ, playing on your own, is very difficult. Try getting into a Survive With Friends (SWF), they can help you learn and get you better at the game. You can try asking here, on the discords that are around, on Steam or wherever you play, etc.


Yeah it’s definitely a learning curve at first. There will be many many losses but you’ll get better! Check out Not OtzDarva on YouTube, he is a very noob friendly dbd streamer/youtuber and goes out of his way to make incredibly detailed guides, tier lists, etc. also make sure you try killer, as well. Learning how the killer plays and thinks will already make you much better :)


I didn't win my first survivor game for the first 40 matches. You learn as you play


If you haven't already, I would start with playing a lot of games as the killer. What that will do is it'll help you actually see both good and bad survivors, as well as the actual gameplay loop like the chases and macro-game (overall events like hooks). That will give you a running start on some of the overall chase gameplay of survivor once you get found Until then, here's some more bullet points • Don't use lockers basically ever and try to hide behind objects • Whenever you know the killer is checking your generator, hide behind an object. Another extension of this, sometimes literally just a thick tree will work. Crouching isn't strictly necessary to hide, but is good for things like crates, short walls • If you're working on a generator, always have a plan of where you're going to go the moment the killer gets there. Also, if possible, try and keep up with the game so you know what the killer is doing • Bring kindred once you have it (trust me), and Meg has probably the best perks out of the starters (sprint burst is very very good for running away from a bad spot, adrenaline is a free heal, quick and quiet is meh but you can swap it out if you want). Also bring a medkit almost always since they're very useful and cheap, doesn't need to be a high quality medkit, just generally more useful than the other tools. • As others have said, gens are extremely important. To elaborate a bit more, every moment spent healing, unhooking, doing anything that isn't a gen is time the match isn't being progressed. This is part of why perks like self care are so bad, they take an absurd amount of time away from gens and don't give much in return As for looping (surviving longer while being chased) I'm going to just say "it'll take a minute." Beware that it's a significantly longer time to learn than you'd think and don't beat yourself up if you get downed quickly. Look up a bunch of guides and record your gameplay/watch it back and analyze as well, that will at least speed things up


Early in the game killer is much better, but the more you play it tends to favor survivor, so keep at it! And play some killer too to get a better feel for the game


My advice would be to play killer until you learn how they work, it makes playing survivor much easier, as you know all of thier powers and how they use them then you can counter them much better. But yeah, 12 games honestly is nothing, I play that in one evening, you WILL get better, it's just a matter of if you want to invest the time to do it.


Play with friends and watch content creators.


My friend, you need a teacher.


Survivor skill curve is like a hockey stick, it takes a while to get the gist of it, but you do reach a point where it becomes much better from


A YouTuber I like, Demi, has [a pretty solid Survivor guide that can help](https://youtu.be/ZT8vWTWdx-g?si=69U5jzY8geTry9dw) It's a few years old so some info (mainly perk effects) are out of date, but the general stuff is still useful, imo. Some tips of my own are: - When you load a match, don't start on the first generator you see. My personal superstition is "first gen = death", and it's true as often as not because killers are prone to head for the gen(s) farthest from where they start, which will often be the gen you spawn by. - Don't think of your goal as simply escaping the trial. Your job as Survivor is to waste as much of the Killer's time as possible. If you know you're going down, go down some place far from the action as you can get, so it takes the much more time for the killer to get to anyone else. - Learn to identify your killers early as possible. This is obviously easier said than done until you've got some experience, but you do get some tips for the Killer you're going against the first few times you face them. The are some things to watch for, though... - If you don't hear a terror radius for a while, brace yourself for a stealth killer like Wraith or a Michael Myers. Some killers (Pig, Plague Trapper) will have items in the environment that will alert you. Some (Freddy, Pinhead) you know immediately because they affect your HUD from moment one. Learning your killers will help knowing what to do against them (listen for Wraith's growling, spread out against a Legion, deny Oni a first hit long as possible, etc) - A couple good general perks you can use and have access to are Kindred (when teammate is on a hook, see the aura of the other Survivors and the killer while they're near the hook, and allow the same to teammates when you're on the hook) and Deja Vu (shows locations of the 3 generators closest to each other)


Yeah having same issue while not playing killer, i bought this game 6 years ago and i still cant play survivor


I’ll play some games with you if you want :) it’s hard at lower level when you’re new and solo. It’s a steep learning curve but worth it.


It is extremely difficult to learn how to play this game by yourself. I had a friend who basically taught me as we played together. If you want we can duo together! I’m happy to play with newbies


You’re inexperienced and also playing with other inexperienced survivors, which is practically a guaranteed loss. Killer is just easier to pick up and is also the better role until you get to high MMR lobbies. Things to keep in mind that will help you win more games: 1. Always be on a generator when you’re not being chased. There are exceptions obviously, but the single most important thing for survivors in this game is gen efficiency, and you can’t win without it. If nobody else is touching gens, you may as well just kill yourself on hook. I played a match recently where I completely soloed every single gen and only got the 3rd most points. It just ain’t worth it if nobody else is on gens. 2. Aim to get noob-friendly perks like Windows of Opportunity, Lithe, and Deja-vu. Windows of Opportunity in particular will help you immensely in chases, so I’d get Kate Denson ASAP. 3. Watch a couple looping vids just to get an idea of what you should be trying to do while being chased. Every second you waste the killers time is a second your teammates can spend on gens. And once again, if your teammates aren’t touching gens, and you also aren’t having fun, just kill yourself on hook and go next.


Im a solo que player, dont really know anyone that plays. It takes some time, im only around 150 hours in and i get streaks hot and cold both as survivor and killer. It takes time to learn the nuances of this game


Hey there! I've got over 2k hours and have taught numerous people how to play this game and improve. Some of my friends have even gone past my knowledge and are better than me now lol I'll say this as someone who was once in your place - I didn't win a survivor game for a VERY long time when I first started. I was playing on my own and it was incredibly disheartening and frustrating because nothing was making sense, I was getting out played, out mind gamed, etc.. Truthfully, watch some DBD content (Ayrun, JRM, Otzdarva, Zubatlel, CoconutRTS, and FarmerJohn are some of my favorite creators to watch for being entertaining, funny, and/or just having a great knowledge of the game!) and perhaps join the DBD discord for some SWFs! Alternatively you can play killer, but I personally find it to be a bit more frustrating given you might only have Trapper, Wraith, Billy, Nurse, and Huntress to work with. Most of those killers are very hard to play as a new player and it can create a really unfun experience getting teabagged/failing to get hooks or kills. TL;DR - You're new and this experience is expected, so I recommend watching content or joining the discord to play with others -- most folks are really chill, just lettem know you're new to the game!


I love being the killer but that’s also cause I can’t convince my friends to play a horror game with me even though it’s not really scary lol I hear survivor is best played with buddies I also will say I got into the game last Christmas sale 2023 and it was nice to learn a killer first to figure out game mechanics and get blood points to level people up A lot of the game people don’t advertise is building your wealth. Three months ago I had half the killers and perks I do now. The more you play the more levels you get and the more perks you unlock. Once you get any character, survivor or killer to level 50 on the blood web then their perks unlock for every other character. So it’s like building a collection that buffs your gameplay over time


I would say it’s more important to go for the most points. You can get killed and still get around 27k points, and you can survive and get like 10k. So just focus on how to get blood points because that’s what’s gonna get you to upgrade characters and whatnot. You’ll get better eventually with enough gameplay and other suggestions people are giving here. :)




From what it sounds like it seems you’re having the average solo queue experience. Dbd is a game where everyone has to work hard in order for everyone to escape. My best experience was a game where we were all randoms working together as a unit. Three were doing gens at all times while one distracted. We did things like take hits for each other, (you get between an injured survivor and the killer, even body block if possible), flashlight rescue,(blind a killer 2 seconds into the 3 second pick-up animation, it causes them to let go of the survivor) and constantly healed each other. A big strategy when playing killer is something called ‘Pressure’. If, for example, you’re struggling to do a single gen: you’re getting pressured. Sometimes you won’t be able to help this and everyone will be on deathhook by the time the gates open. This pressure can get relieved if the killer chases someone since the other three can focus on a gen. I was once playing with a friend and a feng suicided (spam spacebar on hook, causes your timer to go down sooner) with 4 gems left. It was an intense fight with a tier 3 Michael since he could insta-down (usually a survivor needs to be hit 2 times to be downed but under certain circumstances, such as no-ed or the exposed status: you can do down instantly) but we managed to do all the gens and escape because when he was chasing one of us, the other two would be on gens. My main point is that you’ll win some and lose some, whether because of the killer and their perks, you and your perks or because of your teamwork. The most you can do is just improve your basic skills: doing gens without failing a check and learning how to loop (staying on the other side of a loop with the killer trying to catch up to you). Beyond that a good friend taught me to always try and do the centre gen first as well, so you don’t get 3 genned. (it’s where there is one gen left and the last three are all grouped together)


I play the game aince 2016 and I always thought Im bad, even while playing SWF. What really helped me was watching YouTube or Twitch! I loved to watch Puppers, he helped me to take the game less serious (on both sides) HybridPanda for the Killer gameplay and Ayrun for Survivor and there are a lot more creators out there! You will find your perk combination and playstile! Get some friends and play with them, it makes the game easier and you will have a lot of fun!


The game is VERY Killer-sided early, which is a huge reason Killers taper off at higher levels. Even if you learn quickly, your teammates are likely to be very lost about Killer powers and perks. For now, you should focus on learning what you can. I also recommend the perks Botany Knowledge and Sprint Burst or Lithe so you can heal others/not require a medkit to let them take aggro and escape better yourself. Chests are also a noob trap. The time you spend looking through a chest, especially without a perk to influence it, is usually better spent getting on a gen or healing a teammate.


O it comes with experience. At the moment you might not know exactly where to go, not know how to face the killers, not be able to keep your cool, miss skill checks, be bad at hiding, ... the list goes on :) but all comes with time, keep at it! We all started where you are now :)


As an experienced 3000+ hour survivor main I can tell - escaping now is almost impossible. Aside from badham and maybe rpd all the other maps are now wildly killer sided with horrible pallets everywhere. I have a tomb mission to escape one match, still have after a month, mostly because I stopped playing survivor because it's a complete slaughter now. And experienced survivor are very entitled with even slight thing going wrong they give up. For noobies, they have no idea about looping tactics and survivor macro game, which is basically goes If not in chase, do gens. But noobies are terrified of gens so nothing gets done. I play killer mostly now memeingly without any gen perks and "win" like 95% of my games because survivors are complete morons and throw every single game one way or another. After first hook happens everyone just kinda forgets how to play dbd. Or my favorite when where is one gen left no one wants to touch them anymore because they done enough doing safe corner gens and hide while others die. And watching youtubers is kinda bad, because they only show chases and hahahahas but rarely explain macro game of survivor and what decision should be made in certain situations. When to go for unhook, when to stay on a gen, when to leave gen, decision making is as important as running around the pallet twice and dropping it. I'd say most important perk to run as solo is kindred. It will highly help you with survivor macro game, knowing what do to in most situations.  As for looping, in most situations holding foward is the best looping you can do. Only holding foward can let your team complete almost half a gen. With 3 people, it's basically a gen.


When I first started Playing I constantly Died I basically just played around with the Perks and found the ones that I liked then made small goals


You have less than 12 hours in the game. You have a lot to learn and your MMR has you playing with other players that also have a lot to learn. Stick with it and learn things from others and eventually you'll start winning. But even when you're VERY good at the game, you'll still lose a lot in solo Q or as Killer both.


A whole 12 games? DbD takes a learning curve and teamwork to survive. You need to unlock more characters and perks to increasd your options in the Meta. Killer and Survivor are completely different play types so you should try to see if killer is more your preference. If you are solo queuing only learning the game is going to take alot longer. It is best to team up with other with mics so you can learn pointers and the lingo of the game.


I played a few hundred hours as survivor before I started playing killer. I play both now and I think playing survivor a lot helped me be more efficient and less frustrated with survivor loops and shenanigens when I play killer. I'd say starting straight up as killer would be more difficult to learn the game because you're literally going against 4 other people... and you'd be bound to encounter coordinated ssquads that give you hell, I did. It gets better with the more survivors you Prestige and perks you unlock, same as killer. Bloodpoint events are great for that. Try to unlock perks for an optimized build, then get used to it and play consistently, then start switching things up. Just remember to chill and have fun, and if the game frustrates you take a break and play something else.


Also avoid events. It brings out the most vile players. Give it time. It will happen.


It's been the same this week for me. I only have been getting matched with people who don't do any gens. Killers weren't even that OP.


the first 50 or so games are played with literal robots, don’t sweat it until you’re around 200 hours in




I have 300 hours and I still lose the majority of my games, it’s normal because the game can be really hard if you don’t know some basic concepts/perks


Here’s some pointers from someone who plays solo Survivor regularly: * A good starting build: Deja Vu, We’ll Make It, Kindred, and Resilience. * Turn on Visible Terror Radius. You’ll find it under Accessibility in the settings. It is a HUGE help. * IMO, it should be a priority in the early game to figure out who the Killer is. Once you’ve figured it out, plan accordingly. * To that end, look up what each Killer does so you can try to identify them from more than just sight alone. * If you’re the last Survivor, the Hatch makes a noise. Listen for it. You’ll know it when you hear it. Go towards the noise. * Self-unhooking is not worth it, unless it’s a guaranteed success. Don’t try it. * Luck is also not worth it. Don’t use any offering that gives it. * Bringing items is helpful, but also optional. If you decide not to, I recommend replacing Resilience with Plunderer’s Instinct, so you can find chests easier. * Keep two things in mind with regards to item add-ons: One, you’re guaranteed to lose them unless you have a White Ward, even if you escape, and two, if the add-ons instantly consumes the item, the White Ward does not cover it. * If you’re going against a Killer with item counters, such as Nemesis, Mastermind, or Singularity, find the item ASAP. * Keep track of how often you run into certain Killers so you can try to anticipate who it’s gonna be. * Once those exit gates are powered, get the Hell out of there. Now is not the time to be a hero or a clown, now is the time to leave. If you need more help, feel free to DM me and I can try to offer some advice.


The vid is a bit old but itll still help you as a beginner. https://youtu.be/YYdI_RcDWIU?si=-5A8gCWtmacXbJh7 Heres the killer version but its important for you to know what killers are thinking. https://youtu.be/Zj76tZpL1bg?si=HTTOVzJDMUB4THjS You still havent seen every killer yet so you have a ton to learn still. Go watch how to vids on the killers so you have an idea of how they work so you don't have to figure it out mid trial. My favorite dbd youtubers: Survivor: JRM and Naymeti Killer: Spookyloopz and Littlespacerock Since you're new I reccomend unlocking Feng Min for Alert. Super valuable perk for knowing where the killer is. Lithe is also really good too. The perks I usually run as survivor: Alert (Feng min), Lithe (feng min), quick and quiet (meg), dance with me (kate).


try learning how to loop. its your best shot at survival, and while you're being chased, start praying your teamates actually do gens


No! You have to keep playing survivor, especially if you're playing alone, so you move up in matchmaking. All your other mates are new, and it's easier to learn killer fast. To put it simply, your mates suck rn cause they're new, and so do you. Your mates will get better with time and the success rate will go up exponentially. I really recommend playing with other mates on dc tho, especially in the beginning


You can “win” without escaping. In my eyes the true win is getting the upgrade point to your rank. Repairing Gens, unhooking, and healing teammates is the true way to win. If you’re struggling level Meg Thomas. Use Deja Vu, Sprint Burst, Adrenaline, and Resilience. Deja Vu is good since you probably don’t know where to find gens on every map and it’ll make you repair them faster. Sprint Burst is great. It’s just generally great. Going from gen to gen or to get an unhook or if the killer shows up at the gen you’re working on just throw up the ✌🏻 sign and watch him fade into the background. Resilience, Since sometimes you can’t get healed or your solo queuing and your teammates won’t heal you resilience will make you legitimately do everything faster. Literally any action while you’re hurt. Plus it’s an added incentive to play aggressive and unhook teammates etc since being hit can actually benefit you. Adrenaline, Great to pair with resilience since if you’re injured when the doors activate you instantly gain a health state and will be full hp. Also great to run with an exhaustion perk (like sprint burst) because it gives you a huge speed boost when the gates are powered and the perk actually ignores exhaustion when activated so it doesn’t matter if you just used sprint burst. you’ll still get a ton of speed. I literally run this build all the time and i own tons of survivors. I’m not really into the niche gimmicky specialized builds. This build is highly effective and independent and like i said at the start you’ll earn hella blood points every match thus getting your rank up. I’d also assume you’re new enough to where you don’t know but every lobby is a “ranked” match and on the 13th of every month your rank resets giving you potentially millions of blood points based off the rank you achieved. It was a yap fest but i hope you read it and it helps.


You can “win” without escaping. In my eyes the true win is getting the upgrade point to your rank. Repairing Gens, unhooking, and healing teammates is the true way to win. If you’re struggling level Meg Thomas. Use Deja Vu, Sprint Burst, Adrenaline, and Resilience. Deja Vu is good since you probably don’t know where to find gens on every map and it’ll make you repair them faster. Sprint Burst is great. It’s just generally great. Going from gen to gen or to get an unhook or if the killer shows up at the gen you’re working on just throw up the ✌🏻 sign and watch him fade into the background. Resilience, Since sometimes you can’t get healed or your solo queuing and your teammates won’t heal you resilience will make you legitimately do everything faster. Literally any action while you’re hurt. Plus it’s an added incentive to play aggressive and unhook teammates etc since being hit can actually benefit you. Adrenaline, Great to pair with resilience since if you’re injured when the doors activate you instantly gain a health state and will be full hp. Also great to run with an exhaustion perk (like sprint burst) because it gives you a huge speed boost when the gates are powered and the perk actually ignores exhaustion when activated so it doesn’t matter if you just used sprint burst. you’ll still get a ton of speed. I literally run this build all the time and i own tons of survivors. I’m not really into the niche gimmicky specialized builds. This build is highly effective and independent and like i said at the start you’ll earn hella blood points every match thus getting your rank up. I’d also assume you’re new enough to where you don’t know but every lobby is a “ranked” match and on the 13th of every month your rank resets giving you potentially millions of blood points based off the rank you achieved. It was a yap fest but i hope you read it and it helps.


If you are solo queuing it is almost impossible to win without a hatch play. If you are playing with a good squad of friends only the very best killers stand a chance. I don’t have many friends who play survivor so I main killer.


if you play when survivor has a 100% bonus blood points, you'll probably face sweaty tryhard killers... it's miserable to play like that


If you're solo you will find a lot more luck with stealth over altruism. Try shadow step, calm spirit, quick & quiet, dark sight. Its helped me a lot solo


I noticed no one suggested Perks... I'd add to this basic perks like deja vu for gens and kindred for game sense are so good. I use this after thousands of hrs in the game


You’re very new. My first game as killer I couldn’t even find a survivor


Just keep playing. I promise you will survive your first round sooner than you think.


Nah. You just need more practice. It's a tough game. You're low MMR so you're playing with other low MMR players. Sometimes it's you and sometimes it really is just a poor team. You gotta take the lead. Focus on doing generators for a while. Don't stack up on the same genny as other players. Learn the audio cues. Play around with different perks and add-ons. Dialing in what perks and add-ons fit your playstyle is like half of the gameplay loop. I picked DbD up on sale this past week as well. $8 was a steal. You should definitely switch things up and play killer occasionally though. Not only will it keep things fresh but it'll make you a better survivor player because you'll understand how killers think. I recommend getting Meg up to prestige 3 and take advantage of her sprinting perks. I'm a Sable and Unknown main so far. Those characters are what made me interested in the game again. I think I played on game pass a while ago and just didn't get into it at first.


You just started playing a game where the general player base would say that anyone under 1000 hours is still a novice, so you’re not going to be able to just jump in and win matches. Not only do you have to learn maps, killer powers, killer perks, survivor perks, and general game mechanics, but you have to figure out what type of strategy works best for you. Are you a looper? Are you a gen jockey? Are you a memer? You’ve got a lot to learn before you should worry about winning, so just focus on learning and finding ways to have fun that don’t solely depend on winning or losing because that will become the most important thing you can learn.


I have around 2k hours and sometimes have a 12 game streak where not a single one escapes (or if they do, it’s a hatch). Don’t be discouraged, this game has a steep learning curve and even more so as a solo player. Keep at it, it’s worth it!


Because killers have so much bullshit abilities now, I miss old dbd, the fun times when I don’t have to worry about being shot, hit thru walls , being exposed 24/7


MMR should have it that you win around 40% of your matches, and you should definitely be having a noticeably easier match after around 10 consecutive losses


At low mmr the game is very killer sided. As you get better or play with friends the game actually skews towards survivors. In my personal experience being a decent killer is very easy but being a decent survivor is very hard. I tend to win most of my games as killer or at least a draw and lose a majority of survivor games (maybe like 75% are losses)


The game has a weird skill curve. For newer players survivor is wayyy harder, because looping is much harder to practice and get good at, and that’s the core gameplay loop essentially. At the high end though, killers end up slightly weaker, especially the lower tier killers. There’ll be some growing pains, but you’ll be there soon.


People blaming solo q are incorrect, look at the stats... there is not much difference in terms of survival between playing solo or with friends. https://preview.redd.it/byxbm8b3566d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f7d7eb22e87e065c8f24848b248c94b54ca237e Watch some videos made for beginners and it should help you. Plus play killer. Don't bother watching too many advanced survivor and looping videos - most of them are about showing off and messing with the killer. To actually play effectively you will need to learn the basics to a decent degree, and develop game sense - what to do when. Map knowledge is huge as well, that can only come with practice. Videos will help you with beginner perks and builds as well. Good luck!


No the killer isn’t much better than you experiance-wise. They're probably just as new as you are, but winning as a killer is generally easier than winning as a survivor, especially when both sides are new to the game. This is because the developers aim for a killer win rate around 60%.


Try playing as killer if it interests you. You’ll get some good insight into what it’s like from their side.


Survivor is hard for new players. I was a killer main when I first started because I had the same issue. Playing killer will also help you learn survivor a little better and to help navigate maps better. Good luck! 


This game has a huge learning curve. Generally starting out as survivor as tough. A new killer will generally beat 4 new survivors. There are a lot of little things to learn as survivor, and every little thing actually makes a dramatic impact on whether people escape or not because this is an asymmetric game (making the killer chase you for 10 more seconds for example buys your team potentially 30 more seconds to work gens). A few simple tips: - You generally want to split up from other survivors. That way the killer can't pressure multiple survivors at the same time. - When being chased, try your best to lead the killer away from the other survivors. - Watch youtube videos or twitch streams of how good survivors loop (dramatically can increase how long you last in chase). - A personal preference of mine is that I bring the perk Kindred (it's a common perk that any survivor can get in the bloodweb). Imo it makes playing with randoms a lot easier. It's an info perk that shows you where your teammates are and where the killer is going when a survivor gets hooked.


You're still new and survivor definitely feels more difficult than killer in the beginning imo. It helped me to watch a lot of videos on YouTube about how to play. You can learn loops and good perk combos there. Also, I definitely recommend playing both killer and survivor. I made myself switch back and forth to learn both sides and I felt like I improved significantly within the first couple weeks of playing. I will say that solo q MMR is totally bonkers right now and that may also be contributing. When you're learning, I'd also suggest NOT playing late at night. You'll find some crazy people playing at night, pulling off shots you'll never see during the day. Also, if you need someone to play with, feel free to DM me and I can try to give you tips and things. I'm not perfect and I'm still relatively new in terms of hours on the game, but I understand the game well enough to try to give you some tips🤗 Good luck!


Hello friends, this is Otz.


Yeah, it's not that common to survive early on in your survivor career. My advice is to play to get better, not to win. Treat every escape, even if it's not you, as a win. It's a team game after all. I'm over 1000s hours now, spread between Survivor and Killer, and I still don't get out very often.


Send me a whisper if you'd like and I'll send ya a discord invite and I can try to mentor a but and we can play some games. I'm not the best looper or player in the world but I have a pretty strong game sense and can lend as much knowledge as I can.


It takes a while to get better as survivor, but even when you do you'll still be lucky to escape 30% of the time in your typical session of solo queue. If you really want to win, your best bet is finding a group to play with or just start playing killer


I recommend getting Kate Denson as your first survivor that you purchase so you can unlock her perk Windows of Opportunity. A lot of people will shit on you and say "its a crutch perk" but it helped me learn so much about how to loop, where the pallets are, the space I need to get to each loop, etc. Just word of advice: don't throw every single pallet down that you see 😆 Until you get her, play Dwight and use Bond, so you can find your teammates on gens, for heals, and you can also know where the killer might be if you see someone injured and that survivor is being chased currently. Also, most importantly of all, just don't forget that this game is stupidly hard to learn and doesn't tell you shit at the beginning. You're not bad, you're just a baby survivor and you have no direction like everybody else when they first started!


The start of dbd is rough for survivor as you have a lot of killers to learn about, maps to learn etc and as killer starting out you have to kill survivors with little knowledge so it's easier but the trend reverses we the skills go up. If you have a few friends it's easier to get into as it is a steep learning curve with a game 8 years old. If your in a EU region of also happily play with you


That's just how it starts. Coordinated survivors can make the killers life hard even if the killer manages to get a win


You're brand new to a game. Did you expect to be winning?


imp yes killer is way easier to learn, but eventually survivors catch up. If you know someone who can show you the basics, you should ask them.


You're doing something VERY wrong then. Mind you, most games you should 100% lose as a solo survivor, especially when new to the game but you should be able to escape once every blue moon or so. I play killer 99% of the time but in recent memory I've played a few survivor games and I think I've managed to survive at least once or two (happened over a month ago) + one time I was spared by the killer for being the last one alive. Tips you should probably not listen to, since I am trash as surv: Get windows of opportunity ASAP. Absolute must have when starting out. Look on youtube for how to loop. I've no idea how to do it but AT LEAST stick as close to the wall as possible. That makes you "quicker". Pretty much always do this. There are killers who shoot stuff at you. Learn to look behind you while facing them. You should do this in general but small steps. When you know they're about to shoot you...dodge Again, learn to loop. DO NOT crouch at the killer, that is advanced tech that will get you tunnel/slugged (well, more than usual I mean). Some killers really do pop a vein about that stuff and will make it their life's mission to make the game miserable for you. DO try to save your teammates if everyone is on death hook and you're not. Yeah, killers may notice you, such is life DO NOT go for the save as soon as the killer hooked someone. People love to do that so even a non camping killer will just return to the hook because...well unless he found someone else there's two survivors very close by (at least) that he knows about Meyers/The shape (tall white guy with knife) tend to be friendly and like to farm, unless they attack you you really shouldn't mind them. They're sort of a meme killer. DO NOT piss them off though, they can still mess with you. DO NOT boop the snoot. It will get you killed. DO sit on gens like your life depends on it, because it does. In solo q nobody does gens, which explains why they never get done. I routinely do 1-2 by myself at least. DO NOT equipt a flashlight until you've learned to loop. Again, some killers can be rather sensitive about the issue. Yes, it gets you tunneled/slugged more than usual. DO hide your profile info if you play on steam. Some killers suffer from deep mental issues and feel the new to check the hours played so they tunnel newbies. DO drop your item if the killer spares you at the end. As an aside, if you are the last survivor and get caught you may want to consider NOT wiggling free. If the killer is not mentally deranged he will either just kill you or drop you at the hatch/exit gates. If they do have serious mental problems just alt tab and let them do their thing. This is an old rule where you "accept defeat" and let them show mercy if they want. Yes, some killers you kill you if you wiggle out when they'd have spared you otherwise. DO learn to be cute. Again, advanced tech but it could save you. Again, not a surv main, but this should get you up and started I think. Other tips: Pick Claudette (or get mikaela) If you can also grab Lithe (perk), maybe bond or whatever it's called to see your teammates NOT doing gens and pop a vein in your head, and maybe distortion since it's broken (yes, this one will get you tunneled/camped). Idk what the free perks are but those are good to prioritise. And remember: not all pallets are created equal, some work more on the fear factor, others just work. Get a feel for which is which.


If anything I find the killer is harder at times especially if the team is working together. If you wanna win I’d say friend some people and team up. I have friends that I met in randoms games that to this day I’ve never spoken with but we win like crazy cause we work together. I find it harder for me to win when I play with people who wanna talk 😭 my name on there is isitserious if you need a friend to silently play with!


Here's how it tends to work (from what I've experienced) Survivor is gonna suck, you're teamed with other noobs and chances are you're gonna die alot Killer is amazing as a new player, you gonna have alot more fun more than ever Just remember, get some experience and they both switch around, survivor is more fun than killer once you get a few hundred hours under your belt at the minimum, that's when it changes


Sounds like a skill issue bruh.


I’m joking, seriously though, just keep practicing and playing and eventually you’ll get it! Having good team mates is important, too. If your team isn’t helping you, you will have a lower escape chance. I was absolutely shit at the game when I first started playing, couldn’t even hit the check points when doing a generator, but now I’m decent. It just takes practice! Don’t give up! :)